
Innovation Quotes

There are 149482 quotes

"A smart refrigerator, I believe would change society."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every new thing that I've done, I've been told it's a terrible idea and it won't work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It was definitely a statement in that it broke with the norm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's not an easy revolution to start, but I think it's going to change whole industries in ways that we're, it's going to be hard to even imagine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If everyone had to have laser eye surgery for their best vision, and someone came along and said, 'Hey, I've got an invention. You don't have to have laser eye surgery anymore. It rests on the ears and the bridge of your nose. I call them glasses.'"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only way civilization gets moved forward is when people like this do something new." - Marc Andreessen
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only way civilizational change on any of these axes ever happens is because one of these people stands up and says, no, I'm going to do something different than what everybody else has ever done before."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"At the end of the day, the truth actually matters. If it's real, right? If the idea is real, if it's a legitimately good scientific discovery about how nature works, if it's a new invention, if it's a new work of art, and if it's real, then you do, at the end of the day, you have that on your side."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Human beings have a long history of underappreciating the power of the discoveries that are then in their own hands."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuralink is uniquely poised to accomplish tremendous goals because they are approaching these challenges by combining both existing knowledge of brain function from the fields of Neuroscience and neurosurgery with robotics, machine learning, computer science, and the development of Novel devices."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Imagine a world where every sip you take holds the power to fight one of humanity's greatest adversaries: cancer."
"The thing about creativity is that it involves a lot of risks."
"We've entered this new era... where the next great ideas won't just come from the privileged few, from the crazy, from the people with methodology; they will come from each and every one of us and collectively transform the world that we live in."
Gabe Zimmerman
"It's a revolution akin to the personal computer and the smartphone."
"Creativity is being the ability to take two or more concepts or conceptual understandings and put them together in something new that fulfills being novel and also being useful for some kind of context."
Balder Onarheim
"Pushing my creativity further with something as simple as letters."
Jess Carpenter
"I know I'm supposed to hate humans but there's something about them. They don't just survive, they discover, they create; just look at what they do with food!"
"Exposure to diversity of thought produces better results than an ideological echo chamber where everyone looks different but thinks the same."
"Big problems don't necessarily require big solutions."
"Almost everything we've ever thought of or wanted to know how to do has been figured out by someone else."
"It seemed like a lot of what Minerva became is a response to how traditional universities are."
"Sometimes us doctors can be regarded as unwilling to try new things, which I don't think is true; it's just that we require sufficient evidence that the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks."
"The idea of a Fortnite and Lego love child had confused me, but now that I was playing the game, I had a good feeling about it."
"Having kids, very low tech, but it is a technology for opening new portals."
"Narcissistic people make history. They often are responsible for some of the greatest innovations we've ever known. Doesn't make them nice people."
"You make money changing the game, not following it."
"You got to be creative... I think that so much of creativity comes out of necessity."
"One of the tried and true ways of being creative is to take different genres or things and combine them."
"We are on the verge of something super interesting in humanity."
"Anyone who says we've reached our maximum limit doesn't know what they're talking about."
"We look at creativity in much too narrow a way. We really need to open the aperture and look at creativity in a very different light."
"Most inventions in the world, most innovations come from putting things together that haven’t been there together before, often in really unusual and surprising ways."
"Everyone, everyone has the key to their innovation engine. It’s up to them to turn it."
"It's gonna sound pretty weird, but achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence."
"This is going to really help us start to make those dreams a reality."
"I wanted to be able to actually figure out how to prevent the problem in the first place."
"You can't have a legacy if you're afraid to break the rules."
"The same level of thinking that's created the problem won't solve the problem."
"The more positive you stay, the more you push through and think of new ideas, the more you're going to be rewarded."
"One must do something new in order to see something new."
"We can reverse aging. That is an incredible fact."
"Demis is widely considered to be one of the most brilliant and impactful humans in the history of artificial intelligence and science and engineering in general."
"Building AI is one of the reasons I want to build AI and I've always wanted to, is I think by building an intelligent artifact like AI and then comparing it to the human mind, that will help us unlock the uniqueness and the true secrets of the mind."
"Creativity is in the non-linearities; it's about breaking the space-time rules in kind of interesting ways."
"To be the outlier and to be disruptive is really a good thing these days because the status quo is not where we want it to be."
"Disruption and possibility are two sides of the same coin."
"What we don't want is people to get wealthy by rigging the system, by trying to limit innovation, limit competition."
"We actually know how to create perfect privacy in your phone."
"The Mac was the first computer that was designed for creativity, and it's become one of the world's most essential creative tools."
"This doesn't just change the way we think about iPad, it changes the way we think about computers."
"It's not about fighting the system; you just have to create a new one that makes the old one obsolete."
"It's the last invention we'll ever make because if it's doing what we want, then all the things that we think are hard will seem like child's play to something that is that level of intelligent."
"We've got to have new institutions; go to start building them now."
"When you are faced with a difficult situation, you can complain, or you can, in the words of Buckminster Fuller, create a new vision to make the existing vision obsolete."
"We showed in the last missions that we can safely transport astronauts up and down with Dragon."
"Unlikely partnerships could actually allow you to thrive."
"You never change things by fighting an existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
"If you want to get results that you've never gotten, you have to do things that you've never done."
"This is as big as the discovery of insulin or antibiotics."
"The FDA has approved a drug used to treat asthma to now help manage allergic reactions to foods like peanuts and wheat."
"More intelligence would enable us to do things better in a way that would reverse climate change."
"Real value is creative value, when you're able to come up with new solutions and inventions that solve serious problems in the world."
"For you to succeed in escaping wage slavery, you're going to have to go beyond all cookie-cutter solutions."
"When we look back on this era, one thing it will be remembered for is how step changes in everything remote and the acceleration of digital transformation led to so many lasting innovations in business and technology."
"Digital transformation is happening across every industry."
"The new explorers were not people who are necessarily going to find uncharted lands because all the lands had been charted. They're going to discover new things, they're going to create new products and services."
"It will take a while for self-driving cars to roll out at scale."
"Meet TXA Network, a crypto project that is working hard to fulfill that promise."
"It's often at unlikely intersections that opportunity hides."
"I started to make little ambient soundscapes and ideas, and they just became something I felt like I hadn't heard before, and that's cool."
"It's gonna be really interesting to see Disney try to run a superhero franchise without traditional villains or traditional heroes."
"So, it's not just taking an existing program with a bunch of parameters and tuning the parameters, but it's actually algorithms that write code."
"Design thinking is extremely helpful in solving problems that are ill-defined or unknown."
"There's 10 years of quiet iteration behind that big breakthrough success."
"If I am to solve a problem, I cannot solve it from the same state of consciousness from which the problem was created."
"Think of him as the one friend we all have who's never satisfied with just one hobby. Except, in Elon's case, his hobbies include revolutionizing industries and launching cars into space."
"Elon Musk's journey from selling homemade video games to leading some of the most innovative companies in the world is nothing short of remarkable."
"It's a testament to how visionary leaders, armed with technological prowess and bold ideas, can redefine what's possible."
"God damn, light bulbs were such a good idea that they became the symbol for good ideas."
"Google was founded in the late '90s by two graduate students with this amazing idea to take all of the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
"Leadership is critical to building diversity, and by extension, innovation."
"The internet is arguably one of, if not the most life-changing innovation in the history of humanity."
"We want, certainly, America to be in a really good competitive position, especially as China has set its sights on innovation."
"Cuba has produced all these biotechnological innovations including a vaccine that can stop the spread of lung cancer cells."
"DeepMind's AlphaGo program... defeated Lee Sedol... in the game of Go. It played a move that all of the Go masters thought was a mistake... it turned out this was a masterful move."
"Innovation is really the way that we as human beings and as civilization has fixed most problems."
"Instead of telling people do with less, which is never going to work, we should find a way to do with more but emitting less."
"The Galaxy S20 is built for a new generation of users, for a new decade."
"We push boundaries, we solve problems, we do what can't be done."
"To make risk-free innovation is to stifle innovation. There is no such thing as risk-free innovation."
"ARC, as you know, is focused solely on truly disruptive innovation, and most of our stocks are not in broad-based benchmarks."
"Innovation solves problems. The coronavirus crisis created a lot of problems and innovation, whether it was in the genomic space, testing vaccines, or in the workspace, these were solving the problems of that day."
"Having diversity, you avoid this idea of groupthink. You break away from groupthink, and you are able to innovate faster."
"The whole idea behind diverse identities... is this idea that... when they all come together, they can sort of figure out the best way possible because you have all these different perspectives."
"By having diversity, you avoid this idea of groupthink. You break away from groupthink, and you are able to innovate faster."
"Once they're all put in a group where they have to have a common outcome or a common goal, we see the diversity and the different experiences and different backgrounds lead to less group think and more innovation."
"Innovation that was contributed to our military during World War II...there was a multitude of benefits that were brought to our military from minority groups, whether they were Black, women, or gay."
"Red Bull have moved the game on this year; they've really innovated."
"Innovation is not about solo genius, it's about collective genius."
"To unleash the talents and passions of many people and to harness them into a work that is actually useful."
"Innovation is a journey. It's a type of collaborative problem solving, usually among people who have different expertise and different points of view."
"Leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovative problem solving."
"If you want to invent a better future, then we need to reimagine our task. Our task is to create the space where everybody's slices of genius can be unleashed and harnessed, and turned into works of collective genius."
"I'm just thankful we have games like Tear Down and Control... that push physics and... can be an interesting gameplay feature."
"It's both hardware and design related that we don't see it as often as we might like because it does take a certain level of care to implement that into your game in a way that's actually meaningful and interesting."
"We believe that the five innovation platforms are going to lead to exponential growth trends the likes of which we have never seen before."
"Our unique contribution has been to use these very high-tech, expensive, state-of-the-art scientific measures to prove how powerful these very simple and low-tech and low-cost interventions can be."
"We don't build products to make money; we make money to build great products."
"Email was perhaps the Internet's first killer app."
"Innovation means higher quality and better value for goods, more efficient services both private and public, and higher standards of living."
"Innovation comes from applying creativity or applying thought. It is about action versus just ideas."
"Ideas can come from everywhere and from anyone... The customer is a great source for ideas."
"Innovation is a culture that needs to be created consciously and pursued assiduously by the organization and always nurtured."
"Innovation solves problems, and we have a lot of problems now."
"Innovation solves problems, and I'll say it again because it is true."
"Android wins again because of one word and one word only: innovation."
"Our primary message is that innovation solves problems and is expected to transform human lives at an accelerated rate during the next five to ten years."
"Artificial intelligence is ready for primetime now because we've taken the human programmer out of a large part of the equation."
"Disruptive innovation tends to take off during tough times."
"The COVID crisis has unleashed innovation at a rate we never expected to see."
"Every recovery is K-shaped. Innovation takes root during tough times, especially recessions."
"Transporter tree is really damn good. I'd wager most people always wanted something like that."
"I love it when people can think outside the box."
"Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change."
"The creative is the absolute variable of success."
"This is Apple getting a product, even an imperfect one, out into the wild to see how we actually use it so they can evolve it over time."
"Our bet is...the benchmarks are what's going to be disrupted by this massive convergence of innovation platforms."
"We are doing research that no one else is doing in a way that no one else is doing."
"Chat GPT has awakened people to this idea that we are in a moment of innovation that most can't believe."
"The launch of Chat GPT is equivalent to the iPhone moment in 07 where everyone just says okay, this is it."
"It almost feels like they broke the rules out of the rules of engagement for this kind of stuff. Nintendo would never let you go around punching Pokémon and throwing their corpses around with ragdoll physics and arm them with weapons."
"We believe that the paper hands platform so DNA sequencing, robotics, energy storage, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technologies are going to be the big winners."
"Technologically enabled innovation is deflationary by nature. It encourages more and more usage, increases access, and unleashes waves of demand as prices fall."
"The winners in stocks are going to be leading-edge companies on the leading edge of innovation."
"We're really focused on making sure that everyone can realize their imagination as fast as they can."
"Our goal is to provide the right tech to enable people to do whatever creative crazy ideas they may have that we would never dream up."
"If anything, the turmoil that we're in right now economically and otherwise is going to hasten the adoption of these new technologies."
"What we've done at ARK is we are pure play innovation."
"Consumers will continue to benefit as one innovation is built atop another and another and another."
"Matching human ingenuity with the speed, power, and strength of machines will transform our lives in ways we can only imagine."
"We must recapture the energy, scope, and complexity of our first moon shots."
"Deep magazines, rapid response times, low costs – what's not to like?"
"These materials are used in cutting-edge carbon fiber research. The Houston Methodist Research Institute is very excited about having the opportunity to partner with other industries to perform research that otherwise could not be performed anywhere else."
"Automobile Lamborghini has a keen interest in testing their carbon fiber material on the International Space Station because it may set the foundation for 3D printed technologies further down the road."
"From the start of the electronic age, entertainment has been a key focus for innovation."
"Intel calls drone light shows an intersection between art, science, and technology."
"The great thing about innovation is that it transcends borders, it transcends cultures, transcends religion."
"If we don't create mechanisms to guide humanity into leveraging the positive elements of that, we're headed for a bumpy ride."
"The fact that they created this out of crystals rather than it being printed or embroidered, they hand-placed these crystals so that it looked like that, that is fashion."
"It's unfortunate but she was a great one. She had a vision of flying, in which she made a drawing of wings and how steam could be used to power an engine that would help her to fly."
"Instead of buying endless single-use plastic bottles, all you need to clean your hands or house are these little tablets."
"Think about it: an engine that emits only water vapor, harnessing the most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen."
"By combining the familiarity of traditional engine designs with the environmental benefits of hydrogen, Toyota is not just challenging the current EV-centric narrative but is also redefining what sustainable transportation can look like."
"To a new phenomenon, civilian divers cracking cold cases for free."
"Turbulent markets its submersible vortex turbine as an eco- and fish-friendly form of hydropower."
"You need to always be thinking of new, you need to always have energy, you can't do lazy half-ass streams."
"This was very helpful, but then we realized that being in the middle of the circle would be a fantastic place to be for anyone who is trying to create something, not just a Blue Man."
"You used to hear about how China is about imitation, now it's about innovation."
"We believe you need diverse voices to solve diverse problems."
"I think history tells us you shouldn't bet against innovation."
"These are not concepts; they are innovation platforms that are going to disrupt the traditional world order."
"Innovation causes increased productivity and efficiencies and creative solutions to problems that many companies are facing."
"One of the most mind-blowing things about CLAD is this long context and near-perfect recall."
"Cardinal energy, different fixed, could make for a very successful person but I see cardinal as like innovative, forward-moving, forward-thinking, a leader not a follower."
"Our formula has been to get the smartest, most creative people working on the most important problems."
"Uruk wasn't just any city; it was a beacon of culture, economy, and innovation, credited with many firsts in human civilization, including the invention of cuneiform writing."
"People like Einstein make our lives meaningful, and people like [Carrie Mullis] make our lives possible and good."
"We are on the move now, speaking to serious experts about serious subjects. We are building something hard and fast that's going to change the world."
"The best way to predict the future is create it yourself."
"I think of Elon...Steve Jobs...but was Walt Disney the smartest? He needed to be the one that put in all the time when everybody else gave up."
"The entire concept of the Tesla home is based on eco-friendliness, eliminating the carbon emissions that primarily contribute to the escalation of climate change."
"Tesla's plans to revolutionize everything about these new projects, the Tesla tiny homes will be the Front Runners of sustainable energy in the environment."
"No problem can ever be solved at the level of awareness at which it was created."
"The future of investing is investing in the future."
"But fundamentally, feminism is about breaking things, creating a new, re-imagining, re-building."
"Our goal, plain and simple, is to prove that we can fly on Mars. Once we do that, we hope that this is going to blow the doors open for the future of Martian exploration."
"We've done the impossible: glass that folds."
"In Flex Mode, you get a new kind of smartphone experience."
"If you can combine novelty in synthetic biology with a novelty in robotics, with a novelty in material science, with a novelty in computational design, you are bound to create something novel."
"Nature doesn't just provide answers to problems; it teaches us new ways to think about the problems themselves."
"This booster will actually launch a real mission."
"Finally, she was not... she did not speak on camera tonight, but she was out there all the same, giving us this incredible image of Starhopper just illuminating the test site."
"We're very proud that we are continuing to be at the forefront of daring mighty things in planetary exploration."
"Great products, great services, great innovation polarizes people."
"On behalf of our whole team, I'd like to thank NASA and every organization for letting us do mighty things, and in this case, daring to fly on another planet."
"It's not every day you get to test a rotorcraft on Mars."
"Ingenuity hitched a ride in February. Now, Ingenuity is getting ready to attempt the first powered controlled flight on another planet today."
"Design, test, learn from the design, adjust the design, test, repeat until success."
"Perseverance is the most complex thing humans have ever built and sent to another planet."
"Bakus, the fully electric and autonomous agricultural robot, represents a revolutionary choice in viticulture."
"This Mission has been so successful that NASA has now decided to propose what's known as Mars Sample Recovery Helicopter."
"Let your winners ride, and instead we open-sourced it to the fans, and they've just gone crazy with it."
"Innovation and solution in the face of the adversity that we have right now on the planet."
"Anybody can toss their hat in the air. We see it at every graduation, but few have dared to make it actually fly."
"Every time we execute a mission with new instruments, we discover new things and things we never thought we would discover."
"The Ingenuity helicopter will be the first powered flight on a celestial body that isn't Earth."
"There is an autonomous vehicle trudging along millions of miles away on planet Mars; its name is Perseverance."
"Moxie will demonstrate the feasibility of manufacturing oxygen on Mars for future astronauts to breathe and use as rocket fuel."
"This next achievement can change the face of space exploration forever."
"This is going to be Wright Brothers' moment on another planet."