
Analogy Quotes

There are 7926 quotes

"If you were on a boat and the boat started to sink, that's not the time you want to start looking for life jackets. You already want to know where one is so you can go to it right away."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Explaining a concept is like dissecting a frog: you understand it better, but it dies in the process."
"Jerry Seinfeld likens meditation to a cellphone charger for your mind and body."
"The beauty of skincare is you have to mix it, blend it. You have to mix it; it's like making a cake."
"The mind is like a muscle analogy falls short...because when we strain to learn something with our mind, we don't actually get to feel what it is to perform much better."
"So what is that-- what's the relationship and how did we even get here? Well, it turns out that computers are kind of simplistic, much like our hands here."
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or in this case, the melon doesn't grow far from the rind."
"I never crack under pressure. I'm like an egg."
"If you were to rob a bank, then become president, and then try to cover up the robbery, you would do exactly what Donald Trump's doing."
"Loving a child is like a really moist brownie."
"Our accuracy is comparable to shooting a basketball from Staples Center in downtown LA and hitting nothing but net in a basketball hoop in New York City that is moving at a speed of about two feet per second and it's spinning about its axis."
"Attributes without introspection is like a wedding without music."
"The pulse of the economy goes down, then the policymakers, like doctors, rush to the patient and inject it with a whole lot of stimulation."
"You know how the thing works: if the pulse of the economy goes down, then the policymakers, like doctors, rush to the patient and inject it with a whole lot of stimulation."
"You can't do much carpentry with your bare hands, and you can't do much thinking with your bare brain."
"Reading is to your mind what exercise is to your body."
"Think about it this way, like you give presentations for your job, right? Imagine giving a presentation for 9 hours straight."
"An analogy will help. So back in the 90s... Hollywood really got into disaster films. And every one of those movies, you had this one particular character... that person saw the problem kind of before everybody else and more or less freaked out."
"Comets are like cats; they have tails and they're very unpredictable."
"National pride is to nations what self-respect is to individuals: a necessary element for self-improvement."
"If it was an analogy: the children ran the house and the father wasn't there."
"Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires."
"Your money is like a bad two-year-old. If you leave it to its own devices, it's gonna be breaking stuff, backing cars. So you want to be on top of your money and be present."
"Imagine that you were in a swimming pool full of molasses. If you tried to move in any direction, you would immediately feel a force that was opposing your motion."
"A better way to think about a cryptocurrency wallet is as a key to access your funds."
"Exercise is like brushing your teeth, you have to do it."
"History is like Netflix, just for history fans."
"If we are indeed approaching the end game, then as I've said previously, in chess, the end game is the most difficult part of the game."
"The church is the mechanic shop for God's people."
"Trying to remove amyloid from the brain of a person with Alzheimer's disease and to see their cognition come back is sort of like thinking that if you remove all the headstones from a grave, people will come back to life."
"Analogy making is the perception of common essence between two things."
"Credit card debt should be like unicorns and dragons; it's something you should definitely read about, hear about, but it's something you never actually see for yourself."
"Bitcoin is rat poison because what's the rat? Fiat currency is the rat, and Bitcoin is the rat poison."
"This is our entire bar of chocolate, representing all the data we have access to."
"It's like going to check on your two-year-old toddler and finding a fully grown adult in their place. You have questions."
"By putting seat belts in cars, we're enabling people to get into more car accidents? Car accidents happen regardless of whether or not the safety belt is available, but we have it there to reduce the number of people killed during car accidents."
"The journal is the toothbrush for your mind."
"It's like going up stairs in the dark where you think there's one more step than there is."
"Camping, a great stress reliever used by mankind for ages. Tried, tested, and true, just like a GMC truck."
"It's like when you send your friend down the street to Joe's place to pick up a box of pizza. Your friend walks down the street, he turns left, maybe he turns right, he gets to Joe's place, he walks in, says, 'Hey, I need to get a pizza,' Joe gives him the pizza, then he walks the same way back to your house."
"It's not America that's bad; it's like if you're on a plane and a hijacker hijacks it and puts on the captain's uniform. He's not the captain; he's a hijacker."
"Gender and sexuality are often lumped together but they're two different things. It's like apples and sexy oranges."
"If you think about your stress levels as a jug and when it's full, it overflows, and that's when the problems happen."
"Reinforcement learning is a bit like training a dog."
"In general, doing data science is kind of like building houses. You're gonna need some tools, like hammer and nails, but just knowing the tools is not good enough."
"Being black in America is like wearing shoes that don't fit. You can get used to them, but they're not comfortable."
"That's like a Y-block out of oil after 10,000 miles."
"Trying to comprehend faith via knowledge would be like tasting a Pinot Noir with your toes."
"It's like found money; it's like you were walking along the street and you found 50 bucks."
"Imagine you're like packing a moving van; you have to fit all the items in your house into the van. In the same way with your mix, every single instrument wants to have a space in that mix."
"The crux of this exploit is that we're actually committing the Roman equivalent of insurance fraud."
"Two lots of glass make a window; put water in a glass, we've made wine."
"Don't lose the effectiveness of fasting... think of fasting like nitrous in a car."
"It's like your brain keeps switching between 30 different channels and somebody else has the remote."
"By focusing on a space station, you create a show about commitment. It's like the difference between a one-night stand and a marriage."
"Wealth is like a leaky bucket beneath the water spout; running water is your income, expense is leakage out."
"Morality grows in the same way your eyeball did or your kidney does."
"Managing your financial life in America today is like drinking from a fire hose."
"Building your social skills is like building a muscle; you just need to talk and find out what works."
"It's just like a marriage; if you want a divorce, if you want a civil war, then just keep dishonoring the other person, just keep focusing on everything that's wrong with them, and you'll get your divorce, you'll get your Civil War."
"The internet's kind of like Tolkien's the one ring, right? It's just this magnifier... it can magnify for the hobbits it magnifies their sort of, uh, diminutive sneakiness and they can become invisible, but for Sauron it magnifies his cruelty and his might."
"This is not the Chewbacca defense; this is a Jekyll and Hyde defense."
"It's like boiling a frog or a lobster; when you apply more heat just a little at a time, it's hard to know you're stewing."
"Voting is more like washing your car or ironing your clothes. It's part of the thing you do to make stuff work."
"But us, we orbit around each other. We're like a double planet."
"Sports is a microcosm for the human condition."
"A really good analogy...is like this: imagine...there's an old buggy...you've got the horses...the rider...and his old father...the horses are the id, the rider is the ego, and the father is the super-ego."
"If you're watching a football game or something like basketball, there's referees...would the games be better or worse without a referee? They'd be worse."
"It's like asking how does a shovel become a murder weapon. When it is used to murder someone, this isn't hard."
"Imagine that you found a hundred things wrong with a car not moving... That's how Alzheimer's works."
"Like a ring with a gemstone, so is a wise person with their words."
"Minecraft was a Lego brick of the videogame universe."
"You know, climbing up to a stack of a sheet of papers is a big effort for you, yeah, if you're an ant. Well, we're ants on the surface of this terrain that we call Earth."
"You have to take care of your body as if taking care of a Ferrari."
"Education experts have all said that people learn better when they're taught with a unique analogy or story or theme."
"Socialization is like a muscle; when you exercise it, you get stronger."
"There's two games here: there's trying to get the best deck chairs on the Titanic, and there's trying to rescue the ship."
"A seal is a big steak with a slice of chocolate cake; a person is an old piece of celery that's been on the counter all day."
"Analysis by analogy is extremely flawed. When you do analysis, you have to actually look at facts and look at the present."
"Managing an economy as big as China's during a downturn without broad control over the tax base would be like trying to land a jumbo jet by flapping a hand fan."
"Sex is like fire; if you put it in your fireplace, it's wonderful. You get it anywhere else in your house, it will burn your house down."
"If you connect the carbon atoms one way, you get graphite, which is soft and dark; connect them another way, you get diamond, which is hard and clear."
"The Champions League... it's actually like the wizard tournament from Goblet of Fire. It takes all of the best teams from all the other European leagues and puts them into a tournament arc."
"The idea of using a deserted island as a way of demonstrating scarcity in its simplest form isn't new... It's a good analogy."
"If he gets re-elected, what you've got is the equivalent of a two-year-old in his terrible twos with the keys to the tank."
"I used to tell people I'm a potato farmer, and I have to fill my bushel basket with potatoes every month."
"The economy is like a windshield, and you know if I keep throwing rocks at a windshield, the first few may bounce off, but eventually, the rocks are going to start coming through the windshield."
"The debt ceiling is like your credit card limit; it is supposed to be a point to say, 'Okay, look, you've kind of reached your limit, you really need to think about cutting spending and not issuing more debt.'"
"Forests need fires to clear out underbrush; society is the same way."
"It's like taking Tylenol every day for the rest of your life when you have a piece of glass in your foot."
"I think it makes sense to think about the Amazon as a canary in the coal mine."
"A good companion is like the musk seller; either he's going to give you some of his perfume, or you're going to walk away smelling nice."
"History doesn't necessarily repeat, but it rhymes."
"Wearing your emotions on your sleeve is analogous to wearing a badge of honor."
"Chemistry is a hard thing to get, like catching lightning in a bottle."
"Programming sometimes becomes a bit more like plumbing; you can't just say what you mean like you could in Scratch. You have to build a little sort of software machine."
"If you're not getting good sleep and if you're under stress, that's like throwing gasoline on a fire."
"Sunlight being the best disinfectant, that's part of it."
"With food, I really wish more people would think of feeding an aquarium, not feeding fish."
"The drug market now, it's almost like a couple of companies... going bust on the stock market."
"You're like an elephant and your molars are gonna wear out."
"There's always a dissimilarity between the two and hence, why it's by analogy."
"Your mind is a building... it's your life... you can't really function properly if it's not working right."
"Women are aware, we could compare periods to... getting divorced and getting half their [ __ ] taken."
"Sex has always been the carrot that made the donkey pull the cart."
"If you expanded the [mirror] to the size of the continental united states... the difference between the highest mountain and the lowest ocean valley would be two inches."
"It's like saying a plane is ineffective because it doesn't work well as a submarine."
"Treat investments like you treat eggs at the store."
"You cannot judge a food by its smell just like you cannot judge a person by their smell."
"It's like focusing on your paint job when your engine's on fire."
"It's like saying a lull anyone can go and steal from other people right, although anyone can go shoot someone."
"An acoustic monitoring system like this is akin to setting up a camera to warn you thunder is coming."
"There should be many more earth-sun systems than the numbers of grains of sand on all beaches on earth."
"the Magisterium plays an umpiring role which is essential to the ongoing flow of the church's life it's it's like a game in a way like we're playing the Christian game all the time without an umpire it'll devolve into chaos"
"I know he exists the same way I know a builder exists when I see you."
"You're saying that a tornado doesn't make a car. What the hell does that have to do with evolution?"
"The majority of Germans followed Hitler, what does that have to do with science?"
"Transitioning to service-oriented architecture was like going from building on top of a Jenga Tower to building with Lego blocks."
"If atheism is religion, then baldness is a hair color."
"A good analogy perhaps too, since a backup is essentially a type of life insurance."
"This coaster is like a fine slice of lasagna with each element stacking up to form a widely satisfying experience."
"It was just, you know, like a movie production."
"I'm very much into consistency so you had courts and governments they're totally the same thing."
"It's like the kid throwing a temper tantrum on the playground."
"Choosing between God and science is like choosing between Frank Whittle and science as an explanation for the jet engine."
"Stacking a bunch of Swiss cheese slices each with their own holes is better than just depending on one slice of cheese."
"Imagine 9/11 happening every day for three years straight."
"Consider that shutdowns are - the way we govern today as combustion is to corrosion."
"This is a complicated machine probably more complex than any real City."
"Even elite athletes need rest days to stay healthy. Sometimes financial markets need to reset from record-setting performances too."
"When an enemy with extra knots dies, their Crimson knots get transferred to another character like the STDs." - Unexpected analogy, humorous.
"Your genes are sort of the keys of a piano, and your epigenome is the piano player."
"BLM, Antifa, and right-wing militias: they are the antibodies, not the disease."
"They're very fast. I mean, they move extremely fast. They're like greased lightning."
"Banning women from women's sports is like banning chicken from chicken soup."
"Using the internet without expressvpn? That's like walking your dog in public without securing the dog on a leash."
"The internet is like a buffet bar and you and your country searching the internet like you would normally is like having access to only the condiments section of the buffet bar."
"We wash our physical body once a day, how can we go through our whole life without washing our brain?"
"Giving Giannis a ball in the perimeter with a big man on him is like giving an American a shotgun in the trenches."
"Effectively the way I'm using language is a bit like scaffolding for a building."
"This would make this thing handle like a sports car."
"We are all in the position of someone in a lifeboat, wondering whether it would be more practicable to sail the seas in an ocean liner."
"When I love my wife on my wedding day and we exchange vows... it's alright really that's that's that's the perfect analogy because I mean if it's anything it's it's just more pie."
"The creative process is very much like gardening."
"Cryptocurrency was acting like a digital version of gold that the government couldn't touch."
"Understanding nutrition is like driving through a thick fog."
"It's like the drunk person searching for their keys under the streetlight."
"The demands of the procedure to produce the correct character in the correct order, as the environment, the letters typed onto the pages, and the typewriters, are the genes of the monkeys."
"Mortgages are like a casino; The House Always Wins."
"The answer to war is not war, it's peace. Peace isn't delivered by the barrel of a gun, it's delivered by diplomacy, by dialogue."
"Rights are like muscles and if you don't exercise them you lose them."
"Politics is war, warfare without bloodshed." - Tariq Nasheed
"Continental crust is special, like a fine whiskey to the raw grain mash of the oceanic crust."
"Microsoft describes the handover as akin to rebuilding the foundation of a house while still living in it."
"The human mind is really more like a small rider perched on top of a gigantic elephant."
"Dealing with the New Testament text is like a jigsaw puzzle with a thousand pieces, but we have a thousand and ten pieces."
"It's kind of like if you had a mansion and you were lucky enough to have this great staff."
"When Adam declared independence from the kingdom of heaven, just like the Bahamas declared independence from the kingdom of Great Britain in 1973, we became our own government."
"America is a race car that has been winning races for 70 years since World War II... China is in a car right behind us." - Steven Kwast
"The structure and design of the artifact are strongly reminiscent of today's understanding of the location of the solar system."
"Memory is like a bunch of boxes storing data at addresses."
"Fear is like fire. If you control it, it can be your friend. If not, it can destroy you."
"Aging is like the scratches. If you take sandpaper to a CD, it's not going to play very well."
"You look at it often, like a rearview mirror when driving."
"The things you do... are like dropping a stone in a pond."
"Your mind is like a muscle. If you're not working it out, it's going to be a shriveled sad piece of meat."
"Using the internet without expressvpn it's like driving without car insurance. Why would you take that risk when you don't have to?"
"It's almost like playing a game of chess, except with your credit cards."
"I think the way to look at this is if Steve Jobs said that the phone was a bicycle for the mind, this technology is really a rocket ship for the mind."
"That means something to pull a Clarence Thomas."
"Sound is waves, and so you have the peaks and the troughs right. Physics is violence, physics is violence, that's where you're going."
"It's a Titanic. It was a luxury liner that's sinking. I see it as a very poorly run restaurant."
"Every economic system is like a building... some people that take a helicopter and land on the roof."
"Partnership is a two-way street my guy and if you constantly have pedestrians running back and forth you're bound to hit one."
"Not talking about the problems to me sounds like avoidance, not eating the food sounds to me like hunger, not sleeping in bed at night sounds like tired, not breathing long enough sounds like dead."
"Stress is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it's not gonna get you anywhere."
"Inflation is not an act of God, like a drought or hurricane, it is like drunk driving."
"It goes away after... it's like a little kid that just comes and kicks you in the nuts and runs away."
"Sleep is actually like it turns your brain into essentially a dishwasher."
"Sex belongs in marriage, the same way fire belongs in a fireplace."
"I've always liked to think of discipline as kind of a muscle."
"That's like sliding down the glue Elmer's glue stick."
"It's kind of like a big high school, that's what I think of it."
"Trying to fit a circular table in a square room is like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole."
"The European Parliament is like the Soviet Parliament."
"Leicester are the Forest Gump of football, you just never know what Leicester is going to turn up."
"Every people on earth are like a rubber band. They can only take so much mistreatment before they snap."
"I think eating food at restaurants is kind of like gambling, it's the risk versus reward."
"The bodybuilding pictures are like the applesauce."
"It's like losing an arm, you're not whole anymore."
"The graphics card is kind of like the fruity filling."
"Capitalism is like the exterminator who will put roaches in your house just so you can pay him to come and kill the roaches that are in your house."
"Business 101, right? And it kind of is. A business that doesn't turn a profit is like a freezer that doesn't make ice. It's more or less pointless."
"Plants need soil, fish need water, and humans need oxygen."
"Blaming cholesterol instead of the inflammation is like blaming one of the firemen instead of the fire."
"Proof of work won't go out of fashion, beards are god's makeup for men."
"Learning a language is kind of like a video game."
"If packing a pod is a real-life game of Tetris, pretty sure we are winning."
"It's as if we wrote a check, but we're using it as if it's a debit card. And that we are not charging more than we can immediately pay off."
"You can't blame the tiger for behaving like a tiger; you gotta have a gamekeeper."