
Temperature Quotes

There are 1989 quotes

"People who are just going for temperature and time eventually become cold adapted."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Keeping the testes cool enough...is absolutely key. If sperm get too hot, they die."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In order to fall asleep, your body has to undergo a drop in temperature of one to three degrees."
"When it comes to your neural system, your brain, your neuromuscular system, staying cold, sleeping in a cool room, and maintaining a lower core temperature increases the percentage of deep sleep that you get dramatically."
"One of the key things to getting a great night's sleep is to make sure that the temperature of your sleeping environment is correct."
"Popcorn pops best at 450 degrees Fahrenheit."
"The temperature of a single lightning bolt is around 28,000 degrees Celsius or around 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
"That the surface temperature of Venus is 900 degrees, that's hotter than a baker's oven. Lead would be molten at that temperature."
"Its surface is as hot as 4600 Kelvin, which is approximately 4330 degrees Celsius."
"Remarkably, the surface temperature of Celcius 9 is rather high at approximately 10,170 Kelvin or a staggering 9900 degrees Celsius."
"I sleep with a thermostat set to 75. I run cold."
"Daylight is considered to be around 5,600 K; it's the whitest of all the temperatures."
"I like winter better actually, surprisingly, but it's because I get so hot so easily."
"Fire whirls have a burning core and a pocket of air that rotates. They can reach temperatures of up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
"I think it's really hot, but also it's really fun."
"Things that are cold are actually devoid of energy."
"It's hot in here it's hot outside and it's hot as in that uni oven"
"You need a little bit of heat to expand the hair fiber and get the shampoo in there."
"I slept for most of the night in a T-shirt and it was pretty warm up until I woke up at 5 am."
"Climate change is real. It should not be that hot in this room when we're almost out of this November 9th."
"Now we see the global temperature from 1880 all the way to 2018."
"But I just want to point that out there are there are temperature discrepancies."
"This is the better of the two churros. It's super duper cute, it's beautiful, it's cold and glittery."
"Being too cold is way better than being too warm."
"We'll know if it's hotter in the center than in the edge then we're good."
"I like my glasses cold because like my drink's cold."
"It's a lot warmer inside here than it's outside."
"It's almost chilly out here. I mean, it's not actually cold."
"My room is getting hot man thank you oh my god."
"Temperature is essentially just a measure of how fast something's atoms are jiggling."
"Warm water will not freeze, and it melts ice."
"The greenhouse actually hit 80 degrees, that's fantastic!"
"It's really, really neat here. It's just like very hot, but it's a very cozy, warm feeling."
"Celt 9B, the hottest place in outer space with temperatures over 4,300 degrees Celsius."
"There are tons of areas in the world where the main thing preventing agriculture is temperature."
"98 degrees Fahrenheit is a temperature that feels hot even though the human body is of the same temperature. Well, actually, this is about the average temperature of our core."
"Look at all this, look at, and it's gonna be nice and cold. Oxygen, it's gonna be so cold, it's gonna be brrrrrrrigid and so cold."
"It's very rare to be hot in the studio normally I'm really cold in here."
"Yeah, it's a good extract of coffee mixed with, you know, a nice temperature and texture of milk."
"Temperature range should be around 60 to 75 degrees."
"It's really cold it's a bit sour I understand what you guys are saying now come on."
"It could be that we are now in the cold zone which was not the way it was when it first started."
"We're talking about temperatures in the surface when that happens that exceeded 2000 degrees."
"Lightning is also hotter than the surface of the Sun."
"That was really interesting and you were telling me as we were doing the fire earlier how hot that kind of crucible gets, unbelievable and it was just red wasn't it, orange? It comes out orange."
"In other words, for a few seconds at least, and more seconds than that, there’s no resilience in this particular material when it’s at a temperature of 32 degrees. I believe that has some significance for our problem." - Richard Feynman
"Dragons prefer heat after this miserable pregnancy."
"These Wings look beautiful their internal temperature is 165 degrees now Paul is just painting them with this delicious hot sauce maple syrup butter mixture oh yum."
"The highest temperature ever recorded in England was 38.5°C on August 10th, 2003."
"Just because it is the color white doesn't mean that you will not sweat to death if you take a long sleeve outside to 90 degree weather."
"This is not normal summer heat in fact on Tuesday it may reach 42 degrees Celsius in the UK and if that happens it'll be hotter in the UK then 99 of planet Earth 99."
"I feel warm. I don't feel sweaty or hot though."
"The colder the air, the more power you'll make."
"Your temperature at night has one of the greatest impacts on the quality of your sleep."
"I'd rather be cold than hot, because you can always add more layers; you can only take so much off."
"Avocado oil has a high smoke point, so it shouldn't smoke at the temp that we're going to be deep frying at."
"It's probably going to be the coldest May in history, straight after the coldest April in history."
"The thermometers located at the Esperanza base on the northern edge of the Antarctic Peninsula reached an incredible 18.3°C, almost the same temperature as Los Angeles that day."
"When you make pizza, it's always better to keep it at the max temperature and then you lower down when you put the pizza inside."
"Tungsten has a melting point of over three thousand four hundred degrees Celsius, the highest melting point of all pure metals."
"That is so beefy, so pure, also boiling hot."
"It's a very hot night here in Austin, Texas, it's about 100 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Melons are a summer veggie and they hate the cold."
"Wearing layers is a helpful thing because your temperature can change."
"Assuming the planet's atmosphere is similar to ours, the steady state temperature on the surface of TOI-700d is estimated at 268.2 K or 4.3°C below zero."
"Let's see just how fast a PC can go at negative 40 degrees."
"Getting your bedroom cool seems to be a way to promote the increase in deep sleep."
"Feels really nice outside, it's 70° and it like there's not the heat heat."
"You could raise the temperature in the downtown."
"The bivy sack... it's going to add a couple of degrees to your whole system."
"It is literally well it's warmed up, it's one degree above freezing now."
"You bundle up right because you're going outside and it's going to be cold, but then as soon as you come inside, you're sweating and you're hot."
"The room that room temperature is based on."
"Researchers were just impressed to find out that the temperature of the boomerang nebula is just 1 Dee above absolute zero 0 Kelvin should be the coldest temperature possible."
"It's not a place. It's not an altitude or a particular type of topography. It's not dry or wet. It always comes down to temperature."
"The ocean is not always a warm place, especially for some animals like some Antarctic killer whales or belugas that live up in the high Arctic."
"It's been like a trillion degrees, and now it's nice out."
"Know what temperature ranges you're going to be operating under, and then plan your loads accordingly."
"It is 90 plus degrees today, I just saw 95 and rising."
"It keeps you a bit cool but not too hot."
"It's all temperature-wise things here, so mess with the temperature a little bit, you get a different result."
"The average global temperature was around 230 degrees Celsius or 446 degrees Fahrenheit."
"When carbon dioxide levels fell, around 50 million years ago, the temperature started to drop, and ice eventually took hold at the bottom of the planet."
"The surface temperature stayed relatively cool."
"Hot chocolate in one of these will burn the heck out of your mouth."
"The more I heat this capacitor, the less sensitive it will be to change in temperature."
"It's probably cooled to about maybe about 10 degrees Celsius or 70 degrees Celsius if you cool it more aggressively, it will get even more."
"Once it reaches absolute zero, the molecules that make it up are basically not moving or if they are moving it's extraordinarily slow."
"Cold and heat, I think that's very popular for a lot of people."
"Plenty of power, just over 1200 degrees."
"I know there's a lot of people around the country right now that would would love 81° um but I don't acclimate to the temperatures very well uh I try I I love 70 to 75 somewhere in there it's 81 a little too hot"
"It ain't even that hot. It ain't even that humma. You got me fired up with that water burger."
"High of negative five, low of negative 18. Actual temperature, not like real feel with the wind."
"Our universe is actually getting hotter."
"By increasing our cooling capacity, we're going to be either increasing our power or dropping the temperature."
"So there we have it, we want 44 to 45 degrees Celsius or 111 to 113 degrees Fahrenheit warm compresses applied for 20 minutes at least once a day."
"Would you guys rather be really cold or really hot? See, I'd rather be really cold because then you could just like layer up."
"So, this tip is actually a combo one and it's to cook your meat to an internal temperature and it's to let that meat rest."
"It's almost like let me do yep nipple check there we are I went from being a little bit warm to hard nipples in about four seconds."
"Temperature sensors detect when it's getting too hot and can trigger corrective action like injecting cold air into a space."
"Heat sensitivity, or the phenomena, is temporary worsening of symptoms when exposed to increased temperatures."
"Water temperature 72. In fishing terms, if you're new to fishing, that's like primo water temperature for the fish to be active."
"The thicker the steak is, the lower the temperature you have to use. These approximately one inch or two centimeter steaks are the perfect thickness I think because you can easily brown the outside without over or undercooking the inside."
"And the way I can tell whether it's done or not, it needs to be about 155 to 160 degrees."
"Don't go by the temperature, don't go by the time, go by the feel when you probe the meat. It needs to be probed like the probe is going through room-temperature butter, that's your sign."
"Temperature is something you measure with a thermometer, and heat is a measurement of how much wiggling there is occurring inside of the atoms."
"The hotter something is, the shorter the wavelength is where the peak exists."
"So why was it misfiring well when he brought it in it was warm when I went to go start after the timing job of course it was you know room temperature 60 degrees or so and that's when it was happening so it's only happening dead cold."
"We've just stepped outside, it's 30°."
"It's cold, it's definitely colder the Norther you go north. Earth does that make sense?"
"We're about 30 minutes into this test and I would say I'm at a comfortable temperature now."
"Room temperature air and low temps dry hair gently."
"This stuff is great because you can apply it in a wide range of temperatures not below freezing but just above freezing all the way up to around 120 degrees."
"The climate here, yeah don't get us wrong though 35° is also Tip Top but this is just like I'm not sweating as much which is always a bonus."
"It was just slightly above the temperature of a fridge and it was just so cold"
"I keep this room at about 73, 74 degrees, and with those fans, I do not have a problem as long as I remember to turn those fans on."
"I like a cold room to sleep in. I think that's what I prefer too. Yeah, and I made it cold by the way."
"This gauge I just checked it it's 265 degrees that is cooking temperature."
"They're hot, you shouldn't drink pirate water hot."
"We use a process called laser cooling and it enables us to cool our atom to within a thousandth of a degree above absolute zero."
"It's just going to get cold and then you realize that matter behaves completely differently under those conditions. And different matter behaves differently from other matter. And so, it is an extraordinary new place to visit in the world of physics."
"And also, the Kelvin as a unit of temperature has been elevated to be its own unit without even having to mention the word 'degree.' It's just the Kelvin."
"It's almost 70 degrees here in Madison today, which is absolutely bizarre."
"All right, so currently it's 53 degrees in here. I just turned it on. Time is about 10:11. We'll see how long it'll take to heat up to temperature. I'll let you guys know in a second."
"First off we're running a low load on this evaporator let's go look at my outdoor air temperature right now is 64 degrees my return air temperature is 62 degrees."
"So, if you have something colder, something with sort of less heat energy attached to the one that has more, so that it can basically extract it. Well, let's keep doing this. Let's get down to like, you know, 100 degrees Kelvin and 50 degrees Kelvin and 10 degrees Celsius."
"The temperature isn't the only thing rising, to catch my drift."
"We're fixing to pack these stands full of people at Texas Motor Speedway. It's a hundred [__] degrees out here!"
"High 70’s during the day, mid 50’s at night; warm when you’re awake and nice and cool for bedtime."
"Most stainless steel cookware can handle up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and carbon steel and cast iron can tolerate even higher temperatures."
"So temperatures, we highly recommend this."
"The secret is not really the time, it's the temperature."
"That's too hot. I like it, but not that hot. It's too hot."
"Was it very hot in the court or very cold?"
"Incandescence is when an object produces light based on its high temperature."
"Texas attics often get to those crazy numbers up there, 130 degrees is a pretty average summertime attic temperature."
"How cold is this dash thing? 19 degrees is what the dash is plus the wind chill."
"We do still get plenty of cold weather here. We'll get down into the teens and the 20s."
"If you're going to make cheese for 24 hours, a tiny difference in temperature can make a huge difference."
"It's pretty cool. Is it cold right around now?"
"K greatly increases when you increase the temperature, so C is a false statement."
"July was the hottest month ever recorded in Earth's history."
"So the obviously the colder it gets so folks the the less less the fish fight just cuz it's it's got that bloing bit warmer that's why the fighting so blooming hard."
"It's actually way too warm in here though I need to fix that."
"Where the temperature in Edinburgh today is 51 degrees Fahrenheit."
"My body temperature's 37 degrees so on a day like today I've got to maintain a difference between the environment and myself of 70 degrees."
"Even though Uranus can sometimes reach colder temperatures, Neptune has the coldest average temperature because it's so far from the Sun."
"It's supposed to hit 18 degrees Celsius which means we are going to have a massive melt off."
"I seem to end up doing two main things: cold or hot."
"I like it cold, and 64 right now is as cold as I like it."
"You go through all the work of cooking up a flapjack, a waffle, some crepes, then you just pour like room temperature syrup on it. It's like you may as well just murder the whole thing, right?"
"That's amazing the hot and cold thing is fun."
"Different temperatures can alter the color of paint pigments."
"The highest temperature we recorded for the Napoleon Grill was 776°F."
"It's really a hot pie, not a warm pie, but a hot pie. So you know if it cuts hot, it's going to cut at room temperature like it should."
"The VRM block stayed at an impressively low 50° C at all time. Absolutely stunning results indeed."
"What a lovely day. It's like 60 degrees, I know so nice."
"Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have in your car 22 degrees."
"The fire is out like it's out cold and it was a thousand degrees 20 minutes ago."
"The most important thing you can do for any motorcycle before changing the oil is get the motor to running temperature, and I'm going to explain exactly why after I finish this lap."
"I've had my water down here chilling for about five minutes, and it's pretty cold. If I stick my whole pour down there, it's bloody freezing."
"It's negative 7° here in Indiana."
"Color is important because it does relate to temperature."
"The shapes of the spectra of stars tell us about their temperatures."
"Some people do think it's too warm. I like it nice. I like to be able to linger in it all day. I don't want to be in it for like 10 minutes and start to have to do bobs. That's where I'm at."
"My hands are so hot from this stuff."
"If all those other four components are there, the temperature shouldn't really matter that much."
"It should feel like softened butter when you put the probe in."
"Your butter should be room temperature, not completely melty but not firm at all. I could bend this butter."
"I like to cook about 225 fahrenheit in that range and I'm talking about a cook that's like eight plus hours."
"10 out of 10, it was so warm today, it was so hot."
"It's so nice today, I think it's going to be in the upper 70s maybe low 80s."
"...it's not cold, but it's not hot either."
"Cheers to enjoying your favorite wine at the ideal temperature with the Caso Wine Case One."
"McDonald's fries are only good when they're hot."
"The temperature around them dropped rapidly."
"It's definitely hotter, there's no question about that."
"It was another clear night and the thermometer fell to 22° below freezing."
"I have it set on 400 degrees Celsius."
"To get optimal sleep, you should cool your room down to 68 to 69°."
"It's 70° outside right now, or it's going to get to 70° today, so that is amazing weather."
"Even if Delta G is zero, if Delta S is bigger than Delta H, the reaction is not feasible."
"At a higher temperature, the reaction just becomes feasible."
"Fairly straightforward: the minimum temperature required is 385 Kelvin."
"Welcome back to another cold day, it's almost -10 today."
"...temperature compensation is also important with those types of readings."
"One of the greatest things that you could do is turn down the temperature. Scalding hot water really hot water actually dries out your hair and it dries out your skin too."
"It's significantly colder down here, at least 10 degrees colder."
"The chocolate's actually cooled now a little bit. You don't want to pour hot chocolate into butter otherwise the whole thing will melt."
"Can computation occur at zero temperature? It has nothing to do with temperature."
"The SE only heated up 107.4 degrees, that's only a little bit over 3 degrees more than the Jordan Zion 3, which I thought was pretty interesting."
"...if you have never worked with PVC cement you will notice quickly that it will set up really fast when it's hot and dry out and it's going to set up much slower when it's cooler so just keep that in mind."
"If you want them pulling off the bone, aim for a final temperature of 195 to 200 degrees. If you want them really falling off the bone completely, let them sit in the wrap for a little longer."
"As long as you're not going to 350 then to 120 and then 285 to 90, you're not going to ruin your food."
"Heat is the total amount of energy and temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance. You don't have to know all the intricacies of that, but know that temperature and heat aren't quite the same thing."
"I'm gonna pitch her down low at 375, should be good."
"Sometimes it can be captured quite warm or quite cool and you may want to fix that if it's a little bit distracting."
"Using modern technology, it is possible to create even lower temperatures in a lab."
"Ideal temperature, not too warm, and not too cold."
"Got a ripping hot 425° fire today. We're going to cook it at that temperature for about 15 minutes."