
Evolution Quotes

There are 20798 quotes

"Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I mean, I believe in evolution. And if you think about the evolution of our species, everything is driven by developing mechanisms that increase our survival."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We started with a millennia of ancestors in which fear was needed for survival, but we're now in a society in which fear as often causes harm as it does good."
"Stay adaptable...the important thing is learning how to learn, learning how to be live-wired and adaptable."
"Self-control could be an evolutionary adaptation."
"Nothing in consumer behavior or in business makes sense except in the light of evolution."
"The evolution of your soul is literally you becoming a greater being because you can handle things."
"I believe that we have actually evolved parts of our brain that are intended for worship or transcendence."
"Evolution by natural selection is a theory inside SpaceTime, ultimately evolution by natural selection is not a deep theory; it's only a headset theory."
"Every natural product is extremely interesting from an evolutionary perspective. Every chemical is also something that evolved."
"Evolution has shaped us with a user interface that hides reality on purpose."
"We are becoming cyborgs. Like, our brains are fundamentally changed. Everyone who grew up with electronics, we are fundamentally different from previous [generations]... I think we have evolved into Homo Techno."
"Consciousness, self-awareness, I think this might be the single greatest moment in evolution ever, and maybe this is the true beginning of life."
"The Elixir Golem may have had a toxic past, but if the Royal giant can become a healthy win condition, I think it can have a bright future too."
"Humans... have millions of years of evolution in relationship with eating foods that have supported our development."
"We are all, every one of the six billion people on this planet, sons and daughters of a small band of hunter-gatherers that arose in Africa about 70,000 years ago and conquered the world."
"You are complex, at least that should be your aim. The universe evolves toward complexity, and so do you as you learn, implement, and understand as you age."
"Asking a human being what it's going to be like to live in The Singularity is a bit like asking a mouse what it would be like to evolve to become like a human."
"The human mind and body is impressive; part of our evolutionary biology. When you're put in a certain environment, you've got two options: you die or you evolve."
"The scientific research shows quite clearly that it was the advent of cooking, particularly carbohydrates, which fueled early brain growth hundreds of thousands of years ago."
"We are compliments; we're innate natural evolved compliments to one another."
"You're not going to evolve if you continue thinking the same way."
"You are actually a part of evolution... pushing evolution forward."
"Was 2019 the year comic book movies became mature? Well, 2019 was the year that these superhero movies became self-aware."
"I've always thought, 'How can I evolve from what I'm doing today?'"
"YouTube is kind of all about evolving and transforming your content."
"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change."
"Humans are the apex of all apexes because we are the most adaptive species to change."
"On the whole, I do really love it. I think in some respects it's the perfect evolution of what Spider-Man PS4 and Miles Morales accomplished."
"It's important to let people change and grow."
"We have to understand that there is a complete timeline or stream of devolution on the planet and a timeline of genuine Evolution."
"The only way that we change and evolve ourself is through personal transmutation, through spiritual transmutation."
"What was previously overwhelmingly a land-based power has increasingly evolved into one capable of projecting power and influence in its region and globally."
"You are the ancestors. You're the best of their genes, the latest version, and the highest tech model."
"You have a choice, you're either going to repeat what you're doing or you're going to evolve it."
"Each and every one of you, there is something about you that adds to humanity, the elevation of it, the upliftment, the evolution of it."
"Friendship is a constantly evolving practice, and much of that evolution is taking place online."
"Evolution begins with an observation of facts in reality."
"Thanks to natural selection and random mutation, nature is really good at figuring out what works."
"Eyes are just a good idea. And when something works, nature sometimes comes up with it more than once."
"Any alien that made it to the stars would need to have the ability to work tools. So, fingers, or something similar, would be a likely addition to an alien race."
"The same rules of evolution apply, whatever the solvent is."
"Complexity can only arise by accumulation, by one system becoming more complex and then gaining and adding little bits of complexity here and there."
"It's the ecology that's driving the evolution of complexity."
"You've got to think about the ecology because it's the ecology that's driving the evolution of complexity."
"Complexity can only arise by accumulation, by one organism or one system becoming more complex and then gaining and adding little bits of complexity here and there."
"They are evolution on steroids, billions of years of evolutionary advantages distilled into one species."
"They are evolution on steroids, the ultimate apex predator, an impossibly intelligent entity that has evolved over billions of years."
"Purposeless processes gradually create purpose." - Daniel Dennett
"Avalanche had taken the simplicity of the original Just Cause and dialed it up to 11, yet saving space for the growth of Rico and its world design."
"Nature evolves and Brahman or the Atman, you, shine forth. The evolution of nature... reveals the real self within more and more."
"We evolved in for millions of years...our needs are for community, for contact, for collaboration, for connection."
"How did we evolve as creatures? We evolved in small band hunter-gatherer groups...where wealth wasn't defined by what you achieved but by what you gave away."
"Beings who have been living in dense physical bodies now have the option of living in wondrous bodies of light."
"During cellular transformation, repigmentation of the body will occur."
"Within this lifetime, there is more evolution taking place in your body than in a total of all previous lifetimes on this planet."
"Darwin's theory of evolution really had shown that there's no need for a creator to explain all the full diversity of life around us."
"Evolution is uncomfortable, point-blank period."
"That's the backdrop to the entire narrative of the book. I basically want the reader to get a feel for the whole thing: how it started, how things like you and me rise up, how consciousness emerges, issues of free will, and whether we have it, and then on to the future, what's going to happen to us and the world and the universe as time elapses to the far, far future."
"The message is reinforced through the whole book: what we think is normal in our society from the point of human needs and human evolution is absolutely abnormal."
"Our intellect is our tool; that is our evolutionary edge."
"Go beyond the powers of a Super Saiyan, discover what was Super Saiyan beyond Super Saiyan."
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change."
"You hope to grow and evolve, and I feel like I have a better taste now than when I was younger."
"Evolution will decide its value. I love that."
"Entities complicated enough to be creative designers... come about through a very slow, gradual process."
"Mutants are humanity's children. In other words, mutants are not the end of the human race; they are the continuation of the human race."
"There is an inevitable logic about how organisms function, how organisms are built, how organisms have evolved solving this problem of optimizing the solution."
"The beautiful thing is, we are still growing, and one day we will evolve to the point where we will know and understand that we are all connected."
"The success of the evolutionary game, as he puts it, was written into the fabric of the universe."
"The Darwinian explanation so beautifully does away with the need for any kind of top-down design."
"This is racing pure, unadulterated speed, a sport inherently designed to test the boundaries of evolution, to push beyond conventional thought."
"You are in a process of evolving, as long as you believe it."
"I think Pajaro Dunes represented a turning point for many of us individually; we all had questions about evolutionary theory, but when we came together, each person brought something of their own to the table, and suddenly we all had a glimpse of a new way of looking at life."
"Natural selection acts only by taking advantage of slight successive variations; she can never take a great and sudden leap but must advance by short and sure, though slow steps."
"The basic idea of natural selection is that if a gene does an above average job at helping its host creatures survive and reproduce, it will tend to become more common."
"Evolution is not an inventor. Evolution is a tinkerer."
"I've changed a lot... It's a whole different website, a whole different world now."
"I say never be complete. I say stop being perfect. I say let's evolve. Let the chips fall where they may."
"Morality is something that carbon atoms can embody, given a billion years of evolution."
"Every extinction has led to a more beautiful planet."
"For all the Charles Darwin contributed to our modern understanding of the biological world, one puzzling question nagged him until the day he died: how did the incremental process of evolution by natural selection suddenly produce an utterly unprecedented kind of animal such as humans?"
"Changing the way we think and live is more than just a temporary inconvenience; it's a necessary evolution towards a more compassionate society."
"Apex Legends is now in its 20th season. Yes, you heard me right, 20th season."
"True strength is about more than just the physical; it's about adapting, overcoming, and constantly evolving."
"These machines evolved intelligence without anybody telling them how to do it... they just played against each other and got better and better and better."
"I love the nerd culture, how it was and how it is at its core."
"We're excited to be back and feel like our content is evolving and more authentic."
"Say what you need to say and do what you need to do. Spirit is encouraging you to make sure this is an evolving situation that it doesn't stay stuck and stagnant because you cannot overcome your own temporary fear."
"The moment you realize the next step isn't going to kill you, and that next step is the first step to evolving, changing, growing, and learning, and becoming literally the best version of yourself, that's the most beautiful thing."
"You have to keep going. You have to keep moving. You have to keep evolving."
"Over billions of years on a unique sphere, chance has painted a thin covering of life...suddenly, we humans...now wield the paintbrush."
"But yeah, Magearna, likely broken, but we'll have to let the metagame evolve."
"You're doing a really good job at evolving and being flexible."
"Love has the word 'evolve' in it. Your soulmate was brought into your life to help you evolve and to help break karmic patterns."
"The more you begin to master you, the more that ideal version of you begins to evolve too. At some point, it becomes fully optimized. The fully optimized version of yourself is who you will catch up with."
"There's no failure, there's lessons. There's evolution."
"When I was a boy, you had to have bookshelves full of these data books."
"We are finite, physical animals evolved to live and perceive within a world of medium-sized objects. There is no reason whatever to suppose that our animal faculties will be adequate to fathom the origins or, possibly, the infinite history of worlds."
"I feel like this year is just rapidly evolving and rapidly changing every week."
"Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed but rather evolved."
"The more that we study the origins of life...the more intractable Darwinian naturalistic type explanations actually appear to be."
"Everything's evolving; the way we work, the way we learn, even the way we experience together."
"We are really more capable of this process of trans-generational change than any other species on the planet."
"Barry Berkman's life, like all of our lives, is one of evolution."
"For most of us, our evolution is driven by choice or simply the natural flow of our lives, but Barry's metamorphosis into the man he became was anything but a choice or natural."
"Admiration is sort of an evolution of respect."
"The social component of what MMORPGs as a genre are supposed to be have kind of been lost over the years."
"Evolution is a fundamental part of who we are, and so our theories and understanding of the human mind must also evolve."
"This relationship is truly meant to activate both of you on a spiritual level for evolution."
"Science is just specifics at times, so who's to say that the science now won't be outdated 100 years from now?"
"Man evolves outward to the periphery of complexity and then involves back to the central simplicity."
"Evolution is an algorithm. It's really straightforward actually."
"The complacency is there because it's like why am I gonna go and reformat, but without Evolution, we all die."
"I love the evolution of the game, and I think Michael Carrick and Busquets were the players that I admired in that role."
"Evolution is actually the unification of everyone coming together in harmony."
"You're supposed to improve, gentlemen. We're supposed to evolve."
"We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life."
"Evolution is very slow... It takes millions and millions of years."
"Every living organism is a transitional form."
"Everything is a transitional form, just because it's extant doesn't mean it's somehow privileged."
"Wisdom teeth are actually remnants of our ancient diet and our proof of science-backed evolution, not baseless theories."
"Over 3,000 years, the frequency of the gene grew from 10% to 90% in Tibetans; this is a legitimate example of evolution."
"Evolution is not a chance phenomenon; natural selection is not a chance process."
"In general, comparisons don't work because chess just continues to evolve over generations."
"The dynamic way to think about life purpose is not as a static thing, but as something that keeps evolving over the course of your life."
"You're developing even more emotional maturity, and you're growing and evolving."
"The game has certainly evolved into something completely new and different and much more expansive."
"We are the domesticated version of the species that lived 300,000 years ago."
"There is millions of years of evolutionary engineering behind creating these molecules so that they help us with host defense, they fight bacteria, they mop up bacterial products, they modulate inflammation."
"Superman's evolution saw him become far more than a simple powerhouse, just as Superman's iconic 'S' became a sign of hope."
"Covid has driven us to innovate, disrupt, evolve."
"We are conscious participators in the ongoing evolution of a deep and vital cosmos, in which we rediscover ourselves in a universe which is once again alive and a part of us."
"I hope as a result of it that I am a more evolved person... and that I can give love wherever possible."
"We are one world, one people. If we could just visualize that, work towards making it happen...we would evolve."
"Evolution is going to be a participatory process. We have to participate."
"Modern humans are very special... there had been other hominids around for two million years, and no one has spread around the planet or developed technology like this; we are certainly a very, very special primate."
"Our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving."
"Friends? That word somehow doesn't seem adequate. Besides, we've been friends for a long time, you and I. By now, we're so much more than that, at least in my mind."
"Every economic system, he argued, is born, evolves over time, and dies to be replaced by another."
"It's not the survival of the fittest; it's the survival of the nurtured."
"The fact that the colors and the flower evolved in order to attract insects to pollinate it raises all kinds of interesting questions which the science knowledge only adds to the excitement, the mystery, and the awe of a flower."
"Mars is an incredible natural laboratory right next door to Earth...trying to understand how they ended up so differently is a really important question."
"Evolution is a natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals best adjusted to their environment."
"Sexual reproduction is a great step in the evolution of the living."
"Humans have naturally developed to identify patterns... for survival."
"Our feet are the product of millions of years of evolution. Humans evolved to walk, move, and run barefoot. But modern shoes that are overly cushioned and strangely shaped have negatively impacted foot function and are contributing to a health crisis."
"Evolution is a scientific fact as securely established as anything known in science."
"Five thousand years to develop a language, now we're back to hieroglyphics."
"We've been able to survive this long in this industry is because we keep trying new things and we keep evolving and learning."
"Capitalism is malleable, it's flexible, it evolves."
"Society is changing, transforming; the old society is dying and being done away with to make room for the new society that we're moving into."
"Maybe it's okay if sons have different ideas than their fathers. Maybe it's how we evolve as dinosaurs."
"The pivot in her content is synonymous with personal growth, which eventually all YouTubers do."
"This is evolution, you guys. What one generation suffers, the next generation should not."
"Humans are designed to adapt; that is literally what we are sculpted to do."
"Humanity is now in a very interesting evolutionary phase in which we move from hostile aggressive competition into a more mature mode of cooperation and collaboration."
"The impulse of evolution is not small, and when it's in everybody who's waking up and linking up and daring to speak up, the scheme for global domination is being exposed."
"We are moving into a level of consciousness beyond our wildest imagination."
"It's not in a virus's best interests to kill its host... the best thing for the virus is just to progress to evolve into this low-dose, low potency kind of pathogen."
"Natural immunity is a very basic fundamental of evolutionary biology. Literally, no animal species would exist if there was no such thing as natural immunity."
"Humanity is on the brink of a new beginning, a new consciousness."
"One of the beauties of the evolutionary perspective is not only understanding our own place in the world but our really deep sharing with other animals."
"I think the theory of evolution is fully compatible with faith in God."
"Evolution comes from solving the problems that cause our suffering."
"The universe is calling you to evolve. There's a reason you feel bad for not doing the things you're supposed to be doing."
"Intermittent fasting, imperfect as that term may be, is probably our natural state of being, and we are unsurprisingly evolved for it."
"We are animals. We forget that so much of our addictive behaviors worked very well for us thousands of years ago."
"Anxiety is why our species proliferated. The most anxious are the ones that survived."
"Every single generation, humans get stronger, more self-aware, more intelligent."
"Most of what we do is only so we say loosely governed by our evolutionary past; it's so much governed by our cultural heritage."
"Identity is not permanent. Identity changes over time."
"Even without a single fossil, the evidence for evolution would be totally secure because it comes from other sources, comparing modern animals and plants, comparing their anatomy, their biochemistry."
"Evolution does not disprove an entity. It does not disprove theology, but it certainly makes a god unnecessary."
"The human mind is something that's shaped by the forces of biological evolution."
"We can compare the DNA of one organism to another and, in doing so, see exactly how closely related they are."
"Artificial selection is brilliant evidence of evolution."
"Nature selects which traits are passed on to subsequent generations."
"Evolution by natural selection predicts that they'd share these similarities if they have this DNA."
"We're losing abilities according to you. That's evolution. That's the evolution."
"Humans are evolved to be able to interact with the world in ways that are advantageous and to learn from it."
"Whales have strange bones that look like shriveled hip, thigh, and shin bones where land mammals have hind legs."
"To remain successful as a species, will we become better predators, or will we learn to love even those creatures who are strange and frightening to us?"
"The fittest is the one that is adapting to the reality around it."
"It was our ability to cook that really created like a quantum leap in the evolution of the human brain because we're now able to extract more nutrients and calories from our food."
"We're kicking off a journey, an experience that's going to evolve month to month, season to season, year after year."
"Love develops for every evolutionary pairing that requires devotion. We love our pets, and our pets love us."
"We're all sort of descendants of dinosaurs, aren't we?"
"The Moonball... gives you a four times modifier on any Pokemon that's part of a family that evolves with a Moon Stone."
"This person is very important for your evolution and very important for your growth."
"Representation is at the heart of evolution. You've got to see people who reflect you in the work."
"The universe right now, 14 billion years after the Big Bang, is much lumpier than it was in the very early universe."
"The basic story of technology in our lifetimes is how it's given us the power to express ourselves and experience the world with ever greater richness."
"That's the beauty of it actually, the meta evolves over time."
"Technology is affecting the natural evolution of human beings."
"It's survival of the quickest. Those who are most willing to adapt the most quickly are going to survive."
"The singularity or transhumanism... means that at some point as biological beings, we're going to merge with machine."
"Mast cells being 500 million years old, that is quite something."
"Acquired immunity... is one of the most fascinating evolutionary processes... it uses quite literally evolution to generate a recognition of this new pathogen that your body has never seen."
"Democracy is important, freedom is important, and in my mind, democracy and what we consider to be democracy has been evolving for a long time now."