
Women's Health Quotes

There are 409 quotes

"Understanding the gut microbiome and its specific needs can play a crucial role in managing health, especially for women."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The vagina is a self-cleaning oven. You don't need to do anything; your body will take care of it itself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When it comes to preventing pregnancy and managing conditions like PCOS, oral contraceptives have been game-changing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Women deserve the right to make decisions over their own bodies. They deserve a full range of reproductive health care."
Josh Shapiro
"What's really important, I think, for a lot of women these days is not just to focus on the weight loss but to focus on finding a healthy way for them to achieve their goals in that they're not going to be starving all the time, they're not going to be obsessing about food all the time."
"Women are more than half our population, but research on women's health has always been underfunded."
"PCOS, aka polycystic ovary syndrome, involves an imbalance in women's sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, leading to the growth of ovarian cysts."
"Women's health is profoundly impacted by diet and lifestyle choices, affecting menstrual health and overall well-being."
"We do live a little bit longer than men, but we're going to spend 20% of that in poor health, in decline, in disability, and this is avoidable."
"Women's hormones are their superpower. The reason you don't like them is because you've not learned how to harness them."
"Two generations have now relied on this right, and one out of every four women makes the decision to end a pregnancy."
"Women with incontinence often suffer in silence, and this is part of the dialogue that we want to change."
"The Harvard Medical School study has shown that women who have close female friendships are less likely to develop impairments as they age, and they are likely to be living much more vital, exciting, joyful lives."
"Not having close female friends is detrimental to your health, as much as smoking or being overweight."
"Black women deserve to go to hospitals and not die while they're giving birth. So what are we going to do about that?"
"Young women are embracing non-hormonal contraception or just cycle tracking, and my argument is that this is just where we have to start."
"The majority of women that start to present with anxiety in their late teens and early 20s actually had an underlining learning issue like ADHD."
"Weight lifting is especially important for women as we age."
"Women died a lot in childbirth historically."
"Eating just a cup of oatmeal's worth of fiber a day appears to extend a woman's life as much as four hours of jogging a week."
"Birth control is a goddamn miracle. It lets women choose if and when to get pregnant."
"In Alabama, Governor Kay Ivey has signed a new bill into law to protect IVF treatment and not categorize it as abortion."
"Pleasure is something, especially for women, that can go on and on and on to the point where it can be scary."
"Women's orgasms, especially their vaginal ones, have the ability to run through our whole body and they can be very, very intense."
"This is a medical decision and the medical choices that should be made should be governed by what is best for that woman and what is best at the suggestion of an advice of their doctor."
"Women also deserve a raise... women also deserve to get the orgasm equality."
"For women, very very impactful to quality of life if you have your hormones crashed."
"You don't own periods, you don't own Womanhood. You experience both, and both are different for every person."
"Estrogen is the group of female sex hormones."
"Women need to be careful of turning to alcohol to cope with the stresses of motherhood."
"These are decisions that are not being made by the doctors who were treating these women."
"Do you remember when advertisers promoted Lysol for feminine hygiene?"
"Testosterone has been shown to be beneficial to women in low doses as well."
"Are you effing joking? That is not going to help women live longer happier lives."
"Developed in France in 1980, under the name RU468, medical abortions are less invasive, safer, and more private than surgical abortions."
"Over 1/3 of hormonal contraceptive users say they've had gaps in pregnancy prevention or self discontinue their medication solely due to issues with prescription access."
"Furthermore, it was found that the rate was highest among women aged 30 to 39 years old."
"Every form of health care should continue to be available, including reproductive health care for every woman in this country."
"The purpose of the center is to deal with a woman who has an unplanned pregnancy and her choices are abortion, adoption, parenting."
"Vaginas stretch out with use? It's a deeply rooted myth in the patriarchy."
"It's up to us to use our vote to protect women's health."
"The opinion recognized that women do in fact have the right to terminate their pregnancy at certain times."
"Victorian days: an orgasm was a medical procedure."
"Wow, how awesome would it be to bring out a tea bag for a woman with the five herbs for menopause?"
"Self-care should be preventative. Self-care should be something that all women engage in to make sure that we don't get to the point where we're so overwhelmed that we have to take a night."
"If you start a diet just after ovulation, you are going into the toughest time to restrict calories."
"It's been a culture shift it's been a political shift um the fact that you had so many obviously a majority of the house voting for the women's health protection act i mean it's this the tide has turned."
"What is a woman supposed to do who's pregnant who's facing some financial difficulties who had been raped is she supposed to feel secure in her future if the government is forcing her to carry this pregnancy to term of course not."
"We should give women all of the information."
"Intuitively there is something very bizarre about this erasure of women within women's health."
"There is something very strange about this erasure of women within women's health."
"When we go back to Washington we will be putting Roe v. Wade codification on the floor of the House to make sure that women everywhere have access to the reproductive health that they need."
"No more shady business, rituals essential for women 18 plus is a multivit you can actually trust."
"We want women to have easily accessible, affordable, and reliable birth control and access to abortions when necessary."
"This law is designed to protect both clinic workers and the women who are going to them."
"Every woman's body is beautiful, and every woman should be celebrated for however her body looks, especially after having a baby."
"Women are getting inferior care... women are getting inferior care as a result." - Dr. Cheryl Hamlin
"Raspberry leaf strengthens and tones the uterus."
"Women need to take care of themselves so they can take care of others."
"There's a lot of really obvious stuff we can do to improve women's health like testing rape kits and like Title IX in universities."
"Breast cancer is so common, isn't it? By far and away the most common cancer in women."
"Consuming protein will not make you bulky as women."
"Period blood solves crimes too. What can't a woman's body do?"
"I love women, you should love your period, I think you should love yourself."
"Maternal health, which I think is extremely important."
"Women put up with a lot of pain in their lives, between childbirth and conditions like endometriosis."
"Women have a time limit where I think it's after the age of 35 you were considered a geriatric pregnancy."
"It's not always a good idea to push through. That's not how anybody thrives. But that is especially not how the female body thrives."
"Decisions about healthcare should be made by women and their doctors, not politicians."
"The decisions that women make are incredibly personal when it comes to their healthcare."
"Periods are natural. They are a normal part of a woman's life. It's nothing to be ashamed about."
"Oral contraceptive pills containing estrogen seem to be helpful in female pattern hair loss."
"Childbirth still kills more than 800 women every day."
"Women bear the sacrifice of dying every time they have a child."
"Women will still get abortions if they're illegal, but they will be unsafe."
"Some people need abortions because they were either raped... it means that they are being considerate to not only that child but to their bodies and their mental health."
"The history of women's health from ancient remedies to modern medicine."
"Birth control and safe and legal abortion provide an empowering agency..."
"The body of a woman is just so amazing, it does so many things."
"She specializes in women with BFRBs, ADHD, and OCD."
"Women are going to start tracking this stuff and practicing safe sex."
"There are many people who have specific psychotic depression before their menstrual cycle starts. That's not PMS. There is a separate diagnosis for women who get a specific kind of psychotic depression."
"Nicole wants other women in her position to know that they too can find someone willing to take the journey of surrogacy."
"Don't ever stop fighting for better health for women with lipedema."
"Autistic women and girls need proper help, otherwise, people like Joey will continue to persist."
"Women not being supported after giving birth is a big issue."
"For every purchase, they donate feminine care products to homeless shelters. That's the truth."
"Now is the time to be loud and vocal supporters of abortion care and abortion access."
"Keep the red meat in, particularly for women: the iron and the B12 and the zinc."
"Hormones and stress kind of go hand in hand, and it's really just not a good time for girls in general."
"We've got to get the word out that women are the main sufferers of Alzheimer's disease."
"Access to reproductive health is a human right."
"Seeing how transformed a woman is... is immeasurable."
"Trust women’s pain! Don’t just tell us we’re insane!"
"Women are heavily medicating or self-medicating due to stress."
"There are no medical benefits to vaginal steaming."
"Overturning Roe would put the lives of women across the country at risk... expand the court."
"Women's medical issues being dismissed is all too common, even in our contemporary society."
"I think it's pretty amazing what a woman's body can do."
"You can get an abortion for any reason because you should not be made to be pregnant if you don't want to be pregnant. Period."
"Every woman deserves to be informed and educated about what we put in our body."
"Moms should have mommy makeovers automatically."
"Women might suffer a greater increase in risk of heart disease by going on the low-fat diet."
"What's happening is perimenopause." - Dr. Stacy Sims
"We need to empower ourselves to control those things that are happening and move through it." - Dr. Stacy Sims
"Women need to be in the weight room... it's just so incredibly important for longevity."
"Women who have been on a plant-based diet prior to menopause have fewer problems during menopause."
"For many women, lifestyle changes can help regulate their cycle."
"Nearly 60 percent of black women folks ages 20 and older suffer from heart disease."
"Washboard abs is not a healthy goal for most women."
"Let's start a conversation, let's be there to support one another because I know that we all want to be happy, healthy, and sexy ladies."
"Can we just support women having healthy children, no matter their age? Let's stop the divisive stuff."
"The number one treatment that's going to work for the most amount of people is to give you back what those ovaries made—estrogen."
"You deserve better than making do with period pads that aren't designed for bladder leakage."
"I think right now, we're about to get our period."
"We know that we can do better. We know that modern medicine can actually treat women with the attention and intensity that they deserve."
"Abortion bans are objectively not safe for women and can needlessly put them through absolute hell."
"Sixty of our beautiful women are on mind-altering things because our current healthcare system doesn't know how to take care of women."
"We need to consider that one reason many women may not want a pregnancy is because they're scared about how they will afford it."
"All women should owe it to themselves to be tracking their cycle."
"It's not like you can control having your period. It's not like you can literally tell Mother Nature, 'Hey, can you wait until like after dinner to come?'"
"Wow, this one wins. This is officially the biggest period horror story, I'm so sorry."
"Ladies, be familiar with what your vagina smells like on a good day."
"Abortion is a long-established medical procedure that helps women deal with and make their own choices."
"If we're discovering that this is now women's fifth vital sign should we be taking this more seriously shouldn't we be shining a light on the importance of our hormonal system?"
"Yoga can lead to significant reductions in BMI and waist-hip ratio for women."
"Probiotics show promising results for women's weight management and gut health."
"The prime fertility window for women is around 23 years old."
"We sell women on this idea about the sexual peak, but it's a myth."
"Women make up 50% of our population, and I've always found that when we talk about women's health... it's actually preceded by talking about women's problems or women's issues."
"Sprinting is better for fat loss and hormone balance, even for women over 40."
"HCG test is crucial for women of childbearing age."
"The science of gynecology was perfected on black women."
"So it's this fertile period of a woman's life where estrogen levels are highest."
"The book really makes this important case that just as important as the circadian rhythm is to support the Infradian rhythm for women."
"Over 80 percent of women face some form of female sexual dysfunction."
"Your body is cyclical in nature, women, it's important."
"Don't go away! Women are at a higher risk of poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation due to hormonal changes that disrupt the circadian rhythm, negatively impacting overall health."
"Just like the vagina the vagina's self-cleaning anyone who's selling you cleaning products for your vaginas you shouldn't do are you saying don't douche."
"There's so many women dying from childbirth, something that is so natural."
"Breast cancer, the number one cancer in women, is estrogen-dependent."
"They see you blowing up and slowly, but surely, maybe rapidly for some of y'all, walk out of their life, some of y'all is running out of their life, some of y'all are already out of the picture, but that's another story."
"Every time a woman is healed, that's a whole nation healed."
"Women generally begin to see some gradual change in fertility around age 30."
"Focusing on women's fitness workout food is actually a much more targeted niche."
"Imma speak for the ladies that do get really really really bad cramps... a lot of people go through terrible cramping when they're on their period where it's literally unbearable literally crying because it's so painful."
"Women who did estrogen replacement therapy had decreased rates of Alzheimer's and dementia."
"When you ask a woman why she's ending a pregnancy, pretty quickly what comes into view is not a 'I really want to wear a bikini this summer' but 'I can't afford to have this child.'"
"All these women are suffering for no reason; this is not a normal design flaw."
"Estrogen in women is very important for collagen production as well as the maintenance of the integrity and the health of the dermis."
"The stigma surrounding ADHD is pretty often stronger for women, which can delay diagnosis, can delay treatment."
"Our menstrual cycle is an amazing indicator of our overall health."
"The fact that younger women are not having regular cycles should be of great concern to all of us."
"Menopause education for all specialties is necessary."
"More women will go through menopause than give birth."
"It's one of those issues that, like, I cannot believe isn't talked about more. How are we getting away with this?"
"Women who are physically active after the age of 35 have a 30% lower risk of dementia in old age."
"A lot of women don't appreciate what contributes towards cervical cancer."
"If it's anything but a yes we keep on moving that's it not every woman will choose it not every woman is a candidate but 100% of us need the conversation and the education yes."
"These are things that we have managed forever, and not allowing the even the thought that the hormonal milieu that is changing inside of our bodies is affecting our ability to cope, I think is completely doing a disservice to women."
"Why are we not talking with women in their 20s and 30s to start understanding their Baseline of how they feel their strongest and their best?"
"Why are women having kids? We've got right off on it. But why has nobody done research into women's periods?"
"A woman could mess around and easily get a UTI, yeast infection... almost every single woman then went through those things."
"Abortion is reproductive important reproductive care for women."
"This is probably the biggest thing to happen in women's health like ever."
"This so-called 'fallen womb' isn't an uncommon occurrence, about 11% of all women in this country will suffer some symptoms of uterine prolapse at some point in their lives."
"For the women who hear 'oh my gosh I'm in menopause or perimenopause I need to build muscle' and they go straight there, that can also be a very frustrating path for them because they get tired or they get super hungry."
"From the teens you go into your 20s then you go into that Superstar phase which is where you're trying to start a family... So you're setting them up sequentially for hormone success because hormones at the end of the day for women are superpower if they're balanced."
"The idea that testosterone is not important for women is baloney; it's been the most important hormone throughout our lives."
"It's contra-indicated in women of child-bearing age because it can harm a baby, but it's commonly used in postmenopausal women as an off-label treatment."
"The guidelines are very clear that even if a woman has cardiovascular disease risk factors such as raised blood pressure they can still take HRT."
"So it's not just the vagina that becomes affected by the low estrogen levels. The vulva does, the urethra does, and also we have cells that respond to estrogen in our bladders and our pelvic floor."
"It should be a great time of life. We just need to empower women to know that it should be a great time of life rather than something that they dread and don't feel good at."
"There's so much you can do in a woman who's in the age group from 35 to 50 to help prevent falling down those hormonal stairs. One night of bad sleep is associated with changes in your insulin, changes in your cortisol."
"Many women talk about just the pain itself within two weeks of severely reducing their carbohydrates, the pain is resolved or very very low."
"I want to share this stuff because it's helpful for women."
"I've heard some really awful stories from women that have just massively struggled with their hormones and it's not okay."
"I want all women to, like, let's stop that, let's if we understand our hormones then we can walk into the doctor's office already armed with knowledge."
"Education is vital for women considering pregnancy."
"Chronic stress impacts the HPG axis in women."
"Women can swing a wide average based on what's going on in their body based on baby development when they're ready to come."
"It's really important that we maintain our strength. As women, we lose so much strength post-menopause."
"Women shouldn't have to suffer. Midlife and menopause are going to happen, but suffering is not necessary."
"I'm a big fan of cycle thinking, I'm just a really big proponent of women being in touch with their cycles."
"As women, we need to get more in touch with our cycles, we need to get more in touch with our bodies."
"Your body isn't going through the cycle that God made it to go through every month. Of course, there are going to be effects on your mind, on your body when you mess with that natural cycle."
"For these women, there is one area that is crucial to a full recovery: their pelvic floor."
"One in four women experience a pelvic floor disorder after having a baby."
"I can't speak to your hormone regimen specifically, but for all women on vaginal estrogen products, they should be forever."
"Women have so much more control and agency over their well-being, their health, their hormone and menopause-related symptoms than they think."
"Raising awareness is crucial because Women's Health menopause has been shrouded in secrecy until very recently."
"Menopause is essentially the time when your periods stop."
"...most women do not need hormone replacement therapy for many many years or decades to treat their menopause symptoms."
"For every woman the most important approach to anything in life but especially perimenopause and menopause is healthy living."
"Every woman deserves to be empowered and in control of their health and life."
"Cynthia is, in my opinion, a world renowned expert on intermittent fasting specifically for women."
"We are embarking on an important mission to improve how the health and care system listens to women's voices and to boost health outcomes for women and girls from adolescence all the way through to later life."
"For too long, women's health has been an afterthought and the voices of women have been at best ignored and at worst silenced."
"We don't want to see more women resigning from their work because their symptoms are inappropriately treated or they've been told they've got to live with them. They do not have to live with them."