
Circadian Rhythm Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"Circadian rhythm and aligning it to our internal clock to our habit is very important."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every cell in our body, every organ in our body, and our brain is modulating or changes across the 24-hour day in a very regular and predictable rhythm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Beautiful things happen when hormones and systems of the body are well aligned with the 24-hour schedule."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Try on most days and most nights to wake up at more or less the same time and try to go to sleep at more or less the same time."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There is excellent, meaning dozens, if not hundreds, of quality peer-reviewed studies which support the value of getting sunlight in one's eyes, in particular early in the day to set your circadian rhythm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every cell in your body actually knows external day length and therefore time of year by way of the duration of the melatonin signal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One of the quickest ways to shift your circadian clock and get onto the local schedule is to eat on the local schedule."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Once you start sleeping late and waking up late, you're not getting the morning sunlight."
"It's such a bad idea because it disrupts that rhythm that you're having."
"Serious health effects, both mental and physical, start to arise when we deviate too far from a diurnal schedule and try and become nocturnal."
"Get as much natural sunlight as you can, avoiding glass in between, within reason, as soon as you wake up in the morning."
"Exposure to low level red light at sunset is advisable because it helps with your circadian rhythm."
"Live in harmony with your circadian body as much as you can...there's very few areas in your life that won't improve as a consequence."
"Circadian rhythm...is one of the most important facets of health."
"Calories matter, energy matters, but... we didn't know about these circadian rhythms and microbiome... Now that we understand this new biology, we should acknowledge and recognize that these things are influencing our metabolic health."
"Eating and not eating are not equivalent to fed and fasted. It depends on when you ate, how much you ate, and where you are in your circadian cycle."
"The key to your health is your circadian rhythm, which are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that happen in a 24-hour cycle."
"If you eat at the same time every day, you influence your circadian rhythm, which can significantly impact your health."
"Making sure that you're getting bright light exposure in the morning and not getting bright light exposure in the evening can allow your circadian rhythm to advance."
"The body has a thing called a circadian rhythm, and light is a huge, huge part of our body's physiology of sleeping and wakefulness."
"I truly believe that circadian rhythm has untapped potential to prevent, manage, and cure many of the chronic diseases that affect billions of people."
"Our body has a natural circadian rhythm...All life on this planet has a circadian rhythm."
"This is almost like your body flying to a different time zone and coming back from the circadian point of view."
"Our bodies are designed to follow a 24-hour cycle called the circadian rhythm."
"The best thing that we can do to support this is consistency."
"The circadian clock is an internal regulator of your wake and sleep cycle."
"Light is one of the best ways to alter our circadian rhythm."
"The most important cue for our circadian rhythm is light exposure."
"Bright light exposure in the morning and avoiding blue light at night are key to regulating circadian rhythm."
"As we age, our circadian rhythm gets altered, and that worsens aging."
"The biggest takeaway of this paper is that your circadian clock system is intimately connected with your metabolism and the rate at which you age."
"Improving your metabolic health can shore up irregularities or imbalances in the circadian clock system, which can then improve sleep."
"At the end of your life, the phenotypic expression that you express to the world... is connected to the health of your body's circadian clock system."
"A circadian rhythm is essentially our biological clock."
"Every time we stay up for two hours extra or if you're waking up two hours before your habitual wake-up time...for three days, our clock is trying to catch up."
"Light signals tell our bodies when to be energetic and when to be sleepy."
"Insulin is an influencer of the peripheral circadian clock system."
"The body craves routine and performs its best when you can stick to a consistent sleep schedule."
"Sun exposure and vitamin D during the day... turn off melatonin so it can recharge."
"Go outside within half an hour of waking up. Sunlight is crucial for setting your circadian rhythms."
"Jet lag: a temporary sleep disorder resulting from misalignment of the internal body clock with the time zone of the current location."
"We aren't meant to run on the circadian rhythm... we women are lunar beings."
"I think it's about getting the circadian rhythm and component as optimized as possible."
"The diurnal rhythm of exposure to light and darkness is very important."
"When you are young, you are almost like on a self-driving mode in Tesla because your circadian rhythm is robust."
"Light any time of the day is very important because it's always just syncing your circadian rhythm."
"Circadian rhythm essentially relates to almost a daily timetable of things that has to happen in our body."
"The most important thing to understand is that not just our entire body has a circadian rhythm, but different organ systems also have their own biological clock."
"Open the window and look in the Sun... it is proven to make you happier, it is proven to regulate your circadian rhythm."
"Morning exposure to sunlight can help to restore the circadian rhythm and set natural sleep patterns so that you wake up feeling refreshed every single morning and go to bed at a more regular time every night."
"Circadian misalignment is a strong predictor of depression."
"Getting sunlight even through cloud cover in one's eyes early in the day and as much as safely possible throughout the day is the best alternative."
"The daily cycle of alternating between periods of sleep and wakefulness is known as the circadian rhythm."
"The thing that was so surprising to me was the fact that it completely reset both mine and Dan's circadian rhythm."
"It starts in the morning... develop a relatively disciplined morning routine."
"Morning light has a very special type of light... very healthy blue wavelengths of light."
"Drinking coffee before bed delays your internal body clock by 40 minutes."
"light in the morning you got to resynchronize a brain clock to day night cycle and it reduces depression brings alertness"
"Our body goes through various cycles throughout the day; we feel more tired at night."
"...we have an operating system, we're run by rhythms of light and dark."
"Being exposed to light and eating food and being active when our own circadian rhythms tells us it should be Night results in insulin resistance."
"The most powerful timekeeper for our circadian biology is light."
"The best thing to do would be to get exposure to early morning sunlight because the early morning sunlight has frequencies that allow us to understand that it's morning time and it's time to get that cortisol spike and get the biological clock in order."
"Every cell in your body has a 24 hour clock."
"Remember, there is no one size fits all. Everybody is different. If you can follow these simple natural steps following our circadian rhythm, most likely the hair loss will be prevented."
"Doesn't that all support just how strong and robust circadian biology is and how messing around with it can have unforeseen implications?"
"Turn your phones, your devices all screens off an hour before you go to bed... it can mess up your normal circadian rhythm sleep cycle."
"Sleeping when it's dark out and waking with light is important for longevity."
"Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle strategy and it is based on the principles of our circadian rhythm."
"Follow that circadian rhythm, let your body sleep. The next thing you can do is wake up early and get into the sun a little bit for 10 or 15 minutes right before you go to work."
"Decreased hunger overall...supporting the Circadian system."
"...let that be winding down hour because if you are exposing yourself to dark environment at that time your body starts creating melatonin and that's what's important for your healing."
"The most alert you'll ever be throughout the day, believe it or not, is one hour before your natural sleep time."
"Our bodies perfectly synced up to the setting and rising of the sun."
"Exposing yourself to bright light in the morning shifts your circadian regulation cues earlier in the day."
"Our physiology, metabolism, everything is very strongly rhythmic and is tied to the outside world."
"...what do you actually tell a person and maybe their family at the steps they could take to make use of this information yeah so I think that you know what you could do right now really is try to have have the circadian clock be as as regulated as possible."
"We have nearly 20,000 master clock neurons called suprachiasmatic nucleus, so every organ has an optimum time to function and also needs some rest time to wind down, repair, rejuvenate, and reset."
"Nearly 70 percent of FDA-approved drug targets a circadian so that means the efficacy of the drug is strongly modulated by time of the day when the drug is taken."
"Timing can make a good light junk. In that sense, we need bright light during daytime, everybody needs that, and we should go out and get some daylight. But as the evening rolls in, two to three hours before we go to bed, our body actually prepares to go to sleep."
"These last few winters have definitely been tough. They mess with you. They mess with your circadian rhythm."
"...I use this to better monitor my circadian rhythm and therefore it influences what time I go to bed the night before."
"...there are real differences in the amount of blue light that stimulates the body, and that this seems to be one of the most important arbiters of mood."
"Sunlight every morning on your face, that helps your circadian rhythm, that gives your body the wake of 'oh this is morning'."
"Sunlight on your skin tells your brain to stop making melatonin."
"If your internal clock matches your environment, you actually will survive better; there's an adaptive benefit."
"If you're in the International Space Station, you have a 90-minute day, and half the medication that astronauts take are downers at night to make them sleep and uppers during the day to make them awake because their circadian clocks are destroyed."
"Humans were made to rise and fall with the Sun."
"One of the really important things as human beings is to understand the circadian rhythms of the day."
"For most people they should understand that we as well as plants grew on a planet that has a revolution and so it's a diurnal basis of not just our sleep patterns but the DNA and our tissue changes at night and during day we're meant to cycle that way."
"A clock is ticking away inside us. It uses light to keep time and tells us when to sleep and eat."
"We know that sleep and circadian rhythm and light hygiene are very important to this whole process of cardiometabolic disease."
"Daytime light is... such an important point."
"When you temperature is a big thing but also when you get up seems to be really like that really seems to be the anchor like the super important thing and it's not maybe so so related to light as we thought."
"Our body thinks it's noon, so we have to keep secreting cortisol, which blocks the production of melatonin."
"It's been proven that if people do a 12, 12 schedule circadian cycle... you'll increase longevity."
"Eating a nice healthy breakfast, lunch, a light early dinner, this supports your body's circadian rhythms."
"Having a regular rise time that is tied to the appearance of light is a mood stabilizer unto itself."
"There's a true circadian pattern to this; it's worse in the evening and night, better in the morning."
"Keep a routine to help set babies' circadian rhythms for feeding and sleeping."
"Older adults have what we call Advanced sleep phase, which means they get sleepy earlier in the evening."
"We want to be able to anticipate what's happening in the environment, and that's really what our circadian rhythms help us do."
"Getting good night's sleep and setting up circadian biology is just how important it is to kind of get into a routine and maintain that consistency."
"Getting sun especially in the morning... sets your circadian rhythm."
"Getting bright sunlight in the morning can help you establish the circadian rhythm which will get you a better paradigm to manage your pain."
"Circadian rhythms impact your hunger levels by regulating the release of ghrelin."
"When your circadian rhythms are off, you usually have higher cortisol levels that stress hormone."
"The Circadian rhythm and the sunlight in the morning is like the remote starter to your car."
"The blue light from our electronics tricks the brain into thinking it's daytime, decreasing the production of melatonin."
"From serotonin, we get something called melatonin, which plays the primary role in helping us fall asleep at night."
"Sunlight in the morning is so beneficial to help you get in a healthy circadian rhythm."
"Getting sunlight in the morning sets your circadian rhythm."
"I just finished up my nighttime routine; it's about 7:30 but it feels like 10, and this is why I love sleeping in nature because your circadian rhythms so easily get aligned with nature."
"If you consistently wake up at the same time, you'll start getting sleepy late at night around the same consistent time too."
"Our body has a natural circadian rhythm."
"Eating in harmony with our natural circadian rhythms can be really beneficial."
"...if you're exposed to bright morning light, it pulls your circadian rhythms earlier."
"Your body locks onto the brightest source of light it sees in that 24-hour cycle and uses that to set its timing."
"The circadian oscillator keeps track of the daily cycle and is entrained by the daily cycle."
"Every single cell in our bodies has a circadian rhythm."
"Intermittent fasting is based on the important principle which is circadian rhythm."
"The body is designed to eat when the sun is up."
"Limit blue light at night, early morning sun gazing... these little things make a difference and once you start getting a good circadian cycle going, melatonin production will increase at the right time."
"Making sure you go to sleep by 10 o'clock, making sure you're up by six... because your body works on a circadian rhythm."
"Your body does have an internal clock known as the circadian rhythm."
"If you need to work on your weight or your metabolism, try to consume all of your energy within eight to ten hours a day, only when the Sun is up."
"It's critical to work with your body's circadian rhythm to optimize your body's hormonal response to food."
"You're going to be in fantastic shape and have a correctly entrained circadian rhythm."
"This will tell the brain there's no blue light in my environment, so your body starts to reduce cortisol, increase melatonin, and your circadian rhythm will be correctly functioning."
"The beauty of circadian rhythms is that our body is pre-programmed to go through these daily cycles."
"The pineal gland produces melatonin, which helps to keep your day/night cycle."
"The light helps your circadian rhythm because it mimics the sunrise."
"Get sleep... you are actually fixing your circadian rhythm and you're becoming in tune with when it is time to get up and when it's time to go to bed."
"Our circadian clock... regulates everything from cellular activity to energy partitioning and utilization."
"Our circadian rhythm also has downtime for our brain to repair, rejuvenate, and detoxify."
"When we fix our circadian rhythm, everything else falls into its right place."
"The SCN is really important; it controls the sleep-wake cycle in the hypothalamus."
"Sleep that occurs before midnight is more restorative than sleep after midnight."
"Light is something called a zeitgeber, which means 'time giver' in German."
"Giving melatonin in the evening... would also have the effect of advancing your circadian rhythm."
"Our body is designed to get seven to nine hours of sleep in every 24-hour period."
"The circadian rhythm is our daily biological rhythm which is controlled by a specific part of the brain."
"The more you align your biological system with the circadian rhythms of the planet, the more likely it is that you're going to have a restful night of sleep."
"Circadian rhythm is our 24-hour cycle that adapts based on the time of day."
"Light signals received through the eye regulate production of melatonin and serotonin for circadian rhythm control."
"Our circadian rhythm is a 24-hour clock, and you need to be in alignment with that."
"Midday sun exposure... is key to prevent that delayed phase of the circadian clock."
"We want to actually reestablish a consistent circadian rhythm."
"Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland and its function is to regulate our day-night cycle, also known as our circadian rhythm."
"Circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm that lasts around 24 hours, regulating sleep and wake, the release of hormones, and varying our body temperature and blood pressure."
"The sun on your skin tells your brain to stop making melatonin."
"It sets your circadian cycle, which is the sleep cycle that you have."
"Being in the sun or exposed to bright lights keeps this internal clock healthy."
"Sunrise light really synchronizes your circadian rhythm, it gives you a huge boost of energy."
"Tom has restored their ability to eat and their ability to locomote, and they do so in a circadian manner, just like wild-type animals, by injecting, restoring dopamine just in the dorsal striatum."
"We need to see the sunlight and be in it at different times of the day so that we can have proper circadian rhythms."
"We used a light box... it has been demonstrated to help regulate circadian rhythms, improve metabolic function."
"Waking up and sleeping roughly around the same time has got a lot to do with the circadian rhythm of our body."
"Lithium promotes brain tissue growth; it resets the circadian clock."
"Our eyes aren't just seeing things, they're also sending a signal to this clock in the brain, basically telling it to reset."
"When it gets dark outside at night, our body increases in melatonin and that helps us to feel sleepy."
"Cortisol is one of those hormones that is involved in that circadian rhythm that 24-hour cycle that helps us to be able to wake up."
"Sky before screens is how you should start your day; your body is wired to see sunlight in the morning."
"Getting sun exposure directly on your eyeballs and your skin... is actually a really great way to set circadian rhythm."
"Melatonin helps to regulate your body's internal clock."
"Our biological clock is really on a 25-hour cycle."
"Protect and support your circadian rhythm."
"Humans have evolved over millions of years to live in sync with the sun."
"The circadian rhythm regulates our body's energy expenditure, our appetite, and our sleep."
"Melatonin is used for sleeping and for waking."
"The suprachiasmatic nucleus acts as our master clock and controls other pacemakers in the body."
"Not to mention, getting outside into the sunshine first thing in the morning helps keep your circadian rhythm rocking."
"Melatonin significantly reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure, showing that it has an effect on improving the circadian rhythm."
"Morning sunlight... sets your circadian rhythm... it's one of the most important things people think about sleep."
"A relatively strict circadian rhythm... goes a very long way."
"Vitamin B12 is involved in regulating our sleep-wake cycles by helping to keep our circadian rhythms in sync."
"There are literally hundreds if not thousands of quality peer-reviewed papers showing that light viewing early in the day is the most powerful stimulus for wakefulness throughout the day."
"Getting sunlight into your eyeballs... it's really, really good for you for waking you up and kick-starting your circadian rhythm."
"Sleep starts basically in the morning so you need to go get sunlight into your eyes to set your circadian rhythm."
"Practice time-restricted eating and eat generally in accordance with your circadian rhythm."
"If you ever get your circadian rhythm in order, you'd be unstoppable."
"Equipped with a stunning glowing light alarm that simulates the sunrise, Soluna can help you reset your circadian rhythm and wake up more peacefully."
"In the morning, the way to get going with your circadian rhythm and your adrenal glands to properly function is to have sunlight for 20 minutes."
"The most powerful thing that's governing when you want to be asleep and when you want to be awake is light, and in particular, it's governed by sunlight."
"Keeping the circadian rhythm happy by a consistent sleep-wake cycle."
"Use body clock all year round to encourage a regular sleep-wake pattern."
"One of the things that has been discovered is this circadian biology, this clock pattern, this genomic program is controlling 10 to 20% of gene expression in every cell of the body."
"Melatonin administration makes sense if you're trying to bring somebody earlier into sleep."
"Your circadian rhythm is like the conductor of an orchestra, and the instruments in that orchestra are the individual cells of your body."
"Improve your circadian rhythm... it's the most underrated thing you guys can possibly do."
"Going to bed at the same time of night and waking up at the same time during the morning every day will give your body the best chance to develop and maintain its natural circadian rhythm."