
Outcome Quotes

There are 6965 quotes

"The total effect of anything is a combined product of what you're actually doing, and what you're thinking about."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you want change, if you want to create something, think deeper about the possible outcome."
"I'm so happy that it came out the way you wanted it."
"Release the negativity. Know that your emotions will be running high, but a win-win outcome is coming."
"Whatever this chaotic ending was...it actually took you to the best place possible."
"All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end."
"Equality of outcome will only be achieved if you have equality of opportunity."
"Equality of opportunity is a very admirable goal, and then there's equality of outcome, which I think is a totalitarian impossibility."
"Transformation Will Be the End Result of everything that we're going through right now."
"Life is like a sewer... what you get out of it depends on what you put into it."
"Trust all will turn out well. Everything will fall into place."
"We will take responsibility into our hands until the end, to bring the darkness of this said office to light, and ensure that everyone receives a rewarding ending."
"If you take a bad system and put in good people, you're still going to get a negative outcome."
"The energy that you put into something is the energy that you get out of something."
"It will sometimes happen that where there is the most sorrow in the experience, there will be the most pleasure in the outcome."
"It's not about how you start; it's about how you finish."
"Stop getting attached to the process; you have to be attached to the outcome."
"Sometimes everything does turn out okay in the end. Thank you for reminding me of that. I love you too."
"Everything and everyone is on your side, supporting a positive outcome."
"The underlying intent with which you approach an activity will directly impact the outcome."
"You have to tell the truth and then see what happens."
"It's not the event that determines the outcome; it is your interpretation of the event that in turn determines the outcome."
"Exploitation is a crime that exists in the mind; it's not just in the final outcome."
"Everybody gets some type of money, so no matter how much money you're getting, it's what you do with your money that's going to change your outcome."
"Humans are very outcome-driven animals; most research notes that people don't actually mind putting in long hours to achieve an outcome like presenting a report or finishing a harvest because they can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in their work once it's done."
"Anytime that I do something with this still this sense of needing to prove something to other people, that's when I probably should take a pause, take a deep breath, and realize the outcome of this won't be as good."
"No matter what you go through, it's alright; your attitude on how you handle it dictates your outcome."
"Attitude is everything, and you're going to get out what you put in."
"You can't control the outcome of your actions; you can only control your actions."
"It's so comical to me that all of the talent at MSNBC came together and basically threw one big fat tantrum and won."
"Don't do it for the income, but we do it for the outcome."
"In Smash Ultimate, it's not how you start, it's how you finish."
"Change how you think and how you feel before the experience occurs for the event to find you."
"What you put in is what you get out. If you put in love and inspiration into something, that is what you're going to get out."
"The reading sucked, but the outcome is phenomenal."
"The election was fair, the votes were counted correctly, and Joe Biden won."
"Equality of opportunity is not the same as equality of outcome."
"Mistakes and all, I think it worked out really well."
"If you build it, they will come, and that's exactly what's happened in the Suez Canal."
"Mindset is really going to make or break the situation."
"You just put one foot in front of the other, you control what you can control, and then you see what the outcome is."
"What follows putting in the work for positive change, is positive change."
"Just such senseless acts for literally nothing at the end."
"Every haggle might come with some natural give and take, but a careful negotiation could have a very far-reaching outcome, indeed."
"To make an omelette you gotta break a few eggs."
"Congratulations, you're right. Whether you believe you will succeed or you will fail, you're right."
"The end result is this love for the both of you."
"They both won, which is another way of saying they both lost."
"Don't be scared of how it might turn out. Everything's gonna be fine."
"You will get what you speak. You will get what you believe."
"It's such a tragedy... the saddest possible outcome."
"I actually can't believe it. This is such an incredible outcome."
"It's not always the fastest runner that wins, it's the one that crosses the finish line first."
"We believe in equality of opportunity, they believe in equality of outcome."
"When you mix hope and delusion together, you get this."
"It's good that something positive came out..."
"You're no longer trying to control or predict the outcome. You're trusting the outcome."
"I'm excited, he was a good challenger, but unfortunately at the end of the day there can only be one winner."
"When the pressure's on, we often try and control what we're doing in a way that leads to worse performance."
"Stop grasping on so tightly to the expectations of a very specific outcome."
"It's dangerous that they've gone so far, tried so hard, and in the end, it didn't matter for them."
"You start to lose hope, you start to have a negative perception of things, which now creates negative results for you."
"One will fall, one will rise to the occasion."
"Whatever happens, whatever outcome happens, it's gonna be for the best for you."
"Death Note shows us what happens when that corruption both wins and loses."
"Win, lose, or draw, it won't change anything."
"Jen yuger's presidential campaign ends with a whimper not a bang but who is surprised by this result not me but maybe you were."
"The proof is in the pudding, let's hopefully see a bit of change."
"The difference between winning and losing is at the blink of an eye."
"Success is a possible outcome. Is it the most likely outcome? No."
"Curiosity is probably going to kill the cat at some point, but it's not this time."
"Ultimately, you're going to get what you believe you deserve."
"Either way, whichever one I picked, Jungle's still gonna win."
"I could not be more thrilled with how it turned out."
"Even if this painting didn't work out, it's just another one. If the painting does work out, great."
"Change is hard at the beginning, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end."
"The energy is about remaining flexible and adaptable to the best possible next steps and outcome."
"We have to focus on the input rather than the outcome."
"If you're just relying wholly on fate then you're gonna get what you're gonna get."
"Game done finished in the first five minutes of the second half."
"You can try, it won't work. We'll see how things play out."
"Trust that the outcome will work out and let go of your attachment to it."
"Most children that are abducted we either never find them or we find them and they've been killed."
"And just knowing them you can choose to work towards it or you can choose not to, so you can change the probable outcome as well."
"Sometimes that's just how life is. You work super hard on something, and as Linkin Park says, 'in the end it doesn't even matter.'"
"In a true competition, there's no such thing as a tie. You win or you lose. That's the only thing that matters."
"That's the most important question. What was the reason? What would be the benefit of it? What would change after he was killed?"
"Choose only positive thoughts... your words determine your outcome."
"You keep doing what you've always done, you'll get the same sh*t."
"Boom, you get either pregnant or you get the thing that you've been wanting."
"Just decide what you want, see it, feel it, and watch what happens."
"The amount of effort that you put into it is what you're going to get out of it."
"All change is hard at first, and it's messy in the middle, and it's beautiful at the end."
"I guess these two have managed to accomplish something in the end."
"Nothing good is going to happen on accident."
"The outcome is going to bring you beautiful new beginning."
"Just try your best, whatever happens, happens."
"Whatever the result is, is just a byproduct."
"It didn't cost me a dollar in the end. I couldn't have been happier with the outcome."
"There's two types of Buzz Lightyears in the world, and it's pretty clear which one wins."
"Yeah, that's gonna be the 2-0 from mo, what a way to close out our first round of winners, right?"
"Maybe everything won't turn out like we think it will but it will turn out like God intended it too."
"Durham lost Durham is a loser Justice prevailed"
"If you don't take the axe to the root, that thing will produce fruit again."
"If you nail everything in two days, your show's gonna be lost."
"Anything can go wrong, everything can go right."
"This is precisely when you put more in, you get more out."
"Change who you are if you want to change your outcome."
"Have you ever felt confused and it worked out?"
"The heat, the need to see an outcome, that's what really draws."
"Trump's claim of crime of the century fizzles in three-year probe."
"The joy of life is in the process, not just the outcome."
"There's no equality of outcome, your effort is going to map to your results."
"The first one's an L, the first one is shocking."
"Follow it through because it's going to lead to a very happy outcome."
"On the whole, I think the meeting went well."
"Ultimately, it didn't matter what I considered or what I thought out there because we didn't find the treasure."
"Loss is a loss and a win is a win, and it is what it is."
"Your vigilance and calculation is right on target, leading to a positive ending."
"The important thing is who bleeds mostly." - Eric Bohm
"Have a little faith, keep making those marks, and the overall effect should end up working out just fine."
"This turned out so much better than I would have expected. It's not perfect, it's a rattle can paint job painted in a dusty warehouse."
"It's like everything, you get out what you put in."
"The game is over, it's just a matter of how it plays out."
"All this has unfolded to bring about something beautiful on the other side."
"You are about to receive the reward from everything you've been going through."
"Go big or go home, baby, and a casket is how this one would end."
"Honestly, way better than I thought it was gonna turn out."
"Even though bad and sad things happened, a lot of good things has come out of it."
"Final point about 2022, just incidentally, it was a very good offer for the Democrats by the standard of off-year elections."
"The outcome you desire and deserve are about to line up for you so investigate your attitude and expectations."
"One way or the other, things will work out the way they're supposed to."
"As they say the proof is always in the pudding."
"Have faith that all will work out for the best."
"But it's actions we take that determine how things are going to end up."
"You can trust in the outcome, despite the uncertainty."
"It ain't over till the fat lady sings, in the end, you're gonna be happy."
"Everything works out if it hasn't worked out yet."
"It's not going to end well for Hunden, I don't think, and I think we'll be talking about him in the past tense in the next six months."
"I mean obviously you could say yeah this Katie all these other guys at 100 that didn't happen Nuggets won the chip it is what it is right now."
"It is what it is, and what it is is a victory."
"That could have gone anywhere. That could have gone anywhere."
"They haven't really found anything, it's been a big nothing."
"Surrender to effortlessness... Holding on too tightly to a desired outcome can sabotage it."
"This could either work brilliantly or crash and burn."
"Don't stay there with this guy because in the end of the day, that's what happened."
"This is what we're left with, not much to show for two days of hard work but pure iron nonetheless."
"Their bravery is um, yeah, but we wonder where and when this is going to end, how this is going to end."
"If it wasn't then angina or nina would have won season 1."
"I'm going to try my best to be as calm cool and collected as possible no matter what the outcome is."
"It's not about how it starts, but how it finishes."
"There's a very thin line between botched and snatched."
"It's not necessarily how you start, it's how you finish."
"Because in the end you don't know how your life goes. And when you look now and you think, 'Oh, this is a terrible disaster', but in the big picture, oh, it's a wonderful thing that has happened to you."
"Whatever it is you're hoping for, it will turn out the way that you're wanting."
"Procrastination and hope for the best is often going to win."
"Focus on positive things and you'll get positive results."
"You can smell amazing when you finish this workout, promise you that."
"The official inquiry concluded that every aspect of Chad's death was methodically staged by Chad himself."
"This whole situation is headed for disaster."
"I'm holding out a little bit of hope that I can pull this off, and it's going to turn out amazing."
"Result is irrelevant when the effort was there."
"It's the quality that's shown through in the end."
"To negotiate is to collaborate and find a better outcome."
"Change your mentality and you change your outcome in life."
"Your eyes are the mouse. If your eyes are looking up down left right, all of that has to do with the outcome you're going to end up with."
"I'd say we're highly confident of a good outcome."
"Your job is to uplift it now or we know how it turns out."
"You've got to break a few eggs to make an omelet."
"Everything was on purpose, the whole thing included."
"Hey, we won, that's all that matters fellas."
"Beautiful food on the plate is not the point of what we do; it's the result of what we do."
"If you want to keep on getting what you're getting, keep on doing what you're doing."
"I had to break up with the outcome and get married to the process."
"What you put into something is what you're gonna get out of it."
"This is a statement we've escaped with a very, very good result."
"I promised hyperinflation and he delivered that."
"At the end of the day, the winner was probably decided day five."
"The war wasn't won or lost on the tactical level."
"The process is what determined where we end up."
"Failure? Oh, you think this was a failure? I wanted this to happen."
"I think we could play in whatever era we want to play in."
"I kind of just wanted to see who won the whole thing."
"If you don't know where you're going, you might not like where you end up."
"This time, there's relatively gonna be more losers than winners."
"We lost five to four. The boys actually came back but unfortunately we have taken an L."
"Trust that everything's going to work out in your favor. Trust."
"If your motive and intent is pure... it just works out."
"Nothing got accomplished, we all generated a victim to the game."
"Part of faith is that what's good will unfold if it's given the proper time."
"Oh we lost do we want no we won we actually won that"
"Just knowing that you're doing your best, whether it works out good or bad."
"You can have a good plan and it might not work that doesn't mean it was a bad plan it just means that your good plan unfortunately didn't work this time."
"I'm extremely pleased with the way this one turned up."
"The shooter apparently died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound."
"2024 is going to be tough, and there's going to be people that win and there's going to be people that lose."
"It couldn't have come out any better, I think it's absolutely fair."
"Reasons come first, results come second. What are you fighting for?"
"It ends in tears but a very happy ending for a small group of highly influential people."
"If France win the World Cup, if France win the Euros, and Spain get knocked out in the quarterfinal and they never play with each other, Spain might have beaten France, but they didn't. France won it. That's the way it works."