
Inclusivity Quotes

There are 23077 quotes

"If you have a body, you're an athlete." - Bill Bowerman
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We've entered this new era... where the next great ideas won't just come from the privileged few, from the crazy, from the people with methodology; they will come from each and every one of us and collectively transform the world that we live in."
Gabe Zimmerman
"There are also steps we could take to increase legitimate acceptance."
"In the theater of happiness, there are infinite and unlimited seats, and there is a seat with your name on it."
"Who will embrace those who are different yet deserving, as are all of God’s children?"
"I don't have to be your favorite cast member on my show for me to still support black excellence."
"All bodies are good bodies exactly as they are."
"You don't have to be Muslim, Palestinian, or Arab; you simply just have to be a free thinker and someone who has moral courage."
"It's a theory about all of us... it's a seamless bell curve."
"I believe that body positivity is for everyone."
"It's so strange that a movement that is called body positivity is so quick to discredit other people and not let them join."
"No one should ever ever shame anyone else for anything, especially not if you're part of this positive movement about loving each other."
"This isn't as much of a YouTube channel as this is a community. It's just as much yours as it is mine, and I'm glad to have each and every one of you as part of this family. Big love and respect."
"All people, no matter their size, should be treated with respect and dignity."
"I think that true body positivity comes in all shapes and sizes... there shouldn't be rules of what is body positive and what's not."
"I don't judge nobody. I have gay friends; I have trans friends."
"I wouldn't give a because it's like I love everybody."
"Play the games you want, with the people you want, anywhere you want, when everybody plays, we all win."
"Thank you to the mods for keeping it safe. Thank you to everybody who is a part of our extended family, man. You guys are all loved, and you're all welcome here."
"Body positivity has always been about including everyone in the conversation and letting everyone feel like there is nothing wrong with them."
"I'm not trying to call people out; I'm trying to call people in to the conversation."
"Body positivity has always been about inclusivity, right? Making people feel like they can be included."
"All I really want is a world where people of all shapes and sizes can be free to be themselves without shame, make whatever choices they think is best for their body, and live free from discrimination."
"The goal of the game is not to win; the goal of the game is to keep it fun so everybody keeps wanting to play."
"In order to make these female or whatever gender or race or religion empowerment movies successful, you need to start thinking of them less as movies about this specific group of people and more as movies about people who belong in this specific group and reach the other groups through that."
"Everybody here shares in the belief that being deaf is not a handicap, not something to fix."
"You can't call yourself a feminist if your feminism doesn't include every woman."
"We aim to make games more engaging, more fun, more meaningful, and more inclusive for everyone."
"Bringing us up, bringing everyone together, and lifting everyone up."
"Western Ability FC is an amazing football club for children and adults who have learning disabilities."
"We are truly building a community... there's more sitting in the back room, there's more out back after the show's over, we bring dinner in, everybody gets to hang out."
"Inspiration 4, on behalf of SpaceX, welcome home to planet Earth. Your mission has shown the world that space is for all of us, and that everyday people can make extraordinary impacts in the world around them."
"Space is for all of us, and that everyday people can make extraordinary impacts in the world around them."
"Football is for everyone. Football can educate, entertain, and be a force for good."
"This year, for the first time in the campaign's history, the focus is on non-visible disabilities."
"I would love for everyone to know that he is a normal 10-year-old kid. He may not look the way you would envision a 10-year-old kid, but he is that normal 10-year-old kid."
"We are not the party of the rich; we are the party of everyone."
"This is changing from a spectator sport to an all-inclusive game. We're all being pulled into it."
"Freedom is not exclusivity. It's inclusivity. It's access to others in networks."
"When women get power, yes there are exceptions to this, and they're like anchored in their [ __ ] and their magic and their energy, it's like I just want everyone to thrive, including the men."
"Costume designer... pursued counsel from Indigenous elders and hired Indigenous artists directly."
"Public schools... are the only guaranteed space for all young people in America."
"You deserve to find a table where you can be yourself and enjoy the game without feeling the constant pressure to mask your symptoms and cosplay as a neurotypical person."
"This is not your house, and the presidency is the people's... We have to be president for everybody."
"I took the kid to everybody's room to meet all the artists and I let the kid come on stage with us."
"CrossFit is all about community, right? And it really is for everybody."
"It's not about your bloodline; it's about your spirit. Do you embrace the American Spirit?"
"The church must give place for the giftedness of all persons, whether male or female."
"Our children being inclusive, wanting to love, wanting to change the world, is a wonderful quality."
"We need more people like that in this world. It's not about black and white; it's all about just love and unity."
"December means it's Christmas. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa, whatever you celebrate, happy holidays."
"The goal in the culture war is not to defeat people that disagree with you; it's to convince them to come to your side."
"Every time I step through the curtain, I'm fighting for every person who feels like they aren't accepted because of who they are, and I'm here to tell them they are."
"I want you to know your president has your back during Pride month and all the time."
"People closest to the problem know best how to solve it; it's just they're so often not asked."
"I see a country for all Americans, and I will always be president for all Americans."
"Don't let our rankings get in the way of playing the character that you want to play."
"Identity politics is not about deciding who is a villain... it's much more about making sure that our society is more welcoming."
"A is for activist, a counting on community, intersection allies. Oh, that's cute. We make room for all."
"Good foreign policy is inclusive foreign policy."
"Not everyone who has a period is a woman, and not every woman has a period. Period. Accept it, move on."
"This is like the one gig that everyone in the world can come to and you're in your pajamas at the same time."
"Maybe she had thought that those two worlds would be mutually exclusive, but not at all."
"Diversity of thought is essential. Lots of different kinds of diversity are essential, but diversity of thought is absolutely critical."
"The flag of St George is an inclusive flag; it represents all people that live on these isles."
"The gospel is the solution here, where we learn in the gospel that there's no Jew or Greek or slave or free."
"In Christ, there's no Jew or Greek, slave or free, there's no male or female; we're all one in Christ."
"I wish I could be a part of this so bad. I want to be there, but it doesn't suck because I get to celebrate it just like everybody else."
"All around me I see people that are used to being ignored. This isn't only a love story between characters, this is a love story about all people."
"Nobody thinks that being terrible to your in-group is what constitutes a moral life. So we need to broaden the in-group."
"When things go wrong, there's a place where you belong. Come and join the family, all are welcome."
"The true mark of a leader is being able to identify with people in their lowest of states, beyond political differences."
"We've always aimed to deliver advertising that works for everyone. Whether it's consumers, advertisers, or publishers, we're committed to ads that are valuable, transparent, and trustworthy."
"I think the culture should continue to evolve and everyone that joins it should get better and better."
"You're diverse because you are unique... We're all diverse because of our uniqueness, which makes our world amazing."
"America as a nation of immigrants... this is... a more inclusive messaging that helped [win] the White House."
"When I created Spiked Spin, this is just my venture into the wellness space of making sure that marginalized people, people of color, people who haven't felt seen, now have a resource, they have access to something that's premium, something that's quality, and something that's built with them in mind."
"Nerds are very welcoming people; they will share, in fact, overshare everything with you that they love."
"People that are on the Spectrum aren't any less or any more; they're just different, and everybody is beautiful in that way."
"This mentality is more of a mental shift, right? This is not something that you're born with, and it's not something that only certain people are blessed with. The beauty of it is that everyone can develop this mentality."
"Our approach leads with the creation of joy in marginalized players and seeks to be additive rather than strictly corrective."
"A humanist movement that does not center the least privileged people in our group... is not truly a humanist movement."
"Humanism is meant to be an inclusive, universal movement for every human being."
"Greetings, guys, girls, non-binary pals, and welcome back to another video. I hope that you are well, and I hope that you are fighting because there is a lot to be fighting for."
"Power of friendship, the power of being a little gay."
"We probably should have had many more inclusive conversations where we engage with them with their feelings, their thoughts, their concerns."
"The liberation of all really means the liberation of all."
"I am deeply invested in all humans, every creed, color, sexuality, gender."
"Diversity in games isn't a bad thing at all when it's done properly, correctly."
"I'm going to be offending everyone. We're all subject to my wrath."
"If you are struggling economically, please do not feel the need to join... In fact, please nobody feel the need to."
"The dignity of the individual...say if you're a libertarian of the right, you believe in tradition, you're Christian, whatever, or you're very progressive person that believes in non-binary fluid form of identity...that should be respected."
"I'm also ecstatic that other intersex, non-binary U.S citizens will soon be able to apply for passports with the correct gender marker."
"People may introduce themselves like, 'Hey, I'm Samantha; I go by she/her. What are your pronouns?'"
"Trans women are women; womanhood is an umbrella term; it includes people who identify as a woman."
"The most marginalized people, the people who are impacted the most, have to be at the center of the solution."
"Makeup, no matter what the packaging or marketing looks like, should and can be used by anybody."
"Inclusive design is concerned about not putting up unnecessary barriers for people to use your product."
"The Jackbox Party Pack’s design is supremely inclusive, and makes it the ultimate party game."
"What we stand for as a team... We feel this is the biggest, and we think it's a strong statement that will go around the world for young people to see that inclusivity is very important."
"Brands who have super cute and unique clothes, have size inclusive ranges, are ethically produced and have a powerful mission and message behind them."
"Rebuilding an inclusive, progressive, and prosperous Somalia is fundamental for all Somalis."
"The future is building a brand for every woman, regardless of her shape, size, age, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation."
"Support brands that are pushing for inclusivity, actively avoid supporting whitening products, fairness products."
"Skincare is for everyone. It doesn't matter what skin tone you are, everyone can use skincare."
"I hope that we can keep a conversation going about inclusivity within the skincare industry."
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, bond nor free; we are one. That would change this country, your family, your workplace, your stress level, you."
"We are all great, no matter if you think you're dumb, no matter if you think you're fat. No matter if you've been bullied or no matter if you just got back from Iraq or Afghanistan and you have no legs, or your arms, or whatever man. We all have greatness."
"I have no tolerance for a lack of inclusivity, especially not one motivated by stereotype."
"I want my son to do really well in life, but maybe the world doesn't only belong to him."
"I am a helper, empowering the disabled in their homes and breaking down barriers across languages and generations."
"Writing inclusivity: Just do it. Write diverse characters, represent diverse groups of people."
"There is no such thing as perfect representation, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't strive for it."
"He talked, they taught me this: Don't use the word 'I,' just use 'we.'"
"The only person in my life who really took the time to learn sign language was my friend Jonathan."
"Being sustainable is not a competition, and we should never shame people if they are imperfect because I think we are all imperfect."
"The reality is one of the strengths of this nation is our diversity."
"Trans girls just want to play the sport that they love, just like their cisgender peers."
"Allowing [trans girls] to [play sports] has no negative impacts; actually, it only has positive impacts."
"Humanity: a truly beautiful phenomenon where everyone is welcomed, cherished, and accepted."
"We've become a lot more accepting and celebratory of all kinds of sizes and shapes and body types."
"Inclusivity and diversity shouldn't be a trend because it's not actually taken seriously."
"Racism, sexism, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated."
"Everyone has their part to play to ensure the army continues to be a high-performing, inclusive team."
"It is an individual's choice whether to include their pronouns in introductions and email signatures."
"We have to bring these people that haven't had the chance and make a change."
"She's like the girl you want to be friends with; she's a girl boss, she's not a gatekeeper."
"Every life in this broken, shattered world matters to God."
"Genuine diversity is diversity of temperament."
"We should be teaching our kids that people of different sexualities, family types, they exist."
"I love you and you are welcome here. That's what matters."
"All men are created equal; that's not just all Americans."
"Granted, no one's yours for life regardless of how they voted before, the color of their skin, any other identifying characteristic that would differentiate themselves from anybody else. You've got to go out there and fight for them."
"Let's all try to lose labels, okay guys? It's almost 2019. Let's get rid of labels."
"If a movie connects to someone somewhere, I never want to be the guy who makes them feel stupid for liking something."
"Aspiration isn't something reserved for the elite or the engaged; it's for everyone."
"Our fires are open to all, for as long as you need them."
"It seems like the best thing we can do for people is to call them what they want to be called. We're not redefining anything."
"Why are they so surprised that a diverse team that I assembled, your child, can accomplish extraordinary things?"
"It represented an occasion for decades on end to teach little children the lessons of black history which, irrespective of what color hue you are, are in fact, in this country, your history."
"If we want to make the overall environment of school life better for all students, we should... make that environment more accepting for all students."
"No matter who you are or where you live, we're here to support you."
"I think this is a very important message for every gender in the world."
"To come out of these difficult times stronger, we must combat inequality, promote inclusivity, and look to the social determinants of health for our answers."
"We're making America a better place for everyone."
"It's a better system and it's not like an SJW thing; it's also a really good way of addressing the problems experienced by non-marginalized communities."
"A senior monk once told me that when you give a talk, there should be something for everybody."
"We're all Americans and it doesn't matter if you're black, white, Asian, gay, straight, trans. If you are a citizen of this country, you are an American."
"Nothing will change, though, unless we go after the racial hierarchy that makes whiteness such an exclusive club."
"This is about attracting as many people to the movement as we possibly can. I would like everyone who believes in freedom of speech, who believes in protecting the Second Amendment, who believes in protecting all our individual liberties to come to the movement."
"The common goal has always been to give people accessibility to fitness."
"You're meant to create a safe space for people of color to talk about their experiences, to talk about their view of history, how it has affected their life, how the emancipation has affected them and their families."
"Juneteenth is meant to create a safe space for people of color to talk about their experiences, to talk about their view of history, how it has affected their life, how the emancipation has affected them and their families."
"This outcast for a new inclusive era reminds us that true liberty and acceptance come only when you're finally comfortable with who you are."
"I understand that many people want to feel connected to a higher power and that astrology can feel really good and refreshing and inclusive to people who have left a certain religion or are typically excluded from certain religions."
"By saying I'm spiritual not religious, they're actually very open-minded. I'm open to all truths, not restricted to just one sort of religious set of beliefs."
"Feeling truly seen is about seeing all of you."
"Good representation should allow people to feel seen in the same way a straight relationship is portrayed."
"We really need to have the three dimensions to go simultaneously such that the end results will be equitable, inclusive, and sustainable."
"Be a part of our family and also most importantly, enjoy yourself."
"The more accessibility options a video game has, the better."
"Accessibility is just here, and it's here to stay."
"Your experience isn't affected one iota by the presence of a difficulty slider."
"It's not about adding cheats; accessibility controls are beneficial for everyone."
"A lot of games are including colorblind options."
"As history progresses, one thing we have learned is how to be more inclusive."
"Accessibility does not exist in contradistinction to anyone's creative vision, but rather it is an essential aspect of any experience you wish to be enjoyed by the greatest number of humans as possible."
"The beautiful thing about video games is that there is something out there for everyone, and part of that is that not every experience has to be for everyone."
"It's very important that we totally protect our Asian American community in the United States and all around the world. They're amazing people, and the spreading of the virus is not their fault in any way."
"I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as for those who did."
"If we can redefine these in ways that are more inclusive and it doesn't have negative impacts on people, I don't see the harm in that."
"You wanna unite the working class, you have to stand up for the whole working class. All of them!"
"A big tent third party that will reach out to people across the political aisle."
"The future is inclusive; we need to be integrating, we need to be futuristic in our working together."
"No matter who you are or where you came from or what your skin color is, you can achieve anything you want in this country with your own hard work and your own dedication."
"I am so grateful that they've been prioritizing stuff like this recently. It makes such a huge difference for so many people."
"The sooner that we acknowledge [social rank circuits] and try and find one that generalizes to the goodness of as many members as possible, we're not doing our task. But clearly, you're doing the task."
"Politics is something that we all own. It's for everyone."
"We all want to be represented in fun, cool ways."
"The obligation of a society as prosperous as ours is to figure out how nobody gets left too far behind."
"The rock show doesn't care whether you're a boy or a girl, or who you like to kiss. We're all the same at the rock show."
"Whether you're a dabbler or a pro, a hobbyist or a master, you are creative."
"I see her do that in every room that she's in... just pick the person who isn't getting the attention and see them."
"I'm not here to make the 17-year-old yield farmer in his mom's basement in New Jersey rich. I'm worried about the farmer in Ethiopia."
"We need to train ourselves not to look at differences on the outside but to think about the person."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good evening from wherever you are."
"It's only by naming these things directly that we will be able to build a scientific and medical system that serves everyone in our country with justice and compassion."
"Let's transform our pain into resolve, our tears into perspiration, in our joint effort to build a tolerant and inclusive Canada."
"An inclusive charity providing cuddly soft dolls for both girls and boys in a different variety of skin tones."
"We're proving the people who said Wall Street is only for people who can make money in the investing world wrong."
"Anyone can be a model, anyone can be stylish, anyone can be fabulous."
"I appreciate you guys. If you could just let other people join because there's a lot of people who want to join."
"We need to be inclusive to all, covering the full spectrum from stupidity to intelligence."
"This isn't Black history; this is American history. And in fact, it's not even history at all; it's just another chapter in a story that's still being written."
"One of the coolest things someone can do is scan a room, find a person that is out of place, and try to make them feel like they belong."
"Nintendo seems to be projecting...a normative environment where playing with gender and gender expression is both possible and entirely irrelevant to your gaming experience."
"I'm a big believer that if you have blessings, you don't build a higher fence, you build a longer table."
"The door was always open for women... video games are perhaps the ultimate meritocracy."
"You do not have to worship my god to sit at my table."
"Tolerance for one group does not mean intolerance for another."