
Leadership Quotes

There are 81007 quotes

"True leaders emerge in the moments of greatest stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"He stayed in the capital. Everybody, all the American military, the intelligence agencies, NATO, his own staff, advisors all told him to flee, and he stayed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If I don't take a stand, how am I making it easier for those coming after me?"
"It's not all about self-interest in getting reelected. You already got elected. Do something. But if the doing isn't coming out of being, it's going to be the wrong doing."
"What makes a good SEAL is someone that puts the team before themselves."
"A definition of leadership is that you have to find out where people want to go, assume they have their reasons, and then help them strategize."
"No better tool than leadership than giving people ownership of what they're doing."
"Being able to admit when you're wrong about something and to say, 'I actually don't know, let me find out,' is a sign of strong leadership."
"Great leaders...they really can celebrate themselves well. So they don't just get stuck on that one negative comment."
"We've got our work cut out for us... I am absolutely so grateful that we have Joe Biden leading this country right now."
"Leadership is not a rank. Leadership is not a position. Leadership is a decision. Leadership is a choice."
"A leader comes and sits down next to you and says, 'How can I help you?' That's a leader."
"This is about protecting kids in our mind, and if we can't do that as leaders, we have no business being in these jobs."
"That's the advantage of doing the long-term right thing; people will swing around behind you if you can withstand that initial trial by fire."
"I think that people want a leader that is relatable, not somebody that props themselves up on a pedestal but a real person."
"As you go up the ladder, emotional intelligence skills matter far more for success than your cognitive abilities."
"I didn't want to start hiring people doing I didn't know how to do because I knew that I wouldn't know how to judge them if I hadn't done it."
"I believe in Arteta. I think Arteta is a top manager. However, he needs to sort out the balance."
"Rather than just following orders, you start to lead by believing in the direction you want to go."
"The first job of every supervisor at every level, including me, is to help your people self-actualize."
"Lead by example. You need to be eating a proper human diet and fixing yourself."
"You're a king and you could say yes or no to various options that come your way."
"No president can succeed without resilience. Every president confronts crises, defeats, and mistakes."
"Leadership is recognizing that we are all one, that every person you lead is as brilliant as you, as talented as you, and has the same capacity for growth and accomplishment."
"It's about finding and hiring people smarter than you, getting them to join your business and giving them good work, then getting out of the way and trusting them. You have to get out of the way so you can focus on the bigger vision. That's important."
"By creating powerful people, you don't lose them. They may go and start their own business, but the stories will make even more powerful people come to you."
"You have to learn to own your ambition, speak of the ambition, chase the ambition, drive the ambition, and lead the ambition."
"It's all about finding people smarter than you, getting them to come and work at your business, giving them great work, making it fun, then stepping back and leaving them alone so you can focus on your vision. Make their work a mission."
"Leadership is recognizing that we're all one, that every person you lead is as brilliant as you, as talented as you, and has the same capacity for growth and accomplishment. They simply need to be reminded of this fact."
"Happiness is being sold so much as what we should strive for, but I think it's a lot of short-term highs. What you should be striving for is being fulfilled and being a leader amongst leaders."
"Joe Biden is absolutely right when he says, 'Don't judge him by the Almighty, judge him by the alternative.'"
"America is a land of opportunity. Thank you, Joe Biden."
"Jerome Powell...has had the best recovery since Covid out of any major country in the world."
"To be able to follow through on this strategy, you're going to have to turn yourself into a leader, not a sheep."
"The father needs to be the servant of that household; he cannot be the dictator of that household. He needs to lead by example."
"The problem with the church, the moment the leader is seen, not Christ, there is no power in that leader, there is no power in that church."
"A true leader does not seek to lead but is thrust into a position of leadership by the trust of his followers."
"People are willing to do what you tell them if they feel heard out."
"Imagine your job, your job like a coach's job is to [__] coach."
"Steven Universe makes the claim that killing a tyrant makes you as bad as them. It doesn't. That statement is just wrong no matter how you spin it."
"Great leaders envision a compelling and different and vibrant future than what is here. They have an alternative clear view of what the world could be like tomorrow than it is today."
"People support what they create. If people are involved in the ideation of a vision, they're involved in creating ideas, brainstorming, figuring out what is it we are about, what do we stand for, where are we going, a great leader enlists that from other people."
"What we need most in times like these are people who are willing to step up, people who are willing to be brave, to be courageous, and to lead with heart."
"You're a good king; we're inviting you; you're accepting; it's all very well and good."
"Every great leader that has ever lived has told us that you and I become what we think about."
"Great leaders stand up and reverse the direction of how things are going."
"Once a man knows how to manage his masculine energy in an empathetic manner, he can lead in a way that is conducive to those in his domain."
"Learning how to lead from a perspective that puts us into a king persona, a king mentality, is where women rise into a place of companionship."
"Divine masculine is led with empathy. It's not just about being overtly masculine to the point of dominating everything."
"A great king is one who could destroy but instead gives mercy."
"Being really intentional about how you create that environment is crucial."
"Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge."
"We have a responsibility to those we love and those we lead to become the best version of ourselves."
"I like finding exceptional talent, paying them very well, and then sticking with them over a long period of time."
"The real job of a leader is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in our charge."
"It's a testament to how visionary leaders, armed with technological prowess and bold ideas, can redefine what's possible."
"We're not motivating CEOs to run great companies, we're motivating them to be masters of financial engineering."
"Leadership is critical to building diversity, and by extension, innovation."
"Great leaders need to have empathy and perspective."
"Leadership is a skill like any other, a practicable, learnable skill, and it is something that you work on."
"At the end of the day, great leaders are not responsible for the job; they're responsible for the people who are responsible for the job."
"You want to be a great leader? Start with empathy. You want to be a great leader? Change your perspective and play the game you're actually playing."
"I love leadership and I love people that are selfless. I hate selfish teammates."
"President Xi once said, 'Success does not have to come from me.' I understand this phrase to be about a sense of responsibility... about taking responsibility for the future, for tomorrow, for the next generation."
"Leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovative problem solving."
"Leadership is about creating a world to which people want to belong."
"We don't teach leaders how to have uncomfortable conversations. We don't teach students how to have uncomfortable conversations. You tell me which is going to be more valuable for the rest of your life: how to have a difficult conversation or trigonometry?"
"I used to be that combative female, always ready to argue. But then I realized, respect comes when you see someone leading by example."
"If you lead me properly, I'll submit naturally. It's about seeing the effort and being inspired by it."
"Setting the example that you need to set for the people in your circle... You need to be the one that steps up and changes things."
"If you want people to perform at their best, they have to know that if they screw up, they're not going to get shouted at. The question is not 'Who did that?' it's 'How do we fix it?'"
"Part of leadership is to allow your team to essentially learn from and change their decisions, not stay stuck with them just because that's the decision that we took."
"Narcissistic people, on average, make more money. They're more likely to be represented in leadership."
"I am not interested in positions; I am interested in the region and the humans. I am interested in the continent, the resources here, the human resources here."
"Finding your purpose isn't enough. You have to help other people find theirs."
"The winners in stocks are going to be leading-edge companies on the leading edge of innovation."
"America is leading in space once again, thanks to the vision and the leadership of President Donald Trump."
"With your energetic support, with President Donald Trump's leadership and vision, with this extraordinary team that he has assembled, the work of NASA, and with God's help, America will lead mankind into the vast expanse of space."
"The best leaders... regardless of what was going on around them, they were cool, calm, and collected."
"With great responsibility comes great power."
"Leadership requires empathy, it requires understanding, it requires your ability to work with different people."
"Leadership is not about being number one. Leadership is about taking care of those in our charge."
"Having a leadership position gives you rank and authority, that's it. But being a leader means that you take responsibility for the people around you."
"Spirit of the Living God, thank you for constantly going ahead of us, for not leaving us without leaders or tools or voices to help lead us along the way."
"The way you build great companies is by prioritizing people before profit."
"Nobody was prepared for this pandemic 2021, and that's why I keep telling people, being a boss is not for everybody, but product outweighs talent."
"Let me be the light, then. Let me be the example. Let me be the agent of change in this community I'm in."
"In doing our work, we shine the light to illuminate the way for others."
"Cardinal energy, different fixed, could make for a very successful person but I see cardinal as like innovative, forward-moving, forward-thinking, a leader not a follower."
"This is what change is all about, and Mike Benz is one of those voices that's at the very forefront of this conversation."
"Even in the most difficult times, he instilled the sense of optimism in the heart of his companions."
"Anticipation is power. Leaders anticipate; losers react."
"The obvious appointment is Eric ten Hag, and you make that appointment and get on with it."
"Stay hungry. The lion is king because the lion is hungry."
"If you're going to be an entrepreneur, you're going to need to lead. The world needs more creative, resilient, passionate, committed, focused, disruptive entrepreneurs."
"You are definitely a person who is meant to be in a position of power, in a leadership role. The head of a family, the owner of a business, somebody with a very strong and powerful voice."
"A Leader's job is not to follow polls, it's to change them."
"In order to lead the orchestra, you must first turn your back on the crowd."
"Your destiny is giving people hope. You are like a lighthouse for people."
"We can think of attention as the leader of the brain. Wherever attention goes, the rest of the brain follows."
"The mind is a good servant but a poor master."
"Great leadership is the ability to recognize a mistake and rectify it."
"The most unlikeliest of a small child unwillingly thrust into the world. Force one disaster after another had been diverted due to her diligent and cunning decision making."
"He's such a leader for this team. He stands up when it matters the most."
"If attention is indeed the case that our attention is the brain's boss, is it a good boss?"
"I think it's an unfair label and I think the first sort of thing we do as great leaders is supposed to demonstrate empathy."
"They're accused of being entitled. I think that's unfair. I think it's a misreading of the tea leaves."
"Leadership has nothing to do with rank. Rank is simply Authority. That's all it is."
"When you shine your light, you illuminate the way for other people."
"This is about a fundamental lack of leadership and management in the area of safety, period."
"I think Muslims should be leading the way and producing ways forward from a spiritual paradigm of how to address environmentalism and climate change."
"You bring out the best in people. That's what a leader does."
"Innovation and good leadership seem to pay off after all."
"Leadership is not about telling you what to do, it's about creating an environment where great ideas can come together."
"Pelosi was someone who, as many have said, ruled with a Gucci glove. She knew how to get the votes and she never put a bill on the floor that didn’t have the votes."
"When the crowded Vietnamese refugee boats met with storms or pirates, if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered, it was enough."
"Leadership does not begin with people, it begins with you first."
"Vision is more important than leadership because vision is what creates the leader."
"Extreme ownership means you're not gonna make any excuses, you're not gonna blame anyone else. You're gonna take ownership of whatever happens."
"The biggest lesson learned for me: leadership, leadership, leadership."
"The better you understand human nature, the better you can lead people because you've got to understand where they're coming from."
"Leaders don't seek followers; followers are attracted to leaders."
"The greatest statement I've ever heard about gift and leadership is this: 'I did not come to be served, but to serve.'"
"The greatest leadership in the world is to become a servant."
"Great leaders are confident but humble; that's the balance of the dichotomy of leadership."
"I'm motivated by my loathing of the people in charge. I'm just against incompetent, selfish, nasty, stupid people being in charge."
"If you want to be President, realize it's about the people, not about you."
"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."
"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him in others the conviction and the will to carry on."
"I'm running as a member of my generation to say that we can fill that void with the things that actually give us real purpose."
"I'm in this race because I want us to run to something."
"A female leader is clearly not forbidden, even though it's somewhat extraordinary."
"As a veteran, I want you to be a leader and serve this country before you tell everybody else they got to serve."
"The American people deserve more common sense, less chaos, less confusion, and less cult-like behavior."
"Leadership's just influence. In fact, I say it's really nothing more, it's nothing less."
"True leadership is a study in self. It's discovering yourself. Who are you? What do you possess? What is your gift?"
"Character and integrity are the most important components of stable leadership."
"Transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change."
"Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration, not manipulation."
"True leadership is not measured by how many people serve you, but by how many people you serve."
"Character protects your leadership and your vision, enabling you to leave a legacy for your own generation and future generations."
"We are not just leaders in our companies and organizations, but we are leaders with a kingdom assignment."
"Leadership that has integrity in a world where we are desperate for leadership."
"Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less."
"True leaders are more concerned with expressing themselves than with proving themselves."
"Leaders don't go around trying to prove things to people; they're too busy being themselves."
"Be yourself. That's where leadership begins."
"Leadership is not about ability; it's about mentality first."
"Leadership is not a right you demand; it's a privilege that the followers give you."
"Leadership is not an exclusive club for those who were born with it."
"Leaders do not find excuses; they find a way."
"Leadership is not just something that's reserved for CEOs or some corporate bigwigs; in fact, the greatest joys in life come from leadership because the greatest joys in life can only come when you're contributing to the world."
"Leadership is not about controlling or fighting for power. That's a very antiquated notion of leadership."
"At its core, as a leader, you need to be able to imagine a better future and communicate it to others very effectively."
"Leadership begins with self-leadership. If you can't lead yourself, then how are you going to lead other people?"
"I have enjoyed working with three presidents achieving historic investments in clean energy with President George Bush, transformative Health Care reform with President Barack Obama, and forging the future from infrastructure to health care to climate action with President Joe Biden."
"In his Inaugural Address, the President rededicated America once again to lead in the heavens and in his words to 'unlock the mysteries of space.'"
"Leadership is not about control, it's about service."
"True leadership is not about power, it's about empowerment."
"Leadership is not about manipulation, it's about inspiration."
"Leaders don't seek followers; followers are attracted to true leaders."
"You are finally stepping into a more powerful role for yourself where you are feeling like the creator of your own life."
"You're finally realizing your own power and you're finally taking wise leadership over your life."
"Ask questions instead of giving direct orders."
"People are more likely to accept an order if they've had a part in the decision that caused the order to be issued."
"Science doesn't care what your nationality is. All that matters is who is offering you enlightened leadership and enlightened governance. If you want to be on that frontier, otherwise you will dance to the tune played by others who have made those investments in the future of this civilization."
"If the president could do what Cassidy says from where he sat, I want that man for president."
"If someone is mentally unfit to stand trial, they are unfit to serve as commander-in-chief."
"I grew up watching Manchester United, listening to the greatest sports manager there's ever been, watching the greatest captain the Premier League's ever had."
"A victor does not ask how the world is, but rather how it should be."
"The victor should speak of the way the world should be, not the way it is."
"They have to do the immunity thing because if you don't, a president will not be able to be a president."
"It's more difficult to rule yourself than to rule the city."
"Governing isn't easy, being a leader isn't easy."
"You're going to be really inspired to bring on a whole group of people with you and be like, 'Come on, break out of the box; it's actually really fun out here. Let's go play.'"
"Any leader that's trying to kill your integrity or your character, you run from. Anybody that's going to make you compromise your morals, you run from."
"That's why men run the world because when stuff has to be done in a systematic way, you guys don't approach it that way. You approach it in your feelings and faith."
"God tells Moses from the burning bush, 'Go and tell them the I Am sent you.' The first place Moses goes is to Jethro. And says, 'That's good. Is it well with you? Good, that I go?' If anybody could play the God card, it's Moses."
"People want to be heard, not everybody wants to be led."
"The framers were concerned about charismatic rebels who might rise through the ranks up to and including the presidency of the United States."
"Leaders make decisions based on their character."
"Your ambition is going to drive other people to be more ambitious, which will lead this generation not just the country but also the world to a better place."
"This restaurant has everything it needs to succeed except one thing: a leader."
"I want you to know your president has your back during Pride month and all the time."
"Great leaders, great entrepreneurs, great people learn from their mistakes."
"I am guided by my gratitude to this country. I don't covet the office of the President."
"Being a GM is about more than just getting the best players; it's about getting the right players to play well together."
"The world wants stability and guidance in a central set of thoughts from the United States of America."
"This is a moment for responsible leaders to think carefully about where they stand and who they stand with."
"Influence is not just about you; it is about your ability to affect the behavior of those around you."
"Great leaders are always weird. If they would have fit, they would have fit. They found themselves by not fitting."
"Welcome to Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, a game where you must lead a ragtag peasant army, climb your way through the ranks, maybe fight for a king or become your own king, and conquer the entire world."
"We need to be able to project leadership. It's difficult times that we're going through, and you want to make sure that you feel like your prime minister has a handle on things."
"For me, I expect that it doesn't devolve into the political jabs that we have seen in the last debates. The leaders of the party would ensure that they project a sense of leadership and hope for the Jamaican people."
"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader; a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves."
"The best leaders don't create more followers; they create more leaders."
"Sometimes when you're at the top, you're just looking for reasons why you could be better."
"I feel like you're ready to step into more of a spotlight position where you're gonna I feel like just stop caring so much about what other people think about you, what other people say about you."
"The transformation that you're making is actually stepping up into that leadership role."
"Vision is my thing... my one thing would be getting vision from Him and then making other people believe it. I'm anointed to do that."