
Belief Systems Quotes

There are 1668 quotes

"Mindsets are an assumption that you make about a domain... Those mindsets, those core beliefs, orient our thinking, they change what we expect will happen to us when we're stressed, how we explain the occurrences that happen or unfold when we're stressed, and also change our motivation for what we engage in when we're stressed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"An opening is when your dopamine has hit such a low level that you realize you're not gonna get any more dopamine from your current set of beliefs."
"Impossible is nothing but a label we assign to something based on our belief system."
"Some of your belief systems are so archaic and ridiculous... you inherited the belief, you didn't originate it."
"Men tend to operate 'I'll believe it when I see it,' while women might consider 'When I believe it, I will see it.'"
"If we've got lots of behaviors that have been appropriate responses to the experiences we've had, but we work on our mindset, I think the natural consequence of that will be that we will start to re-examine some of our belief systems."
"As you believe, so it shall be done unto you."
"You can, at any moment during the day, catch negative beliefs, catch limiting beliefs, catch yourself when you default to the negative things that you've trained yourself to think, and you can switch to a more positive belief."
"We all need to come together. We're not going to be able to just agree to disagree on our belief systems and find a way to come together and focus on just getting the truth, which is something we all are interested in."
"What we need to do is stop focusing on our belief systems... and come up with a common goal."
"Don't form hard-set beliefs on these things that most people would label as bad because we live in a world of relativity, and there are no absolutes except for the absolute."
"The cargo cult phenomenon is characterized by a belief system that emerged in response to encounters with technologically advanced societies."
"We are only as strong as our belief systems."
"Numerology is the general belief that certain numbers or certain numerical patterns hold some type of power or significance in the world."
"Agnosticism is a claim to knowledge; atheism is a claim to belief."
"Challenges bring our belief systems to the surface, demanding observation without absorption."
"The more attached we are to a belief system, the less able we are to make conscious choices for ourselves."
"Pascal's wager isn't actually an argument for God's existence."
"The god you don't believe in, I also don't believe in."
"We shouldn't want to believe something that might not be true... you shouldn't have to make believe, just show me what's real."
"Believing in God or not isn't about certainty but about what framework allows us to interpret and navigate the complexities of life and existence."
"Islam offers something whereas atheism, by virtue of the fact, offers nothing."
"Humans always need something to believe in...when you see enough evil, you realize there must be an equal and opposite force."
"Life is inherently uncertain, and that is completely terrifying. To cope with this reality, we humans construct myths, belief systems, and societal self-soothing mechanisms to make ourselves feel secure."
"What does it mean to have a belief, and why is it crucial to you? There's a deep association between belief and value."
"Whether one believes in astrology or not, it is true that it was created."
"I am what I describe as a militant agnostic; I fiercely defend the fact that I don't know."
"Imagine the psychological harm that a belief system like this could cause."
"Knowledge should be the goal, which is belief held to such a high degree of confidence and warrant that it would be worldview altering to discover that it was wrong."
"Beliefs are our enemy. Nothing within actualized.org can be taken as an ideology or as a system of belief."
"We want our beliefs to be true in some basic sense, and therefore we want to be open to new evidence and better arguments perpetually."
"If you don't reason yourself into a position, you can't reason yourself out of it."
"It's much more difficult to see the difference between fiction and reality when it reaches the level of believing in the nation or the corporation or the dollar."
"If you don't mess it up with belief systems, every human being is capable of knowing this."
"Belonging and behavior are not a product of belief but that belonging and behavior, for most people, actually precede belief."
"When people blindly believe in rationality, they end up being radically irrational."
"If we believe in something as a society, as people, that thing has more value."
"The main thing that anything you get people to believe in has value. If they don't believe in it, then it's not valuable."
"Have you ever taken proactive control of your belief system? Have you ever really audited your beliefs?"
"Jesus Christ never introduced a religion to earth."
"A spiritual awakening is a time when you are basically eradicating old belief systems that don't work for you."
"The cults believe that these things are real and that they really do have an effect."
"I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness."
"God operates by the power of love; Satan operates by the love of power."
"You need a bloody belief structure because, what are you gonna do? Wander around aimlessly?"
"It's all belief systems. If you can change your belief systems, you can change your reality."
"You've got an integrative long-term measure of well-being instantiated in an evolutionary belief system."
"Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell; spirituality is for people who have already been there."
"Being raised to believe something can deeply impact one's beliefs and actions."
"The fundamental difference is if you don't believe in God, you're seeking to live a life to maximize pleasure for yourself."
"If someone calls themselves an atheist and you say that atheism is defined as believing there is no God, but that person clarifies saying that they simply lack belief, responding with 'but the definition of atheist is' doesn't somehow prove that the person's actual position accords to your definition of atheism."
"Dogmatism is the state of no longer interacting with reality in a way that would error correct your beliefs."
"Agnosticism is a claim to knowledge, whereas atheism is a claim to belief."
"Is it possible for you to love everyone, even if they don't believe exactly as you do?"
"According to cognitive scientists, humans are born believers."
"You can never convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana by promising him that after you die, you'll go to chimpanzee heaven. No chimpanzee will ever believe such a story."
"Reality is very different than the way we've been led to believe it to be."
"People need to know what the real issue is. It's who do you worship."
"Change your belief systems; once you can change your mind, you can change your world."
"The law of attraction is more complex than a lot of the people on that bandwagon would like to have you believe."
"I would try not to have a dogmatic belief about a fact of the matter because that would make you delusional."
"Religion is a set of ideas that gives us meaning, but you know, real, it's really difficult for a scientist that finds comfort in the physical understanding of the universe."
"Evolution has fundamentally programmed us so that we want our beliefs to align with reality."
"The awakening... is not pulling people out of their belief systems; it's going to enhance the belief system."
"You are people who really have a strong belief system and you're not scared to tell other people about it."
"Before anything changes in the natural, it has to change in the spiritual realm. The natural realm is only a mirror to the spiritual realm."
"You're only reading media that tailors to your particular belief system and within that content, you're not being exposed to any other ideas."
"I release any beliefs that no longer assist in my soul's growth."
"Positive beliefs are just as powerful, perhaps more powerful than negative beliefs."
"Shared belief systems made people intelligible to one another, and that the systems weren't just about belief."
"For better or worse, shared belief systems simplify everyone in their own eyes and in the eyes of others."
"Every belief system is based on something unproven."
"People who are fundamentalist, whether it's fundamentalist Christian, fundamentalism, are barking up the wrong tree because they're insisting their version is the only version."
"Starting at the base root of it, when you mold children at a young age to believe they can get whatever the hell it is they want regardless of their circumstances, you're going to have a lot more opportunity."
"Atheism isn't offering forth a proposition; it is the rejection of the theistic claim which has not met its burden of proof."
"Your beliefs are creating your reality and when you change your beliefs, you change your reality."
"As you increase the complexity of a belief system, you increase the likelihood that individual actors will deviate."
"The actual nuanced sociologically of why this happens is exponentially more complicated."
"Every cult has its own wild belief system, at the head of which is a preacher who is the source of all knowledge."
"Sometimes the enemy they face is not an opponent; it's an ideology, and you cannot defeat an ideology so long as people genuinely want to believe it."
"Physical reality isn't real; beliefs are what make it seem real because they reinforce themselves with emotions and thoughts and behaviors."
"Religion is not just belief in God. There are numerous religions which don't involve God beliefs."
"The implication that one can either believe that the scientific method works or believe in God is absurd."
"I am not asking you to believe in anything - I am simply telling you one system of understanding; I am just relaying information... you take from it what you will."
"The ability to change one's belief changes your experience of life."
"People are so desperate to feel smarter or unique, so they come to these crazy fringe theories and end up just believing the wackiest stuff."
"Objective truths of science are not found in belief systems; they're not established by the authority of leaders or the power of persuasion, nor are they learned from repetition or gleaned from magical thinking."
"I think that the idea that faith cannot be a valid mode of knowledge is ... I guess I disagree with that idea."
"I really don't believe in the speed limit system that we have in America, but it doesn't mean that I don't believe in responsible speed limits."
"Fiat currencies are backed by nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers; Ethereum is backed by a bunch of fanatical nerd guys."
"When people no longer worship God, they don't worship nothing, they worship anything."
"The answers are never found in beliefs. All man-made beliefs are flawed. It's up to us to become explorers of consciousness."
"I respect you as a person too much to respect your ridiculous beliefs."
"How would you define religion? It's basically defined as a system of beliefs."
"Fairy tales are imaginary stories we tell to children or a designation we apply to narratives that are too preposterous to believe."
"The potential existence of unidentified flying objects has the potential to shake up long-held belief systems and societal norms."
"It's about questioning everything. Why do I believe this? And then, is what I believe valid? Are there other explanations? Are there other ways of looking at things?"
"We can't beat them by insulting them... the only way is to... be a pinnacle of what you believe in."
"Reality to work is based on how you believe reality to work, which is a net result of what you have learned from others and your own thinking, otherwise known as the creative imagination."
"Either all of them are wrong or one of them is right. All of them cannot be right at the same time."
"We live in a miraculous world, whether you are a theist, an atheist, or an agnostic."
"Atheism is more a leap of faith and more speculative and, I think, more ego-driven than monotheism."
"There's an awful lot of things that we're expected to believe, and certainly a lot of things we're expected to say, which basically, people don't believe."
"Racism is the belief that a certain race of people are lesser, savage, barbarian, deficient."
"We live in epistemically different worlds. People believe totally different things."
"The question is not that we have to justify non-belief, it's that you have to justify what you do believe."
"Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without belief in a devil."
"Make all of them [characters] believe that their goals and their motivations are in the right, not right as in birth rights, but right as in this is the right thing to do."
"For this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie."
"Do you agree that, in general, it's better to believe things that comport with reality than things that do not?"
"You can't change your behavior until you change your belief."
"Change your belief system. God is about to promote you into an area that you cannot enter with your old belief system."
"Good and god become synonymous in any meaningful ideology."
"All the people showing up, by the way, are my friends arriving to help with the Christmas tree rocket launch."
"Paradigm shift is a fundamental change in your beliefs or worldview."
"You wasted your life worshiping a God that doesn't exist."
"Respect the guy... his belief is founded in fact... respect how he defines himself."
"Hell is real demons are real the devil is real like that's scary for a kid because you're gonna believe them they're your adult."
"Who are you gonna believe? Because who you believe will determine what you do."
"Live your life looking for Jesus, but just know this as a Believer: this world is not our home, but we fight for our freedom and liberty more than anybody else, right?"
"Here's your chance to get out there in 2023 and do what you're about to see me do."
"For Pi, it's not about what we believe, it's about what we'd rather believe in."
"At the end of the day people are going to believe what they want to believe this has led to ongoing arguments that will no doubt resonate for ages to come we live in a world where perception trumps fact in the eyes of many"
"Religion is something you do, not something that's true."
"The issue of faith is much deeper than the issue of fact."
"If your answer is 'I don't know,' then you believe in a God who starts false religions for no apparent reason."
"The universe is so much bigger than the Mormon organization and so much bigger than all of our beliefs combined."
"Once you believe in this sort of Matrix-like story that Scientology tells its members, there's nothing anyone could say to you to get you to see things differently."
"Impressive how anyone can be so consistently proven wrong about everything and still believe it's the absolute truth."
"It is unwise to believe anything without reservation, without question, or without reason."
"We have to start talking about what we believe and why we believe it." - Andrew Klavan
"Faith is not just a mental state you have to whip yourself into or muster up; it's actually something much more profound."
"We live in a wondrous world with Mysteries and questions all over the globe but when it comes down to it the only real question is what do you believe."
"We want to let people know how white supremacy is like a religion and a belief system."
"We cooperate because we believe in imaginary stories about gods and nations and money even though these things exist only in our own imagination."
"The belief in it is the issue, it doesn't matter whether it's real or not."
"And it makes me angry when I see people feeling so much pain that feels ultimately unnecessary... based on a belief that doesn’t give human sexuality any room to breathe."
"Scientology is an extreme belief set. People think they've found truth with a capital T."
"You don't have to go and put new beliefs there. There's already a divine belief waiting for you."
"It doesn't take faith to believe in science. Faith is specifically something that requires spiritual apprehension." - Josh Feuerstein
"There's a powerful and principled glue in believing in the same supernatural entity."
"As unpleasant and potentially dangerous a belief in one or more of these conspiracies can be, they do for the most part come from a very natural human desire to explain what appears to be unexplainable."
"Astrology has a lot of real information to it."
"What this is really about is, do you believe in reality or not?"
"When people are told something that they don't agree with that contradicts a deeply held belief, it can often cause them to disbelieve it even when it's true."
"It's not about believing it or not it's you may be put in an uncomfortable position don't worry about that just just don't even worry about believing it or not just listen to it."
"Nobody believes what everybody else believes there's no human being on earth who has the exact same beliefs as the individual."
"He truly believed that communism will make for a better world."
"Don't let believing that get in the way of making America better."
"If you don't know why you believe what you believe, then why do you believe it?"
"We want to know why you believe what you believe. This is the only stream where you can do that."
"Intelligent people are really good at rationalizing beliefs that they hold for non-intelligent reasons."
"The more committed somebody is to their belief, the harder it is for them to give it up."
"Religion asks people to believe, accept, and do without question. What this is saying is this exists, you're bound by it."
"All you're gonna do is also solidify this idea that there's a conspiracy."
"Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects us and the collective consciousness of all humanity."
"I think you have to remain open to [the idea] that there is this spiritual world that exists."
"Religion and spirituality are quite different from each other, though the roots of spirituality are very much in religion."
"Religion tells you what to believe, magic is about doing experiments and seeing what happens."
"Change your beliefs, you get a different reality."
"Life is an optical illusion. What you see is based on your beliefs. You change your beliefs, you get a different reality."
"You're already there. Then stay there and you're attracted. The moment your belief matches with any state, you fuse with it."
"What you are conscious of and accept as true you are going to realize."
"The people who are certain you don't have free will are struggling to get people who believe we have free will to believe them."
"If you can conceive it and you can believe it, you can achieve it."
"Atheism is a lie that helps you understand the truth."
"There are actually people who kind of believe exactly what Thanos does in the movies."
"Once people stop believing in the gods, the gods dissipate and they disappear."
"People build identities around certain beliefs, leading to closed-mindedness."
"Belief is absurd; whatever you believe is going to be absurd to somebody else."
"Are you willing to have an open mind? Are you willing to accept that not everything you've been led to believe is based in fact?"
"If you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is either ignorant, stupid, or insane."
"Why do we still feel tempted? If you don't have some notion of the transcendent, you'll believe any damn thing."
"I will never understand why some people would rather believe in a fantasy than embrace reality."
"It's a heart problem, you guys. The more militant these atheists are, we know they're just running scared from the God they know."
"If you have evidence, you don't need faith, and you don't want it."
"Every day the trust gets stronger and stronger and stronger and before I don't worry now and that's possible because a lot of people don't believe that's possible."
"I don't think that all beliefs are equal and I think it's really disingenuous to try to claim that all beliefs are equal."
"Crowley's Bible also proclaims the law of Thelema: 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.'"
"One reason I think people believe in conspiracy theories is because there are enough true conspiracies."
"Sometimes it's hard to believe something unless you actually see it."
"In order to break free of the limitations that we feel are imposed upon us, we must first believe that it's possible to do so."
"People who get very isolated and find people who are very much on board with the same belief, you trust that person."
"Linda's case of alien abduction is infamous, with a total of 23 witnesses substantiating her claims."
"Belief is enough... Just keep believing and you'll be okay."
"The point is to not believe something until there's a good reason to believe it... nobody ever comes up with anything."
"What do you gain when you stop believing things that aren't true? You start believing things that are."
"Everybody has a God of some degree or another because everybody puts their faith in something."
"Most people would like to believe they're one out of 10,000 that got it right amongst all those different religions, and it's just a lottery at this particular point in time."
"Your beliefs inform the things you write, the things you say, the things you do."
"For those of you who do believe we don't hate you we just think you're wrong."
"If you don't believe in human exceptionalism, you are going to be undermined human rights."
"Every atheist has a worldview, no atheist can prove their worldview, every atheist has faith, trust."
"Believing that the Bible is inerrant or infallible, believing that Jesus literally came to earth and literally died on a cross for humans, believing that we can only be saved by accepting him."
"There is, I think, some value in making it socially unacceptable to believe really silly things."
"You can have your beliefs, but you can't use them to justify why some people should be less than you."
"You create your reality with the thoughts you repeat and the beliefs that you align with."
"When we work hard for something we don't believe in, it's called stress. When we work hard for something we do believe in, it's called passion."
"Whether you are religious or not, you cannot discount the importance of having a common belief system within a group."
"I found out that usually you will collect evidence to support whatever verdict you've already decided to believe in your heart." - Pastor Steven