
Nitric Oxide Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Nitric oxide is this wonderful compound that causes vasodilation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nitric oxide is a vasodilator which means that it dilates blood vessels and allows for better circulation. It also kills viruses and bacteria on contact."
"By humming, you can increase nitric oxide 15-fold."
"Nitric oxide response of course is gonna deliver blood flow to the brain which is great but it's also going to help promote what's called ATP coupling."
"Many scientists believe that dementia, especially Alzheimer's disease, may be attributed to a deficiency of nitric oxide neurotransmitter in the brain."
"A healthy balanced diet is the best way to maintain your adequate production and action of nitric oxide."
"If you consume nitrates and nitrites, they are converted to nitric oxide in the body."
"Nitric oxide can prevent stroke and heart attack."
"Nitric oxide I talked about earlier is an antiviral agent but it is also anti-inflammatory."
"My goal now is to make nitric oxide a household word."
"Nitric oxide is one of these fascinating molecules; it's a gas produced naturally in the human body."
"Nitric oxide is what controls and mitigates all four of those: it improves blood flow, reduces inflammation, prevents oxidative stress, and mitigates immune dysfunction."
"The people that were getting sick and dying from covid were the people couldn't make nitric oxide wow."
"Nitric oxide is one of our most crucial molecules for bodily functions and overall health."
"Exercise can significantly increase serum nitric oxide levels."
"Having adequate nitric oxide might be anti-cancer because it's used by the body to help fight off cancer."
"If we have somebody who's age 40 and they're beautifully healthy, the amount of nitric oxide that is produced by their endothelial cells is now really 50% of what they could produce when they were 25."
"The Wim Hof breathing technique has been shown to drastically enhance nitric oxide production."
"Improving nitric oxide bioavailability with Knack."
"Nitric oxide is my hero molecule."
"An adequate and safe amount of nitric oxide protects you from ever developing blockages or plaque."
"Agmatine has shown to induce nitric oxide production far more effectively, resulting in even bigger pumps in the gym and improved overall performance."
"What is nitric oxide and how is it so fundamentally related to our health and function?"
"Our arteries, our endothelial cells that line the arteries actually make this nitric oxide."
"One of the reasons we make nitric oxide is to protect our cardiovascular systems against high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack."
"The brain has more nitric oxide in it than does the rest of the body."
"Viagra works by boosting the production of nitric oxide in the corpus cavernosum in the erectile tissue of the penis."
"Erectile dysfunction is the first sign of a nitric oxide problem."
"High sugars will... destroy much of the vascular endothelial cells, and those are the most important cells for making nitric oxide."
"Nitric oxide plays a crucial role for many physiological functions inside of your body."
"Nitric oxide plays a crucial role in recovering from injury but also from exercise and working out."
"In 1992, the Journal of Science called nitric oxide the molecule of the Year."
"Your ability to generate nitric oxide predicts not just how well you can perform athletically, but your susceptibility to heart attack and stroke."
"Loss of nitric oxide production is really the earliest event in the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease."
"Red wine, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, beets, arugula, Swiss chard - all of these things are going to boost these nitric oxide levels."
"In the 90s a couple of scientists actually identified it as nitric oxide and they won the Nobel Prize in medicine."
"A wonderful level of nitric oxide keeps your blood flowing smoothly like Teflon rather than Velcro."
"Nitric oxide stimulates vasodilatation and lowering of blood pressure during active UVA exposure."
"Nitric oxide... is to control the blood pressure, to lower the pressure, in other words, prevent hypertension."
"Nitric oxide can prevent the unwanted clotting of blood."
"Viagra works by boosting nitric oxide in the erectile tissue."
"The concentration of the nitric oxide that is given to patients with COVID-19 is the same concentration as the nitric oxide your nose makes."
"The building block of nitric oxide is an amino acid called arginine."
"Nitric oxide makes you achieve a better pump, more blood in the muscle."
"Mother Nature is amazing, of course, you want to make nitric oxide."
"L citrine converts into L Arginine in the body, which is then used to produce nitric oxide."
"Loss of Nitric Oxide production is what is responsible for the onset and progression of all chronic disease."
"So when nitric oxide is produced, it initiates another second messenger called cyclic GMP."
"You have to have some level of nitric oxide being produced in order for these drugs to work."
"The nitric oxide turns the switch on, and drugs like Viagra keep it on."
"You need nitric oxide for these drugs to work; without nitric oxide, they do not work."
"Estrogen increases nitric oxide synthase, increasing the nitric oxide production in our body."
"Increased nitric oxide allows blood, nutrients, and oxygen to flow freely to every part of the body."
"Your oral bacteria can make nitric oxide and this helps lower your blood pressure."
"Nitric oxide is one of the most powerful vasodilators known."