
Social Skills Quotes

There are 1794 quotes

"Empathy is the ability to feel, or at least think we feel what others feel."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You have zero friends; okay, how about our first goal is that within six months, you have one friend?"
"Part of self-improvement is actually having a social life; it's improving your social skills."
"We show up differently when we have that level of confidence. When you can walk into a room, meet 20 strangers, and leave saying goodbye to every single one of them by name, you show up differently."
"There is something likeable in everyone, it's your job to find it."
"Improve your eye contact by acknowledging their existence, that this is a real person in front of you who's had their entire life story before you."
"To improve your social intelligence, you don't actually have to be great in social situations right now."
"If you focus on what other people want, you will be popular for the rest of your life."
"Just read this book. It's like the bible of social skills."
"Challenge the assumptions, whether it's social skills, whether it's the business that you're doing."
"Humor, wit, and charm... cut through an awful lot of the biases."
"It's more important to be interested in others than to be interesting."
"Empathy is the art of stepping into the shoes of another person, and looking at the world from their perspective."
"Social interactions can be taught. You can understand and break down the formula of how to be socially adept."
"Just a little show of empathy... sends the right signal."
"As the internet gets better and technology advances, we become more socially inept."
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming genuinely interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
"To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments."
"There is one magic requirement to get the most out of this book: a deep, driving desire to learn, with a vigorous determination to improve your social skills."
"Finding things in common with someone to create a connection...it's very basic and simple but it's a great way to connect with people."
"If you could walk into a room of strangers and leave saying goodbye to 20 strangers by name, who are they all going to remember? That's a standout skill."
"Humor is a very useful tool because it makes you more interesting... but fundamentally if it's not showing attractive qualities, it's gonna work against you instead of for you."
"You help make your children socially acceptable, and you will increase their self-esteem."
"Social skills to learn networking and how to entertain an audience and a massive amount of good luck doesn't hurt either."
"You're not going to be a master in this world unless you know how to get along with people. We're social animals."
"Fortune favors those who can read human psychology."
"You can be brilliant at hacking computers or whatever, but if you're terrible with people, your life is going to be hell."
"When people first meet me, they like me instantly."
"Every day, if not once in a while, we must make a great first impression."
"If somebody says something mean to you, the proper response is not to call their mother a name. That's the first thing you learn when you're a kid."
"It's like if you lived in a world where no one worked out. How quickly could you go to the gym before your body made you exceptional? It wouldn't take very long, and that's the world that we live in with regards to charisma. Nobody's working on it, so all you have to do is this very small amount before people are going to start to notice that you're in an elite tier."
"Cultural competence... Basically social skills across cultural lines."
"Learn how to take a joke. Learn to make a joke."
"IQ is about know-how. EQ is about know you. And I'm going to add something else: knowing people."
"You can have money, you can have possessions, you can have things, but if you want to have a long-term relationship with a woman of value, you're going to have to have social skills proficiency."
"The social side of success, if we don't improve our soft skills to match the level we're at or where we're going, you're going to limit your success."
"Invest in your social skills... By the time you're 30, you should be able to talk to anyone."
"Being funny, being fun to be around, being somewhat intellectually interesting are the three more important traits for a guy to date girls."
"Life happens out there in life; people, your ways of interacting with people, your social skills, your soft skills, are going to determine whether or not you have a happy, healthy, productive life or a life that's just misery."
"Most just want a decent amount of social calibration and self-confidence."
"I've learned so much and I've observed how people interact socially... I understand sarcasm now."
"Approaching people is a skill; it's like bike riding. And just because someone can ride a bike doesn't mean they're going to be a good romantic partner."
"The most interesting person in the room is the most interested."
"One of the coolest things someone can do is scan a room, find a person that is out of place, and try to make them feel like they belong."
"The first skill and probably the most important that will make you rich is social skills."
"You become more attractive by being aware of these five qualities: autonomy, setting boundaries, having high standards, holding strong opinions, and being genuinely fun."
"Social skills are the tools we use to communicate, relate, and build relationships."
"Being a great conversationalist is actually a specific social skill."
"Being funny is a very specific social skill."
"Life is so different when you are good in social situations, and you become that guy who you've always been somewhat envious of."
"Focus on being empathetic. Feel what they feel."
"When acquaintances share personal stories too soon, it's often a sign of poor boundaries."
"Most humans don't have really good emotional maturity or relationship skills."
"Even if you're in intimate social settings, you're still ultimately going to need to lay on the charm, do some flirting, generate some attraction, demonstrate some masculinity and confidence."
"Networking isn't about trying to take other people's time, it's about being a nice person."
"Confidence matters a lot, and the ability to command a room when you walk into a room is kind of like an alpha move for me."
"She could talk to anybody and everybody... and that was Nancy."
"You want to show the best sides of yourself so that people want to be your friend as well."
"What persuasion is, is the ability to get people to comply with you."
"You're forced to go out and have new conversations with people and meet new people, and that's a really valuable skill."
"Highly charismatic people have to have the perfect blend of two traits: warmth and competence."
"Presence is the most important social skill that you could learn."
"A lot of people think that charisma is something you either have or you don't, but that's not the case. You can absolutely train yourself into having charisma."
"Board-gaming gives us an opportunity to learn to be better people because you have to interact with other human beings."
"Social skills are the key for social power among humans."
"How you treat others and engage with others and build relationships is really important."
"Everybody likes confidence... usually, you have to be pretty charismatic, you have to have good conversation skills, you also have to be somewhat authoritative."
"A child that has been concertedly cultivated will often express greater social prowess in social situations involving formality or structure."
"Monogamy is amazing... but I also think that people use monogamy as an excuse not to get better at dating and socializing."
"You just gotta... it's the same as being in a relationship in any other capacity; you just have to have mutual respect."
"Proper dinner etiquette will take you a long way."
"One of the most valuable skills that I can have is to express my thoughts well, to articulate them well, to be a well-liked person honestly, and to be good at socializing."
"Being good at socializing is a muscle; it's something that you need to practice."
"The more you can get people talking about themselves and what they are passionate about, the more they will feel like you are really there for them."
"The biggest challenge in the structured game was the transition from attraction to comfort, making it believable and seamless."
"Good game makes you more interesting, actively improving your storytelling and humor."
"This mobile device has really ruined things because people have lost the ability to create and make small talk."
"Every interaction you have is more or less a negotiation for a desired outcome."
"I hope you'll be ignored so you know the importance of listening to others."
"Most people listen to respond instead of listening to actually hear."
"People like to deal with people they feel good around."
"Open yourself up to opportunities, make yourself a little bit more approachable."
"Homeschool students...are much more capable and confident when interacting with people who are older than them."
"Learn and understand attraction. Take pride in social and personal development."
"Building your social skills is like building a muscle; you just need to talk and find out what works."
"Practice being outside, practice being around people, practice talking to people. You've got this. I believe in you."
"I feel like I missed the memo on social interactions, right? Like, that's my entire career, is trying to write up that memo again."
"Your fundamental job as a parent is to ensure that by the time your child is 4 years old, they are maximally desirable to other children and to adults."
"You have a way with words. It means you think that the other person is a good communicator."
"What really started to shift things for me was when I started spending time with guys that were really successful with women and discovering what those little subtle differences were that made the difference."
"Being alone for a long time has worsened my ability to interact, understand human emotion, and common sense. Watching you, my lord, made me want to improve despite being bad at it."
"Socialization is like a muscle; when you exercise it, you get stronger."
"He's just a people guy. You just can't help but like him."
"Good table manners are proof of your social skills and because of that, they are often part of an interview process."
"The first step towards making friends and influencing people is rapport."
"Empathy requires your ability to map somebody else's mind, to sort of simulate what they are feeling, what they're experiencing."
"You need to be social, you need to be friendly, you need to be inviting."
"Is it accurate to blame technology for declining social skills?"
"Being able to read how a person feels is really key in developing a successful social relationship."
"It's not about how much money you make, it's about the hands you shake."
"You must have confidence. That's going to prevent social awkwardness."
"The opener is not important because the opener just gets the conversation going. The real shit is keeping the conversation going."
"This was unexpectedly kind of wholesome and normal, and people have good communication skills."
"Elegant women are the ones that are good conversationalists and that have a general idea about everything."
"What does the future look like if our kids can't read, write, or perform basic social skills?"
"You guys definitely have a high level of empathy, and that's what makes you super attractive to others."
"You guys know how to make the right connections with people, and you connect with people really easily."
"I have to offer really good conversation... and I can cook."
"No matter what you do, you're gonna have to talk to people."
"I want to see how you treat people who you don't think you need."
"It's about not just how you look but how you treat them how you talk to them the energy that you bring to the table all of that needs to be maintained."
"Networking is just asking directions. You know, you're lost in town."
"The believer gets along with people very easily, easy to get along with." - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
"At the end of the day in high stakes you have to be like someone people want to play with like that's what matters more."
"People want to talk if you're willing to just listen."
"A lot of the success of this place I think depends on the social skills and the communication and the visioning together."
"Games are educational experiences because they are one of the most important ways children have of finding out what it takes to live with other people."
"Elizabeth seemed to know just how to approach everyone, showing motherly kindness to one, jesting daringly with another, or flirting outrageously with yet another."
"They have better attention spans, better social skills without the constant monitoring of phones."
"Confident people feel comfortable in their own skin and accepting of their imperfections, which makes them more charismatic and likable in social situations."
"It's not even about emotional sympathy as much as it is the idea of 'I'm interested in what you have to say.'"
"Understanding others' perspectives is crucial in becoming effective."
"If you want people to appreciate having you around, learning how to listen is unbeatable."
"You should be able to talk to anybody and listen if you want to learn something."
"I wasn't always a great flirt because how it used to be was that I would see a guy that I liked... Can you imagine that? How ineffective that strategy was?"
"Small talk is good as long as it is done well because when done well, it's just talk."
"Mirroring people is a slightly manipulative trick, but it's very powerful."
"Trust yourself, have confidence in your own path."
"Good manners can open doors that the best education cannot."
"Maintain good eye contact to establish trust."
"Being able to confidently put anyone in their place... it's one of the most freeing, confidence-building things I've ever learned."
"Once you have all 11 of these comebacks at your disposal... people will treat you differently with a level of respect."
"A hidden ability can be just knowing the right people."
"Be a better conversation this now what I was talking about earlier with the not giving a [__] not giving a damn aside from that just talking to women being able to carry a conversation that's it guys."
"Focus on making friendships. That is how you actually end up meeting people."
"Open your body language, get your hands out of your pockets, have a nice smile."
"If you don't show your appreciation for people this month you failed."
"Some people come along and know how to connect with people."
"Learning to navigate the positive and negatives of the social world is very important."
"I think it's because I didn't feel like I had a lot of that when I was younger."
"People who are good at speaking get so much further in life."
"Love these people, understand these people, try to come to even ground and reason with them as best you can."
"You're not going to fix these problems with technology. You're going to fix them with social skills and common sense."
"I hope that this gave you a taste of the fascinating world of etiquette."
"You know what, sometimes Blue is, um, really bad at talking to people. And I feel like I've learned that when this happens, we just gotta leave, you know?"
"The best way to become a Magnetic Personality is to develop a genuine interest in other people."
"Did anyone ever teach you how to have friends? No, it's assumed that we'll just pick it up by osmosis."
"You don't have to offend anyone if you've got any sort of social intelligence you can really navigate this issue without offending anyone."
"Show him that you won't get turned down if he comes over to chat with you."
"Some of you are miserable because you're mean. Why don't I have any friends? Because you're mean. This can be fixed in part very easily though. Just stop being mean."
"Self-deprecation is such a powerful tool to get people to open up to you."
"College provides an invaluable social experience where for the first time in your life you're on your own so you learn how to fend for yourself you learn how to interact with roommates strangers so you get social skills."
"Playfully challenging conversation is attractive conversation."
"She had a way of making everybody feel comfortable, even a person who's an introvert and shy. She'd bring that person out."
"Developing that quality as a person of being the initiator it's gonna be the most effective for you and seeing progress of making friends because it's in your control and in your hands."
"I think people just like talking to me because I make them feel comfortable, it's a Vibe."
"It's like turbo mode networking with some people."
"The real trick is regulated expression of arrogance and humility."
"That's a trick to staying around for a long time is that you are kind and you make people feel warm and they always remember."
"We have to be able to talk to each other as human beings."
"Life is about people, so if you're an A student at production, but your day-to-day is an F student, it's social life."
"People matter, and you need to understand people."
"The skill of pickup is invaluable and priceless."
"It's hard to trust people... you have to be sociable... to an extent."
"Encourage a culture of appreciation within your social and professional circles."
"Networking just simply means building genuine relationships."
"Strengthening and understanding these social superpowers will help our children for their entire lives."
"You're right Tim I was raised by a single father I definitely do better in discipline area but have way less social skills than my single mom friends."
"I was a shy little guy... the Scout leaders asked me what I learned and what requirements I did... then one of the leaders said, 'Can I give you some advice? You could work on your eye contact.'"
"Give them a reason to want to hang out with you."
"Loneliness affects income and health, reflecting deficiencies in relationship skills."
"You're now mentally explosive, mentally capable of figuring out what you want to do, who you want to be friends with."
"It's important to develop the skill to know when it's inappropriate to chime in."
"I feel like you need to be able to mold to those types of people because they're really useful."
"You're gonna become more talkative, more witty, people will say, 'So handsome, funny, and smells good,' you know, and says such interesting things."
"Making people feel like they were the most important person in the room."
"Listening is just staggeringly useful if you want to widen your social network and also learn."
"Be patient with new people coming into your life."
"I just feel like that would give us the ammunition to have empathy for others."
"Empathy and understanding can go a long way."
"It's just about talking to people. Everyone's still awkward around that time. Just be yourself."
"Everybody at some point in their life has met someone who they would consider to be truly likable."
"Equine therapy can even help people boost self-esteem or cope with social stress."
"Sometimes when you're talking to someone you might run out of things to talk about, don't worry it happens to everyone."
"You look someone in the eyes, you shake their hand, you speak to them in a proper manner. That will get you started straight away."
"No one benefits when you talk past each other."
"You have lots to offer. People are going to enjoy hearing your feedback, they're just going to enjoy your company."
"A highly sensitive person could emote more empathy."
"If it's used in the pursuit of self-development and self-understanding and it's more just a way of how we learn to socialize with one another, then I think that it can be very helpful."
"If you've got any class or any style, you have to give bad news well."
"I didn't start drinking until I was 23, and that really helped me. They call it the great social lubricant. Well, it helped me open up."
"No one really cares how smart you are if you cannot get along with people."
"Creators of deep emotional intimacy. INFJs can quickly establish rapport with people."
"Megan has this unbelievable inability to be able to talk to other people or about anything that's not herself."
"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people then you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."
"Being likable is absolutely a skill, and it's practiced."
"Conversations make people feel comfortable and connected. I can't think of a single area in life where that won't be useful."
"Know how and when to end a conversation... people tend to remember how things end more than how they started."
"Andrew was genuine, he could talk to the top people in their fields about anything."
"Successful cold approaching builds more cold approaching."