
Life Stage Quotes

There are 254 quotes

"Puberty is the fastest rate of maturation that you'll go through at any point in your life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We are in the prime of our lives, smarter than we've ever been, understanding ourselves more than we ever have."
"Protect your purity. Stay pure as you're walking in your single years."
"This stage and this period is going to show you the growth... it's all about the significant growth."
"I'm definitely at the word vomit stage of life right now."
"You have entered a unique time of your life brimming with limitless opportunity."
"It's the percentage you allocate that's completely depending on where you are in life."
"A lot of women look at a season of singleness as our time to prepare to become a wife."
"When you're 30, you usually have your set group of friends. I'm all set. I don't need anymore. You don't need more friends, yeah. Actually, everybody, yeah. Get less friends as a matter of fact."
"I just want babies now, you know. I'm super at that."
"I just in a point in my life where I'm just like at peace."
"When you see somebody who is obviously pregnant a lot of times they're further along they're planning for a baby."
"I feel like you're going to be very independent at this point in life."
"The show was about that time in your life when your friends are your family, and once you have your family, it changes."
"It's the prime years, that's when you start getting your endurance up."
"That age is just something really, really special."
"They're already exactly where they need to be."
"Wise counsel at this stage of my life is everything."
"She's the poo poo hunter right now, man. It's a fun part of her life."
"You're exactly where you're meant to be and you're supposed to be blossoming at this point in your life."
"I got a son that's 5 years old at the time."
"I'm the happiest I've ever been, more than in college."
"I don't think that where I'm at at this stage of my life that it's in my best interest to chase what everybody else is doing."
"The truth is many of us are entering into a stage of life we didn't want or don't know how to handle."
"Retirement, you're really retiring into something as opposed to just retiring out of something."
"Is that the best thing for this stage of my life right now?"
"I just want to pass it along. I'm at a stage in my life I just want to pass that along."
"I think he's just going through a little bit of a pre-midlife crisis."
"I'm really in a season where this is the happiest, and most joyful, and most content I've ever been... I'm just at like the best place of my life."
"It's really easy to compare yourself to other people in your early 20s because everybody is at a different point in life, but the one luxury that I do have at this point is taking my time, and I really wouldn't trade that for much right now."
"I mean I've seen the same with Ethan as well it's all just weird I'm in this space where everyone around me is just having babies."
"You can get to a stage in your life where you are more confident and you're more powerful in your position."
"I can't help people move like I'm out of that era of my life."
"Convenience is not bad, and in my season of life, that is where I would tend to put some of my margin."
"The 20 to 30 again is a time to go ride some ponies figure out what you like figure out what you don't like figure out what you're willing to tolerate figure out what you're not willing to tolerate."
"What was difficult was finding people at the same place that I was in life."
"I'm truly, truly just at the best stage of my life right now, and I can't—I just can't believe that I'm here."
"Bit of a hypochondriac I suppose you are, but you know what's nice too about this time in your life right is you really, it seems to me that you're really a family man, that you treasure your kids, your new grandchild."
"I want to know am I talking to anybody that says I'm in a seasonal life where I don't have no more time to waste."
"I love being a mother. I love being a mother. It's very rewarding. I couldn't imagine being anything else at this stage of my life."
"It's such an exciting time of life for me."
"We're empty nesters striving to live life to the fullest."
"I'm 32, I'm ready, you know I have a home, I have a job, you know, I've done and like so much in life and I'm ready to like settle down."
"I'm right where I need to be in my life right now."
"I don't know how you deal with having both parents of the house that are end of their lives."
"You're at the prime of your life, so happy birthday."
"You are at the prime of your life, so happy birthday."
"I'm in this era of life where I don't have time for immaturity, you know, and neither should you."
"Menopause is not a sickness. You just stop making eggs. So your ovaries don't make eggs anymore."
"I'm in this point in my life right now where I'm trying to purge a lot of other things but I've given myself permission to continue to collect pens because they bring me so much joy."
"This 18-22-year period is a rare interlude where you have the time to ask yourself, who am I? What do I think about these big questions?"
"From 21 to 32, that's when you're gonna probably gain the most information, gain the most experience."
"Your body's gonna probably be at its peak, your mind."
"At this age, at this stage of my life, it's made me happier to be me."
"This is a time of life when we should be learning as much as we can because... it's good for the brain."
"Maybe we just ought to face the fact that we're... that you are approaching middle age. But hey, we can still have fun together."
"It was the perfect job at the perfect time in my life."
"I think your 30s is when the party starts."
"I'm at a point in my life where I just don't worry about money anymore."
"My name is Molly. I married my husband Kevin when I was 25."
"Adolescence is a very dynamic time."
"Menopause is not a disease; it's a normal part of the reproductive span and women's lifespan."
"Menopause is a certain age at which you should be able to enjoy yourself and feel comfortable in your body."
"When one enters retirement, they enter the harvest period of their life."
"I'm in my mid-30s, and I'm starting to relate to that."
"There comes a time in every young boy's life when he feels it's time to leave home, to go out on his own."
"Menopause doesn't occur in a vacuum; you have to place it in the context of your life."
"Postpartum is probably the hardest era of my life for so many reasons."
"Postpartum is the biggest hormonal change at one time that anybody can go through in life."
"I'm just at a point right now in my life where I want to make wise decisions."
"Menopause is basically when they don't have a period for 12 months later in life."
"You'll have a feeling of total exuberance of getting up every day and thinking I'm the happiest at this stage in my life I've ever been."
"I have to remind myself I'm only this age once, and like, you only college once honestly."
"It's a beautiful time for us to learn so much more about ourselves."
"I'm 63 years old; if I'm not going to have nice guitars, when am I going to have them?"
"I fell in love with my best friend. I'm at a stage in life where I know what I want."
"I'm at that stage now in life where this is the kind of stuff that excites me."
"I think that being single for most of your 20s is probably a pretty good idea for most guys."
"I think a lot of people at some stage in their life need to return home, the comfort of home."
"As I approach 77 years old... I feel it's time for me to retire."
"I think you should enjoy your 30s."
"I love my age, I feel like I'm at a good point in my life right now."
"I'm 45 years old, I am done with dreaming about school."
"It's nice to be young, that's for sure."
"High school years is directly up my alley."
"Your 20s is a critical time in your life when a lot of us are trying to figure out the direction in life where we're headed."
"We are officially all adults, straight-up adulting."
"You have less years ahead of you than you have behind you, which gives you a different focus."
"I'm at a place where I'm ready to start a family."
"The stage of your life is the stage of the presence of God."
"I just send you so much love and honor you because if this is something that resonates, that this is something that speaks to you, you're in a very beautiful place in your life."
"This stage of your life is just going to bring you so much of hope and beautiful inspiration."
"I'm getting to that age where everyone is having babies."
"This is an important stage of your life."
"I'm in the sweet spot of my life, and I want to share it."
"Our 20s are a very special time in our life."
"Physical and even financial independence from your parents at some point in that time period of your life can be really beneficial."
"It's really important at this time in your life, especially if you feel like you didn't have the personal growth."
"College is a time where you grow the most."
"Being 80 is a lot better than being 70."
"This is my [__], you can tell she's pleased with where she is in her life right now."
"I think the college time is probably the best time of everybody's life."
"Are you fully activating your potential at this stage of your life?"
"You come of age in a time of wonderful challenges."
"For me, university wasn't just a phase of my life, it was my life."
"Being a father is like the best time of your life."
"I stumbled upon gratitude when I was around the age of probably 17 or 18."
"I feel content with where I am now."
"I'm telling you, this is one of the funnest time periods of your life."
"We want them to walk away from this stage of life having a good self-concept."
"I'm going through a stage of life trying to figure out who I am, what I want to do."
"Nettle really reminds me of a menopausal woman... you've worked hard, you have given a lot, you pride yourself on the good work you've done, you know there's a ton more to do but you're also really prickly at this point in your life."
"It's the best time of my life. I am now surrounded by people who bring me nothing but joy."
"I feel great that I get to be a mother, I feel great that I get to enter such an amazing stage in my life."
"I'm 21 now, I'm in my Roaring 20s."
"Honestly, at this point in my life, it feels great because I know exactly who I am."
"I just want to have a wardrobe of clothing that works for the stage of life I'm in and that I also like wearing."
"Family is so important to me at this time in my life."
"How the heck am I old enough to be engaged and wedding dress shopping?"
"This is incredible for me at this point in my life; I'm just truly, truly grateful."
"The 30s is the happiest that I've been and the strongest I've ever felt."
"I'm just at a point in life where I'm comfortable in who I am."
"Getting married and settling down made me love the role and the lifestyle of motherhood a lot more in this stage of my life."
"I'm really excited for my decade in my 30s."
"Vegas is kind of just like a better spot for where we're at in our life."
"There comes that moment in your life where you realize it's not necessarily time to grow up, but it's time to turn into the person that you're going to be."
"Being engaged is a very cool place to be."
"I'm just so overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude at this stage in my life."
"Adulthood: a very nice stage, but also one with many responsibilities."
"I'm in the stage of my life where I want to have fun."
"At my age, I'm 56 years old, I've got two grown sons, I'm an old lady, and I have met the man of my dreams."
"It's got me wanting one more than I ought to at this point in my life."
"I'm living my best life in my 50s."
"It's tough to be in your 40s, you know."
"She wanted her mother to enjoy this part of her life with someone who treated her like a queen."
"Welcome to adulthood, you're freshly here."
"At 61, I'm coming to terms with the possibility that I'll always be single."
"Being young has its compensations."
"Lauren Taylor Agee was just 21 years old in her second year of college where she studied criminal science, she was at the peak of her life."
"I have a daughter... and she's now at that age where I've realized there's a lot that happens during this time."
"You're in the most advantageous point in your life and in your career right now."
"The best period of your time is when you have 45-50 years because in that period you are the most wise, your brain is evolved."
"It's called your gold age, your golden age because the golden years, bro, you got experience."
"It's still an amazing and beautiful season of motherhood."
"The four years you spend in college are some of the most formative years of your life."
"We are at a prime time in our lives; today we have access to so many incredible opportunities."
"These are the best years of your life, and they do determine the rest of your trajectory."
"Middle-aged can be a difficult time."
"It's hard to be in your 20s... it's like the hardest period of time in your life."
"You're just becoming an adult, that's all it is."
"The process can begin at any point in your life, whether you're in your early 20s or your late 60s."
"We love our kids, and we love where we're at, and we're ready to move out of the baby-making phase and into the enjoying life and raising kids phase."
"I'm 33 and I can't wait to be a dad."
"I'm officially a senior, it's getting so sad."
"There's a lot of nobility in the type of consistency that I've been called to be at this stage in my life."
"When you are a teenager, what's going on in your life just feels like the end-all be-all."
"They say that being young is the best time of your life, but what they don't tell you is that it's also the most confusing."
"30s is the best if you have health."
"Adolescence is one of the most exciting and scary parts of a person's life."
"Enjoy every moment of it, bro, because like, whether you want to accept it or not, high school is a big time."
"This is the greatest thing about this stage of life; the kids are gone, you don't have to have the same manners anymore."
"I really do feel like I'm in a point of my life that I feel just confident."
"These are supposed to be the most productive years of our lives."
"I'm at a point in my life where I do want to focus on me and my happiness."
"I'm definitely at the point in my life where the concept of marriage is now real for me."
"I'm young, I'm beautiful, I have no kids."
"We're in such an important stage of our life right now."
"At this point in his life, he was still trying to figure out who he was."
"They think about you quite a bit; they feel like you're well established or you're at a point in your life where you know what you want."
"Why does everything hurt? It's just because you're in your 30s."
"You got to realize this, I'm only 23."
"We love being empty nesters. It's wonderful."
"When you start to have kids, your mind state starts to change, you start to live for something else."
"I feel like I really know what I like much more than I have at any other point in my life."
"At this point in my life, it's like you know what you want and it feels just everything's so right."
"I wanted to talk about friendships in your 20s and really just talk about where I'm at right now."
"Perpetual adolescence is the bad thing; adolescence is special."
"This dress represents where I'm at in life."
"I feel settled... I'm starting to settle."
"I think being in your 20s is really hard."
"You are about to walk into one of the most interesting stages of your life."
"I'm at an age where I need to start dating because if I don't, I'll probably end up alone."
"If you are afraid of turning 30, don't be sis, your 30s are gonna be the best years of your life."
"Motherhood is truly the best season of my entire life."
"He was at the stage in his life where the children came first."
"It's hard being a teenager at the best of times."
"She was very, very happy at this point."
"Your 20s are an interesting time; you're figuring things out, trying to be financially stable and literate."
"Singleness is not just preparation for marriage."
"She retired at 55, which is a sweet age to retire."
"I am totally embracing this very amazing period of my life."
"I really enjoyed Solanin; it had really resonated with me based on my age and kind of where I am in life."
"I feel like there's a certain stage in your life that you're just like a kid, and I feel like that's where I am, you know? I'm just a teenager having fun."
"85% of women at some point in their life will go through pregnancy."
"I'm definitely at a place in my life now where I'm so chilled out."
"There's nothing better than being in your 30s, still being hot, figuring out what you want to do with your life."
"I'm thoroughly enjoying motherhood right now."
"This is the time in our lives to do it, before kids."
"I've got like a week left of being in my 20s, like I can't believe it."
"I hope to continue counting on your support now in this new stage of my life."