
Personal Commitment Quotes

There are 1118 quotes

"I want to be available to my kids first and foremost."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I focus on one thing. I focus on this audience, the 2024 election, the future of the country for my children."
"The path out of despair is by keeping commitments to yourself."
"The rewards you get in terms of self-esteem and self-story will be correlated to the size of the commitment you keep when no one is watching."
"The most persuasive evidence that governs everything we then do every day thereafter is the commitments we keep to ourselves."
"I Repent from every distraction... and I commit to focusing myself to what you put in me because everything you put in me is about to show up in my life."
"If I go to a place and they're asking to donate to a certain charity, every single time, I do it."
"99% of people are not willing to do what it takes to make their dreams come true."
"Always going to represent to the best of my ability and help build it up because it's a small city."
"Relationships are work, marriage more specifically is work, and marriage requires that we go overboard and that we do our very best personally to make that thing work."
"To honor your life means that you make it your non-negotiable duty to find what you love most about life and to do that thing on a regular basis. No excuses."
"I've got you. I won't ever let the others have you."
"I definitely can't go back to old habits because I don't want to disappoint anybody."
"Anti-racism is a lifelong project, and the end goal is not for you to be good, it's for society to be good."
"Make yourself non-negotiable. You're going to take care of yourself this year if I have to pound it into your head."
"I gave everything I had for that city for five years, and I'm excited for a fresh start."
"The cost of your economic emancipation is going to be on the other side of your commitment."
"I'll fight lions, I'll climb mountains, and if it doesn't rain tonight, I'll come over and see you."
"As of about 2018, I have sworn off purchasing any new garment I cannot confirm was produced through fair labor practices."
"No matter how much time passes, I'm gonna live with that in my heart every day."
"I can control that the words 'I quit' are never gonna come out of my mouth, ever."
"Love is work. See, that's so true. You can't just give up."
"I will never ever let happen to my wife or my children what happened to my mother."
"I'm just not giving up on myself, you know? Another week, I'm not giving up on myself."
"With all his heart, Thomas Aquinus wanted nothing other than Christ."
"I'm gonna continue doing this for as long as I can."
"You need to submit all this job, all these children, all my husband, stop it. Because whatever is important for you, you would make room for it, you will make time for it."
"If you will commit to doing that, you will literally change this world."
"It's going to take you much more time than you want it to, but it's worth it, it's absolutely worth it."
"You want to spend as much time with your kid as possible, right?"
"Jesus Christ, forgive me for any disobedience. I want to follow you and do your will for my life."
"Bitcoin represents freedom, hope, and everything I've studied for over two decades."
"If God sees something to be of importance, we will be out of our mind if we are not chasing after it."
"I've been saving up for this ring for the past 4 years. Dedication, man."
"If it's better, I will never eat meat again."
"I never missed a match. I don't care if I had the flu."
"I'm firmly on the side of my viewers and readers."
"I promised myself that I would be a person who is more concerned with that person's well-being."
"Giving my life to Jesus is the best contract I have ever entered into."
"Make the intention that you're going to join."
"This is what I do, you know, they kind of had that big break in between, um, because of injury, but once I was there, and you know, you just can't help but look at the Ukrainian spirit and go, yeah, I want to follow this through."
"I would stand up against racism anytime I saw it, absolutely."
"My baby's lost somewhere in the dark, and I'm not gonna stop until I find her."
"The solution to something like this is unequivocal. It's a hundred percent of individuals willing to compete."
"I just love nature. I just want to save Mother Earth in whatever way I can."
"I am the best servant in the world. I am. I'm gonna serve in the morning, I'm gonna serve at night. Everybody leave, I'm gonna cut the light off."
"Winning with money... you just have to devote yourself to basic Common Sense money habits."
"I commit to being kind and patient to myself in this process."
"God audibly spoke to me and said, 'Isaiah, I don't want 99.9% of you.'"
"Comment the one thing that you're going to do day in and day out to move closer and closer to getting and mastering this success mindset."
"I've been involved in a number of conservation activities... feeling like doing something good for the environment."
"I went literally door-to-door for Obama, got to move 500 votes there, knocking on doors, grinding for him because I just felt in my heart like this is going to be a new beginning."
"Jazzy Gabert, she's your pick, yep. I'm gonna go all the way." - Corey Graves
"I need the Spirit of God. I got to stay in touch with Him. I can't finish in the flesh what God started in the Spirit."
"I've decided that I'm going to do my best to tell the truth."
"There's no one in this country that's done more to confront the racists for the last 10 years than me."
"I'm going to take democracy every single time."
"It takes heroism to make that kind of sacrifice."
"The world has all but forgotten the old-growth, but I never will."
"I'm going to do whatever it takes to raise awareness in the public domain."
"I wear these yellow wristbands willie every day practice the golden rule every day do unto others as you have done to you."
"Knowing that I'm so close is absolutely, it makes me stay committed."
"We all have to daily daily... this is an every day... moment by moment decision."
"I give a damn and I fight for good. This is my pledge."
"That's his thing... I'd still be showing up every day."
"You should always be that guy... you gotta make the effort."
"Listen, anything for the BT Sport lads. It's decent."
"I'm here for y'all, I can't tell you guys that I'm for the people and not be for the people."
"It wasn't to enrich myself it wasn't to find silver mines it was to translate golden plates to find a record of great worth."
"I really try to do the right thing. I try to bring hope to the world. I try to shine a light on evil [__] that is happening on this planet."
"You gotta say yes I can, yes I should, yes I will."
"I cannot give up on my children now, they both need me living."
"Nothing's gonna work part-time, it's your heart, your spirit, your mind, and your soul. Your blood, sweat, and tears."
"Ibuki wanted this friendship with Louis to last forever, and if this friendship were to die out, then Ibuki was going to die with it."
"The greatest gift in relationship is not the gifts you give, but when you give yourself."
"Now for your tomorrow, this is a step you have to take, this is a move you've got to make, this is a time that you can't ignore, this you've got to step out on."
"Life is life, and if I can't afford to spend my time doing this, then I'm gonna still do it."
"Hold yourself accountable for your commitments to yourself."
"Pay the thousand, I will pay the thousand, yeah, this time I'm not going to be darkening it back."
"Relationship ain't a contract... it's a relationship."
"I was focused, bro. I was like, 'I need to stay focused.' And I have a goal, you know what I'm saying? When I figured out this is really what I want to do, I think I was willing to make the sacrifices that were needed."
"I have to make this work because I love this so much."
"The only reason I report on these things like I do is because I care so goddamn much about entertainment."
"If you're not willing to fight for it, then it's just a dream."
"I was working every night and on the weekends for two years."
"Andy will shave off his eyebrows. That's fantastic. What a great guy. What a great cause."
"Her work ethic is monstrous. I ain't seen it like it."
"When you wake up, you say, 'God, I belong to you. I'm not living to please people, I want to live to glorify Jesus.'"
"I'm going to try my best to be more eco-friendly... baby steps."
"I committed to stop watching porn and it's been about four and a half years since I've seen anything."
"Speedrunning is one of the deepest passions one can have for a game."
"Understanding that when you're doing it for the right person, it will be appreciated and cherished."
"You can do anything you want, you can commit to anything you want, you can build anything you want."
"It's wild. This is big stuff. Like if you've ever done anything for over a decade or longer and you make that big move, it's not easy. Like you need to be real sure."
"Those reactions right away thank you for being here so many cool announcements today Mario wonder I'm not even joking like I'm gonna stream that whole game."
"If not a single solitary person joined the church if not one joined the church I would still say do it."
"I woke up this morning ready, I will stay ready, I will remain ready."
"Hopefully you don't ever fall out of love with it... I know that I am stuck with it for life."
"I've been telling my friends and family, my colleagues that when this does come to fruition that I would be first in line."
"I do it because I love it, it's in my blood."
"The ring doesn't make dedication, what's in your heart does."
"Until our country is restored to freedom and to liberty, I don't know when I will be back."
"If I'm not dead today, my daughter's still coming."
"I do what I say because I do not want free speech to be taken from us because I value it."
"You don't have to do this forever, but some people do."
"We can actually change our body's immune system."
"You can make that same commitment where you are. Just say, 'Lord, I too am a sinner. I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior.'"
"Thank you for putting yourself at risk in the political arena."
"I made a strong commitment to myself to never again be held back by my limiting beliefs and to act as if everything is possible until proven otherwise."
"I promise you I am deeply devoted and committed to putting light and love and joy into the world."
"I feel like my party, the party I love that my parents grew up in, that I grew up in has changed and I want to try to change it back to the way it was before."
"You're just gonna participate and that's enough? You gotta work hard."
"My problems may change but my promise never does."
"Just tell them to watch the only person that has to buy into this is you and if you buy into it so many other people's lives are going to be changed because you went for it."
"I didn't change, I'm gonna still do that in the doctrine and covenants. Watch me do that in your time and with your conditions."
"I always hope to have you in my life and you are always safe with me."
"I made an oath when I joined the police... I will always maintain the highest ethical standards."
"I care passionately about the wildlife. I'm passionate about the natural world."
"I lost you once because I didn't act quickly enough... I'm not gonna make that mistake again, Mary Jane. Will you marry me?"
"Either way, I will get to the bottom of this."
"Anneliese was more devoted than ever to saving her own soul."
"Jesus Christ, I give You my life. I'm Yours."
"It's about going against the grain and committing to it."
"Create a synchronicity. Keep your own contracts with yourself."
"I'm gonna kick Schindler's ass... I'm gonna save three thousand people."
"There's nothing closer to my that I'm more passionate about than this business."
"I made a promise to myself that I would never consider suicide as an option."
"I want to help him do that, I want to end that, I don't like that."
"This is polemic order from top tech boy comm and we are going to learn fusion 360 or we are going to die trying. Paul McWhorter, top tech boy comm. I will talk to you guys later."
"Be the change and should we desire to make a change in the world."
"Make a commitment to yourself that you are going to put together a definite chief aim and bring it forth."
"I am here tonight because I love this country with all my heart."
"It's one of those jobs like skateboarding where it's not really a job but it's a job, so it's like, 'Oh I've got to go, I want to go.'"
"We don't want to make more victims out of innocent people."
"Zana's death will not be in vain. We are going to find who did this. I will not take my final breath until this person is found and brought to justice."
"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere as long as my dog's alive. I'm alive."
"Let your dying breath be, 'I did all that I could do.'"
"Being with a narcissist is definitely a full-time job."
"I want to make as much money as I can. If you said it, you might not mean it. But if I say it, you can take it to the bank."
"I want to take you seriously, I had to think about relationships seriously."
"The only really great founders are like, I am going to literally pour everything into doing this."
"Not one second in 17 years have I ever been bored with you."
"It's different than living out of love because it's like, I love what I do, I love my people, I love you know what I represent."
"You've got to be born again. That's right, ask, 'Tattoo that's what I'm saying.'"
"I'd rather do this impossible job and try than walk away from something that I love. I respect that about Solkjaer."
"Honestly, it doesn't come easy. We continue to work. I'm usually here till around 9:00, 10 p.m. every night. So that's where the work is done."
"There's no way in the world I'm not gonna do a movie for a year there's no way in the world I could've moved through two years."
"No matter what direction Star Wars goes in, whether I really like something or I really don't, I'm sticking with the franchise forever."
"And because of that, I feel like I have a responsibility to do everything I can to help you guys and make the world a better place."
"I don't care what they do to me back, babe. If I win, it'll be with you, and if I lose, it'll still be with you."
"He promised internally at least to always be her knight."
"YouTube and music are my one and only, it's the only thing I can really imagine myself doing."
"It takes many hours, it takes a lot of work... but I really do enjoy it."
"Life's short, so if you're gonna do it, do it. If you're gonna be loyal to someone, be loyal to someone all the way through."
"You've made a commitment to live true to yourself."
"You can't not want to give everything you've got."
"That's dedication to your craft, that is true artistry."
"I'm not fasting for more of God, I'm fasting that God will have more of me."
"You never stop the thing you love, I promise you."
"That's some serious commitment. Dude, you could not pay... no amount of money would ever make me do that."
"Trust yourself, trust your vision, and truly believe in it in order to give it the energy."
"We became a cause. It was a cause that we believed in, or at least most of us believed, and I know I certainly believed in it."
"I want to make a difference, I want to serve on the front line." - Joe Barnes
"Follow through on whatever it is that you're setting out to do."
"Someone who strives to fulfill his role as much as he can within the Realms of Islam."
"If you're gonna take on a project like this you need to have your life and life of your family your friends and your loved ones at heart."
"Marriage isn't about going into it looking for happiness; it's hard work."
"I want to be a peacemaker because I have the peace of God in my heart and my life."
"Listen, you ain't throwing this away, no. We're not doing that."
"When you talk about environmental I am truly environmentalist."
"If that's the price I have to pay for the impact, I'd pay that price every time."
"It's a huge investment of time and energy, you've got to be fairly relentless in terms of how you deploy it."
"Thank you guys so much for believing in me. Thank you so much for anyone who does pick up a training program. I put my heart and soul into them. It's full of love, and I hope you guys can feel that too."
"Whatever I can do to make this right is number one priority."
"That's a lot of goddamn hours, man. That's a whole lot of goddamn hours. For most people, that's a week and a half worth of work, goddamn."
"They're very focused in on you, on making things right with you, on bringing balance to the situation."
"Thumbelina, I just want you to know this. In the very first moment our eyes met, my heart has already decided that you will be the owner of this place for every single one of my breaths."
"I want to build a tribe of people who are fiercely committed to living their greatest lives."
"So I'm gonna leave it all... push towards freedom at every turn."
"This show will always be my show with 100% of my focus on you."
"I've done everything over the last year that my mom's asked, I've maintained my sobriety this time."
"He had plans to leave on a third missionary journey."
"Stick with whatever it is you going to do, never give up on it."
"We need to bring those things down and that's what I'm trying to do because I want to be around."
"Everything will be fine, Ashley, trust me, I'll make sure our family is okay."
"You have to promise me that you won't stop caring."
"If anything that you're going to put your money and time into, you're going to have to put blood, sweat, and tears into it."
"God here I am, whatever there is of me that You can use I'm offering myself."
"It's time to put up or shut up... cut out the candy, cut out the Doritos, cut out the Starbucks."
"Offer your whole soul, be all in, and miracles will happen."
"I just want to rescue her. To save her, that's all. Even just that will the world not allow?"
"I know what I'mma do right. I know how I'm moving, and I know why I'm doing this. I built this, you know what I'm saying? Because it was a really good product."
"If it's important enough for you, you'll find time."
"She's here today, gone tomorrow, or for example, she's saying to you she'll go to extra mile."
"It's exciting for me because I've never been this committed to YouTube, ever."
"I'm gonna put my heart, my desire, my determination, my guts, my will to win."
"If I can't fight for them coming up behind me then what the am I doing I'm sorry."
"When you know that you've got someone on your team that fights for you, um, and gives everything, puts their body on the line, it means something special."
"The least that we want to do is to tell each other that at least we gave it our best."