
Subjective Experience Quotes

There are 359 quotes

"Pain is this complex and subjective experience that serves a crucial role for all of us to keep us away from injury or harm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One of the things I've learned as I've gotten older is subjective experiences are very, very hard to understand."
"I just try to be really aware of the different subjective experiences that people can have."
"Consciousness is basically subjective experience."
"What's meaningful in life is basically what we find meaningful, what we experience as meaningful."
"The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of how physical processes in the brain give rise to the subjective experiences of the mind and of the world."
"Consciousness only exists insofar as it's experienced. The qualitative experiential subjective character of consciousness is the defining feature of consciousness."
"Making more people like me, enjoy my stories, laugh at my jokes is not going to improve my subjective experience of life at all."
"The mind is its own place and of itself can make a hell of heaven and a heaven of hell."
"By no means is Red Dead Redemption 2 a perfect game, but it's the closest a game has gotten to it in my eyes anyway."
"Your subjective experience carries more power than your objective situation."
"So why would it be so important that music match and even contribute to the subjective experience that people have on psychedelics?"
"You're better off to embrace these things that seem a little bit difficult because in reality, you'll actually have a better subjective experience."
"This song is legit catchy, kind of like the flu. You know it's probably not going to kill you, but that doesn't stop you from wishing for death every second you have to endure it."
"Art doesn't have to mean something; it should just be visually awesome."
"The one thing you can't dispute is that experience is your experience. It exists."
"The idea that my pleasure is good is a universal subjective, necessarily shared by everyone in all places at all times."
"There is still one big hole in the story. And this is the question of consciousness, of subjective experiences."
"We are very, very far from being able to understand how a particular pattern of electrochemical signals in the brain creates a subjective experience of love, or anger, or hate, or whatever."
"Being is what each of us experiences subjectively, personally and individually, as well as what we each experience jointly with others."
"Time has a very important property: it's different for everyone."
"Life is meaningless; it has no built-in meaning. We give it meaning, and that's how we experience it."
"Your outer reality is literally just your perception of your experience."
"These subjective experiences are, at least on the face of it, data for the science of consciousness to explain."
"Everything about your waking life is subjective to your perception and illusion."
"There is a domain of knowledge that you have privileged access to that no one can dispute... your honest representation of your subjective experience."
"The hard problem of consciousness: Why do we have subjective experience?"
"Sometimes worse things can feel better than better things."
"Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Apparently to really enjoy the music of Joshua Bell, you have to know you're listening to Joshua Bell."
"Ultimately, it turned out for me to be the best thing in the world."
"Cinema is subjective, so I'm sure there's someone out there who's like, 'Oh yeah, you know.'"
"He has different opinions and every has different tastes and that song gave something to somebody that it didn't give to me it's like you know that's all okay yes yeah."
"It's very real for the person that believes it, more real than any form of real is for somebody that doesn't believe anything."
"If we can be even partially right... this whole subject becomes a much more pleasant subject."
"To say: 'I create my own reality.' is true in terms of subjective reality. It's not as true when it comes to objective reality."
"The definition of cozy is very different from person to person."
"The story that you tell yourself in some regard very much is what's happening, right? You know the framing that you place around the present moment largely determines your experience of it."
"Sometimes a movie is objectively good and sometimes it's subjectively amazing because you saw it at the right time and were the target audience."
"It's the worst thing that you can imagine to happen."
"People live differently. We are very much victims of our own subjective experience."
"I often find that the more polarizing a game is, the more interesting it can be."
"It's hard to explain or demonstrate in a video but I'm a musician, I'm very picky, and I listen to a lot of music and I promise you this sound system is the best I've heard in a car."
"The unresolved state of the spinning top also suggests that what matters most is not objective reality but rather the subjective truth and meaning that characters particularly Cobb attached to their experiences."
"If I'm not feeling it myself, it doesn't mean that they're not a great guest for somebody's show."
"If you did like this, like it's perfectly fine, I'm really happy for you. I personally didn't like it."
"This car isn't about numbers—it's just about having fun, and that's why people love this car so much."
"A good movie is a good movie, bad movie is a bad movie."
"Your experience with a movie is never wrong. Film is art, man, and it hits each of us differently."
"It honestly feels like an hour long to me. It just flies by."
"Success is really just a personal metric... to me, in my mind, I've already succeeded."
"Something can be well-made and you just don't like it."
"Even though a car can be crap, it can still be fun."
"It's based completely on my own feeling, you know? It may seem like there is because there's just a consistency to it."
"I'm enjoying it myself, I don't get to a masterpiece like IGN exactly the same boat here."
"Funny is entertaining for me and even if they're not meant to be funny, I miss them."
"Our time perception does not seem absolute. It seems distinctly relational and very malleable."
"Our perception of reality is not absolute but a dynamic and subjective experience."
"The better you can feel subjectively during your workout, the easier it is going to be for you to go hard."
"Art is in the eye of the beholder, man. We're talking about pictures. You don't know what something means to somebody or inspires."
"I'm definitely loving this game. So, I think the gameplay itself, oh gee, you know, whether it's challenging or not, like, is subjective to your own opinion."
"This isn't something that I personally enjoy as much as some of the others."
"Perfection isn't achievable and this game certainly isn't but damn is it perfect to me."
"People who think it's a scam or whatever, just looking at them brings happiness."
"That to me felt like a pretty special event."
"This is going to make my world so much better."
"I do still have a soft spot for it and think the good moments aren't represented enough."
"Music is subjective. Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?"
"Comedy is a great thing because what's not funny to somebody is hilarious to somebody else."
"Life is full of qualia, and these things cannot be described in physical terms."
"I really enjoyed it, I would say like 9 or 10 for me."
"Subjective experience matters more than anything."
"We are still very much limited by our own personal experiences."
"For some people, this is an annoyance, but it can be life-changing for others."
"All that really matters is how you feel about them."
"It might not be to everybody's taste but it certainly is to mine."
"I'm not gonna lie it depends on your mentality."
"Just because something is subjective doesn't mean that there isn't some social consequence from doing the wrong thing."
"The runtime doesn't mean all that much it's how long the movie feels important right."
"It's just gonna come down to personal preference."
"It's like artwork, you know? You don't feel good about having the original, no."
"As long as you come out of a movie having had that experience, that's all that counts."
"Trouble will find me is the best national album ever made and while that's not actually true you'll believe it when you're listening which makes it real in the moment if nothing else."
"I think it's the all-dream interpretation that makes it better."
"We are all one experiencing life subjectively from different perspectives."
"It's not what my numbers show, it's how I feel."
"It doesn't make it any lesser of an experience."
"Nothing I say about a film or any other piece of art should prevent someone who loves it from enjoying it."
"You're either pretty much gonna love it or hate it. There's not really gonna be a lot of middle ground there."
"Yeah, it's just it's just your joy in my eyes to be honest."
"Todd Howard believes Starfield's endings may not be for everyone."
"Your movie doesn't have to be good. I just have to enjoy myself. It can be fun bad."
"There's nothing wrong with whatever you feel towards a movie."
"The audience now doesn't care about the comedian's intent, they only care about how they [ __ ] feel about the joke."
"In a world of complete subjectivity, your own gut is the one thing you know objectively, right? And you should listen to it and bet on it."
"When you read a food review, at least implicitly, you know that it's a review of that one dish that one person had that one time."
"Some people might like a scotch that I absolutely hate. There could be a crazy thousand-dollar bottle back there that I think's great and you think sucks or vice versa."
"I just like to get lost in it and just let it happen to me."
"I was trained in the sciences. I cannot prove that what happened to me was objectively real, but I can swear that what I experienced was genuine horror and fear."
"People's opinions they don't matter so when you wake up in the morning and you feel good then you get dressed and you do your makeup and you feel ready to walk out that door how you feel in that moment it's all that matters."
"No matter how good your game is, no matter how cool it is, no matter how fun, there will be people who just hate it."
"Until we can explain this subjective experience of experience thing, I think that we should accept it as being there, and I think that it's more honest simply to say well, our understanding is incomplete."
"There's no wrong between either of them; it's just different experiences of the same whole."
"It's meant to be that sweet spot between bittersweet and melancholy."
"In my opinion, it gets better. I personally do not know how it is for anybody else, but from experience, I can tell you that you guys are able to get to know each other and like really find out what you guys like."
"It's hard to tell which part is more brutal, the video playset at the mall or her competition with Mr. Slave."
"Gilda successfully uses her objectification to produce a pleasureless experience for her subject, a frustrating one, in fact."
"Your working memory is partly responsible for your entire richness of experience."
"Every single person sees something differently."
"It's almost like I'm this just little eight-year-old getting barked at."
"You know, art is in the eye of the beholder."
"This just felt weird for me, felt really weird."
"Just because a movie doesn't do well at the box office or someone else doesn't like it shouldn't take away from your enjoyment of the movie."
"Even if they're not doing as good of a rendition of 'Tonight,' it's still a great song."
"Pain is probably one of the most complex subjective things we could measure."
"Autonomy simply requires the subjective experience of volition or self-endorsement."
"In the end, I think the most important thing is I had fun."
"It's kind of exciting, it's like a fresh start maybe, but we can make it a fresh start, it's all subjective right?"
"Sometimes it's hard to quantify, but you know it when you feel it."
"Consciousness is defined... an internal subjective experience complete with sensations and emotions."
"Honestly, I don't know if being in here is necessarily a punishment at this point."
"Sometimes people are kind of coming with a certain personal experience."
"I honestly don't really even have the words to describe why I liked it so much I just did."
"The horror you'll take away from Midsummer has everything to do with what you make of the destination."
"Some people are going to love it... and other people are going to be like it's not for me."
"All film is subjective, and if you didn't like it, you didn't like it, no problem."
"We just want to do the right thing for them."
"It's like art, you either like it or you don't."
"Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder."
"There's no bad, there's no good, there's just does art make you happy."
"He limits and defines his knowledge to his own Yogic experience and achievements."
"You have to approach poetry with the understanding that this is someone's favorite poem."
"Just because I don't love a certain book doesn't mean that you can't love that book."
"If you feel that something doesn't have like a soul because you don't connect with the way it's made, you're entitled to that."
"It feels like the creme de la creme... it's like pure luxury."
"Our familiar time and space, they're nothing more than appearances, appearances of this reality, subjective appearances as seen from some specific point of view."
"Just because I don't like it doesn't mean that you won't like it. It could be the perfect thing for you."
"Beyond him obviously it was worth guys it was worth we just basically just did what I wanted."
"Existing for a while now in physical reality time that might be just a few seconds but in your time as you're sitting there and experiencing this it might feel like an eternity."
"Do any of you have memories before today that could objectively be considered impossible?"
"These might very well be the most comfortable car seats I've ever sat in..."
"Nobody knows what it means to you, that counts."
"Each time you see the 'Mona Lisa,' you have a different feeling about what she has in mind."
"It's gonna be a movie that you either really Vibe with it or you just were bored."
"Something about this car makes it get a little bit freaky, man."
"It's a fabulous engine a little bit of a sound from it but you can't fault it cuz there's so much talk."
"We can all agree that we're having an experience right now."
"It doesn't taste like stinky, it tastes normal. It kind of tastes like blueberries, really."
"Good research is like wetting yourself. Everyone else says it's wrong but only you know the warm feeling it brings. Affect you wise words."
"It's when you start hearing this echo coming in strong."
"You gotta appreciate art like this, don't you?"
"At the end of the day, it's just a matter of perspective."
"I think it's different for every single person. What works for one person can work for others but it might not work for the next person, you know? So, it's whatever you feel drawn to."
"Get it, play it. If you love it, you love it. And if you don't, you don't."
"How do you feel the opposite? It's like fog."
"I'm all for changing the world... but the dependent variable that I'm after is... the subjective realities."
"Varan definitely is gonna go into the yesterday for me."
"You can see things through a completely different filter, a different movie if you will."
"In a hologram, two different people can experience two different worlds as they stand side by side."
"What brings you fun and entertainment is what's important."
"Art is subjective. And there's no right or wrong way to appreciate it."
"It's like a great song where some people may just like the beat."
"The most important thing is for you to enjoy it."
"It's hell, it's glorious, absolutely wonderful."
"Films are subjective. That's just the nature of film."
"It's not about the numbers, it's about how you feel."
"Fragrances are very personal, so obviously what works for me might not work for you."
"Your run was just so much more fun than mine."
"Nearly everything about it just hit right for me personally."
"Events are experienced by an experiencer. Thoughts are thought by a thinker. Pain is felt by a feeler."
"I just swear to god if you angle just right it's pink."
"Opinions are fluid over time, and sometimes my opinion on the souls boss has changed."
"Value comes from us; if we value a thing, that thing is valuable by definition."
"Balance really is subjective but for me that's what keeps me going."
"He feels like he's been vindicated many times in this aspect."
"There are people that live in a totally different reality."
"I feel like there's nothing objectively wrong with so much of the story but it didn't do a lot for me."
"Ultimately it comes down to what you enjoy as a reader."
"Not everything has got to be about quality, sometimes it's just about the way it feels."
"I know some people think that is not a big deal and whatnot but it has affected me for the last 30 years."
"I mean, I always saw it as red. I guess I could see how people would think it would be orange."
"I don't understand how it might just not be for you. Yes, there's objectively bad music, but like, this one just might not be for you, and that's okay."
"The function of consciousness is subjective experience."
"Some things work for some people, some people don't, some things don't work for others."
"Everybody truly does have their own story, their own way of feeling about things, and humans are not data machines."
"Good art has many different interpretations."
"There's never a point where I feel anything is just so bad or mediocre."
"On paper it may not look like a big deal, but in reality..."
"There's something about it that is really, really nice."
"So much of editing comes down to... it's how you feel."
"That's the beauty of it. You don't have to like it, you don't have to dislike it. You can just do whatever you want with art. It's the most optional thing in the world."
"Reality involves your consciousness; it could not be there without your consciousness."
"Our experiences are internally generated, like controlled hallucinations."
"Success is a feeling, you know, it ain't no dollar amount."
"You filter the color of the snow through your mind."
"Original Emily decides that this is a reality for her."
"It's funny to look back on all the stress I felt over the years while watching horror movies because objectively speaking, I wasn't in a stressful situation."
"I found myself appreciating that movie a lot more."
"It's not up to anyone else to affect whether or not you enjoy a film."
"People will always take what they will from a movie since that's just the way perception and reality works."