
Placebo Effect Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"All three of these—placebo, nocebo, and belief effects—are all related to our brain's inedible ability to place an expectation on what is about to happen and actually change what is about to happen."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The placebo effect is a biological effect; it's not just our thoughts tricking us into thinking something happened that didn't happen, it's our thoughts, our mind creating real biological effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who anticipate an injection of morphine immediately report the feeling of loss of pain. Their pain starts to diminish because they know they're going to get pain relief and it's a powerful effect."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Placebo effects are very real. Placebo effects and belief effects, as they're called, have a profound effect on our experience of noxious stimuli like pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's overwhelming research that the placebo effect... if a human being thinks that something can work, it actually objectively increases their likelihood of it working."
"Our beliefs have a profound impact on our body chemistry; this is why placebos can be so effective."
"The placebo effect is incredibly real: thoughts affect matter, period."
"The fact is that the placebo effect works. And in fact, regular medicine depends on placebo effects as well."
"The placebo effect: You have an illness, the doctor says there's the greatest new pill, you take that pill, you get better, and then you find out the pill is a sugar pill."
"If you thought you were taking a microdose, whether you were right or wrong, it worked; you felt better."
"Placebo is a very real phenomenon. Don't let anybody tell you that it's just made up or it's not something real."
"The placebo effect is the instance when you take a medication because you're sick and later, when you're all better, you discover that the medication was just a sugar pill. The pill did nothing; the healing was done by your mind."
"It's called the placebo effect, but let me give you an example... The only way you can truly know your own heart is if you have people around you where you feel comfortable and safe enough that you can share your heart."
"Your mind is powerful and there's something to be said about the placebo effect."
"The belief effect isn't just changing what one subjectively experiences; it actually is changing the way that the brain responds to the belief."
"Simply the power of belief, the power of like new information of being told 'yep what you're doing is going to have this effect on you' made that effect a reality."
"The placebo effect: a phenomenon of the body actually healing itself by simply thinking that it's receiving a treatment."
"It's placebo or not I really don't give a [ __ ] because it actually helped."
"Placebo and nocebo effects demonstrate the power of belief. Positive or negative responses to treatment can occur solely because of one's expectations."
"Religion can be a placebo, but it's not the best solution."
"And of course when you think about alternative medicine, we know that the more you charge someone, the more powerful the placebo effect will be."
"I want people to stop feeling ashamed to say that something acts as a placebo."
"He said that a large part of the therapeutic effect derived by visiting the doctor is nothing to do with any medication they might give, but the whole ritual, the interaction."
"Every improvement that occurs after taking something that isn't inherently active is not the placebo effect."
"A person is given something which doesn't have any actual active healing ingredients, that's a placebo, but they feel better, that's the placebo effect."
"Some of them that stopped taking the placebo... they lose their job... they lose their mother... they lose their life."
"One-third of all medical healing is directly attributable to the placebo effect."
"Simply telling someone that something is expensive or will taste better makes them think that it tastes better as a placebo effect."
"If this was just placebo effect if it was just temporary you would find a handful of stories you don't you have hundreds you have thousands"
"Medium-chain triglyceride oh an unintended placebo with unexpected adverse effects."
"Placebos can have real effects on performance."
"The placebo effect illustrates the remarkable influence of thoughts on the body's functioning. Individuals experience improvements in their condition solely because they believe they are receiving a beneficial treatment."
"People are treated with love and kindness, that group of people had the placebo effect equal to or better than the drug."
"Placebos are safe, cheap, and don't have rare side effects."
"Bedside Manor is a placebo we offer; it's part of what makes our patients feel reassured."
"Meditation done without transmission is like meditation done with the placebo effect."
"I knew that was a sugar pill but guess what dude, the guy who's talking to you now and the guy who runs my body are two different guys."
"In that regard doesn't really matter, it's just a placebo."
"It didn’t really matter if the thing actually helped them- only that they thought it did."
"This illustrates the power of the placebo effect."
"This product here is a perfect testament to the power of the placebo effect."
"If you think it makes a difference then it does."
"Back pain is one of the conditions most amenable to placebo effects."
"Neutrophil is something I take myself it is a natural solution to promote hair growth… as long as they're seeing results and they're feeling better Placebo is a very strong thing."
"Placebos can have actual physiological effects."
"If you believe something's going to work, about 40 percent of the time it will."
"The placebo has a huge impact in fact it's the bane of scientific research."
"Placebo is an incredibly powerful effect that none of us are immune to."
"The placebo effect is a phenomenon... when a person thinks that a placebo is a treatment, they actually get better."
"...the placebo effect on training is huge."
"What you think of a drug has more of effect on your body than what the drug is."
"The power of placebo, if patients feel better, mission achieved."
"Couldn't hurt, I guess. And then you also get a... you know, do not overestimate the placebo effect of going, 'Yeah, you know here's a pill. If you touch alcohol, you'll throw up violently.' The pill could be a sugar pill but it'd keep you off of alcohol, you know?"
"The placebo effect is when someone thinks they're getting a treatment, so they think that they're getting better but they actually weren't given anything."
"There is a system in the brain; it's not a placebo."
"Every time I go and buy like self-care products I immediately feel better. I don't know what type of placebo that is but it works."
"This might be my superpower, that is, that's the placebo effect if I've ever heard of it in my life."
"If I said to a golfer, I invented a pill called the Great Golfing Pill, you take it and it's going to take 10 strokes off your game, I bet they take some strokes off just because it's a placebo effect."
"The placebo effect is a psychological and physiological phenomenon where people actually experience improvements from their symptoms even though they've been giving or receiving a treatment that had no therapeutic benefits."
"I think a lot of what goes on in charismatic churches is the placebo effect."
"Placebos work by converting a belief into a biochemical reality in your body."
"It's a placebo effect. It's a myth. It's an urban legend."
"The placebo effect... just fully regressed to their original numbers."
"I said well, if that is a placebo effect, I don't really care. I mean if I can make people back to normal 20 years after I've done something just on the belief that they think they're better and I think they're better, that has got to be a therapy worth having."
"The placebo effect is a fascinating phenomenon where a fake treatment can lead to real healing, demonstrating the power of the Mind-Body Connection."
"There's no denying the reality; placebo control trials are used to deny the evidence of people's own eyes."
"It doesn't do anything, Maniac Mike. (laughs) It's just a placebo effect, it's not any faster."
"If a placebo effect can give me a real trophy, I'll take that placebo all day long."
"Some faith healing works not because of something else, but on account of faith, similar to the placebo effect."
"The placebo effect is the incontrovertible demonstration of mind over matter."
"The placebo effect is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen."
"Every piece of medicine has some sort of suggestive effect. We are transferring thought forms, and so yes, if your hands are warm, it helps. My wife gets sick. I've tried these techniques, and it's going to work if she is going to believe that my technique is working."
"Everyone tries things out for themselves. If it works as part of their diet, if they feel good for it, even if it's a placebo, crack on. If it makes you feel good, do it."
"Placebo works by a phenomenon called expectancy. And as you can expect from the term, it's expecting something. So you're primed to think that this thing's going to help for this reason."
"We know it's better than placebo, we know it works."
"The placebo effect is very strong... up to 30 percent of good results from placebos."
"A placebo almost so you weren't actually going to get a problem but you felt as though that medicine did work."
"That's right, from the Latin. A placebo is something pleasing."
"Even if you tell people it's a placebo effect, they still feel the placebo."
"Belief about nicotine strength influenced brain activation patterns, revealing the power of placebo."
"It's amazing how strong the placebo effect is."
"And I just found it so fascinating that large numbers of people were improving on the placebos."
"I need that placebo effect, I need to believe in some hope."
"I put oil on my hair because apparently... I need that placebo effect."
"The placebo effect is remarkable, their potential to heal."
"That placebo effect comes because of the strength and power of our word."
"When people have been studied in the context of a clinical trial, and they're getting a drug, and they don't know if it's a statin or placebo, there's no difference in the complaints about muscle symptoms."
"The placebo effect is so effective that the way they test medication has to be against it because it's that effective."
"Placebo is no longer just tricking the patient; it's a very powerful neurobiological effect with measurable chemical changes."
"If we can see a difference between the results of the placebo group and the results of the real treatment group, then that tells us that there is something actually going on besides the psychological effect."
"Let's look at a cognitive error that can have a profoundly positive impact: the placebo effect."
"Placebos are only inactive outside the body; once someone takes them, they're very active."
"The placebo effect is based on positive thinking... what about negative thinking? Oh, guess what, equally powerful."
"The placebo effect... works even if you don't trick people."
"The placebo effect is very real, and doctors know about it, but did you know that the placebo effect works even if the patient is told it's a placebo?"
"The placebo effect is a fascinating phenomenon that goes beyond positive thinking."
"The significance of the placebo effect lies in its ability to harness the mind-body connection for therapeutic benefits."
"You're giving someone essentially positive suggestions... it's much stronger than the placebo."
"Placebos work even if you know they're placebos."
"The magnitude of the placebo effect can change based on our perceptions of the intervention."
"The placebo thing is a very powerful thing, and it's a real thing."
"Placebo is real, if you are expecting something to happen, you're kind of putting it in your mind that that's going to happen."
"Every single intervention has a component of a placebo effect."
"The surgery worked, but their belief in the surgery was just as effective as the surgery itself."
"Honest placebos still work; you can take a placebo and know it's a placebo, and it still works."
"The placebo effect works; it makes you feel better, and I'm okay with that."
"I'm a strong believer in the placebo effect; if you believe it, it makes you feel better, and that's all that matters."
"Sometimes really believing that something works actually does make it work."
"It's what you manipulate within these independent variables, we have what's called the placebo effect."
"...there probably weren't a lot of cures, so anything that you'd give people to ease anxiety was good, and we know that this works; the placebo effect works."
"That is how you can create your own placebo effect in your own body."
"The placebo effect is so powerful that in some past case reports, it has been attributed with helping to put into remission some people's cancers."
"Placebos can't cure diseases, but research suggests that they seem to bring some people relief from the subjective symptoms such as pain, nausea, anxiety, and fatigue."
"The placebo effect is real, alright? If you believe something's going to work, it'll work."
"Positive traits like optimism and strong ego and altruism go with placebo response."
"The placebo effect is when beneficial effects are seen in patients who are given a placebo or sham treatment."
"Our minds are extremely powerful... the placebo effect is extremely powerful."
"This book helps put something like the placebo effect in perspective."
"We're always trying to rule out the placebo effect; we should be trying to rule it in."