
Social Perception Quotes

There are 1478 quotes

"You don't want to be normal. If you don't get the weird looks, you're not moving in the right direction."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We make determinations about people based on their preferences."
"Realism is just a socially acceptable form of pessimism."
"We put all this emphasis and energy around not being judged, but ultimately what you come to realize after you walk this path for a while is that everybody's self-obsessed and they don't really care."
"Compliments are dangerous...they tend to trap someone inside of public expectation."
"The Looking Glass self: You slowly build an idea of how people see you."
"We love ourselves more than other people, yet we care about their opinions more than our own."
"The clothes we wear send a message about how the world perceives us."
"Caring about what other people think of you is usually pretty pointless because most people don't even like themselves."
"He's cool, he's tall, he's smart, he reads books."
"At the end of the day, it's not about being able to get more people to like you, it's about recognizing that every single human being, confident or not, is going to be habitually presented with situations where they are the malign social party."
"The fear of worrying what other people think...won't be the main thing that holds you back."
"We worry a lot less about what other people think of us if we realized how seldom they do."
"Care about what other people think, and you will forever be their prisoner."
"You learn to stop taking yourself so seriously and to stop worrying as much about what other people think."
"It's a real superpower to care less what other people think."
"He really is a decent guy; he's got great manners and he's smart."
"The reality is, most trans people, even on Twitter, are probably decent, reasonable people. You don't see those people. What you see are the crazies."
"But then from there, we've got to start reframing this whole idea that thinking about how you're presenting yourself is an act of taking, and we've got to show that considering the way you're presenting yourself and understanding others is actually the ultimate act of selflessness and giving."
"The idea isn't to be liked right off the bat. The idea is to be remembered."
"Saturn makes you known as the person of the people."
"I see people as people and I guess that's humanism."
"The value in identifying as an atheist is in making people aware that we're out here, that we're not baby-killing evil monsters, and that maybe, just maybe, our disbelief in the claims that they're offering is actually rationally justified."
"You gotta dress how you want to be addressed. That's a fact."
"Insight helps you read people and situations and detect lies."
"A lot of people cannot actually visualize what about this is so painful and damaging."
"Most people don't actually care about you; they're not even thinking about you."
"Once you realize that most people don't actually care about you or don't even think about you that much, you start to feel a little bit more free."
"The way you look and the way you present yourself matters. It speaks volumes to individuals."
"The sooner you learn to stop caring so much what other people think about you, the better off you are going to be in just about every area of your life."
"I remember Barry Katz one time told me, 'You're overestimating how much people think about you.'"
"I'm convinced that beards are makeup for men."
"Everyone is so caught up on how they look to the other person that no one is just being real."
"A lot of beautiful people can be very lonely."
"Every human being on the planet is paralyzed in some aspect or some area of their life because they're concerned about what other people think."
"They're weird, they're different, they're not like us, and I was right. And the more I got to know them, the stranger they became and before I knew it, they were exactly like my family, truly bizarre."
"For better or worse, shared belief systems simplify everyone in their own eyes and in the eyes of others."
"The more concerned you are about the opinions of others, the less authentic you become."
"The most humbling thing you come to the realization of as an adult is that people don't really think about you that much."
"I know the negative examples stick out a lot, but I think the positive example should stand out as well."
"Good and cool aren't the same thing. There's a balance that needs to be struck."
"In 1962 John Steinbeck would be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humor and keen social perception."
"Who's this John Smith? Sounds like such an NPC name."
"He's like generally cool dude... by association basically."
"The more victimization you can claim, the more beloved you will be."
"The story of homelessness in this country is grounded in a failure of perception compounded by failures of policy."
"Basically, we need to stop being dicks and assuming that the unhoused are a collection of drug addicts, criminals who've chosen this life for themselves."
"Either way you're right. If you say you can't, then for sure you can't because you don't believe you can. However, if you say I can, then you're also right because once you believe that you can, that's when you grab hold of that Creator's stick, and that's when you're like yes, I can."
"How you feel about yourself is a big reflection on how people see you."
"Faces are the home of identity, the metonym for one's values, reputation, and personality."
"We think if we're admired, we will be liked and we will have connection... but real connection can only be [achieved by] showing your real self."
"What's the point of living a long time if people think you're an [expletive]?"
"People are a lot friendlier than social media would have you believe."
"Many people would rather be hated than unknown."
"To those with privilege, equality feels like oppression."
"Your first impression to most people is that you are such a helper...you really like to help people."
"People see you as a very pure person, a very lively person with a lot of energy."
"If people knew how much ill feeling unselfishness occasions, it would not be so often recommended from the pulpit."
"You're showing the Han majority having a good time... as proof that Uyghurs aren't in trouble."
"People make snap judgments about you all the time, every day, and a lot of that is based on what you're wearing."
"Stop caring more about being liked and start caring more about what's true."
"My friends would describe you as the charismatic life of the party."
"The bias in our culture against introversion is so deep and it's so profound."
"Why do introverts get mislabeled as creepy just for not talking a lot?"
"Other people were like, 'Hey, he's got a butler, who cares if his parents died.'"
"The era of fake Giga Chads, where people disguise insecurity and weird traits into being like a Chad."
"People in general, but guys specifically, start to respect you based upon what they believe you offer to the world and you offer to yourself."
"Fanciness is actually about availability, specifically where something lands on the spectrum between easily available versus impossible to access."
"Shadowron considered him a perfect boyfriend for her. He must be good."
"Your appearance is very important... you dress how you want to be addressed."
"Narcissism razor: if you're worried about people's opinions, remember they are too busy worrying about other people's opinions of them."
"The ideal... is to be colorblind. In other words, you don't see color; you see the human being."
"By equating calories with fatness with willpower, what you're saying is not that they're fat, you're saying that these people don't deserve respect because they have no willpower."
"If racism comes up, we're going to put all of our energy into making sure you see us as free of racism, and rarely any into what we need to be doing for the rest of our lives."
"If you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, it doesn't matter what your intentions were; your actions were experienced as a racist microaggression."
"He said to me, 'Tracy, I have Alzheimer's disease, not the plague. What does it take to be treated like a human being?'"
"INTPs... struggle less socially than descriptions would have you think, but they're still not massively socially inclined."
"That's the whole notion of first impressions."
"Stop caring what other people think so much."
"They've perhaps seen your glow up in some way."
"I'm starting to think we've been lied to for our entire lives. I've met nothing but the most wonderful people."
"Being alone can also free the mind from a phenomenon called the spotlight effect. When in public, we tend to overestimate the extent to which others notice our accomplishments and mistakes."
"Trust your initial gut feelings about this person and not what people say about this person. That's important."
"They're seen as incredibly low class...but they're good fun people."
"We would care far less about what other people think about us if we realized how rarely they do."
"Why is it that the Nazi swastika is deservedly seen as a horrendous symbol of evil and oppression but the hammer and sickle people just shrug their shoulders?"
"Some of y'all don't understand how fake people really are in real life."
"People don't like you will always not like you, and the people who like you will like you and they'll defend you."
"People are watching us and seeing what we're doing, and they're very impressed."
"There's always something going on beneath the surface; typically, the scandal that comes out is just the tip of the iceberg."
"It is helpful to me to know when I let go of caring what other people thought about what I looked like it opened up my mind to being far less afraid of doing things or being seen."
"Police officers are not and never will be perfect because they are human. Their errors are certainly magnified in a social media era far more so than they ever have been before."
"I've come to realize that there's just people who choose not to understand me or listen to me based off of their own assumptions of my character and that's okay you don't have to like me but you don't have to be gross about it."
"I guess part of my question would be if it was a girl who pushed over a boy in that clip would it have been a problem to anyone?"
"Being a gymshark athlete is impressive, we see it's crazy to me that there are people out there that really think being a gymshark athlete is impressive."
"Everybody should be treated like they are a celebrity. Everybody is special, regardless how many followers they have."
"These archetypes stick around, even though the irony of these memes was lost on the majority of people that followed it."
"That's why people don't like you. Percy Pigs. Sorry. That's why people don't like you."
"If the media covered any of this stuff in even-handed fashion, the gap would be smaller." - Ben Shapiro
"I'm very with it up to date on all the trends I think I'm known that way in any case this fashionable new trend is called the stay-at-home girlfriend."
"There's nothing compassionate about assuming that particular statements and then defining an entire person's worldview or belief based over those few statements or just blanketing an entire group of people."
"I'd rather have someone hate me for who I truly am than hate me for who they heard I was."
"Your reputation is everything. It's what precedes you and it's what people are gonna know about you after you're gone."
"The only thing complimenting someone's weight loss achieves is reveal how truly little you valued who they were before."
"It's toxic to be thinking about what other people think of you all the time."
"But does tequila really deserve its reputation as a party enhancer?"
"The court of public opinion has been the verdict in that court."
"I just never thought that autism would feel like a death sentence for people suffering from it."
"I know my de... hurt. Everyone was just like literally in the coution and they were like, 'pretty not smart' and I was like, [__]."
"We refuse to acknowledge reality staring us in the face, forced upon us this alternate reality that is not true."
"You quickly become somebody that people trust."
"It's not always about complexion; sometimes it's simply personality who people really vibe with, you know? Personality makes a big difference. It really does."
"For me, I think they hate him because he once in a while would tell the truth that you're not allowed to tell."
"He literally didn't care what other people thought of him."
"I think that I've always been loved and hated... But that's okay."
"Nobody feels like they are weird or strange or different."
"We pass judgments on faces so rapidly our conscious mind doesn't even have time to get involved."
"You can't be not genuine, they'll sniff that out in no time."
"It's hard to go out of being a hat guy. Once you become a hat guy, you're kind of permanently a hat guy."
"I do think there is validity to the claims that she might be homophobic or at the very least she's like neutral which I don't believe in neutrality you know have an opinion"
"When do we get to the point where we start judging people based on their actions more than the words?"
"Are you putting out what attention you actually want to receive?"
"I don't think I've ever known how to be cool and that seems like maybe the least cool thing I could ever say, but it's also one of the most, like, honest things I could ever say."
"You used to be kind of like, 'Oh, you know this guy.'"
"Even if you're not dating other women, if they can sense that you're happy in life with friends and your hobbies, whatever the case may be, you're content, they would still respect you off of that."
"The halo effect: the more beautiful somebody is, the more positive attributes you equate to them."
"I think it's fair to say that Acacia is one of the most hated influencers of all time."
"The British middle classes are not what they seem behind the veneer of white-collar respectability there's another story."
"Life is really precious and you don't really care about what people think about you anymore."
"I find it odd and peculiar how many people are rooting for this woman to be found as a liar."
"Literally because when the money starts dropping, people won't be judging."
"It's easier than ever to confuse truth and popularity."
"Some people are figuring out that your family is evil."
"Let's use this year to be the year that we stop caring about being seen we're them girls and boys realistically if you want to judge me for my content you're the loser."
"The less concerned you are with what other people think, usually the better they think about you."
"Owning cryptocurrency actually makes you super attractive."
"I’m better off being a drug addict, and that’s more acceptable than it is to be a kleptomaniac."
"I'm just making stories, but keep it real, man. Don't people don't think it's passive-aggressive as they would like."
"White now is a mindset, and they're trying to put the mindset of being white as being soft-spoken, more flamboyant, more um, what's it called, less aggressive."
"Dropping the kind of cynicism and kind of opening yourself up to the spirit of other people is exactly what you need in the kind of modern worlds that we live in. Superbly disarming."
"So they're actually pretty cool and not French not French at all no will beat your ass it's actually pretty masculine women actually really like it."
"They want to feel like they look good in your eyes."
"It's just a fear that we have. It's a hurdle that we need to jump over, and the more you do it, the more you're just not gonna care what other people think."
"Their perfect family seemed realistic, believable, and almost enviable."
"You ever see a guy in public wearing a shirt saying the best dad ever and you wondered like where he actually ranks."
"Already thinking we together I can understand that I can understand how everybody's going to come at it you know like yo but you can't be mad you can't worry about what people going to say."
"I am someone who you pass by and you don't even give a second glance. But not anymore."
"Stereotyping reduces people to a few simple characteristics."
"Stereotyping ignores the complexities of someone's identity."
"Building trust and not seeing an enemy behind every tree."
"I'm proud of who I am. I don't care what people think about me."
"Negativity is just so much louder and noisier than positivity."
"People wanted to dress cheaply, but they also didn't wanna look cheap."
"Brand is what others say about you when you leave the room."
"Everyone knew about them, practically a celebrity."
"I am going to be myself and I hope that you guys are hearing this: do not apologize for being who you are based on how one Community perceives you."
"Every Bounty eater does what? They eat every other one first. Because then they go, 'Oh, this just Bounty's left.' And then they go, 'I happen to like Bounties.' Then they'll have them."
"Embrace the fact that people don't like you. You need to do something right."
"Honestly, he's a freak, he's a weirdo, but Feliciana, on the other hand..."
"You have to realize that you can't please everyone. Just live your life not worrying about what other people think of you."
"But like there's like a layer of streetwear that like if I wear, I think it's like I look like a preposterous douchebag."
"There's no reason for an apology because we don't see that you did anything wrong."
"The court of public opinion has spoken and Ice has been convicted of being a scumbag."
"You gotta be a bitter [expletive] to say, 'Oh, you must be going broke.'"
"That's when the people who were genuine shine because they're not putting on a show."
"We don't care what other people think of us. That's right."
"Sometimes, no matter what you say, it don't matter, you know what I mean? Like it doesn't, it just doesn't matter to people. They still don't think how do you want to think, you know what I mean? So sometimes, I'm like, 'Whatever.'"
"Wanna be tough guys that never did anything but talk [ __ ] and larp as a patriot. That's what I see here. Adorable really but also kind of sad." - Dan Crenshaw
"It mattered and if people think it matters it matters."
"Nick may be a weird loser who spends all of his time acting like a psych ward patient on camera, but he's not nearly as bad as many in the community have made him out to be."
"I just want to say that his biggest problem is that one of his friends doesn't know that he doesn't have a master's degree."
"If you're eternally happy, then you can't be sad about the fact that no one likes you."
"Pretending to look in a way that you don't actually look is now empowering."
"Just because you're loud and other loud people agree with you, it doesn't mean that you are correct. It means that you are loud. There's truth in silence too."
"Somebody put you up on a little bit of a pedestal here Gemini."
"Do not let the minority of people who are complainers convince you they're the majority."
"It's the same kind of thing as mocking people that played like dungeons and dragons."
"They think that these people are terrorists now."
"If you approve of yourself, others will too."
"We often talk about being poor as if there's an honor in it, being poised, grinding. Let's release people from that."
"Everybody loves a train wreck. Wow, you guys are horrible!"
"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and possesses every negative stereotype of a duck you can't sit there and be confused when people assume that it is a duck."
"Even if I go tomorrow, did I live a happy life or did I care too much about what people thought?"
"When you really think about it, it's like you walk into a room, like what are you telling the world?"
"There's nothing inherently wrong with nostalgia in the right context."
"Regardless of how things ended between you guys or how things panned out, you know when they think of you, they definitely think of you in a high rank."
"They apologised for my racism. And they forgot that I was a live human being in charge of other live human beings."
"If you come into a store and start screaming at people, they're gonna be like, 'Oh that lady was crazy, huh?'"
"People don't think about you as much as you think they think about you."
"Damn everybody was agreeing, I thought everybody was gonna be like, 'Oh, House Phone, you're a jerk for that.' But [it] was all exact opposite comments."
"The masses were led to believe the world’s boogeyman had been defeated."
"My biggest thing I'd be like, so scared, like they'd see it, like what they would think, they don't care."
"Not being able to sleep when people are calling you a racist becomes clear how much I cared about what other people thought of me."
"This is embarrassing I just I feel bad for these people."
"The phrase 'conspiracy theory' has become so embedded by now in our global culture that it's become this toxic brand no one wants to be associated with."
"The narcissist pretends to be a hyper-sexed lover tomorrow, a thespian man of god, then he's an imposter."
"Recognize just because I like them or just because they're seemingly smart or cool, it doesn't mean their opinion is more valid than anybody else's."
"You're a great guy, okay? You really are. You come from a great family. And other people were receiving you as, 'Oh [__], he's coming' or something. Whatever it is."
"He was almost seen as the nerdy dude who made it, like the American dream."
"The crazy thing is, some people never even stick around to see if you were guilty of it, right? Just the accusation is another whole thing."