
Societal Change Quotes

There are 8811 quotes

"A smart refrigerator, I believe would change society."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Women are being empowered more and more to pursue higher education, which they're now exceeding men by a scary amount."
"Most mental health problems could be better adjusted for by just making societal wide changes."
"With the pandemic and everything going on, we may be entering a new golden age of Cults, a generation-defining event that is completely upended social norms."
"Inequality has been reduced before. You can look at the situation after the Second World War. Inequality doesn't have to only go up."
"Accepting this for most people is very, very threatening and radical because it erodes and deconstructs all power structures, all hierarchies, all value systems, even your idea of sanity and physical reality."
"We've got to have new institutions; go to start building them now."
"I feel like people are looking at all kind of the cancel culture stuff a little bit less."
"I'm very glad we've moved away as a society from Chuck Norris jokes."
"We all need to work together to change the system that insists that we change our body regardless of its starting size."
"We all need to be part of the conversation and movement if we want to see the societal pressures around bodies ultimately change."
"It seems as though we're going through a collective awakening."
"Educate not only investors but parents and grandparents about how the world is changing."
"We should create a society where everyone's basic needs are met."
"It's amazing how when a pandemic happens, women start to understand hierarchy, structure."
"Media has been used to numb people... if we can use it to excite, elevate, enlighten people... that will change the world."
"History is shaped by generations, and generations are shaped by history."
"The upside of a fourth turning is that we actually solve all the problems that we now have in a way that today absolutely no one thinks we'll ever solve."
"If you want race to stop being a big deal, stop talking about it."
"We managed to get rid of alcohol abuse finally last episode. It's no longer an issue in our country, in our society, which is very good."
"Everything is about to go exponential. I don't even think society can deal with this."
"The good are getting better, the bad are getting worse, and the crazy are getting crazier."
"When communication revolutions join with new energy regimes, and new modes of transportation, it changes the way we manage power and move economic life."
"We can get over political radicalism because it tends to come in spurts and then can be pushed away as the American people realize that these guys have lost the common sense."
"We've drifted from having a market economy to becoming a market society."
"Having children used to be the thing for you to do as a woman because it was literally the only thing you could do, but now children are competing with being engineers, being doctors, traveling the world."
"What the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers. Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable."
"The biggest change to human life since the Industrial Revolution was the advent of the smartphone... And it changed everything."
"As times changed and people became a lot less tolerant towards this sort of humor, Family Guy was forced to tone down what had made it so successful in the first place."
"Coming out inherently challenges structures of power on an individual and mass scale."
"The answer to the problem of humanity is the integrity of the individual."
"Judge McAfee might have just opened the flood of whistleblowers."
"We've all shifted; the whole moral zeitgeist has shifted."
"Changing the way we think and live is more than just a temporary inconvenience; it's a necessary evolution towards a more compassionate society."
"Moral of the story is, nothing is going to change until the parents change."
"Over the course of days, weeks, months, years, decades, entire thoughts of a generation can completely be changed."
"We are going to be changing as a society in the years to come, in ways and at paces we're mostly not prepared for."
"Martin Luther King would roll over in his grave."
"Not everybody should feel good about themselves. We never used to have self-esteem movements because self-esteem was earned."
"Demographic shifts are a real and tangible thing."
"Hard Times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times."
"It is la ilaha illaallah that transforms people; it is la ilaha illaallah that changed a people who used to bury their girls alive into some of the greatest human beings that ever walked the earth."
"The last year has allowed folks to be as Black as they want to be in a lot of different spaces."
"Your life changes when you begin having a different conversation in your head, and your society changes when you begin having a different conversation in the society."
"Labels don't make the world a better place; action does."
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, bond nor free; we are one. That would change this country, your family, your workplace, your stress level, you."
"Let this be the launching pad of the greatest revival that America has ever seen. But we cannot revive the world while the church walks in darkness."
"The challenge for all of us is resisting that urge of the allure of nostalgia."
"People can change. Society A decides to have a kind of equality, feminist marriage, and that society that is patriarchal."
"What was once good would be looked at as evil, and what was once evil would be looked at as good."
"This is the exponential age that we're living in."
"People who don't have their own houses in order should be very careful before they go about reorganizing the world."
"But the only way to do that is for everyone to collectively realize that our current culture around work is false and bad."
"Islam is the answer for America," he proclaimed, "and the unity of God would result in the unity of man."
"This next decade is going to be about a power shift in us as a people, and what we can do to affect change on the planet."
"I'm tired of children being abused... As a human species, we've been abusing them for a very long time, and I don't like it."
"Ensure your house is in order before you go about changing society."
"The structure has to break to build a better structure, a new civilization because the foundation of this civilization is creating all the problems."
"The church, which is presently despised or at best ignored, will again be reverenced and admired."
"Society has progressed past the need for J.K. Rowling."
"We're in a race between technological acceleration and social and political deterioration."
"Science fiction steps forward maybe five years or 10 years or 20 years and asks, how are these new technological changes going to change our life for better or for worse?"
"The future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed."
"Transcending old societal paradigms... to rise above that, to create change."
"The scale of this is absolutely enormous and not something I think that I would have anticipated."
"The answer to all of this is actual localism."
"Government-funded paternity leave equal to maternity leave and shifting societal norms could be a solution."
"When the unthinkable becomes debatable, it will eventually become acceptable."
"We're moving into a completely different civilization unrecognizable than anything that existed even like 20 years ago."
"The adoption of technology continues at a relentless pace."
"The twin revolutions of info tech and biotech are now giving politicians and businesspeople the means to create heaven or hell."
"The greatest sign that the day is actually now is when people forget, when life goes back to normal."
"It's just how the American people work, they want change."
"Let's let go of patriotism in favor of genuine solidarity."
"What we want to do is to eliminate the causes of the problems, eliminate the processes that produce greed and bigotry and prejudice and people taking advantage of one another and elitism."
"How very important it is to bring about in the human mind the radical revolution."
"You can't put the world to rights if your life is completely out of whack."
"Queerness no longer meant hypocrisy. For the most part, gay identity wasn't a gag, or its trope, or a signal anymore; it simply existed as it does."
"It's easier to imagine Armageddon than an end to capitalism."
"The biggest opponent we can [muster] would be humanity itself. If people can get out of the survivalist consumerist mindset, then we can start to say, 'Well, what can I start to do differently?'"
"All the decisions related to your private life... a range of other decisions... it's a fundamental shift."
"Social media changed forever the way that human beings interact."
"Changing the culture of secrecy around informants would be no small thing. It would change some fundamental priorities about fairness, about egalitarianism, about racism, about vulnerability."
"We're on that path... using technology not just to make money, not just for entertainment, but trying to do social good with it as well."
"The act of coming together and saying... this is a problem in the way we're living... fighting for something better alone is a really empowering thing."
"The world is open to new ideas and change. It just takes time."
"The quest for cosmic justice is something that government is generally incapable of doing and more often than not botches and makes things worse."
"The reality is the thing that you can do that best to change your society is to get married and have kids and raise your kids responsibly."
"You have to adapt to the current day. The way that you would get a woman today is not the way you would get a woman 40 years ago, 100 years ago, a thousand years ago."
"A Renaissance is on the other side. From all great evils, great goods usually come."
"There's a big majority in this country that wants transformational reform."
"We need to move on from this tribal mindset... it's leading to real horrors taking place."
"We're living in this time in which most people agree we need transformational reform and we're not getting transformational reform because we have outsourced the job of changing the world to the people with the most to lose from real change."
"In nuclear families, people move away from their parents and marry through love, not arranged marriages."
"We live necessarily in a society of continual and unending change, change that can never be precisely charted in advance."
"This pace of change makes societies volatile, really volatile."
"Societal norms change, right? So, what's acceptable today might not be acceptable tomorrow. Regimes come and go, but your data is forever."
"Politics is downstream from culture. I think politics is irrelevant to culture; culture is everything."
"The erosion of people's privacy has been a gradual process since the early 20th century."
"We need to lean away from the cliff and we need to convince the majority of the country to lean with us."
"For kids who are growing up in this environment, it's tough, and I feel for kids who are growing up in this environment because I feel like in a lot of ways, it's worse."
"If Elon makes free speech cool again and figures out a way to make that a principle that everybody can embrace... that's enormous."
"Please, can we leave fake activists in 2020?"
"Nothing has changed the human race like the advent of the internet and the smartphone."
"No system collapses by itself unless there is an alternative."
"We've got to change this narrative. We're doomed as a society if we just judge him off his hat and shoes and didn't see his character."
"It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism."
"Fundamentally changing society and our lives."
"People are clearly fed up and they're ready for change."
"It's been a strange year, I think you would agree, as the mists of COVID are beginning to clear."
"The authoritarianism that popped out of after 9/11 really changed how we live in work and view law enforcement authorities."
"I think you know Ian says this a lot... all of this started breaking apart when 9/11 happened."
"Things opening back up... there is no normal anymore."
"All of our values, everything we stand for, everything you've been raised to believe in, it's currently being destroyed by a very small group of people."
"Be effective with people and efficient with things."
"Society is changing, transforming; the old society is dying and being done away with to make room for the new society that we're moving into."
"Civil disobedience is the line. You are breaking the law, but we all kind of go okay, we get it. It's to get the attention of the lawmakers so that they change the world."
"Whether or not it's worth sacrificing the way of life that these people have been experiencing... for the sake of moving forward and quote-unquote progress."
"Every age creates its own reality; that's what power does."
"In reality, nothing had fundamentally changed."
"Justice and retribution should be the end result of one's good intentions to change the world for the better, not by one's efforts to sow more violence in an already violent world."
"The people that are going to be the reason that democracy survives in America are... the women of this country."
"The Hunger Games almost gets it right by showcasing that taking down the Capitol and gaining control of Panem isn't the end of the story."
"Things are not inevitable, and what we can do as individuals and as societies to overcome the crisis and to build a better world."
"We're trying to change America for the better and the entire world."
"If people have the power, then everything will be a honeymoon on this planet."
"It's not paper chasing anymore, Michael. It's purpose chasing."
"To recognize that so much of modernity has been amazing for humanity and has given us the level of comfort and productivity and connection that we have."
"We're living in the world that's changing in ways that we've never seen, that we're not conditioned to accept."
"Our tolerance for frustration has gone way down because of the gratification world we live in."
"We will occupy the debate space and deny business as usual until there is change. Show trans debaters, trans kids everywhere that they belong."
"Human nature is so strong that it changes everything that we create, it's like this impersonal force."
"Do you want reform, or do you want Revolution?"
"Social media has completely and utterly changed the world. It's changed the way that we function, it's changed the way that we go out."
"I think what's happening now is people are pushing against change because change is scary."
"Outrage does not make the world a better place. It is the actions that follow outrage that either make the world a better place or a worse place."
"This is the fourth turning, the transition of power from one demographic to the other."
"The more decentralized this transition is, the better it is from a more fair outcome standpoint."
"If we can change money, it's going to change nation states, humanity, society, demographics, everything."
"The executive behind that Gillette ad says brands have responsibilities to challenge toxic masculinity."
"Gillette's campaign urges men to challenge the stereotype and provide a better example for the next generation."
"If we can teach young men that they don't need to be that, I think that would be really, really healthy for them and really beneficial to society as a whole."
"I'm sitting here providing a blueprint for black Americans to get ahead because it's time. It's time we've been doing this for a very long time in this country. Black America, wake up."
"People are really becoming more open-minded."
"We're swapping out money, and then all of these other applications and protocols that we're accustomed to like nation states, institutions, they're all being revisited."
"In the blink of an eye, millions disappear and the world is thrown into chaos."
"If the United States can't figure out a way to do better for poor people and lower middle class people, those people will make the rest of us feel their pain eventually."
"Sense-making is the interesting part. We used to have newspapers, universities, scholars, but we're turning everything on its head right now."
"We are being called upon to create something that isn't capitalism, isn't communism, doesn't use fiat money."
"Our whole society is changing in so many ways, much of which is for the better."
"Preventing childhood trauma and changing the ways that we educate children and adults could... make a sea change and maybe set us on a course towards even a greater likelihood of survival as a species."
"We are moving society out of an age of fear and into an age of courage and boldness."
"Inequality is not about certain bad people; it's about what changed about the system."
"The world has changed; we can all work remotely."
"The best approach to ameliorating inequality is to strengthen the individual."
"The role of revolutionaries should be as the imagination movers of society, linking past, present, and future to generate and power creative and uplifting revolutionary movements that can shape society for the better."
"I think our society really screwed the pooch, so to say, when we allowed Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to really be taken away from us... I think that if we take that responsibility into our own hearts and we give it to our children, no matter what the world throws out at them, they know how to survive."
"As our expanding cosmology outgrows our theological institutions, modern human society is spiraling into decadence, narcissism, depravity, and nihilism."
"Nation-states and constitutional democratic rule are being swiftly eclipsed by expanding corporate conglomerates bent on gaining total manipulative control over the entire human population."
"Our cultural openness to contact with extraterrestrial life has grown exponentially."
"Aspirations are rising as never before because of access to the internet. Everyone knows how everyone else lives."
"It isn't enough to say sorry. This is a moment when let's look at ourselves in the mirror and we must learn."
"Human nature has been corrupted by the wrong form of technology. It will be corrected by the right form of technology."
"We're all growing up too fast, and it's kind of no one's fault because that's just kind of how the world is now."
"The control grid on human consciousness is breaking down, and once that converts over, we will see the pillar of truth for what it really is."
"The world began to crumble when feelings started overruling facts."
"We need to be clear that we are all participants in perpetuating sexism until we change our minds and hearts."
"Kamina inspires us to think beyond what society says is possible and see what others can't see because they refuse to look in this completely new direction."
"The crumbling of the family unit has been crumbling for decades now."
"We believe that there's this very big shift in the world where... a lot of society was organized around these big institutions very hierarchically top-down and I think the internet gives people the ability to change that."
"They're going through a major shift in consciousness."
"Sometimes, when you tear something down, even if you think it is terrible, you end up constructing something on its roots that makes the previous terrible look like the work of an amateur."
"What a wonderful thing I was blessed by it, and my heart breaks that my boys don't have nearly as many great male role models."
"Women are more free, they're more educated, they make more money, but it is fair to say that women are without a shadow of a doubt less happy than they have ever been."
"Since the referendum, the views of the British public on immigration have become more positive in terms of both its economic and its cultural impact."
"Now what we're trying to do is facilitate people's the broadest possible range of choices among people so that we have a world that's much more diverse in its expression of identity."
"Saudi Arabia has suddenly become very moderate; in fact, ever since the new king has come in, they've allowed women to drive, all kinds of things are starting to change over there very rapidly."
"I'm very concerned about what our society will look like if we sort of leave the natural world behind."
"With technology, the natural evolution of human beings is going to be slowed down or just take a different turn."
"A few decades ago, private citizens used to be largely that, private. Well, what changed? The internet."
"It's almost as if we're running Windows 95 in a 2023 world."
"Most new ideas are stupid and dangerous, but a subset of them are so vital that if we don't incorporate them, we're all going to perish."
"I don't think capitalism is evil. I just think we're starting to see it fail."
"Social media has destroyed, I think, in many ways, our family, our children, our ideals. It's exploited and brought out the worst in people in many ways."
"If enough silent voices rise up... and actually trigger the courage that is necessary for them to weigh in, I think that the enemies of reason will become marginalized."
"Then one day, in 2007, everyone suddenly realized it was stupid, and now it almost never happens anymore."
"Seeing it occur less often is a move in the right direction."
"Be very respectful to even the smallest, weakest person today because historically, who's in charge changes."
"Women are out graduating men at college, so it's like they're doing better in school now; they're not going to jail as much, so it's like women are kind of killing it."
"The same thing needs to happen when a financial literacy movement that you see is making changes and it's happening."
"We'd probably be better off bringing back whatever the framework was back then than we are today, for sure."
"Technology has probably helped everybody and hurt everybody in a lot of different ways that we're still figuring out."
"I never thought we'd live in a day and age where pedophilia could even be talked about as potentially normal."
"Men need to take on a lot of the roles that traditionally were just for women, things like being communicative, being emotionally intelligent."
"Work has become an identity economy. It's not just what am I going to do, it's who am I going to be."
"Courage is a human attribute. I think boys today are growing up in a very different world, and for them, this egalitarian ethos will be the norm."
"It will take us 208 years to achieve gender equality in the United States."
"I've noticed over the last year and a half that more and more people seem to want more honesty."
"America is falling off of its perch as the world leader because men, ministers, and comedians refused to be bold and fearless in pursuit of the truth."
"Control of information is necessary in the resetting of a society."