
Muscle Growth Quotes

There are 559 quotes

"Hypertrophy is not just about the functional outcome; it's about what is needed to cause the most amount of muscle growth."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Did you know there's a really fascinating experiment done on weight lifters? They lifted no weights for two weeks, they just sat there and visualized themselves lifting weights. They had a 13% increase in muscle mass."
"Training for muscle growth is never going to be the same; it requires adaptation, understanding, and strategic application."
"The pump literally causes muscle growth itself."
"Most of the research, including that done by Mike Israel, says that doing one to three reps from failure, that's all you need to stimulate muscle growth."
"Defining what failure is is so critical in creating muscle growth. There are multiple ways to define it."
"Muscle growth benefits a lot from definitely both eccentric and concentric actions, probably a little bit more from eccentric actions than concentric."
"The beauty about muscle is it can be stimulated to grow at any age."
"The harder you struggle, the more your muscle grows."
"For hypertrophy purposes, resistance training should be performed in a way that maximizes stress on the target muscle."
"High quality and quantity of sleep does seem to be beneficial for muscle growth, whether that is direct or indirect."
"It is certainly possible to achieve long-term muscle growth with substantially less time and effort than what is deemed optimal."
"Proper form, proper tempo, proper mind-muscle connection, that's gonna yield you so much more muscular growth and strength gains."
"The pump is not nearly as correlated with hypertrophy as many think, and mechanical tension is far more important than the pump for muscle growth."
"You need a strong stimulus for that muscle to want to grow."
"There are two roads to hypertrophy: one is the progressive overload track, and the other is the mind muscle connection track. One without the other is insufficient for maximum muscle growth."
"If you are not getting at least seven and a half quality hours of sleep, you're compromising your muscle gains."
"Progressive resistance, meaning getting stronger and lifting heavier weights, is a foundational principle of muscle growth."
"Fasting is not some hack to create muscle growth and anabolism."
"0.5 grams per pound of body weight per day of protein is a hard no for muscle gain."
"Mechanical tension is probably the primary hypertrophy stimulus."
"Mechanical tension could literally be the sole stimulus behind hypertrophy."
"Mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress are the main factors driving muscle growth."
"If this video can help you gain a sizable muscle mass over the next six months a year two years three years on body parts that were lagging boy it's gonna be worth the hour and a half."
"A slower negative will sometimes help build your mind muscle connection."
"Making gains again, you're actually putting on muscle, you're making legit progress. Come on, it's just fun, so freaking fun."
"My arms have grown from a 13.5-inch bicep measurement to a 17.15-inch bicep measurement—god damn, son!"
"Most your muscle growth is going to be the result of your strength level. If you can do 100-pound shoulder press for five reps, that's what's going to be the result of most your back muscle."
"The more food you start consuming the quicker you're going to build muscle mass."
"I put on a lot of muscle in the first year and felt really good."
"If you could gain 10 pounds of lean muscle in 3 months, you would be a genetic phenom in my opinion."
"You gotta let it burn, you gotta let it work, just like any other muscle group."
"For hypertrophy training, the fundamental thing we have to realize is we're stimulating growth at the molecular level."
"When volume is equated between routines, there should be at the very least no difference in muscle growth."
"Protein is an excellent Catalyst for muscle growth and fat loss but only when it's done right."
"Getting stronger has always been a time-tested way to get bigger and vice versa."
"There's a study that was published in the applied physiology nutrition metabolism Journal took a look at 42 men and it found that those that train in the evening time had a 50% increase in their overall muscle growth."
"Your muscles do not grow in the gym, they grow outside of the gym."
"To get symmetry and fullness in a muscle, you need to vary your exercises."
"To create a net anabolic state, train hard, challenge your muscle, and intake the adequate amount of protein and food consistently."
"Your muscles require exercise for growth to occur."
"Cats gained muscle in their sleep. Yeah, no idea. Yeah, that's unbelievable. I wish I could sleep that."
"Adding more weight means we're just adding muscle."
"Estrogen receptor beta agonist...possesses anabolic potency."
"Ecdysterone...worthwhile in exploring for anabolic muscle growth."
"The PPL split: Push, Pull, Legs – a proven formula for muscle growth."
"Work on heavier weights to tap into your strength and muscle growth."
"Your muscles don't grow unless you break them down. And the harder you break them down, the better and more reliable they're going to grow."
"Muscle fibers can increase in length, known as the increase of sarcomeres in series."
"We all know that ATP is an energy currency, so if you're supplementing ATP, you're going to see increases in strength and possibly muscle mass."
"I'm a firm believer that your ability to isolate a muscle is the cheat code to growth."
"There's no magic where like all you're doing that wrong like you have to really fuck up to not get good gains."
"The best exercise for muscle growth is one that most robustly stimulates muscle growth in a single session of measurement but also accumulates the smallest amount of fatigue for that muscle growth."
"Creatine has been shown in over a thousand studies to be effective to most people it allows you to hold on to more water weight intracellular allows you to train harder get more reps and it's very good at helping you build muscle and strength."
"The guy has gained copious amounts of contractile tissue... look at the difference bro, holy [__]."
"Full range of motion: key to optimal contraction."
"Mind muscle connection: slow negatives for growth."
"Fight for your life: commanding biceps to grow."
"Food helps you not get sick, prevent illnesses, food helps your muscles grow stay strong helps your body repair."
"Proper form and focus on the negative and the stretch are key to lifting correctly."
"Because loaded stretch seems to grow muscle the most, and the internal load can be maximized at the stretch."
"Hydration is important and really helps your muscles get the most growth and just get stronger overall."
"You need to be eating enough protein to fuel muscle growth, typically one gram of protein for every pound you weigh."
"Myonuclear domain expansion leads to long-term hypertrophy."
"So that's a great Point yeah it'll kind of sell yeah like the person who's underweight will now put on nice muscle tissue."
"Essentially, being stronger allows you to move more weight with more volume, tearing the muscle down and building it back up."
"So hydration is fluid if you hydrate a cell you get an increase in protein synthesis and a decrease in protein breakdown that is a hypertrophic home run."
"Workout split number one: full body... One of the biggest upsides of this split is that it naturally increases your training frequency which has been shown to result in more muscle growth."
"Protein must be consumed at a high enough amount to foster that muscle growth."
"It was like lighting a fire, or throwing lighter fluid onto the fire. It really ignited the muscle growth and kept me super lean."
"If you're trying to optimize muscle growth it's best to be consistent with your nutrition."
"If whatever you're accomplishing, whatever result you're getting, if you're not enjoying it, that's not a result is it?"
"Remember, these lectures are not about getting cardio training; they're about hypertrophy."
"The hypertrophy Focus bench is solely concerned with creating the biggest possible stimulus for growth."
"You tend to get an extra spike in muscle protein synthesis."
"Muscle building is an internal meditative experience."
"The primary stimulus for muscle growth is mechanical tension."
"Don't forget to train your damn calves because I've seen they can grow if you train them they will grow I promise."
"Bulking and cutting method, not just main gaining in your protein and eating as much food as you're hungry for. If you do that and combine that with hard weight training, you are going to grow muscle slowly over time for sure."
"Don't think if you're training sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, you're not gonna get strong, you will."
"There are green fields of growth for you per muscle if maybe higher volumes than you thought."
"Hypertrophy is one of the most forgiving adaptations." - Dr. Eric Helms
"Generally, I do think if the aim is to maximize side delt hypertrophy, some kind of lateral raise is going to be helpful."
"If you don't push yourself, you won't shred your muscle fibers and then you won't get stronger."
"Choosing your mesocycle length for muscle growth: how long are your mesocycles supposed to be because there's a whole lot of ideas floating around."
"Fat loss forever from Elaine Norton and Hypertrophy from Dr. Brad Schoenfeld are two of my favorites."
"Muscle is built through Progressive overload."
"Sets of 20 to 30 actually do promote very robust gains in muscle size but they might not promote a ton of what we normally call strength."
"You do not necessarily need to damage your muscles to grow them. Soreness is correlated with progress, not necessarily causing it."
"Deloading helps resensitize your body to growth and strength enhancement."
"In order to grow muscle, you need to be eating in a surplus of calories."
"If you naturally have a big appetite, building muscle is going to be a lot easier."
"Almost all of the studies on how nutrition affects gains are conducted on beginners they are so prone to grow because they're [ __ ] new that they Max all their system through put out completely."
"Dietary protein supplementation significantly increases changes in strength, muscle mass, and muscle size."
"You cannot grow muscle without tearing muscle."
"Progressive overload is absolutely key. I don't care how much you focus on mind muscle connection tut and optimal volume if progression is not taking place over time you'll likely not grow."
"Consistent strength gains mean that your muscle building efforts are on the right track."
"Progressive overload, you need to overload your body, you need to overload your muscles in order to grow."
"You gotta feel the muscle contract if you want to actually grow the muscle."
"Muscles are key; if you give your muscles work to do, they gradually increase in size and your metabolism is proportional to that."
"Muscle growth is simply an increase in the size of a muscle achieved mostly via myofibrilla hypertrophy."
"Muscle growth occurs via myofibrilla hypertrophy and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy."
"Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy refers to an increase in the area of the sarcoplasm without necessarily an increase in the number of myofibrils."
"Muscle growth can also occur through hyperplasia, which refers to an increase in the number of muscle fibers within a muscle belly."
"To maximize muscle growth, train with loads that allow around 5 to 20 reps per set and take each set close to failure."
"Periodization involves strategic long-term programming to emphasize muscle growth and efficiency at different phases."
"To maximize muscle growth, trainees should aim to consume at least around 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram per day."
"Using very strict technique is usually going to be just as or even more stimulative for the purposes of muscle growth."
"The overall body of evidence suggests that full range of motion tends to be slightly superior compared with partial range of motion."
"Both faster and slower eccentric tempos can be effective for muscle growth, although slightly slower tempos seem to promote greater hypertrophy."
"It is muscle stress or mechanical tension, however you want to word it, which influences muscle growth, not the load lifted."
"Consistent resistance training and progressive overload is by far the most dominant factor in hypertrophy."
"IGF-1 autocrine or paracrine that gets released by the muscle tissue itself is very anabolic to muscle tissue."
"Training heavier over time is probably going to be beneficial for muscle growth."
"It is probably the training efforts you provide over your entire lifting career that is more predictive of eventual muscle growth."
"The hypertrophy rep range is dead, or at least the 8 to 12 hypertrophy rep range. You can get hypertrophy anywhere between 5 to 50 or maybe even more reps and maximize the muscle growth response on any given set."
"For years we've had a pretty good idea that stretch-mediated hypertrophy is a thing."
"So what this means is for the typical person who hasn't done a lot of weight training, you need to do at least five sets per muscle group."
"Start to include some high velocity movements that allow you to get a stronger, more powerful contraction quicker, and your muscles will respond by actually growing a bit, and having a deeper looking appearance to your abs."
"Muscle growth can be equally achieved across a large spectrum of rep ranges and loads."
"Training closer to failure tends to be favorable for muscle growth."
"...you could feed them an entirely plant-based diet and they were able to put on this same very high amount of muscle as as animal."
"Noticeable muscle growth takes a long time to achieve even if we are training effectively."
"A high daily protein intake will increase the likelihood or magnitude of muscle growth we experience at any energy balance state."
"While longer rest periods tend to produce slightly greater muscle growth on average, shorter rest periods allow for performing more sets within the same amount of time."
"Over time the load we use in the gym should gradually increase as a result of muscle growth."
"All load categories tend to produce similar muscle growth."
"Training anywhere within the approximate 5 to 20 rep range with close proximity to failure tends to produce similar muscle growth on a per set basis."
"Progressive overload should more so be seen as a result of muscle growth occurring rather than something we actively try to force upon during training."
"Ultimately, there is no best or worst exercise for muscle growth."
"Higher daily protein intakes tend to result in superior muscle growth."
"Training is the stimulus for muscle growth. Without a training stimulus, there is simply no reason for the body to adapt."
"You may be limited by the equipment available at any given training facility, and since muscle growth can be achieved with a range of different exercise types, this isn't a major issue."
"...our total daily protein intake is the most important factor regarding protein for muscle growth."
"Did you realize that no matter how much lifting you do no matter how much exercising you do that actually muscle is built most while you sleep."
"It requires a minimum of 30 grams of high-quality protein to trigger muscle tissue. If you eat below that threshold, you don't trigger that tissue."
"It's all about time under tension."
"...as long as you are training close to failure or to failure you're going to see growth in that muscle."
"If you're looking to build muscle there is an amino acid derivative that you might want to know about it's called creatine... helpful for muscle growth and also for cognitive function."
"Pushing to complete failure, or to where your muscle cannot complete another rep safely at least is working the muscle to its full extent and is the prime driver in muscle growth."
"If you're protein deficient, you're still not going to grow muscle and bone, you're just not."
"Sleep is what causes the most amount of progress and muscle growth to recover from everything you're doing to cause muscle growth."
"Muscle grows best under a stretched position."
"Whether it's a body builder trying to put on muscle or whether it's just an adolescent who's growing through a normal lifecycle, egg protein is still going to be the best protein on a per gram basis to grow or to make new muscle."
"Just by contracting a muscle, even if it's not hard enough to make it grow, it's enough to make that muscle more sensitive to the drive of the nervous system."
"Preloading with me, pre-exhausting with doing a lateral raise, whether it's a machine or dumbbell or even a cable movement, is going to be really beneficial before you start going into your compound movements. So those are the basics that are going to help you grow your delts."
"You won't get bigger muscles unless you get stronger muscles."
"The first meal of the day is where nearly all the data for muscle protein synthesis comes from."
"Remember, the language of muscles is tension, and you need to become fluent in that language if you want to grow."
"You're firing almost all of your muscle fibers and that stimulates repair and it stimulates growth."
"So if I lift weights, if I do a bicep curl, I lift heavy enough so that I create a bit of damage in my muscle. That damage, then the body repairs and the muscle goes back stronger."
"Blunt strength work with big movements is an extremely effective method of growth and offers a ton of bang for the buck."
"A slower eccentric Tempo tends to be superior to a fast eccentric tempo for muscle growth."
"When muscles are exercised in their lengthened position, it stimulates what are called satellite cells to replicate faster."
"So, if the target muscle is being maximally stressed via resistance training, it is going to receive the best hypertrophic stimulus."
"Training a muscle through a larger range of motion is generally going to be superior for muscle growth."
"The most important consideration for exercise selection when it comes to muscle growth is that the target muscle is the limiter of each set."
"With all other factors equated, exercises which train the target muscle through a larger range of motion and more specifically train the muscle at a longer length tend to produce superior growth."
"Exercises which provide more tension in the lengthened range of an exercise seem to be a little better for hypertrophy."
"Exercises which train the target muscle in a more lengthened position will often result in superior muscle growth if all other factors are similar."
"Strict and effective technique should always be one of the highest priorities for any lifter focused on muscle growth."
"Unlike strength training, there are no mandatory exercises to maximize muscle growth; a range of different exercises can all be used to equally stress a particular muscle group."
"However, there are some factors we should consider when selecting exercises in the attempt to maximize muscle growth."
"The performance of the exercise itself doesn't result in muscle growth; it is the tension that it places on a particular muscle group which stresses it and causes adaptation."
"Training anywhere in the approximate 6 to 20 rep range results in equivalent muscle growth."
"Strength training is all about failure. We have to try and try again, and then we get that weight, and that's when we start to build that muscle."
"That is the way to work the erector spinae because you're going to get dynamic muscle growth."
"You can literally walk away from your workout not feeling like you got hit by a truck and yet knowing that muscle went as far as that muscle could go."
"You lift heavy weights you're breaking down your muscle you're really breaking tearing up your muscle and so it can rebuild itself basically stronger."
"The pump itself tells you, 'Oh, this is a good environment for muscle growth.'"
"Muscle growth is the net result of muscle protein synthesis being greater than muscle protein breakdown over time."
"Muscle growth is a game of fighting father time."
"Don't forget rest is just a bigger part of muscle growth as the actual work."
"So perhaps it's kickstarting those a little bit more so muscle protein synthesis is increased."
"Sprints would also be included within this realm of type two fiber engagement. Basically anything that's an explosive movement that's happening over a short period of time."
"We want to maximize muscle protein accretion, or the growth of our muscles. We need a proper balance of the two pathways."
"Your development of your physique will go through the roof because you're able to maximally stretch your muscle in the range that you're trying to work through."
"Resistance exercise is fundamentally anabolic."
"Different durations of eccentrics don't change muscle growth."
"Leucine in and of itself has the properties to stimulate all of the key proteins in this path."
"Muscles grow because you damage a muscle fiber when you lift weights."
"Muscles grow by the existing fibers getting thicker rather than splitting to form new fibers."
"The process is simple. You put stress on the muscles, they recover, they overcompensate, and that's muscle growth."
"Muscles grow by the existing fibers getting thicker."
"Almost every bodybuilder rotates exercises approximately once a week... how the [ __ ] did they get that big?"
"I don't see a huge need to push deep towards MRV."
"...as long as you're challenging the muscle that you're trying to grow, often it'll likely grow."
"Given that so many things seem to contribute to growing muscular size but lower reps are necessary for maximizing strength, it begs the question: what is the best way to arrange training to optimize both muscular size and physical strength?"
"Slow-twitch fibers may need more volume to respond to growth than faster-twitch fibers."
"It's for this reason it's suggested to consume a post-workout meal full of protein and amino acids as the body is in a more favorable condition for muscle growth."
"Carb intake has a role in muscle hypertrophy."
"How much muscle can you realistically expect to put on in your first year of training?"
"Pre-sleep protein could possibly be the easiest hack there is to improve muscle recovery and muscle growth."
"Progressive overload is the principle that says to ensure consistent growth, you must constantly place a slightly larger demand on the muscle over time."
"Volume is the most important variable that influences muscle growth."
"Therefore, don't forget the same principles apply for muscle growth when you're doing a recomposition."
"The eccentric phase literally causes muscle growth."
"You don't need to measure muscle growth, and whether you measure it or not probably won't change your results anyway."
"Always choose compound moves if you can... because it's more time efficient, better for the metabolic system, and evokes more muscle growth."
"Exercises which train a muscle in a more stretched position tend to be more hypertrophic."