
Discomfort Quotes

There are 7123 quotes

"You can intentionally put yourself in classically unpleasant circumstances... and transform a classically negative experience into something that's almost intrinsically positive."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We are building resilience; it's uncomfortable, but because it's uncomfortable, it means that our species is actually getting stronger right now, not weaker."
"We need to expose ourselves to discomfort, we need to do things sometimes where there is an element of risk but we can do it in a controlled way."
"Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of making a change."
"The moment you make a new choice, get ready; you're leaving the known. It's going to be uncomfortable, it's going to be unfamiliar."
"Being uncomfortable is when you get the most growth."
"Experiencing discomfort is what grows you as a man."
"Your life will be so much better if you chase discomfort and pain instead of comfort and pleasure."
"A lot of the good things or things that are going to be good for us in the long run are things that are a bit uncomfortable or where there is resistance in the moment."
"One of the only paths forward to healing is getting comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Comfort's killing everyone. Don't make people comfortable; make them very uncomfortable, and then teach them to make discomfort their comfort zone."
"I've become very good at being comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Ultimately, I think that these conversations are going to be scary and uncomfortable and not easy."
"It's a nightmare. It's miserable. It's a nightmare and a half."
"Don't be afraid to be uncomfortable because being uncomfortable is what's going to change your life and get you to your dreams and your goals."
"I didn't want to just accept being comfortable; I wanted to do something, to make something of my life."
"Mindfulness practices help us by increasing our capacity to bear or be with discomfort."
"Working out creates physical discomfort, but through the process of that discomfort, one is made stronger."
"Healing starts with discomfort. It is at the root of it the only way to heal is to actually face your pain head on."
"Evolution is uncomfortable, point-blank period."
"It felt like her blood was boiling beneath her skin."
"Be uncomfortable, do something that you never done before. Be uncomfortable, stop doing routines every single day of your life."
"If that 'why' becomes so strong that it outweighs the discomfort of doing it, you're gonna do it."
"Comedy is not about upholding any value except comedy, and what comedy is, is supposed to poke holes in the status quo and make people uncomfortable."
"The discomfort that we experience is the key to happiness and the key to compassion."
"Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life."
"You couldn't achieve anything in your life without discomfort."
"There is a certain kind of virtue to endure a degree of discomfort in order to achieve something."
"You simply cannot achieve anything that's real if you spend your life eschewing discomfort."
"Art is not meant to coddle you and make you feel good; sometimes the purpose of art is to make you awfully uncomfortable."
"Step outside of your comfort zone fairly regularly."
"It's so much easier to accuse the left of going too far than it is to realize that you might be uncomfortable with how far we've come."
"At the end of the day, you have to push through that short-term discomfort for any long-term gain."
"Embrace the discomfort. That's where you grow."
"What most people don't want to face is that discomfort... that unknown is what people are afraid of because they'd rather live in guilt... than take a chance in possibility."
"Learn to register your current ceiling as painful."
"I derive pleasure from being in pain now... I am comfortable when I'm uncomfortable."
"You have to be willing to do the uncomfortable thing. So it's just really simple; it's just a muscle."
"It's discomforting to see things that you've anticipated happen, especially when they turn out to be the very things that you've dreaded most."
"Using popular culture as a way to broach conversations with people... doesn't feel so uncomfortable because it's out there in popular culture."
"Cold showers... push you beyond your comfort zone."
"Don't avoid conflict because it's uncomfortable."
"If you're gonna make a difference in anything in life, it's going to be uncomfortable."
"The discomfort of growth should always be preferred to the illusion of safety."
"Success is not a comfortable procedure. It is a very uncomfortable thing to attempt, so you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable."
"Being jabbed with something, like a prod...non-stop for hours...was absolutely I couldn't sit or lay down or stop moving."
"You want to feel the discomfort because it's instructive."
"I don't feel so good, dude. I actually feel light. I don't feel good."
"We have created a generation that considers any form of discomfort or inconvenience traumatic, which means that literally all jobs are toxic work environments."
"Everyone's taking short-term comfort... if you want to achieve anything in life, you need to take short-term discomfort for long-term gain."
"If you want to achieve anything in life, if you want to achieve success at work, success in any aspect of your life, you need to take short-term discomfort for long-term gain."
"Your limitations are just perceptions and that discomfort will always be your compass towards growth."
"The only difference between discomfort and suffering, as my good friend Todd Telkamp says, is resistance."
"True growth comes from discomfort and not through suffering."
"The most enjoyable things in life are on the other side of discomfort."
"Being outside of your comfort zone does bring you that growth."
"Seek discomfort as a life philosophy is actually like self-repairing."
"You need to start seeing discomfort as an opportunity."
"God, I'm nauseous. Have you found this? It's progressing. I see things."
"If no one's crying, nothing's improving; if no one's upset, nothing's being built."
"It is not to keep you happy with me, and I actually love you so much that I'm willing to do things that make you unhappy with me."
"Becoming uncomfortable with discomfort is a huge part of yoga."
"Nobody likes change but many people don't change until the pain associated with change is less than the pain of staying the same."
"You gotta learn to get comfortable being uncomfortable."
"We are willing to have conversations that may be cringe-worthy and uncomfortable for the purposes of growing and challenging each other."
"Subset of the population exalting powerful oligarchs and hailing those at the very top of the societal totem pole as saviors of humanity is what starts to make me a little uneasy."
"Unless I'm uncomfortable and I'm doing things that are not in my comfort zone, I don't feel I'm good or improving or growing as a person."
"I slept like a baby. I woke up every two hours and wet the bed."
"The problem with the truth usually is that the truth is complicated and it's painful."
"Don't be afraid to have those uncomfortable conversations."
"Pain is uncomfortable, but it serves a purpose."
"It doesn't necessarily mean that he's lying here, and instead could be an indication of how uncomfortable or upset he may be by the situation."
"The ability to stay put when things get uncomfortable is one of the best predictors of people's ability to succeed at difficult goals."
"Discomfort is temporary, but growth is permanent."
"Even though it might feel uncomfortable in the moment, I know that my behavior will pay off in the future."
"When we allow ourselves to be uncomfortable, when we recognize that we're clinging a little bit to the pleasures that can't be sustained... something settles down in us, and we're able to actually deal more effectively with the life that we're living, with the hand that we've been dealt."
"The way we want to create and maintain change is to acknowledge that discomfort is part of changing."
"You have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Feeling discomfort can be instructive about something."
"Every step of progress in this country, every expansion of freedom, and every expression of our deepest ideals has been won through efforts that made the status quo uncomfortable."
"The discomfort of growth is always so much more valuable than the illusion of safety."
"Getting uncomfortable is probably the most useful thing you could ever do."
"Putting yourself in situations where there's a lot of new information and you're out of your comfort zone is crucial."
"My subway car was bursting at the seams; I could barely breathe."
"Facts don't care about your feelings; I was always uncomfortable with this."
"Being black in America is like wearing shoes that don't fit. You can get used to them, but they're not comfortable."
"The only way to keep a democracy thriving is to expose ourselves to the uncomfortable as well as the comfortable."
"Education involves discomfort. Discomfort is a sign that something that you think is right is being challenged."
"The challenge is that people have to wake up, and the question is how uncomfortable do you have to become before you make up your mind to change something."
"Put yourself in areas of discomfort because that's where a lot of the growth occurs."
"Growth is never comfortable, but I think that's the whole point of the process. It makes you deal with situations you hadn't faced before, only to strengthen you and give you more confidence."
"Living a valued life includes discomfort. Doing something good like making new friends, serving others, creating art, making YouTube videos - it all requires vulnerability, maybe some anxiety, maybe disappointment."
"Change is uncomfortable because it's that in-between spot where you can't really draw from where you've been and you can't really receive the benefit of where you're going."
"You need to be doing things that are uncomfortable to you in order to have new experiences and grow as a human being."
"When you're uncomfortable, that's when you're growing."
"Being encased by a constantly growing skin cocoon, that's creepy."
"The more you fail, the more you grow. That's why I like to keep myself in situations where I'm not comfortable."
"Without discomfort, there's no growth, and without growth, you're just going to keep living the same day every day."
"One of the purposes of education is to make people uncomfortable because if you're comfortable, you're not pushing the boundaries of what you know."
"We need to be very uncomfortable in order to grow... we need to [__] that exoskeleton and put on another exoskeleton that's a little bit bigger."
"Many things that make you feel uncomfortable, nervous, challenged are huge signs of growth."
"Meaningful discomfort now or painful regret later."
"The bright yellow light gives you a bad feeling."
"Acknowledging systemic racism will make most of us a little uncomfortable, but it need not leave us feeling guilty or powerless."
"All human behavior is driven by the desire to escape discomfort."
"The act of doing these little things that make you uncomfortable are usually hugely valuable."
"The biggest thing you can do to grow is to always be uncomfortable."
"A lot of growth is really, really uncomfortable and not fun, but it makes you a better person."
"The discomfort you feel when running, pumping iron, or doing some other physical activity is what brings results."
"That feeling when you're in the women's bathroom, and it just feels a little different, and you have like that feeling in your nervous system where you're like, 'I shouldn't be in here.'"
"When things got uncomfortable for me, when I was facing my insecurities, I was facing my fears, my mind said 'oh no, we have the tactical advantage, we need to get you, separate you from this feeling.'"
"I value honesty even when it's deeply uncomfortable."
"There's no growth without discomfort, because change is leaving the known, and leaving the known is discomfort."
"My recommendation for the younger generation is always to try to put themselves in an uncomfortable zone. When you feel uncomfortable, that is when you are growing because you are learning from others."
"This doesn't feel good. Yeah, I don't think I want to be part of this anymore."
"Nothing is worse than having an itch you can never scratch."
"When you get so uncomfortable staying the same that the thought of changing is like a delightful thought, that's when change happens."
"Dry skin is not fun, y'all. It's like you feel cracked, your face feels like a desert."
"We always got to walk in the light of the truth, and sometimes light hurts our eyes."
"If the conversations you have at university never upset you, never make you feel a little bit less confident, perhaps even make you cry sometimes, university isn't doing its job."
"Let your word, let your choice define you, so that you can, and initially it's uncomfortable, but then as you begin to crawl out of your psychology, you really realize you get this very strong visceral confirmation that what you are is powerful beyond measure."
"You have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. That's when you may get the biggest results."
"It’s in the discomfort zone, is where my confidence is getting built."
"God is looking for somebody who wants Him bad enough to be uncomfortable."
"You gotta put yourself in uncomfortable situations. That's how you make yourself better."
"Short-term discomfort for long-term comfortability... a small setback for a bigger comeback."
"People don't change when they're comfortable. People only decide to make a change when they are more uncomfortable staying the same than doing something new."
"Make yourself uncomfortable as often as you can because when you're stuck in a comfortable way of life, you have no room to grow."
"To be a citizen does not simply mean to have rights but also to have duties, responsibilities. It also means that if you want to remain free, if you want to live in a decent society, you have to be prepared to give something: your intelligence, your time, your strength, your courage."
"I prefer cold because I don't like my butt cheeks getting all hot and juicy and sweaty."
"Learning to be uncomfortable is a psychologically healthy thing."
"You've got nothing to lose except your discomfort."
"Every time this thing flashes right here, that's it, like shocking me essentially."
"Genuinely sick to your stomach: Someone eating food that has all over their face."
"Let me always be uncomfortable when it becomes clear to me that I've deceived myself."
"Your business will succeed when you get really comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"Tom is weirdly giddy and maybe a little bit uncomfortable."
"It's emotionally disturbing and uncomfortable."
"Some art should make people feel real uncomfortable. Absolutely should."
"Chris Rock was hella uncomfortable, I wouldn't have co-signed it."
"People don't like to have their plans disrupted."
"If you're not uncomfortable, then you're not growing."
"Upstart... the fast and easy online way to get a loan and pay off that ominous debt."
"So for me, that makes for the best Bond film that we've ever gotten."
"The lightning bolt makes that tower go on fire so that things become so uncomfortable in your world that you must make radical changes."
"It was terribly, terribly uncomfortable for him."
"Listen, I don't wanna have to see this. I feel immoral just knowing that it's there."
"This isn't right, I have a bad feeling about this."
"When the answers start coming up, and it gets a little bit uncomfortable, that's where the real work comes in."
"It makes you uncomfortable in all the best ways possible."
"The more we push ourselves into discomfort, the more we open ourselves up to a world of possibility."
"It is the inability to tolerate the discomfort of others."
"You can still sense that something is wrong, like there's something that just doesn't belong."
"If you were about to make a change in your life and you feel uncomfortable, that's the best feeling you can have because for the first time in your life, you're making a decision that's gonna be best for you and not what somebody told you to do."
"Success requires that you stare into the eyes of the things that make you feel uncomfortable."
"Being offended or uncomfortable with what certain people say or do is a small price to pay for enjoying the freedom to express oneself."
"It's hot in here it's hot outside and it's hot as in that uni oven"
"I don't like this uneasiness, I don't like this tension, I don't like how quiet the house is."
"If this post truly made you extremely uncomfortable, you would just block and move on. You wouldn't make a post trying to garner reaction from your community or other Twitter users."
"You never want to feel comfortable because that's when you start sucking."
"It's hard to imagine being comfy going about your day in the old way."
"It doesn't feel right, it doesn't look right."
"Change is growth, but change and growth are uncomfortable. There is no getting around that."
"Instinctually, I felt like something was wrong."
"Get uncomfortable as [__]! You have to sacrifice comfort in order to get there."
"As soon as Julie came into his life, she wasn't thrilled about that part about him having a secretary."
"In our number nine spot today, we have the Dreyfus Affair."
"When you're uncomfortable, that's the only way you're going to grow."
"Anything is possible if you put your mind to it, it just won't be comfortable."
"I'm eating so much raw meat that like it's starting to hurt my tummy."
"When has racism ever promised to be comfortable? It's always going to be ugly and hard and exhausting."
"Aaron ended up spending the night at the sixth by the fire fitfully attempting to sleep in his Tarpon blankets and generally failing to do so which made him even more irritated as the night went on."
"I want you to be creeped out and creeped out by that. It's important that you're creeped out."
"One way or another, our Nobel laureates have revealed a universe stranger than many are comfortable with."
"This movie at a certain point makes you feel bad about going yeah beat that guy with the pipe wrench and it makes you feel awkward and uncomfortable."
"Dating is not supposed to be comfortable. It's supposed to be uncomfortable because it is, in fact, a testing process of the other person to determine whether this is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with."
"The only way you grow is through discomfort."
"You got to take those shots, you know? Leaning into that stuff, which is very uncomfortable for a lot of people."
"She just didn't like it because she just doesn't feel right with her child with a belt."
"The only way through discomfort is to turn and face it directly."
"I always feel weird bringing my own electronics into Best Buy."
"If you're not uncomfortable, you're not human."
"There is going to need to be a little bit of discomfort... I pray that you know this happens gradually."
"The essence of true spiritual teachings: you have a responsibility to reach a state where you are clear, open, filled with good energy, so you can do your best in any moment."
"I'm glad you had to feel uncomfortable today, and that's not because I don't have any humanity at all. I think it's a great thing that America has so many amazing immigrants here."
"You have to seek out discomfort because at the other end of discomfort is where great things happen."
"My goal is greater than a temporary discomfort that I'm gonna experience."
"This is like something out of a horror movie, I don't even want to be here right now."
"You desperately want to rest or close your eyes but you can't."
"Doing things that you're uncomfortable with or scared of is how you grow as a person."
"If you have a doll and you love it, then I'm happy for you. However, this really unsettles me in ways I can't fully comprehend."
"You grow the most when you are at your least comfortable."
"I wasn't joking. There was no joke about it. It was very clear that there were things that were said that really was uncomfortable because they were not based on scientific fact."
"Imagine this: It's 90 degrees Fahrenheit, you're starving, crammed next to 14,000 people you don't know, and they didn't even think to put up an umbrella for some shade."
"Living your life differently can make people uncomfortable."
"But the stuff that's being pushed is, it's, that's the part that just bothers my spirit that just does not sit well with me."
"In LA, you can't get comfortable because you go outside and you see somebody doing better than you."
"Comfort is not the way to get stronger often you need discomfort, but this is the only way. This is unfortunately still a net positive."
"It's almost as if somebody's let the air out of the room."
"You want that intimate moment with the people that are closest with you, right? Not exactly and available and just [__] painful."