
Magic Quotes

There are 17202 quotes

"When I first saw people flying around in person, it looked like magic. It looked like they were flying on magic carpets."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All of these creative achievements are nothing short of magic."
"A magic system is only as interesting as the people using it."
"Believing in magic again is a wonderful feeling."
"You are actually more capable and more magical than you may think."
"Life is completely magical and filled with one synchronicity after another."
"Rub your hands together, start feeling the magic."
"Magic was an inspiration, something both beautiful and cruel. Beyond his immediate reach, he believed that magic came after hard work."
"Magic exists and spirituality is a real deal."
"Whatever we discover, it's all kind of magical."
"Welcome to Nightingale, a portal-popping, realm-hopping survival adventure set in the fashionable Victorian era, except there's magic about."
"Grimoires have a lot of different useful utility functions and a couple of beefy spells."
"If a man can take down a bear with a single arrow, or if he can fell trees with a single ax swing, then that is magic."
"Magic is acting out of common sense... it is a mental operation that explodes the truth of reality."
"He decides that he doesn't need flukes and he doesn't want something that happens by luck; he needs solid knowledge about magic so he can do what he wishes to do."
"Commander is for fun. It's a socially interactive, multiplayer Magic: The Gathering format full of wild interactions and epic plays, specifically designed as an alternative to tournament magic."
"We're awakening our magic, our creative energy."
"Even though she may not look it, Alicia has quite a bit of magic in her and she was even stronger than most of the adventurers in the polar regions."
"Exploring fantastic environments is one of the most evocative, memorable, and truly magical parts of playing D&D."
"Pirates of the Ethereal Sea is an amazing blend of high piracy and high magic."
"Anos told him that he had activated an Origin magic using the hero's attack as an origin to revive his source."
"There is magic happening around you right now."
"You're a magician, a magic manifestor, someone who can manifest no matter what."
"All the magic and wonder, emotion and enchantment of a Disney movie."
"Find magic wherever you are, find magic within everything and to make the most out of every situation that you're in."
"The world was covered in a beautiful frost... everything so frosty and magical and just sparkling, it all looks like Narnia out there."
"Imagine there was a magic glowing rock and anywhere you placed this magic glowing rock, everything around it, economy-wise, would be better."
"Stay determined, but don't forget about magic, the essence of the soul, the essence of life, and the ability to enjoy it for all that it is in the present moment."
"Prepare yourself for the side of Undertale that is magical, literally magical. It makes you question reality and makes you laugh and makes you whoa."
"In some way, the belief of the field allowed the belief of the individual to be cellularly embodied and allowed what we would call now magic to occur."
"Magic comes from the Persian language, where 'Magus' means 'the chemical,' relating to chemistry, and in Arabic, the one that makes chemistry is 'alchemist'."
"I think everyone likes Gandalf. Man's weapon, he's just really cool when he uses his magic."
"Also it's possible that we're not using magic power so much as looking at data."
"I naturally and easily create magic for myself and for my family and friends."
"The world is full of magic energies and so many possibilities."
"Realizing that you are magic, you hold that within you."
"I, like so many others, was lucky enough to be blessed by true Disney magic all those years ago."
"The magic is calling, calling calling us, to the place where all of our dreams come true, the most magical place on earth."
"50 years of dreams coming true and magic made real certainly is cause for celebration."
"Magic is not something you want to get rid of."
"You don't see any other wizards walking around waggling wands in people's faces. That's pretty rude no matter where you're from, am I right?"
"I'm basically just here to talk to a wizard doctor and try to get this removed."
"I've been doing magic since I was about three, so I put together a magic and skepticism lecture where I do some magic and I teach about skepticism."
"The aesthetic of the dungeon is really cool. I really like the magically imbued nature element."
"I just made this for you. I made it with magic. I even put it in a nice gift box for you. Look at this."
"This is your soul's purpose: to recognize your power to create for yourself the life that you want, to surrender to your own magic."
"Where is the magic in life for you? In art, in human connection, in the people I love, in laughter, and creating something you're proud of."
"I never believed in magic until I watched my dog turn into a snake."
"There is magic in the air; you can manifest everything you need to be successful."
"Magic can open gateways to just about anywhere on our planet and beyond."
"There's some sort of magic that's occurring, you know, there's some sort of like alchemy going on."
"I am magical. Everything that you find fascinating and magical... think of you already embodying that."
"He leaps up into the air and attacks the wyvern with a mana-infused sword strike."
"We all want to believe in magic; we all want to believe there's something bigger than us out there. Like, I get it, and it's harmless, I think, until it's not."
"How foolish a man can be to breathe air, feel the warmth of the sun, to think, live, run, [expletive], smile, laugh, cry on the energy found in a few pieces of bread, and to not believe in magic."
"If we overanalyze love, if we question it too much, it will lose its magic."
"This is the magic of creation at work in your life."
"Reality being unlimited can take the most direct route to whatever it wants to do, which means direct manifestation or magic."
"Life is offering you something magical, even if circumstances send you on a temporary detour."
"There is a lot of magic within you; you have a strong manifestation power."
"A good magician never reveals their secrets."
"What makes sports special is the certain exhilarating magic that can't be replicated even by the best film or the most well-made TV show."
"Being best friends with Harry Potter means that I exist in a world in which magic is a real thing."
"Friendship is magic, but not that kind of magic."
"You can use magic to repair things, to clean things, to fix all of your needs, and also to spawn food."
"They want to bring some magic into each and every one of our lives and help us awaken to the light."
"That's the beauty of reading; sometimes there's just this weird little magic that you just can't explain."
"The Crucible from Thaumcraft, for those of you familiar, is where the magic happens, quite literally."
"By unlocking aura mancy, we begin to understand the very fabric of magical energy around us."
"And that's how you do foci crafting in Thaumcraft, creating spells that can light fires, move objects, or even change the world around you."
"Magic at its deepest core is about self-transformation... arguably the greatest method of personal self-transformation."
"This one lets you cast magic like the wizards of old."
"Economics is interesting because it's all of the above. To start with magic, the notion that you can make some change and simply everyone's better off, that is a kind of modern magic that has replaced old-style magic."
"The music responds like magic. You can rarely get people to agree on things."
"Glintstone contains residual life and thus the vitality of the stars."
"The vocals of Stevie Nicks, Lindsay Buckingham, and Christine McVie weave together like strings on some arcane musical loom, crafting stardust magic with every harmony."
"Life is also magical, it can be extraordinary."
"Comfort zone is so great, it's so comfortable, it's so amazing, but right here, this is where the magic happens."
"Believe in magic, see evidence of it all the time."
"A sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
"There's also a deep part of you that's very magical, and I feel like a lot of you are connected to like fantasy and magic."
"The Firefly is literally a spotlight. He's also a symbol of magic, too. So, this is a time where magic is going to be surrounding you."
"The goal of the individual Magus is the overcoming of all taboos, oppositions, and dualities."
"You did well, and perhaps you will find it extremely frustrating to find out that without the talisman, you cannot end this story."
"There's something about going through a doorway, going through something, and ending up somewhere else that is so exciting and magical and perfect to me."
"Paradoxically, real magic is fake magic, and fake magic is real magic. The only real magic in the world, produced by magicians, is the fake magic."
"Come for the finance and stay for the magic. The magic of compound interest."
"Your magic is being awakened as you begin to let go of the old."
"It's really encouraging you to come back to that belief... believe in magic, believe in balance, believe that anything is possible."
"But deliberately create opportunities to step outside of your comfort zone, that is where the magic happens."
"My heart is so happy right now; we're making magic."
"Time seemed to freeze for a moment before the gem burst into a cascade of rainbow light, filling every inch of the tower."
"You have free will, you have so much magic, my love, and you can change anything at any time."
"I really feel like this was just a very magical experience that brought me back to that wonder-like feeling as a child."
"This connection has been so synchronistic, so magical that is absolutely undeniable to them."
"The City of Brass: a tale where magic, politics, and romance intertwine in the most captivating ways."
"A Discovery of Witches: where academic pursuits meet ancient magic, igniting a forbidden romance."
"Magic, mystery, and a love that defies the boundaries of nature."
"In a city divided by magical loyalties, two souls are drawn together in a quest for vengeance and redemption."
"This place is oddly magical, but not the good kind of magic, you know."
"You’re powerful if you CAN use magic, but also becoming a kind of social outcast in a changing world."
"A simple, intuitive, and yes, a magical experience for our customers."
"Magic is just science we don't understand yet."
"Your warlock wasn't born with magical powers; they didn't learn it like a wizard. They basically stole it."
"So, let's imagine that lightning bolt, giant growth... another player in the game goes, 'Oh, I'm going to Counterspell the lightning bolt.' You could go, 'Okay, let the Counterspell resolve. The lightning bolt's not on the stack anymore. I'm gonna Misdirect that giant growth over to something else now.'"
"If you have priority, you're the only one that can do stuff. That's what that means. You can cast spells or activate abilities."
"You want to, in general, in Magic, strategically wait till the very last possible moment to do something."
"There's something about being in a bookstore that makes you feel infinite like you can touch the magic."
"In a fantasy world where magic runs in the blood, one's lineage can be a blessing or a curse."
"Obliterator Devotion is basically a Mono-Black Devotion deck that's not only using Phyrexian Obliterator as a massive threat that's really hard to deal with but it's also adding four devotion for our Gray Merchants of Asphodel to drain our opponent out of the game."
"Gray Merchant of Asphodel might not look like much, 5 mana you only get a 2/4, not a great body. The big deal is when it enters the battlefield we drain our opponent equal to our devotion to black."
"Mono-Black Devotion, taking advantage of not just Dread Shade but partly Dread Shade, also Phyrexian Obliterator, newly cheap-ish."
"Incanting the runes and dark magic that power their devilish weapons of war, destruction descends on the northern gate as the Warriors of Chaos undivided march inexorably towards the doom of the city."
"I mean, most definitely, and that's sort of what I meant when I said that's so much more magical in a real sense."
"Do you know what makes up a witch a bit different from humans? A witch is born from pure magic, more specifically, a sort of magic nucleus, almost like a pearl."
"Magic: The Gathering made the board gaming hobby financially feasible."
"On this planet, the closest thing to magic is psychedelics."
"Copy each of those spells twice if X is 10 or more. You may choose new targets for the copy."
"Are you a magician? Because every time you're near, everything else disappears and there's only enchantment left."
"There's a lot of truth to a lot of these things. A lot of you don't realize that there's a lot of sorcery and magic being casted on you whenever you consume things on social media."
"Magic and witchcraft is a religion. Just because somebody's religion is something different from yours, that doesn't mean it's always bad."
"Oh yes, that'll flippin' do, 85% more magic, that's worth thinking about slapping on a blade."
"Magic is really very simple, all you have to do is want something and let yourself have it."
"May I refer you to Clark's third law: 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.'"
"Why belief is a miracle worker is something that cannot be satisfactorily explained, but have no doubt about it, there's genuine magic in believing."
"Jaina Proudmoore...one of the most powerful mages living on Azeroth."
"Eldritch magic and Asgardian magic both have an orange/golden glow to them, and they're also a form of light magic that tends to be used for defense and healing."
"Life can be tragic, but sometimes it's magic, and that's easier to forget. When we find ourselves whipsawed between the two, all we can do is laugh at the cosmic joke and share it with each other."
"Fantasia is a musical anthology film that features magical scenes backed by classical music."
"It can take time to find that one special sensitivity, but trust me, the moment you do, it's magical."
"Fast forward a couple of centuries later, and we have the magic academies in the Visigothic era."
"Every step is a ritual, every word a spell. Heed all you do and watch magic unfold."
"Magic is going on in this connection, a lot of the universe helping to bring us together."
"The illusionist handed a cup of steaming hot coffee to a man living on the street, who was all too happy to get a hot drink."
"Illusion magic is pretty cool in Oblivion: creating lights, charming people into giving you better deals, turning invisible, even mind-controlling creatures to fight for you."
"Magic has infinite manifestations, sources, and rules, none of which universally apply except for one: everything has a cost."
"Humanity is currently ascending, thanks to magic, perhaps all the way to godhood."
"Illusions are better work best when they are mixed with other spells, so that the illusion is about deception."
"Art by its very nature should be impossible. It is taking nothing and turning it into something. It is one of the few forms of real, genuine magic that we have."
"Magic involving blood is definitely present in Skyrim and the Elder Scrolls universe as a whole, but it seems to be extremely rare when it comes to mainstream magic use."
"Magic will come to you every time that you feel grateful."
"Magic makes the Elder Scrolls universe so memorable, and if we took it away, things would become a lot less interesting."
"Magic is a completely naturally occurring part of the person who wields it from the day that they're born."
"River has been using her magic for her entire life and striving to use it better and yet still doesn't fully understand it as much as she wants to because it's never been explained to her in a way that actually is true to what it is."
"He reaches a hand out, and from thin air, a tiny burst of light expands with big motion into a flurry of lights, each forming a line and curve which manifests into writing, grappling with energy as he says aloud the command: Resurrection."
"The dreaming mind, its code has been corrupted by Taken magic."
"As Lux's magic powers grow, she can pick on enemies, friends, or random strangers by causing embarrassing distress in public."
"There is a great power and magic inherent in all creation."
"Drannith Magistrate may be the most talked about card in the commander circles."
"Weatherlight Completed... it's an artifact into an artifact. It's two mana for a 5/5 flying legendary artifact vehicle."
"In a dedicated Aristocrats build, this card, I think, is extremely powerful."
"So, uh, I was gifted Liliana, Heretical Healer, which is one of my favorite creatures."
"Cheating mana cost is one of the most powerful things you can do in Magic."
"If you can cast this and then cast a one-drop and get some value out of it the turn you cast it, that's where the one-drops are really gonna shine."
"Once during each of your turns, you may play a land card from your graveyard or cast a permanent spell with mana value three or less from your graveyard."
"Getting to just hang out with some friends and watch magic cards do magic things is almost an entirely different game, and I couldn't love it more."
"It just goes to show it doesn't matter whether you're a tournament grinder or a kitchen table type, magic really is for everybody."
"In the movie, Salem was put into the body of a cat because he used his magic to win a mortal woman's heart."
"When it comes to love, shouldn't it always be a little magical?"
"Love, after all, is the most magical thing in the universe."
"Houdini is perhaps the most famous illusionist and stunt performer in history, with his name being basically synonymous with magic."
"The beacons of magic are colorful projections that illuminate each of the four park icons...once the sun sets."
"This connection to nature... is something we've lost, but if we reconnect, our lives start to become magical."
"If you don't believe in magic, just look at the stars and remember who the [__] you are."
"I wish there was a real Hogwarts School of Witchcraft."
"Delina... is sexy stuff. There's some kind of crazy magic going on in this fragrance that men go crazy for."
"Lock tops it off with the Dark Ray Extravaganza, and now it's game over."
"Lock's magic is even greater than the magic of dragons."
"It was like magical, it was just meant to be."
"What's wrong with having a little bit of childhood magic?"
"Embrace the unexpected; it's where the magic happens."
"Programming is magic. You can accomplish these things that normal humans can't."
"There's something magical about opening each layer and discovering what's inside."
"It really is, in a sense, quite magical because it is so."
"Aaron really could do magic, and I'm dedicated to making sure that his magic doesn't end with his death."
"Among the many beauties of building fantasy worlds is the ability and permission to remain untethered; nothing is impossible with the caveat of magic."
"Timmy and Tootie were given free reign to continue using Cosmo and Wanda, but only on the condition that they used their magic for charitable goals."
"Magic was an integral aspect of ancient Egyptian society, permeating every aspect of daily life."
"Mentalists and magicians are the world heavyweight champions of having secret ways to know what you're looking at."
"If we can truly live wu-wei, the magic and miracles of the universe come to life through synchronicity."
"You build up chants, and you can construct phrases that when you build up enough, you can spend them on invocations. It's pretty cool."
"Only a Lumen can channel magic, and only with the help of a crystal."
"There's a magic spark in you; you're a spark of magic to people."
"Stim mage is like my favorite thing. The stim mage is dope as hell."
"A deck focused on magical cards can be very powerful. Try picking two of your best gem colors instead of going for all three."
"The notion that you make magic so that people come into the theater and they get an experience beyond what they might otherwise have."
"I'm most excited to see more about the magical's creation themselves."
"Humans have flocked to this enchanted city called Nightingale to learn about magic, develop an understanding of its workings, and construct portals to the fae worlds beyond."
"Magic: The Gathering is among the greatest card games ever made and the most complex ever."
"The magic wasn't really the magic of Potter; it's the magic of reading."
"Magic is everywhere, and when you combine the motion and the words and these disparate things...that is where magic finds its portal into the real world."
"In book canon, it's very likely that it's more complex because they simplify everything related to magic."
"The fey are mythical beings of folklore, usually having magic powers and dwelling on earth in close relationship with humans."
"A Court of Thorns and Roses... focuses a lot more on the magic and Enchantment of entering the Fey world."
"He can make castles shrink and grow, he can't age, and if he dies, he goes to paradise with a get-out-of-hell-free card."
"I can't wait to join the magic school. I will study hard to make lots of money so we can do whatever we want and live wherever we want, me, you, and Shinsha."
"Unlike his father, Mo doesn't want to be a driver; he aims to be the best and wants to become the strongest mage out there."
"Being a mage is not all about getting grades and studying; it's also about fighting and saving lives."
"Any sufficiently advanced technology looks like magic to the uninitiated."
"There is a room in the Department of Mysteries that contains a force that is at once more wonderful and more terrible than death, than human intelligence, than forces of nature."