
Personal Impact Quotes

There are 7432 quotes

"And yet, on whole, having bipolar disorder is extremely detrimental and challenging to the person suffering from it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Oliver Sack's autobiography, 'On the Move,' had a profound impact on me."
"Self-awareness, knowing what you're feeling, why you feel it, how it affects what you do."
"If there's anything that I could possibly share that even a tiny nugget of what I share helps them become more of who they want to be, then I feel I have done my job successfully."
"What you believe about yourself has the power to create massive outcomes."
"You saved my life, bro. You changed my life."
"Hey, you saved my life. You saved my life, bro."
"I'm so grateful for her and how much I love her and how she literally made me the person I am."
"If you don't have self-awareness, you don't understand that the things that are going on around you are because of you."
"Never in my days have I been so blessed to find a show like this."
"One person's enough. Changing one person's perspective is enough."
"I loved it all of it, so to me that was so meaningful."
"Go beyond the personal to a higher connotation of the energy. Look how it's affecting worldwide, then bring it back to seeing how it's affecting you the same way personally."
"To look at the Moon every night now and know that we have new hardware there, that we had a hand in building in our lifetime, something I couldn't say before, really was a magical day."
"Stoicism is probably one of the most significant philosophies in terms of actually impacting my life."
"I know for a fact I'm changing hearts and minds because I see it face to face."
"This could be a pivotal night for Impact Wrestling as a whole, and Mickie James as a person."
"As for Auschwitz, I can finally understand what people mean when they say you have to see it in person for it to truly hit you."
"I have been so anxious because of the bet we made."
"Everything that we do, even the forgivenesses we have in our own heart...has cosmic significance."
"My life has been forever changed. There's no question about that."
"I always find that when you're active in making the change, you actually carry the burden less."
"Dr. Curry, she was probably one of my favorite moments just because I really liked her testimony."
"Stop discounting yourself. Stop carrying these bags of your life of the things you're embarrassed or ashamed of or that you think are insignificant. Those are the things, you, precious you, that could change another precious human being's life in a moment where they need you the most."
"The fate of the world as it careens through eternity is actually a consequence of the ethical decisions of each of us."
"Trauma is not what happened to you; trauma is the wound that is sustained as a result."
"I am where I am today because of this game, in multiple ways."
"It changed my life. I fell in love with the hardware and it truly felt like the biggest generational leap in hardware ever."
"It's easily the single most impressive event of my life."
"I'm amazed by people's abilities to build companies or incredible art. But for me to admire someone, that means they've done something that really touched my soul."
"These forecasts are projections, and they can change with your actions and with the government's actions."
"Your energy is more impactful when you walk into a room than your physical appearance."
"The Autobiography of Malcolm X had such an effect on me in terms of crafting a direction."
"It's such a good movie. I loved it. I really didn't think I would like it this much, but I truly, truly love this movie."
"Most people actually don't care about the moral consequences of climate change; they care about the actual impact to their lives."
"I robbed people of the ability of their own ability to solve the problem... I stole from them the joy of self-discovery."
"It's absolutely heartbreaking to me that she feels like her entire life has been stolen from her."
"Gaining fame is amazing, being famous is a mixed bag, and losing fame is terrible."
"Our attitudes towards life doesn't affect the world and the people in it nearly so much as it affects us."
"If you look at the consequences of your purchases in depth, if you think about the message, the result, the meaning in your own and in others' lives, then you can become a kind of ethical consumer."
"You've made a profound impact on my life, and I can't thank you enough."
"We have to all be on the same page that this is a big issue on a national systems level and it should not bombard your daily life as a person trying to enjoy a happy time in their life with fear."
"If we do not do what we cannot do, there is no issue. If we do not do what we can do, we are a disaster."
"Halo Reach was an incredibly influential game that completely changed my relationship with the medium."
"He makes my life like 10 million times easier."
"You don't realize how important you are to people in general, until you are in these spaces."
"The same religion that can change someone's life and make them a better person can also make another person hate themselves."
"Not everyone gets affected by all the eclipses... It will affect a certain area of your life, but for some, it might just be an emotional experience."
"The gift is sitting right fucking here; it's me."
"It was that event that you impressed me most, and you made me feel so special."
"You are a beacon of light to the awakening and your light creates the space for evolution."
"Greatness is not about changing the world; it's about changing the world around you and changing the world within you."
"I strongly believe Bravery Buddies is the reason I survived."
"The world makes room for passionate positive people."
"If you don't change the way you operate, you are going to continue to negatively affect this woman's spirit, which ultimately negatively affects your child's well-being."
"His impact on me is everything. He gave me hope."
"I don’t understand why Canadians and Americans can travel to France or Spain, enjoy a holiday together, but we can’t reunite with our families and rejoin our properties."
"Knowing God... means that information... stops being information and it sinks down to where it has personal impact, gets into your heart to the place where it affects you."
"One of my favorite and one of the most important movies ever for me personally because of the impact that it has had on me."
"He'd had 16 close friends he used to see every week, now only four were left alive."
"I never check my mentions because it'll be somebody that I know saying something shitty about me, and that hurts."
"The first question that you're going to ask yourself when you get rejected is: Why me? Why am I the one?"
"We're all contributing to harm in some way, and it speaks to the broader issue of the complexity of all of this."
"To be a failure in life is something that we all fear the most. Success brings you money, things, praise, and overall admiration, but what does failure bring? Failure brings shame, embarrassment, money troubles, and worst of all, you can become a laughingstock or the freak show of the internet."
"You are doing more way more than you realize. You're doing actually like 80% of it."
"It injected hope into my bloodstream, and now I walk around every day with this healing pulse of hope."
"You're helping him understand that he matters."
"It's a terrible thing to place on somebody with absolutely no fact. It has harmed my reputation."
"No one is more influential in your life than you are because no one talks to you more than you do."
"Reading has left a massive impact on my life, and it can for you too."
"A man who is able to polarize people exudes tremendous confidence."
"Like finding a thousand-pound on the ground - if you're an average person, it's huge; if you're Bill Gates, it's nothing."
"From the first verse, I knew... this different."
"True, true joy is seeing how people's skin has improved... and seeing just the confidence that comes along with their skin being glowy, healthy, happy."
"What you look like has no impact on how you can positively impact this world."
"First impressions matter, first impressions create a precedent."
"What a wonderful thing I was blessed by it, and my heart breaks that my boys don't have nearly as many great male role models."
"I've had a fair bit of that over the last number of years. I mean, I was very unhappy with the Canadian government's language law provision, Bill C-16, and my comments about that caused a whole sequence of chain reactions, I suppose, that changed my life completely."
"My sister affected every single human that she came across in such a positive, radiant way."
"Now, over the years, I’ve got messages from some of you saying that, you know, you were on a bad road, and my videos helped you off of it. To me, those were wins."
"I think my personal favorite is Chris asking about me, Chris Rock, I thought that was like my moving moment."
"Nancy was a light. She absolutely was... This world is a darker place without her in it."
"I always told Nancy that she was one of the few people that were good, that were left on this Earth, and I meant that."
"You influenced me to a degree I don't know if I could tell you without it sounding like some of your stuff, and I do see I feel you, you're not a thief, you're just an influence."
"It's got to be crazy to blow up from nothing and end up with 28 million followers."
"I was blown away when I first saw this, and I still haven't forgotten that moment."
"In Singapore, if your wife calls and says you can't come anymore, then you're banned."
"That scene blew my mind. It changed my life."
"That movie had a tremendous impact on me... watching Lawrence of Arabia in 70 millimeter alone in a theater for four hours."
"You will always have an audience. You have an audience. Your audience could be just one person, your family, but you have an audience."
"Greg talked about how his girlfriend had impacted so many people with her positive attitude and her energy during her short stay on this planet."
"You are so strong, you are so compelling that you make this person feel like they're unraveling."
"Maybe I could talk about all four of them: what do these four have in common? All their lives were ruined by the show Total Drama."
"The stories that harm humanity usually start by harming you. They turn up the volume of the angry voices in your head, and fear and anger and hatred harm you long before they harm anybody else."
"I love the color purple, it changed my life."
"He's hypnotizing, like if you start listening to him, you can't stop."
"Your energy gives a lot of value simply by you being you."
"Everyone got no haters, that mean you ain't doing no wrong."
"It's not about who people think I am... it's about how you inspire them, how you help them, how you encourage them."
"The unwritten expectations on being a man are a big part of how our lives are shaped. For some, it works out fine. For others, it's a disaster."
"The manner in which I dressed, the type of things that I was wearing, had a causality in my life, it was affecting my life."
"The emo genre, much like others before it, produced a wide range of music that many people hold close to their hearts even to this day."
"You never know who you're gonna meet, and maybe they change your life or you change their life."
"These are all books that I read when I was in my 20s and they all had a tremendous impact on my life."
"She's one of the most incredible people I've ever met."
"If something happened here where I had to declare bankruptcy, it could very strongly affect my day job." - Rico, discussing the potential impact of the restaurant's failure.
"If you find yourself relating to some really sinister villain dude, well, that hits you harder and that's far more interesting."
"It's so relevant to me in my life. I'm like, there's no way I'm not crying."
"Every single thing you do matters; every second of every day is the most important second in that moment."
"I try to walk as softly as I can on this earth, do as little damage as possible."
"The atonement of Jesus Christ is infinite and eternal and all-encompassing in its breadth and depth but wholly personal and individual in its effects."
"The Black Ops 2 campaign will probably genuinely stick with me for the rest of my life."
"What I'm saying is, video games are pretty dang cool. They're so cool that they basically define my entire life, and Celeste is one of the best ones I've ever played."
"Over the past decade, it's done amazing things for my life, has done amazing things for the world. I'm definitely grateful for all of that."
"This is the pinnacle of impact on human life that I can actually point to."
"Don't worry about changing the world, change one person's life. If we can focus there, stay there for a little bit, we're going to get to that thing maybe. Otherwise, it's all good because you're still doing the work that you were born to do."
"You inspire them, you motivate them to do their own thing too."
"If there's one word that I've heard people use to describe the past time and time again, it's 'haunting'. I feel like this game has haunted me for years."
"Every time that I see you in person, I come out much richer for it."
"The most gratifying work that I do isn't with huge numbers. It's talking to one person at a time. I want to help you, whether the internet is watching or not."
"If tomorrow we found conclusive evidence that Alexander the Great never won a single battle, my life would change not one little bit."
"Each one of those was like a dagger to me... it really kind of shocked my conscience and made me think more deeply about the subject of race."
"Even if it's about you, it is not about you."
"Gerald, as you know, was my mentor, and he was a friend of mine."
"I think that my very cells are rebelling against the absence of this glorious work."
"Am I a revolutionary? I change the game? Yes."
"The song itself reminded me so much of like old K-pop, and that's what first drew me in."
"This song played through my entire year and made it so much better. What a masterpiece of a song."
"To the world, you were only a soldier. To us, you were all the world."
"You were the first gay person I'd ever met. To me, you were what it means. And I wasn't going to stay in the closet after that."
"I love this game. This game has genuinely changed my life. I owe a massive debt of gratitude to the people who create this game."
"Bella is great. It's one of the things I get from watching it."
"It's one of the films that got me really interested in Titanic in the first place, mainly because it was done really well."
"I remember being outside on a summer day and just sitting there reading a book and just having my mind completely blown."
"One Piece has changed my life...it got me through some not so amazing parts of my life."
"The only thing that determines how much money you make is how much value you can provide to other people's lives."
"For me, a message that's always resonated... is about standing up for what you believe in and how one person has the ability to affect something."
"Without them, I wouldn't be here now. I wouldn't have the opportunity to speak to you as I do, and especially with the confidence that I speak to you because I have literally a half a century of people's work to confirm what I tell you is true, without any doubt."
"I lost a lot of my confidence because I was devastated."
"He made me a whole person. I owe you everything."
"Every week I get an email or a Facebook message...who tells me that that speech changed their life."
"The more you you are, the more magnetic you are."
"When the verdict was announced, I got quiet because I just wanted to sit with this moment. Someone just took a thousand pounds off my shoulder."
"How you are internally has an effect on the world but also on yourself."
"There's something for me here about this ending that I absolutely love."
"This is your chance to develop a richly personal narrative where your choices have consequences."
"It was quite simply the most emotionally connected I had ever been with a show."
"Never let anyone dim your star. Be fierce and protect that spark at all costs because many people's lives are better for having you in the world."
"Shame destroys you. Physically, mentally, it destroys you."
"If I put out a song and five people are moved by it, then that's success to me."
"It is now energetically time for you to put yourself out into the world and to speak your truth."
"You inspire many, many people or you will throughout your life."
"Our actions don't matter in a cosmic sense, but that doesn't mean they don't matter."
"You can't really save the whole world but trying to save a little bit is more than enough."
"Like characters in a good story, we long to be impactful."
"Every person talked about his kindness and how he shaped their lives."
"Building a person's own self-confidence and belief in their own abilities to actually have a positive impact on their lives, I still think that that is the key path to happiness."
"Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate. If you're stable, everything around you becomes far more stable."
"These quiet gestures you do every day for other people that the rest of the world doesn't see on Instagram and it doesn't get you on YouTube and it doesn't get a million views, but you're not invisible to them."
"Together, we can reduce our impact on the planet one step at a time."
"That means the world to me. That's what this is all about."
"Retirement does different things to different people."
"He wrote several books without getting published and he kept going, and that type of perseverance had a profound impact on me."
"You're one of the more interesting people that I know."
"I think it's fair to say we disrupted all the calculus the day I got in."
"The amount of people you influence is remarkable."
"Having your stuff stolen is literally one of the worst feelings in the world."
"Life itself, the Roger Ebert documentary... a massive influence on me."
"I think this is the most important story I have ever worked on."
"His dangerous breed of love would not only endanger his life on numerous occasions, but he would also be plagued by the deaths of those closest to him throughout most of his life."
"I've been touched by the divine, and I do not know if it's a curse or a blessing."
"Don't vote against someone... vote on what you think is going to affect you the most."
"It's crazy how many people even know who I am... and how many people came together to make everything easier for me."
"Mac Miller was a huge influence on me. I loved his music."
"When someone really connects with a thing that I've made, when they see themselves purely in my work, there's nothing that feels better."
"Jesus is returning soon, and I guarantee you this will straighten you up in your chair."
"My life has completely changed because of social media."
"You make people feel very inspired and refreshed."
"This one delivers like no film I've seen in some time. My best movie-going experience in years, bar none."
"Chloe and I agree with Mark that success simply cannot be defined by your net worth or your degrees or job but the effect you've had on the world and who you are as a person."
"The cancellation of Artifact 2.0 was honestly heartbreaking to me."
"I don't think I've ever seen a more epic moment."
"The Reptarium truly was life-changing on so many different levels."
"I was so nervous about today, but this was actually really great. I really hope that my story and everything helped connect with others."
"When I was coming back from the war, we passed through Hiroshima...it was said that for the next 72 years, not a single blade of grass would grow there, and that really stayed with me...I have a kind of hatred of nuclear weapons. It's horrifying to make such weapons and use them on one city and then another."
"This is one of just the most honest books I have ever read."
"I had a voicemail on my personal cell phone, a grown man in tears, thanking us for taking the time."
"You saved my life, and no, literally, you have saved my life."
"Star Trek has many intrinsic merits, but the main reason it means so much to me is that it hit me at a formative age."
"I put that in there about my mom and my daughter because I think it's important for people who don't necessarily think about it to understand that this politics of personal destruction that has become so commonplace in Washington, you know, whoever the victim, whatever their political background, it does affect the people who love them."
"I had a very important effect on me, a positive effect on me growing up."
"Words cannot properly describe the sheer amount of joy this game brought me."
"I deeply regret all the hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example."
"It's not what we give up as much as what we get. It impacts not only us but generations to come."
"I still love YouTube and it completely changed my life for the better."
"That memory has never left me at all. It's carried everywhere I go when I think of pro wrestling."
"It's one of those things you would struggle to believe on TV, but when you see it happen to your own family, you aren't afforded the luxury of disbelief."
"You can stick your head in the sand and say it doesn't affect me, but your feet are still on the ground, and the earth is still getting warmer."
"This show has done for me and my life, and where I feel my potential's going, and I'll be forever grateful for that."
"When you really get to know yourself, you realize that when you ignore others and when you mistreat others, very often it harms you even before it harms them."