
Primatology Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Watching Chimp Empire, you realize they're very much like us, and dare I say we're very much like them."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're one more species biologically; we are a large-brained primate."
"Jane Goodall helped turn the tide on Morgan's minimalist approach by living with her research subjects. She devoted her life to the patient observation of chimpanzees in the wild."
"They use sticks and things to get insects out of holes. That can be classified as a tool."
"Orangutans are easily some of the smartest and most beautiful of all primates."
"Culture is now the trendiest word in primatology."
"Altruism and cooperation: inherent in primates, including humans."
"I think the other thing that's important that you talk about in gender is the need for role models. The importance, not just the need, but the importance, impact of role models again in the primate world."
"...he gives us a mirror on ourselves by looking at our closest primate relatives."
"...his new book 'Different' which discusses gender and sex as seen in very different lights with these two in some sense very different primate relatives of ours."
"If you look at the rate of death from chimpanzees conducting proactive coalitionary violence, it's very similar in many ways to what you see in humans."
"Jane Goodall's studies convinced her that chimps experience the same range of emotions as humans."
"Many of these simian scientists theorized that these mysterious skulls were actually a hybrid species between gorillas and chimps."
"The genetic revolution showed us that humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than chimpanzees are to gorillas."
"Bonobos share 98% of our genes because they're man's closest genetic relative."
"Compound tool construction like this has only been observed outside humans in a few captive great apes."
"Bonobos are sort of the hippies of the primate world; they're very peaceful and sexy."
"They're considered the queen of primates thanks to their distinct and unique appearance."
"A primate is a generalist; he eats a wide variety of foods."
"Part of our story of being human is really related to how our family of primates have evolved over the last 65 million years."
"Primates are very social, and we create and build social bonds through food sharing and grooming."
"Simeons are characterized by their high base stats, complex social structure, and extreme versatility."
"Primates are our closest animal relatives... they behave in fascinating ways both individual ways and social ways."
"It would be impossible without these ingredients that we find in other primates which are empathy and consolation, pro-social tendencies, and reciprocity and a sense of fairness."
"The primates provide a mirror then we look at that mirror and we get a little bit better understanding of ourselves."
"In the end, the chimps became almost 100 percent cooperative and only a few percent competitive."
"Primates, including Homo sapiens, are far more social and far more cooperative than they have been given credit for in the Homo economicus view."
"The number of stable social connections in primates is limited by the physical capabilities of the brain."
"Bonobos are our closest living relatives, sharing 98.7% of our DNA."
"This newly discovered monkey could fill a gap in what we know about monkey evolution."
"By understanding how primates communicate, we can better understand what makes human language unique."
"Gorillas are curious; as I studied them, they studied me."
"Mine is the most complete study ever made of the gorilla, one of man's closest living relatives."
"Chimps are the most similar species with almost 99% similarity."
"Gorillas are a close second with 98%, orangutans third with 97%, and gibbons bringing up the rear with 96%."
"It's important to remember, yet often overlooked, that primates have come an incredibly long way over the course of prehistory."
"With our own species included, there exist over 300 distinct species of primate in the forests, grasslands, mountains, swamps, and even cities in the modern day."
"Join us as we explore the story of the primates, from their humble beginnings as nearly unrecognizable forest dwellers to the spectacular hominids of the mammoth steppe."
"It is from some of these tree climbers that the first transitional primate ancestors were able to evolve."
"The earliest known example of what could be considered a true primate is a small peculiar tree-dwelling mammal called Purgatorius."
"The bones of Purgatorius have shown paleontologists the first similarities in the fossil record with living primates."
"She left everything familiar behind and ended up giving the world a remarkable window into our closest living relatives."
"They can decipher elements of language and even understand words in a sequence."
"Lemurs belong to the group of primates called prosimians, which are the most prehistoric kind of primate."
"Dunbar's number... suggests that primates have larger brains than other mammals in order to maintain large group sizes."
"We are primates; we are monkeys; we are Apes."
"Exploring Apes in other countries, whether the country they're in has influenced them as Apes, I think that could be something interesting."
"Humans are animals by every conceivable metric; we're primates by every conceivable empirical metric; we are apes by every conceivable empirical metric."
"When I first began studying chimpanzees back in 1960, nobody knew anything about them."
"We are primates; we have every one of the definitive characteristics to belong to that group."
"Bush babies and monkeys are distantly related, they are both primates."
"We hope and expect that the Gombe chimps will continue to be there and that we'll be able to study them for another 50 years."
"Monkeys are fascinating, very smart."
"We're a hierarchical primate species."
"The gigantopithecus is the largest primate that has ever been discovered."
"Jane Goodall made a groundbreaking discovery in 1960 when she observed the use of tools among chimpanzees."
"We're 99% the same as chimpanzee in our genome."
"Any two humans, no matter where you pull them from, are going to be more similar to one another than any given two chimpanzees."
"Chimpanzees have more in common with humans than they do with their fellow tree-climbing, leaf-eater, the gorilla."
"Jane Goodall went to Africa when she was 26 years old to research chimpanzees."
"Central American squirrel monkeys have been called the most egalitarian of all the primates."