
Mortality Rate Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Interaction nervosa is the most deadly psychiatric disorder by a huge margin."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Once you hit the age of 65, if you fall and you break your hip, there's a 15 to 30 percent chance you will be dead within the next 12 months."
"This was our prediction that if we do a really good job, we'll be at about a hundred and a hundred thousand to two hundred and forty thousand deaths."
"By the end of July 1665, nearly 300 Londoners a day were dying of plague."
"We finished up with... about 880,000 deaths from COVID-19 in 2020."
"The Spanish Flu... we lost about 50 to 100 million people globally and almost 700,000 Americans."
"People who recovered outside had a much lower mortality."
"Governor Abbott announced zero COVID-related deaths reported yesterday...the downtrend continues."
"Look at Hong Kong they have had six deaths per million inhabitants since the start of this."
"The black death killed a higher proportion of the world population than any other singular event in history. It killed 25 million people in Europe in a period of four years."
"We weren't having a hundred thousand people die every year."
"Italy had nearly 800 deaths in a single day. Yes, that's substantially worse than the flu."
"Omicron: 0.09 times the rate of death compared to Delta."
"Dr. Anthony Fauci predicts a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand dead from coronavirus in the United States."
"Opioids now kill more Americans than guns or breast cancer."
"I say so why is it relevant? I say if you take the very large number of people who have been exposed and who have that virus and then divide that into the number of deaths guess what it's not three to four percent at all it's below 1%."
"18% of people hospitalized with Covid-19 ended up dying." - A stark statistic highlighting the severity of the disease.
"300 people are dying in the United States of America every day, and like 98% of them are unvaccinated."
"Thank you for the work that you're doing to protect Americans and give us one of the lowest mortality rates in the entire world, thank you."
"This is what really matters as and our death rate from confirmed cases this is what we call the case fatality rate is also amongst the lowest in Europe."
"Every 43 seconds, an American dies from COVID."
"1500 people died in the last day of reporting."
"The mortality rate has been reduced by 85% since April."
"More than 99.8 percent of the deaths occur in people over 24 years of age."
"The number of deaths relative to the previous periods... very low."
"A surge in deaths among those aged 18-49 by over 40% prompts questions beyond the pandemic."
"You can't prove a negative, but the amount of top guys from the '90s who aren't alive anymore is concerning."
"More Americans have died this year than last year under COVID."
"Sweden did this, made the same mistake. If they had just protected their nursing homes, their death rate would have been vastly lower."
"Over five years, 62 people died in that Jail, the highest rate of death of all jails and prisons in America."
"Scotland's relatively high COVID death rate prompted questions over Scotland's strategy."
"The death rate in Bolivia could be up to 10 times higher if healthcare infrastructure was available."
"We've lost more people in the last eight or nine days each day than we lost on 9/11."
"If you see, the death rate has only been really one tenth of a percent."
"More than 170,000 Americans are now dead from this pandemic. Would you still suggest that this has been a success story?"
"China tallying around 60,000 deaths in just one month."
"There's more chance of you dying straight after watching this than the rest of you winning the lottery."
"During over three years of imprisonment at Santo Thomas, 10% of the prison population had died."
"60,000 Americans die every year because they don't get to a doctor."
"Currently in the world, 1.2 million people die every year in car accidents."
"100,000 a year, all right, and some statistics say 100 people a day are dying over these opioids."
"But people are dying at big rates, at rates similar to the early part of this pandemic, and that, I think, is what we should be focusing on if we want to stop it."
"Lind's reforms dramatically reduced the mortality rate at Haslar and kept infectious diseases under control."
"The unfortunately infant mortality rate globally today is still at about five or six% so so we and I mean that is good in the sense it has fallen from highs of you know if you look historically it was not unusual to lose half your children before the age of five."
"The mortality rate has fallen nearly 50 percent over the 20 years after PSA clinical practice. It's the steepest decline we've seen for any cancer with the exception of lung cancer."
"The fact that we actually have men with a higher mortality rate means that really this virus must be seriously impacting men more than women."
"...sterile necrosis can be associated with mortality of up to 10 percent."
"...if infection sets in, that mortality can be as high as 30 percent."
"The death rate at the hospital was 42 percent; two years later after her work, it had fallen to just 2 percent."
"I really need to be heard because especially with black maternal health, the death rate is more."
"There are about 152,000 cases in the US per year of status epilepticus, resulting in about 42,000 deaths."
"Korea's approximate two percent death rate is a milestone in military medicine."
"Every 90 seconds somewhere in the world a woman dies as complications in childbirth."
"Even in the hospital, there's a 30% mortality rate."
"The presence of the sheep... reflects a kind of death rate happening to the rabbits due to the presence of the sheep."
"The 28-day mortality rate dropped from 32% to 16%, and the 90-day dropped from 41% to 23%."
"Logging is a very dangerous job, it actually has a very high mortality rate for incidents and injuries."
"Black folks died at a two to one rate during COVID."