
Art Quotes

There are 45986 quotes

"Art is where we can do these crazy things and have fun."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If there are 7106 languages... there's one that is universal. It's photography."
"Art and design is a human experience that almost everyone can appreciate. It has the power to invigorate, reawaken dormant memories, or simply improve your quality of life."
"Art is something that human beings do to relax, to express themselves, to bring joy and catharsis to themselves and others."
"The real questions are things like will the unregulated use of AI prevent good art from being made, and does a society that devalues artists financially and legally prevent good art from being made?"
"One month to turn each of these letters into a work of art."
Jess Carpenter
"A crazy idea popped in, and the fruit heads were born."
Jess Carpenter
"Pushing my creativity further with something as simple as letters."
Jess Carpenter
"Gratitude... I painted the Goddess of Gratitude... when I practiced gratitude, I have my hands together at heart."
Jess Carpenter
"The creativity is still there, so you're telling, say, Chat GPT to create me a very complex prompt for mid-journey to create this particular type of artwork. So, using one AI, it's benefit, and that's language to instruct another AI, whose benefit is to create images, to create a profound new form of art."
"This is going to be a time of great transformations and through these transformations, through death, comes out the seed of life of art and beauty."
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set it free."
"If it's 'cause you have something that you're trying to express or that you're just in love with expression itself, with art itself, those are great reasons to start this journey."
"When you're in Minerva, let's say you're in the Berlin team, you actually have the opportunity to travel there and see like the Renaissance art."
"Your greatest superpower as an artist is your enthusiasm for the craft and for music."
"The contagious nature of your art is what draws me in."
"The whole mantra of medicine being an art, as much as it is a science, is so true."
"But thanks to that, thanks to the art challenge, like give me the motivation because people start trusting or like what I do."
"Making art is all about outputting; it's taking something within yourself and putting it out into the world so others can experience it."
"Great photographers, great artists, they can capture these things about the weight of things."
"Art can have a powerful transformative effect on people."
"What would art be like without emotions? It would be empty."
"The most illustrious artists, musicians, and movie stars are often among the most revered people in the world."
"All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
"Artists are searchers for meaning, just like astronomers."
"Van Gogh wrote to his brother, Theo: 'Some artists have a nervous hand at drawing, which gives their technique something of the sound peculiar to a violin.'"
"Green values creativity, beauty, and art for art's sake."
"If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces."
"Beauty is a huge part of the religion. That's right, art has a huge hand in evangelizing people and bringing them to God."
"Empathy is the ultimate art form for the age of outrospection."
"You end up finding the person who was doing the graffiti who's doubting their own artistic abilities, and the two of you connect and paint a massive flower mural together."
"Intel calls drone light shows an intersection between art, science, and technology."
"The value of a masterpiece can transcend time and place."
"Art is creating something from nothing and the beauty involved in that."
"You guys are artists, and you teach people with your art. You inspire people with your art."
"Art helps us map the terrain for our social mores and our social possibility."
"Treating each page as precious can give you anxiety...the best thing you can do for yourself is draw a lot."
"The skilled artists become the most successful."
"Spirit is saying that you need to awaken the inner witch, which means that you guys need to use alchemy to use that pain to channel towards your art."
"Drawing with these bright colors and just giving them faces and overall just keeping it very simple, bold, and colorful."
"Art will outlast fighting; you can't fight forever."
"Art is subjective and each person's taste of art will be different from the next person's taste of art."
"You can criticize an artist constructively and politely without coming off as a toxic person."
"Every artist learns every day, and a little polite constructive criticism might go a long way."
"I took the kid to everybody's room to meet all the artists and I let the kid come on stage with us."
"Put your ears and eyes on something and grow and learn something new because that's what art is about."
"I always cared about legacy. I always cared about being one of the greats. I care about the art more than I care about the money."
"Art is reality through the lens of someone with imagination, which upon being shared with you, allows you to see the world not only with fresh eyes but with a perspective that can enhance the beauty of your life and the life of others."
"All of my sketchbooks from the second grade all the way through high school... It's been years since I've seen them, and it just made me remember how desperately I wanted to become a great artist growing up."
"I wanted to figure out if there was anything inherent about great art, something that separates it from the fakes and the bad, something that calls out to us and goes, 'Hey, it's me, you know it's me.' And the answer is, is that there isn't."
"The legal quandary we're going to be wandering into, especially when it comes to art."
"Art is not done for the sake of perfectionism, art is done for the sake of joy."
"Art itself is a perpetually unsolvable problem. No one can make the perfect, bestest piece of media ever. But that doesn't stop us from trying and constantly iterating on what's come before."
"The cars are beautiful to begin with... it's about art; it's art on wheels."
"Through art, especially this new art of cinema, the human being can view itself in ways never done before."
"Trust me, some of these artworks are like freaking awesome."
"If you are an artist and that is your passion but you would love to do space art, or if not space art, use your artistry to communicate a feeling or a message about space, that's a role that we desperately need."
"Radio Silence is an unflinching maelstrom of friendship, art, and the wonder of how we should be in charge of our fate and destiny."
"I think one of the fundamental joys of existing in life is appreciating art and what other humans have made."
"I think we have a really strong need for people who want to have a positive impact, and art is such an important medium for communicating ways that we can come together as human beings."
"All words are a translation of an internal experience that we have, and art is another form of translation."
"Graffiti was an integral part of it from the beginning."
"This demonstration turned Taipei's Freedom Square into a gorgeous human mural that celebrates a way of life."
"The story is the story that is told, and you can walk away angry and you can walk away debating and you can walk away arguing, but that's why it works. That is why it's art."
"I can change the world with my art. This piece will communicate that."
"You look over there, you see lovely new canvas there and over here is the area where of my fittings will go. Of course, I like to paint thoughts and emotion, things that drive us to make the world a better place."
"I want people to buy my art because there I want to create a world full of emotions and ideas to make the world a better place."
"I also vow to never sell an artwork that is not authentic and that comes from my heart."
"This piece is about simplicity. Well, that looks quite nice. I'm proud of it."
"Makeup's just one part of me, but art is the part of my heart."
"The opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness; it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy; it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death; it's indifference."
"I love that you are always willing to flex your artistic muscles."
"It's the job of the artist to make the revolution irresistible."
"Art joins a very rare class of things which exist entirely for themselves, which have their ground, end, origin, raison d'être entirely in themselves."
"It's perfectly reasonable to say that it's the artist's prerogative of who they want to do the work for."
"That was the last piece of art he ever drew."
"The art has to be made before you can enjoy it."
"Over the years, I have witnessed countless incredibly talented artists and countless unique ways of creating."
"The point of view of the person that's expressing themselves, you know, and what they mean to the world and who appreciates them, that's what makes a piece of art worth millions of dollars."
"Art is not meant to coddle you and make you feel good; sometimes the purpose of art is to make you awfully uncomfortable."
"Artistic excellence in the service of the truth that you desire to serve and to amplify is the first accountable measure."
"Hennessy is excited to celebrate the intersection of basketball with art, music, and fashion."
"Good art is part of a good presentation, and presentation is part of design."
"Art is our purpose on the planet to create beauty, to develop a sense of beauty and create it."
"This land has given the world some of its most iconic artists."
"The future is with activist artists grown naturally from their communities, using new technologies and platforms to draw attention to concerns and realities that no gatekeeping clique of professional managerial classes will ever understand or think to explore."
"You don't really have a choice in life because you're going to go through the pain anyway. I always think might as well get a receipt for your pain. That's what art is."
"Love is love. You can have a painting or a piece of art in a room with a hundred people, and a hundred people are going to perceive that differently because of their own experiences."
"Video games not only qualify but even exemplify the way art helps us transcend the mundane and experience something extraordinary."
"My art is my Stargate, my life protection, and my companion. All of my art is also a collaborative gate; they will mean nothing without good and aware eyes."
"Let's accept art to link the difference and diversity in humankind. The leader of this nation will be love."
"I prefer to devote my attention to a performer who uses the lies inherent in performance to tell the truths about the world that maybe can't be explained easily outside the confines of art."
"With portraits, precision's essential because this is where everything has to be dead on."
"It takes an enormous amount of computational horsepower to create an image so subtle, so beautiful, that we believe it's real."
"All good art makes its viewers question the world."
"This painting does require a bit of drawing, but for those of you who are not very interested in drawing or just want to paint along, I will also have the line art available on my coffee shop."
"The beauty of having a loyal fan base is that you can continue to put out your art, even if you are not part of the algorithm."
"Gouache is a really fun medium so don't give up on it, keep trying and experimenting."
"Solid drawing is about making sure that forms feel like they are in three-dimensional space."
"The most successful artists... allow themselves to become vulnerable."
"We're testing ingenuity by having these artists design something that is gonna play a trick on the eye."
"Drawing sure is a lot of fun, having something physical as an end result is great."
"I'm an artist... I would have loved to continue my work in my field... but I have chosen instead to meet what was at my table."
"Art is on the forefront of cognitive transformation."
"Life is short but art is long...having an opportunity to leave a bit of art has been a tremendous opportunity."
"Art is quite terrifying... beauty is no small force, man."
"Art does imitate life, but there's a chance that it could be a chicken and egg situation."
"That one's so cute! I'd put that on my wall in real life!"
"Every detail, every little thing you notice can bring an image from good to great."
"Art isn't just an expression or a medium; it's an interaction, an event, a conversation between the creator and the observer."
"Art is our deepest form of communication and expression."
"True artists are usually misunderstood in their lifetime."
"Storytelling is an art, but so much of it can be learned like a science."
"Art is what gives you creativity, creativity is what leads to critical thinking."
"Critique is one of the most important things to improve as an artist."
"Where is the magic in life for you? In art, in human connection, in the people I love, in laughter, and creating something you're proud of."
"I don't find myself to be artistic... I never understood art and creativity until I could put rules around it."
"It transcends what the manga could realistically do, creating a work that, in my opinion at least, deserves respect as its own work of art just as much as the original does."
"If you're a true artist, at some point, you will have to reconcile these mandates versus the true art, and I think the true art and the love for that creation will win out in the end."
"I love to do framing. I think it simplifies the composition and it's really interesting."
"In order for a piece of art to be successful, it should do something more than just be a pretty picture; it should say something about the world we live in, it should teach me something, push the medium in some way."
"Art doesn't need to be pretty to make a statement."
"Humanity can elevate photos from snapshot to art with the perfectly placed human or an emotion captured in the right way."
"One of the great things that artists do is remind us of what's right in front of us."
"What's so great about art is that it is subjective to a point, and there are so many different styles that so many different people will like."
"Art is subjective; it can mean a lot of different things to different people."
"Roadmapping is much more of an art than it is a science."
"Art is a science, and just like any great work of art, it was born from a place of pure spontaneous inspiration and cocaine."
"Adobe Firefly is Adobe's new AI art model which is completely trained on licensed images and open-source images only."
"There is somewhat of a personal experience when looking at the self-portrait of an artist... it also offers a glimpse into how the artist represents themselves or more specifically, it allows the viewer to witness how the artist sees themselves."
"It's a very intimate and self-exploring experience for the artists to muster up the willpower to illustrate their own face."
"Like fingerprints, snowflakes, and DNA, they are all different; no two daily self-portraits are the same."
"My yellow month and the self-portraits are revealing things beyond my words."
"It was a wonderful experience. One week into the experiment, I was becoming impressed with the results of my self-portraits."
"It was a real epiphany. The ominously dark shading and cracks in his head give off such a powerful sensation as if his head is literally coming apart."
"I just want to make stuff that's totally from the heart, that I feel is like a good artistic representation of myself."
"I've never been in a space that seems so beautiful, that is so filled with the most spectacular artwork, that is designed to be in tune with nature to inspire people to think in unconventional ways."
"You really got talent; you're a great artist."
"There's nothing certain I could say about art, nothing objective or pure, other than it is everything."
"Art is not just about the end product; it's the process, its healing nature, it is meditative."
"Whether you're a dabbler or a pro, a hobbyist or a master, you are creative."
"It's art, people. Don't let anyone tell you what it should be, just express yourself."
"Realism is the highest skill which an artist can obtain."
"Art has the power to render sorrow beautiful, make loneliness a shared experience, and transform despair into hope."
"The magic of all art is the ability to both capture our pain and deliver us from it at the same time."
"The purpose of art is not realism, it's to deliberately distort the image to produce pleasing effects in the viewer's brain."
"Art involves distortion, it involves hyperbole, it involves exaggeration, but you can't just randomly distort something and call it art."
"The point of art is not to copy reality; the purpose of art is hyperbole, exaggeration, its distortion to produce pleasing emotions in the viewer's brain."
"When you look at a water lily... what Monet is doing is doing hyperbole, doing peak shift, but in color space, not in form."
"Every single thing that he draws feels like a moment stopped in time."
"There's something interesting that happens...it's not a beginner's thing. Taking realism and simplifying it is actually very advanced."
"In the West, we represent much more through realism, and in other cultures, their approach is just make it look cool."
"Styles allow you to break reality, not just simplify, not just minimize, not just exclude certain parts, but actually break reality."
"How do you go from realism to a style? It's really a case of understanding what your basic components are and then what you can get away with, what you can push and pull."
"Learning black and gray photorealism... if more people knew how important this was, trust me, there would be a lot more people doing this particular style."
"Am I special if I am mass-produced? Am I still art?"
"Art preserves the internal experience of being human through time."
"Jesus and all 12 of his apostles are seated on just one side of the table."
"Video games should be fun, but video games as an artistic medium should be offered the breadth that other mediums are."
"Art is an end unto itself; pursuing it is the noble virtue."
"These shapes are what we make them. They're the building blocks of our creativity, the foundation of our art, the reason we come together."
"Pablo Picasso once remarked, 'The best calculation is the absence of calculation. Once you have attained a certain level of recognition, others figure that when you do something, it's for an intelligent reason.'"
"Art is just stuff that evokes emotion in you, and art is anything that can be discussed as art. There's value to all sorts of stuff."
"Art by its very nature is about seeing another person and about being seen."
"I feel like tragedy and loss are really good motivators for good art in general."
"The wrestler and Black Swan... both involve the performer choosing to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to reach the highest possible achievement in their art."
"Dear Journal, I've been trying the art of poem writing. Poetry has a way of speaking to the heart and hiding secret messages."
"We shouldn't care so much about our art being objectively accurate to reality. We should care about our art being emotionally accurate."
"We don't go to art to just see the worst parts of the world reflected back to us. We go to art to be entertained, to be inspired, to be moved, to be surprised."
"Art is engaging when it makes things feel genuine, when it makes us feel things."
"Art isn't something to be solved. It's not an equation. Art is about people, about experiences, about joy and fun and entertainment and intrigue and curiosity and thinking big thoughts and feeling big feelings."
"Heart's got another meaning, hasn't it? Artists, poets, songwriters, they've been waxing lyrical about this idea of heart for many years, for thousands of years."
"This song has a message of sorts, I suppose, and the music video took a lot of work. It's the most amount of work we've put in a music video, and it is very, very, I just describe it as an art song."
"Pokemon is just...all the illustrators out there, y'all just been doing some of the best work I've ever seen."
"Sketchbooks aren't just like a cool thing; they're very, very important to an artist. They say a lot about who you are as a person, what kind of lifestyle you live, what kind of art supplies you use, your skill level, social commentary, and they just record so much personal stuff."
"Video games recognized as an art form... need to start looking at it through the prism of politics and race and gender."
"Silent Hill... drawing inspiration from the works of David Lynch, Dario Argento, and even Francis Bacon."
"That's the best way to be introduced into a culture, through its art."
"The beauty that he (the artist) sees is available to other people and to me too... I can appreciate the beauty of a flower. At the same time, I see much more about the flower than he sees."
"Art is a catalyst for health, wellness, well-being, and healing."
"The museum is the place where I learned to draw, it's the place where I learn to be the person that I am."
"I think it's a powerful testimony and testament to the benefit of art."
"Comedy is an art form; it's a way of communicating whether it's to ourselves or to the audience."
"A Danish artist has been ordered to repay a museum after delivering blank canvases."
"I love the movies. I think film is amazing. I think movies are miracles."
"There's no such thing as a bad artist or a good artist, there's just such thing as a blocked or an unblocked artist."
"Great art is great art; it doesn't matter who makes it."
"Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen just feels like one of those slam-dunk examples of vocal harmony as high art."
"The enemy of art is the absence of limitations."
"Vanity just has no place in performance or art." - Anna Kendrick
"Internet memes are essentially the best examples we have of modern day pop art."
"What's a bigger form of freedom than a plain white canvas to draw your manga and cartoon where all our imaginations can come true?"
"We have art so that we may not perish from the truth."
"The purpose of art was to teach us how to feel."
"Art is how you use your creativity to choose and create your own reference points."
"The amazing thing about this art form, the amazing thing about this life, is that you're constantly learning."
"The beauty of photography is that it's a blend of science and art."
"Great art sets out to reveal the truth, whatever that truth might happen to be."
"Above all this exquisite finery, Holbein just added this weird, shitty smudge that ruins the whole painting, except, if you look at it from the right angle, that isn't a smudge. That's a human skull."
"That's why people, when they do art, kind of accentuate stuff and with 3D you have to force perspective to fool the audience."