
Parenthood Quotes

There are 7895 quotes

"I want to be available to my kids first and foremost."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mothers is an explosive, provocative, and moving novel about love and the pressures of perfectionism, Parenthood, and privilege."
"That was a gift that came out of that, though I don't want anybody to mistake that; even though it was at a young age to have a child, that's still a gift from God."
"Nothing can prepare you for the birth of your child... it was just the most amazing experience of my life."
"The love that you feel for your child when you see them... was just the most magical experience."
"Parenthood and taking responsibility... seem like it's going to take away from your life when it's not."
"Happiness is important, you know what I'm saying? But for me, I don't, if my kids are happy, then I don't care about happiness."
"I'm willing to not be happy to be around my kids every day."
"The amount of time that it took me to do this stuff today while also trying to babysit Leo really slowed me down, but I'm glad that it's finally done."
"I think I've come pretty close to knowing why I'm here on Earth since my daughter was born. I think you have to be hopeful about life when you have a child. You owe it to them."
"I always wanted to have a child ever since I was little."
"It's about being the quality of father you can be, not having a quantity of children."
"I'm so, so, so grateful to have our sweet little baby and to be a mom."
"Let's cherish the time we have with our babies, man."
"The most important decision you will ever make in your life is your decision to become a father and the woman that you have children with."
"It's like designed to be cruel...you realize how special it is to have these children."
"Concentrated on my marriage and making time for it, I concentrated on spending time with my kids consciously."
"My family is everything, and kids are like the most incredible layer to life."
"When women in the workforce have children, research shows they experience a pay cut."
"No matter what, at the end of the day, I'm your father, and I love you, and I will love you forever. There is nothing that you can do that's going to make that change."
"Having children makes you a better person because the more responsibility you take on in life, the better a person you become."
"Having a child gives you a much bigger buy-in to society because now all of a sudden you care about a lot of things that you might not have before."
"Amazing how having a child makes you mature immediately."
"Nothing changes human beings more than having children. Nothing makes you reassess the decisions that you've made in your life more than having children."
"Nothing makes you care more about building a better society than having children."
"Yes, having kids is a risk, but it's that risk that not only makes life worth living, it makes civilization worth preserving."
"We're just here to be memories for our kids."
"The first skin to skin with Dad, this is cute."
"There's only one truly irreversible decision, and that is having children. Once you do that, there's no going back."
"Look at us, trying to undo our trauma and help our children heal at the same time."
"Children will destroy your life and replace it with a better one."
"When I looked into my daughter's eyes, I knew I had to be strong for her."
"Kratos noted civilization murderer being slightly good to his kid is very impressive."
"Kratos says to Thor, 'For the sake of our children, we must be better.'"
"The day you have a kid, you are willing to die for that person. It's an amazing feeling."
"Having a kid changes you... it has literally transformed me and made me just a completely better person."
"I would do anything for my children, anything to protect them."
"I really do love parenthood; I just love the fact you can have a little child like Buddy."
"I want to be able to be a family now. I honestly do. I want my son to have both parents in his life."
"What really makes millennial moms cool to each other is opening up as humans and admitting that parenthood is actually really tough."
"I don't love being a mom... but I really like my children. I love my children."
"Sometimes it is so rewarding, like when you get the cutest laugh you've ever heard."
"There are incredible moments and moments where I just think like this is what I was put on this earth for."
"Having a baby would ruin your life...I really thought like you have a kid who ruined your life. Like, why would I give up my freedom? But you're getting love and you're giving love and you're opening up your heart and your reality to something different."
"I can't wait to be a dad, but at the right time."
"One of the purest joys available to men that you can't understand until you actually have kids is that the joy of providing."
"I fell in love with him even more when I saw him with our babies."
"When you have kids, your kids become your purpose."
"It's like watching your heart walk around outside your body."
"The feeling of seeing your child for the first time... it is the most beautiful moment."
"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world."
"You can't have children until you do some serious, serious inner work."
"He told me he wanted to get married someday and that I've accidentally got pregnant – perfect, I've always wanted to be a dad."
"I feel like you're gonna enjoy Parenthood or being a mother or father."
"I feel like you're gonna feel really fulfilled having a child."
"Once you have kids, as you see them growing up, it's just gonna complete everything that you've wanted."
"I feel like you're gonna grow so much when you have kids."
"They're gonna be a direct reflection of you and your personality."
"It would be lit to have a group baby, like someone in the group had a kid, and we all just helped raise it."
"If I do nothing else in my life, I would give my daughter everything I never had."
"I am the leader of the resistance. I am Bruce Wayne. I am Batman. I am a father."
"Being a parent and deciding to be a mother is such a great deal."
"I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom. I'm also Shanspeare."
"I feel like time just gets quicker as you get older, but then you have a baby and time goes so fast."
"When you have your kid, you shall recognize his or her cry from amongst a thousand cries."
"Once you have kids, it's not about you anymore."
"For most people to live a fully actualized life, that being a parent is an integral part of that."
"It's very very difficult to mature until you have children."
"Love is a terrible and dreadful thing because if you love your children, you don't let them get away with anything; you correct their transgressions."
"It's a fight for basic bodily autonomy, and the choice to be a parent for everyone."
"I think my views will change 100% [when I have a kid], because at that point I have to care for myself in a different way because I've got to preserve myself to take care of that person."
"I'm a modern day renaissance man... I'm a father before any other titles in life."
"I would go through all of it again to be able to hold my baby."
"Knowing the next day we were gonna meet our baby was the most insane... like it's like we're about to meet the person that we're gonna have in our lives."
"It's already hard enough as is for a mom to do this, let alone being alone. So I feel like as men, we need to step up."
"Consent to sex is not consent to parenthood."
"At the end of the day, Endeavor was a dad who had mistakes, had flaws."
"The happiest stuff that ever happens with your kid is the happiest stuff that will ever happen to you."
"It wasn't until you became pregnant with Cairo did we really start to get our groove back."
"Being a dad myself has helped me so much... it gives you an understanding of what it's like to be a dad, what it's like to be a son."
"What do you like best about me now that I'm a father? Well, I love just how you interact with our child and how protective you are."
"Do you want kids? If your answer is yes, why? If your answer is no, why?"
"Which of the kids do you identify with the most? I'm a mother, like Eleven."
"I'm a good mom. I can look myself in the mirror and say that. That's everything to me."
"I was just at a place of such desperation as a mother; it was just the most challenging thing to have your child so sick and to be so hopeless."
"You cannot walk in selfishness anymore. You've got to get to the place in your mind where you say, 'Yes, I was selfish, but I will not abandon my kids.'"
"I want my kids to have a great father. I bless you. I want you to be the man that God intended for you to be."
"At the end of our lives, when you're on your deathbed, the question we're going to ask ourselves is: Did we do everything we could to give our kids the tools to live a fulfilled life?"
"A father realizes he is most a father and an educator at the point when he becomes 'useless,' when he sees that his child has now become independent and can walk the path of life unaccompanied, other than God."
"The best thing that ever happened to me were having two children. They made me the person I am. I was so much less a person before I had those children, and I am grateful to them beyond reason."
"First and foremost, I need to get home to my daughter. That's what's important."
"Having a daughter and having Micaa specifically has brought like the most joy into our lives ever."
"I can finally be a mom, one of my goals in life... to be a mom to my own child."
"My legacy, when it comes down to it, is in the back of my car. It's my two children. That's my legacy."
"Of course, I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I have two kids, I'm in the middle of a pandemic, and I'm making a show alone."
"The whole having a kid kills your dreams argument is not true. As a father, the moment I laid eyes on my daughter, all of my mistakes meant nothing, and all I saw was the future."
"Had a new baby the other day, lots of new things to do besides play a game all day."
"I always wanted to see my homies do good. Like he said, they got kids, you know. It's bigger than just being outside in the streets. Once you got kids, you got to live for them now."
"Parenthood in general it's a beautiful part of life."
"Having children is the ultimate vote of confidence in the future."
"Do you want to be a mother? How do you want to raise your kids?"
"I never regretted having kids for even one second because they're so... I mean, all of a sudden you have an intimate relationship with new people that is as close as any relationship that you've ever had."
"I grew up with this sense of having deserted my children I'd let them down that um I knew that if I possibly could find them I would."
"Having Mila made us closer to her and closer to each other because now you understand things a little bit differently as moms."
"Every parent, wave at me. This is why at some point we have to give our kids to God."
"Once reproduction became a biological choice for the mother, then fatherhood became a social choice for the man."
"I chose to spend more time with my kids and work less. Find something you love doing and do that."
"When motherhood became a biological choice for women, fatherhood became a social choice for men."
"Love on yourself you have to love yourself before you can show Give Love So once you're loving yourself give it to your baby you have riches you we might not have the money but you rich."
"How many men are failing in their responsibility to raise their children?"
"To even be able to glimpse behind that curtain and understand what the most horrific loss could ever be has just... changed who I thought I could be as a father."
"Having a kid is the opportunity to finally love something that isn't just yourself."
"I think my role is to just let it change me and to be the mom that I didn't get to have."
"It wasn't all about me... it just all of a sudden dawned on me that for the first time in my life... it's that I want to be a good dad."
"If you are going to be a spectacularly bad father... show up just in time to save him."
"I mean holding my daughter for the first time was the most humbling experience."
"I didn't realize how much love I was going to feel. This amount of love for this baby is unlike anything you've ever experienced."
"Having expectations is a huge killer in parenthood."
"There's nothing more natural than being a father."
"Selfishly, there's nothing I enjoy more than to be around my kids."
"Having a kid when you're saying yeah yeah why is that I mean you know I have a another daughter now and like I really like believe I was put on this planet to be a dad favor."
"It's this the profundity that is living for something bigger than yourself and for me that's what having a child was and it seems a little bit absurd to say that at age 17."
"The problem is, as a mom, when I give too much attention to Pinterest, then all of a sudden I'm struggling with mom guilt."
"I think having children is a beautiful thing."
"I think that's a good thing, I want to bring a kid into this world caring enough about myself to where like I just can't even imagine like being on a pill and my heart's always racing."
"It's one thing to be a parent of your own kid, but to love a child that is not yours wholeheartedly, no strings attached, it's amazing."
"This is like being a father watching your child become an adult and then doing what's their job."
"As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I felt like my baby opened my heart."
"Savor those moments especially while your children are young."
"I've always enjoyed being a dad more than any other job I've ever had."
"Becoming a dad changed David's perspective on his performances."
"How do I find time to balance everything, be a mom, work, do things for yourself? It's really really hard honestly."
"With getting [ __ ] comes responsibility, y'all need to teach our sons this."
"Being a dad is the best thing in the entire world."
"Dream was a huge wake-up call for Rob. He wants to be the best dad possible."
"I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!"
"Whose idea was it to have children actually you know what it wasn't even my idea it was no one's idea no one agreed to this nobody agreed to this you guys just did it all on your own so you've only got yourselves to blame."
"The first time I held my little girl in my arms, the love was so overwhelming I couldn't comprehend the emotions that I was feeling."
"I would die for my daughter, I would kill for her."
"It just feels like you can recover that's how i feel i feel like i've recovered living here your sexuality doesn't matter you you're seen as a parent first and you can just get on with being a parent and that's all we've ever wanted really."
"Having children saved her and taught her to be in this world differently."
"If we made it easier on parents, especially new mothers, to actually raise their children, we would have much happier families."
"I'm scared of Z growing up because I don't know if I'm ready for all of the challenges that every age brings."
"I do get emails from women every once in a while like 'I wasn't interested in having kids until I started watching your video.'"
"The biggest joy for me as a dad is watching them become who they are."
"I am NOT a perfect man but today I get to decide the example that I set for my children."
"He's adorable, he's sleeping and he's... oh my God, I love you, son."
"It's tricky with characters like this...being a mom is my priority."
"Even sitting here at this moment in time saying that I have a baby makes me smile because it still seems unrealistic. I'm still a kid myself. Little Hendrix, yeah, little Hendrix. So yeah, we're very happy, he's awesome."
"He's fantastic and the other day was the first smile that we got out of him and it's been definitely a whirlwind of emotions from the birth to now."
"I'm a full-time dad. I don't play when it comes to my kids."
"This is my kid, this is... don't you understand the grief that I'm going through?"
"We're willing to make that sacrifice for Neo to give him the best chance at life."
"It's me, her, us. Then it's a kid. We got four kids now."
"If you're ever like considering having kids and you're not sure about it just remember there's a heck of a lot in it for you as well even though you do have to put yourself out an awful lot it's totally worth it."
"You guys better be grateful because you know what? I'm one of the cool dads."
"Parents aren't people who give you birth, parents are people who bring you up, who nurture you, who love you throughout the years."
"I poured out my heart to you about what it's like to be a dad for the first time holding my baby son in my arms."
"It's difficult to imagine anyone being so fit to be a great mother as Ivelisse. She will undoubtedly be a wonderful parent."
"Drake and Sophie bro's relationship may have been brief yet it has eternally bound them through their son Adonis."
"Kids are a giant pain in the butt, but they're also the most wonderful thing that will ever happen to you in your life."
"It's people like straffan that make parents like you and me think very carefully about how we control what happens to our children during that period of existence called childhood."
"Motherhood made me really understand the term work smarter not harder."
"Having him has changed every outlook on life."
"What makes you a man isn't the ability to conceive a child; it's having the courage to raise one."
"You can either be a successful person at work... or you can stay at home... but you're an awesome mom."
"Moms don't get enough credit, you guys. It's like, think about if you're going through anything, but then imagine you're responsible for a whole other human being on top of that."
"I would like to be remembered as a loving father."
"I've been Dad for longer than it hasn't been my name in my entire life."
"You're the baby's father. If that requires you to hit a few buttons on Amazon, that's what you do."
"I just want to be the best father that I can be."
"Having children is it a commandment yes but is it a blessing even more so."
"We've been raising a child together and that keeps you humble."
"If I were to be a father one day, how am I going to protect my daughter against men like this?"
"Being a father... that's gonna bring you so much happiness."
"You know, the beauty of your child, that remarkable innocence and joy that they have as human beings, we don't want that adulterated with this kind of stuff."
"The only reason for living at that stage had been to facilitate the growth of their children and the task had left them with nothing."
"I feel most powerful when I'm with my daughter."
"I can still have fun, but it has to have a filter because I'm a father now."
"Don't have a kid if you think it's going to fix some part of your life."
"Now that I'm a dad... it's just like an elemental happiness."
"I just want to go to bed at night and remember what it's like to know all my kids are safe."
"Women have to be mothers, but men don't need to be fathers."
"Your kids will forever be your baby no matter how grown they get."
"Being a mom is an incredible responsibility and privilege."
"When you see your child on the monitor... it's this spontaneous reaction of not even realizing you have... just how human this life is until you see it for the first time."
"The desire for a child is beautiful, but that does not justify any means to get a child."
"He's now faced with a child he didn't plan for... questioning again what kind of man he's going to be."
"I don't think anybody loved his boy more than Sam did."
"Time flies, especially when you have a newborn at home."
"You cannot put a price on how much a man can support his child."
"When somebody has a child, it's not just the birth of a new person in the baby, it's a birth of a new person in the parent as well."
"Men should be held accountable for the child that they bring on this Earth whether you like shorty or not whether you [__] up and she kept it on you she gave up plan B."
"Nobody will love you like your children, nobody."
"It's like a rollercoaster... the hardest time of your life and the best time all at once."
"Parenthood's a [__] man, it's intense but it's the best thing ever."
"LeBron is a great dad so the question is now all of a sudden LeBron didn't get the COVID vaccination now he's irresponsible, what does that have to do with anything?"
"I feel like life has been moving so fast ever since we found out that like, oh yeah, you're pregnant."
"I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad... like, I'm not old enough to be a dad... like, I'm old enough."
"I know my mom has a certain expectation for me, but at the least, I would like for her to know that if one thing, they should take care of herself and they should take care of her child."