
Psychological Health Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"What is actually happening at a physiological level that can explain all of these incredible psychological and physical positive shifts that occur?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Trauma is a fear and/or stress response that's happening at the wrong times."
"You have to decide: Are you going to try and quiet stress, or are you going to actually lean into action?"
"Positive thoughts are the equivalent of forward physical action."
"Gratitude is like the opposite of fear. When you're in a state of gratitude, love, trust, and joy, you're releasing the bonding hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel warm and open."
"The moment you begin to notice the mechanics of your own psychological suffering... is when mindfulness becomes a kind of superpower."
"Narcissism is the terminal cancer of the soul."
"Interactions that accept us for who we are without judgment are new psychological catalysts that wire the human brain to acknowledge others and accept rationally verified belief systems without dissonance."
"For you to function in everyday life, it's actually important that your memory be limited, so you don't remember every slight, every insult, every dirty look."
"The person is starting to create more order so when you see those psychic unions of two hemispheres coming together, you know the person is starting to feel incredibly whole."
"Psychological trauma actually refers to the stress that's greater than the ability to cope with the emotions that came with the experience."
"It is time we close the gap between our physical and our psychological health."
"We create our own villains... we need dopamine organically, so we need those real problems coming in our way so that we can solve them and progress. That's a healthy brain."
"Just as trauma can be passed down through our generation, so can healing."
"Under the right circumstances, choosing to spend time alone can be a huge psychological boon."
"It's not an emotion that is good or bad; it is our relationship to the emotion which determines whether it's helpful or harmful."
"I think to anyone who takes pleasure in torturing anything, there's probably something a little bit wrong with them."
"But there's actually been a wide variety of studies that show there is no long-term risk of psychological health decline."
"Overwhelmingly, when you look at the data, it improves their psychological distress, it removes and lowers suicidal ideation."
"Non-chemical addiction can be just as harmful. And because there is no exterior chemical component to point at as the villain, it's often misunderstood in a way that directly harms the addict."
"Earned success is so important to the psychological health of our country."
"This is a month where you're seriously like purging your psychological baggage."
"Just prioritize it... unless you intentionally take actions to set up a robust recovery plan, this could negatively affect you in psychological and behavioral and relational ways for the rest of your life."
"There is such a thing as healthy narcissism... you are supposed to have narcissistic traits... if all your narcissistic traits were taken away from you, you would struggle to function in the world."
"Self-realization results in the permanent end of your own cognitive neuroticism, which derives from the deeply held beliefs you have about who you are, your past, and your future."
"Learning to be uncomfortable is a psychologically healthy thing."
"And the result is that you will be better off because you don't torture yourself over the decision."
"Healthy self-esteem is always based in reality."
"Let yourself feel what you feel and acknowledge that you don't have to have one win over the other."
"the importance of having healthy and strong relationships in a child's life is really critical."
"A solid sense of self is essential for an ideal human experience."
"Touch releases relaxing brain chemicals and increases empathy."
"We all in life have to abide by boundaries, and people who do not abide by boundaries are seriously disordered and destructive."
"We wash our physical body once a day, how can we go through our whole life without washing our brain?"
"New scientific research has found that celebrity crushes are not only common but maybe even healthy."
"If we can fix attachment issues, 99% of our problems in the West will go away."
"Love, connection, and purpose carry us through tough times."
"Connection and relationships are the key to happiness."
"Their wounds are theirs it's not your responsibility to fix them and you being their psychological punching bag is not going to be what makes them better it will definitely make you worse."
"Children are special, valuable, and should be affirmed as they are."
"Mental damages are real and it creeps up on you without you even knowing it."
"The antidote to both contempt and shame is empathy."
"But one thing that's certain is that so many of you went to see Black Panther Wakanda Forever this weekend and had a fabulous time."
"Human beings need socialization, they do. It's been proven time and time again."
"You cannot be fixed by someone else, and you cannot fix anyone but yourself."
"Being nice to yourself scientifically proven to help whatever your situation."
"Narcissism is on a continuum from low-grade superficial egocentric attention-seeking narcissism all the way up to manipulative exploitative menacing coercive terrifying malignant narcissism."
"Most of our psychological suffering is mediated by our thinking about the past and the future."
"Trans youth deserve to grow up without being psychologically tortured for their own good. They deserve real support and care."
"There's no way that a psychologically healthy person could actually prefer that over living in a place where you have grass and trees and space and privacy and quiet."
"Man becomes whole, integrated, calm, fertile, and happy when and only when the process of individuation is complete."
"There's a huge connection between your psychology and your gut and what you consume."
"Normal people don't assume their partner will cheat. Dysfunction isn't normal."
"You're supposed to be angry, that's healthy when you're lied to."
"Eating can be a coping mechanism that allows you to avoid the resolution of emotional issues that negatively affect your life."
"Build a life that is worth living, do not rely on video games to be the fundamental source of meeting your psychological needs."
"People can heal, people can rewire themselves, people can find equilibrium."
"Never settle for a psychologically reduced version of spirituality."
"Get your ego in order and then go to therapy."
"I think recognizing that need that psychological and spiritual need and having an open conversation about it and encouraging it for others to have that purpose in their lives."
"Balance the conscious and the subconscious, balance is perfect."
"To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself, it represents psychological completion."
"It's okay to feel hatred. It's okay to feel those things."
"Self-awareness is more important than self-love."
"If you can't love yourself, how are you going to love anybody else?"
"We don't get rid of any of our parts, we get rid of the job they were forced to do."
"If you're happy, it can decrease your sensation of pain."
"All the bad anxious patterns we have can only be broken in the here and now."
"Presidents are no different than we are, they need companionship."
"Forgiveness is not condoning the sin. When you forgive someone, you are not saying it's okay."
"The number one scariest thing in the world is losing the mental, losing the mind thinking something there when it's not really anything there."
"Healthy personality develops when initiative is balanced with a touch of guilt."
"The more non-neediness you can have, and the more you can let go of needing anything, the more attractive you are."
"There's ease to letting go and ease to opening up psychologically."
"You want to live in love, joy, and peace, not in shame, guilt, grief, fear, and anger."
"Methylene blue eliminates negative associations and retains positive aspects of memory."
"Feel more in control, better about yourself."
"Learning to love myself is a journey, not a destination."
"Self-esteem is like a bowl; boundaries are crucial."
"Being content is really like a muscle you need to exercise, just like the real muscles on your body."
"Investing in inner game is incredibly valuable."
"Social connectedness is critical for healing."
"Nature dramatically improves our well-being. You know, there's study after study on this."
"Trauma healing is shifting into healing as a way of life rather than a destination."
"Stress responses are essential. They are what helps you cope with life."
"Guilt arises to make us pay attention to a mistake we've made and to make up for it, but in the context you're describing, this guilt is misplaced."
"If challenging oneself is key to finding purpose in life, and having some sort of purpose is necessary for optimal psychological, and perhaps even physical health, then we can see why having virtually no competition leaves Saitama miserable."
"Emotions want to be felt. You really cannot surrender something until you deeply feel it."
"Togetherness and separateness, we need both."
"Connection is related to re-regulation, which makes change in this part of ourselves important and possible."
"Fundamentally, open-mindedness is about the flexibility and freedom of your mind."
"Resilience is moving your nervous system back into regulation, which essentially is balance."
"If we don't learn to heal our inner child as adults, what will happen to us?"
"Fear breeds disease, and disease breeds fear."
"Human emotions are human emotions. They're human. They're normal."
"There's nothing wrong with you for feeling a human emotion."
"It's hard to say exactly when we cross that threshold but we are clearly well over it now and it is deranging us. It is making us sick physically, psychologically, and it's putting us in great danger."
"I do think that you can be healed from your trauma."
"Anger is a very uncomfortable emotion to feel. It doesn't feel right, but a lot of us are feeling it and we need to get it out of our bodies."
"To me, counseling is helping me be a better person, just across the board, in everything I do."
"Fearlessly interacting with that which you were afraid of within the lucid dream is the way to integrate phobias."
"The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal."
"Toxic empathy won't let you confront, won't let you challenge people's motivation."
"Perfectionism is self-mutilation... setting yourself up for shame, failure."
"Securely attached people make your nervous system feel calmer."
"The real problem is not the virus; the real problem is the psychological discontent and misery the society was in before the crisis."
"A blank slate isn't a clean one... avoiding traumatizing experiences can often have more dire consequences than facing them head-on."
"It's such a relief to live this way rather than being cut off from our inner being and being precariously susceptible to reliving our unhealed stuff."
"It's important that we not just dismiss those kind of mantras but also truly investigate how pernicious they are for the culture, and work to stop them."
"Denying our feelings actually can create feelings of shame on top of whatever might have been going on in the first place."
"I think the healing part is critical man, I think making certain decisions from a hurt, angry, or traumatized space can actually make the problem worse."
"Loving yourself first doesn't always mean physical enhancements."
"When we acknowledge our shadow aspects, when we acknowledge these lower aspects of ourselves, then they feel seen and truly that is what they want."
"Accepting and processing feelings of discomfort and shame is essential for fostering true intimacy."
"Everybody may have had an issue, some people have addressed their issues. Some people have truly healed from their past."
"There's nothing scary about feeling emotions."
"Resentment is one of the most deadly emotions, both for yourself and for other people."
"Prevention is much better than rehabilitation because by the time they get to the rehabilitating state they're already psychologically damaged."
"Healthy connections can shape your way of being in the world."
"The absence of joy, love, and laughter is the biggest virus facing us."
"Gratitude mediates forgiveness, reducing tendencies for vengeance."
"Healing is possible. You can always come up with a negative scenario, but we are living proof that the symptoms of trauma, especially starting with neurological dysregulation, can be calmed."
"You know you're healing when you begin to feel worse, you feel more alive."
"Nobody wants to live in an untrustworthy state like, I don't trust the people around me, the leaders. However, not trusting someone is a very healthy psychological state if they've proven to be untrustworthy."
"There's an actual joy in the process of conquering the thing when he's rightly ordered."
"Address the mental aspect of fat loss for lasting results."
"Learning to control worry and anxiety is essential for our well-being."
"It's tragic when people aren't well psychologically, seeing all their potential fettered by that."
"Expressing a taboo feeling or emotion instead of repressing them."
"The healthy ego integrates the inner and outer worlds under a reality principle."
"Shadow work enhances your mental, physical, and emotional well-being."
"Emotional stability and flexibility are crucial."
"Ego is that illness that eats up the mind and who suffers? The soul suffers."
"Mature identity is the balance between the interests of the individual and the interests of the extended individual and the collective that Harmony that Harmony as well is what people mean when they say sanity..."
"Gratitude's the most important biohack of all."
"Be kind to yourself and demand that the parts of your brain that demean you start being kind to you as well."
"Loving yourself does not make you self-absorbed, it makes you self-solid."
"You are removing and purifying any psychological habits that no longer serve you."
"Our species is healing from PTSD on a collective level."
"We spend one third of our lives asleep, but the majority of people have not been taught to give dreams the respect they deserve."
"Lies and secrets rot your brain - let go of the weight."
"Emotional neglect can be at the core of all of the above; however, realizing that you've been emotionally neglected is a very challenging thing to do."
"Don't put yourself down, that's going to be really, really important."
"To live, to really 'live,' that is to find reasonably satisfying, you must have an adequate and realistic self-image that you can live with."
"The only real answer is to escape the pleasure trap."
"Long after a traumatic experience is over, it may be reactivated at the slightest hint of danger and mobilize disturbed brain circuit and secrete massive amounts of stress hormones."
"Self-love is a vaccination to emotional chaos."
"We need to learn how to teach kids and adults how to deal with emotions."
"We're compromising young people's psychological immune system."
"Retiring with dividends has psychological benefits, not just financial."
"People overlook the psychological benefit of steady dividends."
"Healthy masculinity and femininity is a balance of both energies."
"The ultimate consequence of the pain body is that it depletes you from your own psychic energy."
"Scientifically proven that the type of thoughts that we think actually physically affect our body."
"By getting more resilient in the gym and taking cold showers, you can become more psychologically resilient."
"I break free from psychological bondage."
"We all have parts that, in their naturally valuable states, are very valuable. But when they feel like if they don't do this constantly, then you're going to feel worthless or you're going to be depressed or something like that, then it becomes damaging."
"It is the opposite of real acceptance. It is denial, and it's not healthy."
"When you give people a task, like you know, what you can kill yourself later, but right now we actually need you, right? When you do that, people are so grateful. It makes them feel so good to be needed, to be necessary, that they actually enjoy improved psychological health."
"You've got to feel your feelings then, and you really can't push things down like that."
"We all want people to like us, but it's not always a healthy thing."
"To have psychological health, we have to have at least one connection in our lives that is intimate and close."
"These needs, if met, let the individual feel psychologically healthy and achieve personal goals that will allow them to grow and experience life to the fullest."
"Secure is healthy, avoidant is fear of loss of autonomy, and insecure is fear of loss of connection."
"Hardiness may well also be a contributing or even a determining factor in how likely somebody is to suffer stress and how severe that stress would be."
"It's psychologically beneficial to see positives in everything."
"Our psychological problems are not fixed; the reasons behind them can always change, and we always have the freedom to do things differently."
"Psychological and behavioral interventions are effective and recommended in the treatment of insomnia."
"People following a ketogenic diet had significantly better psychological well-being."
"Psychological illnesses are just as valid as physical ones."
"Psychological suffering drops away purely and simply because it's recognised that the ego is a total fiction."
"Your feelings are real and must be processed."
"Psychological violence is often more difficult to survive than physical violence."
"Patients can possibly get a lot of psychological benefit from the doctors referring these patients to alternative therapies."
"A long-term psychological health relationship to body image, food, and essentially your own wellness is critical for long-term body composition goal success."
"I genuinely care about the psychological well-being of trans people."
"Feeling listened to and understood changes our very physiology."
"There is a way to come to the end of psychological suffering."
"The ultimate antidote to a technology addiction is when your psychological needs can be met in a more healthy way in the external world."
"Good EQ means access to a variety of emotions, knowing that they all serve a function."
"The careful tending of our relationships is doing psychology."
"What many people need, for example, is not more boundlessness or dissolution of boundaries. They need to actually learn to have stronger boundaries that are healthy."
"Good attachments allow us to think and explore freely; this provides a psychological resource for us to draw on."
"The healthy illusions include an unrealistically positive view of oneself, an exaggerated sense of control, and an unfounded optimism."
"One of the indexes of psychological health is the maximization of individual variability."
"If you don't get to express it, it starts burning you up from the inside out; it harms you."
"The variety is going to keep you fresh psychologically, this is where you fix weak points."
"Moral injury and PTSD both include a person reacting to reminders, having avoidance or denial-based responses, and often go on with guilt, shame, anger, and distrust."
"I'm so glad that this researcher finally tracked... a 29% decrease among girls in reporting psychological issues with their doctors, which is huge."
"Smartphone bans at middle schools... are correlated with a 29% decrease in psychological symptoms."
"Androgynous people, those with high and balanced masculine and feminine traits, are more psychologically healthy than other types."
"They can be a boost to our psychological immune systems to help fight the existential crisis of normal life."
"Resilience is the cognitive flexibility and being the main variable that determines our emotional and psychological outcomes."
"We want to get that first part right and get everybody psychologically fresh."