
Self-knowledge Quotes

There are 1461 quotes

"You will come away from today's episode with tremendous knowledge about how you function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It is impossible to exist in this world without knowing who you are and your identity and your past."
"Self-knowledge is a powerful tool; understanding our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors can lead us towards a path of self-improvement and happiness."
"Just trusting yourself I think is really important. Trusting that you know you better than anybody else is gonna know you."
"In order to know and accept ourselves fully, we need to understand why we think and feel the way we do."
"Start with knowing yourself. Second, start with loving yourself."
"The more self-knowledge you develop and the truer it is, the more the world becomes your oyster."
"You cannot escape from a prison if you don't know you're in one."
"To know thyself... can also be achieved by stepping outside yourself, by discovering other people's lives."
"The only real knowledge you can get is knowledge of self. This is the highest level."
"Knowledge of self is having the power of self in all your elements within you, god-like."
"I think one of the reasons most of us don't know who we are is because we're making decisions that are inconsistent with that true cause, with that why."
"Understanding yourself is as important as understanding external things."
"Know thyself, then you know why the things around you are happening."
"Know yourself: the subtitle 'An Explanation of the Oneness of Being' or 'An Explanation of the Unity of Existence'."
"Only you know what you want and what's going to satisfy you, nobody else."
"We have total knowing of absolutely everything in the moment of knowing it; we are infinite and we are eternal."
"If we would really know ourselves as we truly are, all our problems would actually be solved."
"This is the great lesson: know this within you."
"Know thyself, which is the hardest thing to do in the world."
"The achiever is excited by self-knowledge and self-improvement."
"Know yourself very well, and when your roots are deep, when you're deeply rooted in your identity and who you are, you need not fear any storm."
"Knowing yourself is the most important thing in terms of creating emotional balance and having emotional control."
"Self-trust is knowing it’s believing, it’s knowing yourself, it’s believing in yourself."
"How well do you know yourself, how well do you know other people?"
"He is equal parts renowned psychologist and philosopher, his work brings into question how well we truly know ourselves, what we really want, and how we go about considering and attaining these things in the world as well as the consequences of following false delusions and impossible ideals."
"Trust your intuition because you know you best."
"Knowledge of the self is not like any other; it's direct but hidden in the most obvious of places."
"If you understand yourself and the enemy, you'll win every war."
"The amount of freedom, liberation, and inner peace that comes from knowing who you are at a deep level within is so freeing."
"The first thing is, know your standards in relationships...that's absolutely huge."
"At the end of the day, only you know what's right for you."
"Boundaries are so confusing. And it's not a rule book that isn't personal, meaning no one can tell you some formula that fits everybody for boundaries."
"Get to know yourself. Pay attention to what makes you smile, and don’t be ashamed of it."
"Know thyself. Know what your triggers are, what puts you off the path to being the best version of yourself, and then reverse engineer that."
"If knowledge is power, knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment."
"Learn to set boundaries. This is how you get to know yourself."
"Knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment."
"If they get to know you better than you know yourself, the game is over."
"You can't love yourself until you know yourself."
"The larger purpose of business is not to succeed, but to serve as a theater for self-knowledge, self-actualization, and self-transcendence."
"The biggest lesson I learned... is that when I know who I am, I know what I want, I know how to change myself, I know resilience, and I know belonging."
"Self-knowledge is what allows you to understand everyone else; aim compassion at your own soul, make good the small worlds around you which ripple outwards."
"It's about the aspects of the human psyche; it is actually knowledge of ourselves."
"Know thyself, know the nature, do the work, add value, get the results."
"You have to be able to know thyself, know what you want to do, who you want to be before you try to intertwine with anybody."
"I just want people to get to know themselves, to have a sense of compassion for themselves and their world."
"Once you get a knowledge of self, that pressure is not going to be as bad as it could be."
"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, and how you can still come out of it."
"My confidence does not come from what other people say, or think, not even what my husband thinks. My confidence comes from knowing myself."
"If you know yourself and you know that it's gonna work for you to spend a little bit more money to save more money in the long run, that's great."
"Know your limitations, know what you're good at, know your strengths, know your weaknesses, and don't be embarrassed by your weaknesses."
"Know what it is that you like being good at because that is the kind of self-knowledge we should all spend more time generating."
"I know where I'm from, I know where I'm going, and more importantly, I know that I'm known by the knower of all."
"Adversity is the test of a man; only when he has been tested in adversity can he know himself."
"You only think you're not worthy because you don't know yourself. If you could see yourself, you'd think you were worthy."
"I think it's important people know their ancestry... That's your foundation. You can't know who you are if you don't know where you come from."
"You always have a choice. Don't let other people choose what's best for you because you know what's best for you."
"Interviews like this are a way for me to gain a sense of power over myself through self-knowledge."
"All of the knowledge we gain from life is ultimately self-knowledge which we can use to improve ourselves, our lives, and the communities around us."
"Know thyself, the most important dictum in ancient Greek philosophy."
"You have to know your values. What are your values?"
"When we know ourselves, when we're comfortable with ourselves, and allow ourselves to be the vessels to which these ancestors will speak and do their best work, there is nothing that you can't do. That's how the universe functions."
"You should tell the truth because you know your needs better than anyone else."
"Know thyself, know what works for you, and live the life that makes you happy."
"Know thyself—it's not your autobiography. It's much more like your owner's manual."
"Knowing your truth, no matter what you're pursuing, is so huge."
"You should know more about yourself than anybody else on this planet."
"It doesn't matter if they know your name, it matters if you know what is inside of you."
"Figure out what you want, what you actually want."
"I've always tried to be true to myself and never go out there and pretend to be an expert on everything."
"Nobody knows your body like you know your own body."
"You gotta know what makes you you... but I also think that above all, the quality of what you do should be just as important."
"Do you believe that you can know yourself without thinking about yourself?"
"Don't take quiz results too seriously, no matter what they claim to know about you."
"Collected wisdom informs you about what you are beyond yourself."
"The ultimate goal is self-knowledge and removing personal prejudices."
"Remember, the only way you can know your limits is that you keep testing them."
"No one knows what they want so much as they believe they know what they want."
"Know your truth, know that you release the negative energy."
"I just knew that it was the right thing for me."
"You're like a mini magician, understanding where this power comes from."
"One of the first ways to come to know yourself is to understand that you don't."
"You always know deep down in your heart what you really want."
"If you know your enemy and you know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt."
"If you know who you are and you know the basics... it becomes a lot easier to see a path forward."
"No one knows what's best for you other than you."
"In order to achieve anything in life you must know yourself totally first, know what you really want."
"The answer is within you, you already know what to do."
"The most central command of ancient philosophy: 'Know yourself.'"
"Once you understand who you are, then you will have the keys to unlock."
"If you don't spend time with yourself, then you don't know yourself. And if you don't know yourself, you can't love yourself."
"If you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty."
"There is nobody on this Earth who knows your body more than you."
"I know my body better than just about anything."
"If you don't know the depth of you, you won't understand the depth of your simulation."
"You need to first know yourself, okay? I know that thing is overrated and very cliche, but to be honest, you need to know yourself."
"Trust me, I know what's best for me and I'm gonna make the best move."
"I think humbleness allows us to know that we don't know... the unknown realm is much more vast than this tiny little drop of water called our human mind and our ego." - JP Sears
"Aim for who you are, not who you want to be, not who you think you are. Can you have the humbleness to surrender into the curiosity of who you are?"
"Know thyself. That's your natural way of being."
"Don't be fooled and live your own life and know your own self very well."
"No one will ever know you better than you know yourself."
"Know who you are so nobody else can own you."
"Knowledge about who you are is an end in itself and will help you in so many ways become that human being that I think we all have the potential to become."
"Man know thyself and thou shalt know the universe and God." - Pythagoras, you know, that triangle dude.
"True self-knowledge is never a bad thing and true understanding of what the self really needs beyond inflated or manic ideations that are not based in sobriety is vital knowledge for everybody."
"The direct path to self-knowledge is within us always."
"He knows his game, he knows what he can accomplish, he trusts the work that he has put into it."
"Nobody knows you like you know yourself, nobody knows where you're supposed to go when you're not there yet."
"You meet this person as deeply as you have met yourself."
"Start with knowledge yourself. Who am I? What do I like? What do I want? And what do I need?"
"Fear could not hold down anyone who knows who they are."
"The knowledge of self makes one take on the great virtue of learning."
"Understanding who you are, your strengths, your weaknesses, and the environment you're in - that's the key to not struggling."
"When I do experience peer pressure, I always think to myself, 'Do these people know me better than I know myself? Likely not.'"
"Now I know myself so much better, my reading tastes so much better."
"Just to own what you know and go out there and actually share it."
"Every emotion in your heart represents new ways that the Divine knows itself."
"Nobody knows your hair better than you know your hair."
"Socializing is as important as a decisive battle. Know yourself and your enemy to succeed."
"Know yourself better to create your life in pleasing ways."
"Everyone knows me better than Meyers-Briggs."
"Nobody should ever feel dumb in therapy, you're the expert of you."
"Know and accept who you are and what you want."
"While it's helpful to know what you're good at, it is most important to know what you suck at."
"Black excellence is knowledge yourself and that pride that can't nobody waiver you from."
"We should listen first and foremost to our own experience."
"Knowledge is power and knowing the things that cause you to take action is important because you can use that knowledge to drive that energy in a very healthy and contributing way in your life."
"Only by being on the edge do we know who we are and what we really need."
"True magic is to know myself, is to trust myself, that I won't hurt myself, that I will do everything that I can to bring those inner presences to me."
"Knowing what you want allows you to know what you don't want."
"Knowing: do not ask so many questions when the answers don't satisfy you. You always know."
"Awareness is knowledge of itself, is a unique knowledge."
"You're clear on what you need for emotional security."
"You truly can't love someone until you love yourself or at least know yourself."
"In the physical realm, there's a distance between us, but in the spirit realm, there's no distance."
"You have to know who you are in Christ... before operating in his authority."
"Life just gets easier when you know what matters to you."
"I'm going back armed with a word. I'm going back armed with the knowledge of who God has called me to be."
"The most horrible ignorance is the ignorance of yourself."
"If you do not know yourself, you don't know anything."
"Your own sense of independence is at play here. This is the only thing I know to be true."
"The truce of my hemispheres of thought almost became relegated to the single truth I could fully agree upon... I know nothing and therefore anything is possible."
"Really knowing and really accepting the self can dissolve and heal beliefs that limit us."
"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."
"Just make sure you take care of your identity, make sure you understand where it comes from."
"If you already know what you want for yourself, there's gonna be a person out there that wants the same thing."
"This is where it's really good to know yourself know what works for you and then always stay open because things can change."
"Don't let people decide for you what direction to go in. You guys know yourself better than anyone else at this point."
"Is our differences that blend together that create sustainable and long-lasting results. It's coming together collectively that gives us that power to make a difference." - Tyron Sodomire, Hyatt Hotels VP for Global Diversity
"Understanding your path and knowing who you are."
"You should know yourself better than anybody else knows."
"As long as I know my own path, I know my own truth, and I know where I find my meaning in life, everything is bearable."
"Know yourself, that's why knowledge is so important."
"No one's gonna really find true happiness until you know yourself."
"You know what's going to make you happy, you know your truth."
"If you can't define what you believe in, then what is it that you believe in?"
"Nietzsche developed more penetrating knowledge of himself than any other man who ever lived, or is likely to live."
"Before you try to build anything up that's new, you really do want to be sure of what 10 of cups really does look like for you and what you are willing to put up with and not so that you don't end up like that, that's what I'm getting."
"There's no salvation through another human being. Nobody knows more than you."
"To know yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Truly, we all spend so much time with other people and other things in life, but we never invest any time in getting to know ourselves."
"Ultimately, we are leading other people into self-knowledge, self-respect, and ultimately self-realization."
"Your heart always knows and when you know that it's a heart it's always so accurate and it always knows because it's connected to a greater source from above us."
"You're gonna have this knowing and it will be very freeing and liberating for you."
"It's like you have a map inside of you, you know which way to go."
"All morality, truth, and wisdom come from knowing the self."
"It's like when you know yourself in your uniqueness through the beauty of your being that is so much more powerful."
"The more you understand about who you are, the faster you'll attract what you're supposed to get."
"I think it's a beautiful thing, the number one thing I feel that we need to have is knowledge of self, knowledge of yourself."
"Becoming very grounded and sure of who you are."
"Solidifying who you are, getting to know yourself, what you like, what you value, what is important to you, what makes you feel safe."
"Self-awareness is sexy because at least a man knows what he's dealing with."
"Establishing your own baseline to understand yourself better is crucial."
"You can only build toward happiness when you know who you are and what you want. Compromising on that truth or trying to force others to compromise on theirs will only bring you and them trouble."
"It's like you have to know what you're good at and what you're bad at correct you can't just go right into a kitchen to see what the [ __ ] happens right like you're never going to get anywhere right correct cool 100."
"Trust your own intuition because you know your circumstances."
"The more that you know of yourself, the more comfortable you're naturally going to feel to open your heart out more to other people."
"Whoever does not know self does not know anything, but whoever knows self already has acquired knowledge about the depth of the universe."
"Know thyself and you will know the universe and the Gods."
"That's a guy that knows what he likes, what he doesn't like, and what he likes is good stuff."
"To know thyself is to be back connected to your nature, producing goodwill."
"You'll know exactly what it is that you want, exactly what it is that you need to do."
"You know yourself better than anyone else. And if you don't, you're doing it wrong."
"Know what's right for you and make your decisions accordingly."
"The only opinion that is actually relevant and valid is your own because you're the only person that knows yourself inside and out."
"You don't have to be in a relationship to know what you want."
"Quietly ask your heart, it already knows the answer."
"It presumes that we know what's best for our lives."
"Your feelings are your intuition revealed through your emotions."
"It's knowing something about yourself, trusting yourself to go into the void of the unknown."
"When you really know who you are, nothing can override this knowing."
"It’s obviously the desire to live that gives rise to many other desires."
"There arises the desire for what gets called enlightenment or truth, or self-knowledge."
"Know yourself, know your power, know your understanding... prosperity is yours because now it's also about consistently working towards it."
"Underneath intuitively on a core level you know exactly what you need to do."
"You're stepping into your power and you're gonna know what to do next."
"Don't be afraid, you have to know who you are."
"To love yourself, you have to know yourself."
"Your job is to know your truth and keep on digging deeper to really refine your truth until you finally get to the bigger truth."