
Neurotransmitters Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"The gut microbiota are capable of influencing metabolic events and in some cases are capable of synthesizing neurotransmitters themselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mitochondria are primary regulators of neurotransmitter production and release, including key neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin."
"It's fascinating how molecules at certain dose levels manipulate neurotransmitters in unexpected emergent effects."
"Mitochondria play a direct and clear role in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters."
"Lactobacillus helps our brain secrete dopamine, serotonin... and also helps our brain release a social hormone called oxytocin."
"Caffeine also enhances the levels of adrenaline in the blood and increases brain activity of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, promoting a state of alertness, arousal, and focus."
"The problem today is people aren't eating healthy... they're not giving the body the very tools to create these neurotransmitters."
"Dopamine is neurotoxic. So, over time, excitatory neurotransmitters can cause cell death."
"Despite primarily acting as a cholinergic, some evidence suggests that huperzine A may also influence the levels of other neurotransmitters including dopamine."
"This is the chemical formula for love: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin."
"Transitioning between dopamine and serotonin systems can boost performance."
"What happens in the gut in terms of neurotransmitter production might have really effects on the brain."
"Cold exposure is anti-inflammatory, it makes us produce neurotransmitters like noradrenaline and dopamine and oxytocin."
"A significant portion of your neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are actually made in your gut."
"Glutamate is your excitatory neurotransmitter; Gaba is your neurotransmitter that's responsible for relaxation."
"Humans thrive with dopamine and oxytocin released in the brain through real connection."
"The gut is a massive producer of a bunch of things that we've traditionally thought of as neurotransmitters."
"...you just feel good the serotonin or the endorphins are going um yeah..."
"Low levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine can contribute to a variety of physical and mental conditions, including depression."
"Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone affect neurotransmitter levels."
"When trauma happens our fight-or-flight network is activated and it dumps cortisol and norepinephrine and adrenaline and dopamine and glutamate."
"MDMA creates huge increases in dopamine and serotonin at the same time."
"You need magnesium for proper production of Serotonin and dopamine, neurochemicals of Happiness."
"Exercise boosts mental health by increasing production of feel-good neurotransmitters."
"Agonists mimic neurotransmitters or block their reuptake."
"The overall effect here is that you'll actually reduce norepinephrine release from these presynaptic nerve terminals."
"Anytime you change dopamine or any other neurotransmitter the effects of doing that are somewhat predictable."
"Just like your endorphins, laughter and sex will both increase dopamine."
"Reducing stress through exercise, yoga, meditation, and massage can increase GABA."
"By preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine, we're going to increase the levels of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular Junction, enhancing neuromuscular transmission."
"If mitochondria are impaired in any way, it's going to lead to either overactive or underactive release of these key neurotransmitters."
"Every drug of abuse... causes dopamine to be released."
"Some of these folks really do not sweat and the way we do this cues art study is that... you place acetylcholine and a steel choline as a neurotransmitter that is responsible for this neuro traffic to other sweat glands that then sweat."
"Ketamine switches glutamate transmission from the NMDA receptor to the AMPA receptor, producing more synapses."
"Our brain produces these hormones and our hormones estradiol, progesterone, testosterone work as neurotransmitters."
"Neurotransmitters control everything we do."
"So, you mentioned the limbic system, so I'm sitting here, you're painting this picture when you're talking about serotonin, testosterone, and dopamine, you get this picture in your head like, wow, every human being should just be running at this optimum thing."
"But you can actively also nurture the opposite of that, which is the here and now molecules, which is like serotonin and oxytocin."
"Neurotransmitters such as dopamine and histamine are not as stable as gene expression and not as stable as phosphatidylcholine which is for structural purposes and in cell membrane health."
"Inhibit the glutamate or boost GABA. Bingo!"
"When you eat chocolate, it releases the same chemical in your brain as when you're having sex."
"I'm not exactly bathing in serotonin over here."
"Stimulants bind to dopamine and norepinephrine transporters, they increase synaptic dopamine and norepinephrine."
"Anytime I felt lost or anything else, it's that serotonin, it's that feeling."
"GABA is reduced as acetylcholine increases."
"There's an abundance of evidence that norepinephrine accounts for certain classic aspects of PTSD including hyperarousal heightened startle and increased encoding of fear memories."
"Flow is the only state where you get dopamine and serotonin at the same time in your body."
"Psychedelics work by altering what our neurotransmitters send out or receive, specifically our serotonin system."
"Norepinephrine is modulating processes including mood, arousal, and sexual behavior, so those things are happening at a more slower pace."
"Methamphetamine does not only pour neurotransmitters into the gaps but also blocks their reabsorption."
"Increase dopamine, you're obviously increasing endorphins at the same time."
"...it tickles all the right neurotransmitters to give you the flow and jitter-free energy with absolutely zero crash."
"There's less stimulation to another Gaba, Gaba, right? And what happens, that will become more excited."
"Some neurons respond to serotonin, others to dopamine, some are highly sensitive to estrogen or testosterone."
"When one nerve cell is talking to the other, the dopamine is excitatory so it says, 'Hey, get excited about this thing over here!'"
"It's interesting to note that endocannabinoids are made on demand, unlike classical neurotransmitters."
"Rodiola works to increase the neurotransmitter dopamine."
"It's a ketoneotropic powerhouse and it tickles all the right neurotransmitters to give you the flow and jitter-free energy with absolutely zero crash."
"Dopamine is released when we are in pursuit of our goals and we think we're on the right path."
"Increased aerobic exercise increases a range of different neurotransmitters that we know are associated with higher mood states."
"The study of the drug effects allowed us to identify a brand new subcategory of neurotransmitters."
"BDNF stimulates serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter."
"There seems to be a consensus that treatments need to be multifaceted; we can't just target one neurotransmitter, we need to target multiple."
"The release of neurotransmitters can strengthen the connection between the neurons involved in the encoding and storage of memories."
"These things that we talked about earlier, dopamine, serotonin, and one in particular called acetylcholine, are what open up plasticity."
"It's like dopamine and serotonin all at once."
"Neurotransmitters are the chemicals that one neuron uses to communicate with the next neuron."
"These compounds and THC also act not only by themselves but they also act by regulating other neurotransmitters."
"I'm surprised that the endocannabinoids and the cannabinoid system were not discovered when dopamine and serotonin were discovered."
"It increases GABA production, and GABA is a neurotransmitter which helps to give you this feeling of relaxation, of calm."
"Increased exercise improves dopamine in your brain, serotonin, and endorphins."
"The actual solution is to find where the defect is in being able to produce these neurotransmitters appropriately."
"A healthy gut can adequately produce neurotransmitters; gut bacteria manufacture about 95 percent of the body's supply of serotonin."
"The meat and nuts breakfast raises yang neurotransmitters, which are the neurotransmitters that give you drive and attention."
"Our gut bacteria helps to control... neurotransmitters which actually influences our mood."
"Many recreational drugs and medications modulate neurotransmitter amounts. And that is how they work."
"It gives me so much serotonin, which is what I need right now."
"Meditation your brain naturally releases key neurotransmitters."
"Neurotransmitters reach the receptor sites and cause a predictable response."
"...attentional control is linked to the release of a variety of neurotransmitters and have been shown in animal studies to facilitate learning and brain plasticity."
"It gives you a little boost of Serotonin and dopamine and you just feel great."
"Rhodiola rosea is set to influence the release and activity of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine."
"Endorphins are natural neurotransmitters that inhibit neurons and cause us to feel relaxed."
"The effects of these hormones last longer than the neurotransmitters do."
"Neurotransmitters have a very great diversity of functions."
"There's only two things in life you really enjoy: dopamine and serotonin."
"Dopamine and noradrenaline, neurotransmitters activate the nervous system."
"...we're creating a super normal stimulus that utilizes our ancient adaptations but then we get a super normal hit of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin."
"Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers found in the nervous system."
"Magnesium can help improve sleep quality by changing the amount of some neurotransmitters that have a calming effect in your brain."
"When we consume a whole animal-based diet, these neurotransmitters get everything that they need. We get everything we need, not just to survive but thrive."