
Training Philosophy Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"More important than training hard...is to not get hurt. Because if you get hurt, you can't train."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just remember, if you're confused as to what I stand for, it's just hardcore training at all times. Stop thinking and just bleed."
"Training to failure is not black and white. There's a whole hell of a lot of context behind it."
"Everybody wants to correct the dog. To me, it's more or less correct the human."
"Who cares about the meta? Strong Pokémon, weak Pokémon—that is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites."
"You cannot correct them for attacking. No, you can, and you should. And we've gotten too soft."
"We want the dog to really just like we want our children and our dogs to be the strongest and the best they can be we want to bring that out of them."
"No pain, no gain. If you're training, your body goes through some discomfort in order to get to that next stage."
"When you leave here today and you go train tomorrow try to do nothing which of course still means control but do very little and observe everything."
"Your muscles don't grow unless you break them down. And the harder you break them down, the better and more reliable they're going to grow."
"The approach for strength has to be quality over quantity, make sure you're fresh, make sure you have nice long recoveries, and when you've done that quality work, then you can move on to your quantity, then you can move on to your volume."
"When we train hard we set ourselves up for success."
"Strength before size - a time-tested method."
"Simple combos are going to get me thinking about it and keep my hands up moving."
"Try incorporating some of these ideas into your training if you're interested in performance over looks."
"Quality reps over quantity: the key to sustainable growth."
"If you don't enjoy training then you should just not do it."
"Training is not about checking a box, training is about going hard."
"Strength endurance is probably more important than max strength when it comes to general performance in life and sports."
"Reps to failure are usually not the best example... reward the process."
"Working hard is also working out smart. That is the real way to train."
"Training is literally uncomfortable you know so if I had no greater end goal why the [ __ ] would I do it right."
"Train as smart as you can, train as hard intelligently as you can."
"Treat light weight like it's heavy, one day we will treat heavy weight like it's light."
"Progressive overload is doing more over time."
"Parkour isn't Avenue rules. You go out and you train. There's no specific obstacles, there's no arbitrary goals, there's not even competition by Nature."
"What if the easy days are not the means to an end but what if the easy days are the workout in and of themselves?"
"It's like just focus on the next step. I mean it's kind of reminiscent of the one of the most prolific lessons that we learn at BUDS which is you know one evolution at a time."
"Chasing proximity to failure and the right way to train, that's the better end goal to have of training hard."
"You can't struggle and train if you're in complete and total control of the universe."
"Suffer in training, succeed in battle, let's go and never quit."
"Process-oriented training, rather than results-based training, is the quickest way to achieve meaningful and consistent results."
"Keep it simple, that's our philosophy when it comes to training."
"Stop focusing on muscles, start focusing on movements."
"He's actually a minimalist in the way he trains, very, very proficient."
"Rest is part of training," Ishmail emphasized.
"The best thing about Ivan's videos right is his philosophy around training."
"Training is about enjoyment as much as it is about progress."
"Thinking about the reasons why you train is often as important as thinking about how you train."
"Keep training, keep smiling, keep spinning, and remember, anyone can train hard; it's only a few of us that can train smart."
"Make the expectations of yourself far greater than your expectations of your dog."
"I don't want my dog to become suppressed on the pressure; I want him to become more active on the pressure but also motivated to fix the problem."
"Training isn't about winning; it's about developing skills."
"Behavior over obedience, all day for me."
"When you can find that blend of 'it depends' and finding what's best for the individual, that's when you find the marriage of having met your true performance and movement potential."
"Treat heavyweights like they're light, and light weights like they're heavy."
"I don't look at dog training like training a dog; I look at it like we're raising a dog."
"You've got to really have that mind-muscle connection too, which some people don't get."
"You practice with your head, you play with your heart."
"If you just are this militaristic training robot, you're not going to develop that creativity and really enjoy your training sessions."
"Sometimes less is more, and I find that in the case of strength training, less is more."
"One of the biggest things you can learn in bodybuilding is to get the least out of the most."
"My general training philosophy is time under tension, high-volume, short rest time, moderate repetition tempo, and taking the muscle to failure nearly every set."