
Fever Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"So in many ways, fever is your natural form of heat inoculation designed to kill pathogens of various kinds."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For instance, hyperthermia, fever is a powerful pathogen protector for a couple of reasons. First off, it sort of ramps up immune functioning."
"Fever... it's actually the first step in your body's attack on the virus."
"Only about 40% of cases get a fever, surprising for a viral infection."
"The fever is enhancing that very portion of the immune system -- the innate immune system -- that's required to put an end to the progression of COVID-19."
"This treatment in almost every case reduced the temperature of the patients and in a day or so they were apparently well."
"The fever is like you're working yourself in, it's like a hysteria sweeping the nation."
"Folks, if you're sick, this stuff will break a fever. It is so good."
"I must look like I'm on drugs because I'm probably sweating because I think my fever's breaking."
"Your immune system is high when you get a cold and when you get a fever."
"A man could no more help falling in love than he could help taking a fever."
"I got a fever and the only prescription is more of this album."
"Extreme thirst at first nearly uncontrollable, urinating, a simple scuffed knee that had never really healed over now raging with infection, red streaks up nearly to her groin, her fever soaring to 103."
"...understand that the fever aspect of it TNF or idle interleukin-1 you can get into how it works that's no big deal."
"The fever is actually a good response and it helps fight off the infection."
"Fevers are very common among children, they usually bounce back very quickly within a few days."
"Having a fever makes me more horny."
"I became ill, and by February, I was sick again, this time with a high fever and a deathly pallor."
"It started roughly in May 2022, a low-grade sort of fever, you get it once or twice a month."
"Controlling fever is generally a good thing to prevent neurological damage."
"...it was really good so that that definitely got me through one of the one of the coveted fever nights i mean i'm in i got my fever going i'm listening to the silk road i got all kinds of crazy ideas in my head it was awesome..."
"All kids with a fever you'd strip them off."
"Everybody knows the only way to break a fever is to cool it down."
"Illness would befall me not long after the meeting. By that very evening, I had come down with a sudden fever that set my skin ablaze, sent throbs of pain coursing through my muscles, and left me confined to me hammock."
"Fever is a normal response to when you have an infection."
"Sometimes a low-grade fever can be actually a good thing for you."
"A fever in and of itself in a healthy child is not dangerous and we should be treating for comfort not for temperature."
"Fever in Pediatrics... the severity of the fever does not indicate the severity of the illness in the child."
"Treat the cause of fever, however, and temperature decreases naturally."
"The thing that sets it apart is the rash follows the fever."
"As soon as the fever breaks, rash."
"Postpartum fever is technically defined as a temperature greater than 101.6 degrees in the first 24 hours, or greater than 100.4 degrees on any two of the first ten days postpartum."
"The most common cause of postpartum fever is endometritis."
"We have the seven W's of maternal fever or postpartum fever."
"When you have a woman who comes in with a fever and she's given birth recently, you want to first ascertain the history."
"Not every fever needs to be treated."
"Shivering increases the body's metabolic demands, which increases the fever, and the fever is what we're trying to get rid of."
"Fever is the body's natural response to fighting something that they don't like."
"Many times fever is not a cause for concern."
"The definition of fever is anything over 100.4 Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius."
"Fever causes a whole plethora of inflammatory agents that helps fight an illness."
"Not all fevers are bad; fever is the body fighting something foreign."
"Fever does not cause brain damage."
"A fever itself is rarely dangerous; it's part of the body's natural response in fighting infection."
"I got what some people may say isn't really a fever, you know, it's 99.8 degrees."
"Signs and symptoms of infection: redness, heat, pus or discharge, new pain, hard swelling, rapid new swelling, fever 38 degrees or higher for more than 24 hours."
"This is the wisdom of the body, so even though it's very common that when people have fevers they immediately take Tylenol or something to lower it, we're basically saying if you don't have to take it, this is the way your body gets better."
"Fever is generally attributed to infections in acute leukemia."
"Febrile seizures are convulsions brought on by a fever in infants or small children."
"A fever serves to actually raise our body temperature and helps our body fight off these pathogens."