
Options Quotes

There are 3245 quotes

"What I was hoping to do with that conversation is to not restrict people but to open you up and say you have a lot of options."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When we talk about eliminating gender roles, the point wasn't to make it so that you were ashamed for doing traditional stuff, it was that you had an option not to."
"When you believe you've exhausted all options, remember this: you haven't."
"It's about it being where people understand that it is an option, and its benefit is not something that is detrimental to a society, it's a benefit to society."
"You have more options than you thought you did."
"I think we tell ourselves that like we're stuck in this way of existence; we're not really stuck. We have a lot of options."
"We have got a lot of options, he's just got to put the jigsaw together."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to leave clinical medicine, and there are a ton of options out there."
"Truth of the matter is, there's a third option, and it's probably the right one, what's actually happening, which is somewhere in the middle of those two."
"Giving back and like I said, giving these guys some really good options."
"Sometimes there's a better option out there if you're just willing to do the experiment."
"Poverty comes from ignorance. So if we don't know anything, we've got to take our options."
"Reality-based, sensible, rational, humane options to seek peace do exist."
"We are being constantly told that we have only two options in everything... and I think we have much more options than that."
"That's the beauty of building your own system; you have lots of options out there."
"Horizontal progression is not about having a higher number but having more options and varieties."
"Avoiding the donkey problem is being stuck between an abundance of options and choosing none."
"We want options to get to the ISS, we want options for crew, we want options to get to the moon, we want options to get on the surface of the moon, we want options to launch."
"There is always an option in everything you're going through. Every dark moment you're in, when you think everything's [done], it's not."
"You're only as loyal as your level of options."
"In the money options...are less risky trade. There is a higher chance of success."
"People don't know what it's like to not have any options. It is a feeling that is hard to explain and it will control and change the way that you view every other part of your life."
"Shogun 2 simply gave you tools and options. You have all of these different units with a variety of possible uses and you can combine them in novel ways for good results."
"Should we leave? And I'm like, and go where? And do what?"
"You have the choice of doing as much or as little as you like, and Symphony Of The Seas just has a little of everything."
"There's a lot of pros and cons, and depending on what you need, one option may be better than another."
"Men in general are only as faithful as their options."
"Trading options is like buying and selling stocks, but with a few key differences."
"That police should be given more options at the point of arrest."
"Just because one card looks better than another doesn't mean that there might not be a niche option for these cards."
"I feel like the options and the availability of those options really made this expansion such a refreshing experience for a lot of people."
"Learn to swim so you always have options, you always have options. Learn to swim."
"Prepping puts your future more in your hands and gives you more or less some options."
"This video is very loaded because there's so many loaded things that you can do."
"I felt the most excited about looking at all the options and not having to choose."
"Black people need to know they have options in this world. It's not just America or nothing."
"Options. I definitely, definitely, definitely am so happy for the amazing options that I have."
"Don't settle for less, keep your options open."
"So I think part of it is we have to mature into asking deeply what are my options and who else has gone through this and recovered from it and how did they go about doing it?"
"I think alternatives means to me like another option that works with what I've described or works with the outfit, works in the same way."
"This is a cool way of doing the character creation, there's a lot of options here."
"It's about options, about how do you decide how do you go through these scenarios."
"Accuracy and confidence... you got options... you will put yourself in a situation you will not be able to blame your equipment."
"Hello Fresh offers tons of low cal, carb smart, vegetarian, and pescetarian options that are healthy and delicious."
"It's like you want to do the Apollo or the beacon I was like tough decision the beacon."
"I swear I don't know what the better options were."
"You have more options than you realize, so you have to decide if this is somebody you want right now."
"It's really not hard to see why anyone would want more options."
"You've got options. You can get really creative right now."
"I just wanted to make sure that we had options and feelings I can't think of anything else and I think it kind of works."
"I'm not opposed to switching if there is a better option out there."
"It's a viable option, means it's a possibility."
"No matter how challenging this moment is, maybe there's a dearth of options in front of you."
"More options for how to play means more D&D."
"Money is a valuable tool that gives you options and freedom."
"Grid: the options here are just mind-blowing."
"I'm a value player; I like to have a lot of options at my command."
"I don't do ultimatums, I'm a man of the options."
"If we want gen Z to make better choices financially, we have to give them better options to choose from."
"You deserve options, you deserve choices, and there is a pure, more balanced love out there for you."
"Everything else... lots of great, great options in the book."
"You ever have too many options you don't even know where to begin?"
"A black man who has his [__] together has a lot more options, gets far more respect from women."
"The Void combo covers pretty much every tech option including miss tech."
"In this city here, we have every Transportation option known to humankind."
"You will at least have that option or if nothing else you could pop it out and you've got a 40 you know $40.00 you know one terabyte hard drive sitting in there."
"Whether you're looking to maximize driver engagement or just go all out as far as performance both of these transmissions can be very fun options."
"We live in great times, where you have great options."
"I'm going to say this is my favorite option, at least for this particular setup."
"Successful people don't have to mess with you, they have options."
"Do what's right for you, there's so many options out there."
"Options are important for the game's overall health."
"Prices start in the low 200s... you can go up to 300 400 depending on the different options."
"Be a top shelf man, set boundaries and enforce them, and have options."
"There's going to be a whole new option that's going to become available."
"There are multiple ways to do things, lots of options."
"People aren't even aware that the first part is an option to begin with."
"Bundles will not be for everyone and that's fine, but I think they're worth giving a chance."
"There's always something to do no matter where you turn."
"Builders cup: a ton of mini side missions or one persistent racing career?"
"It's overwhelming at first, all of the options and what to do... but I'm also constantly feeling propelled forward, I want to learn more."
"You can expose yourself to every option available when you're making your purchase decisions."
"Just keep in mind your cameo choices... gives you new options to work with."
"So it's a little bit more expensive now for the ak-74 you have three different options the TG PA and the PB s."
"There are plenty of good guns out there that aren't Glocks."
"Trilogy had some options that could really speed up the process of playing a match."
"You get three choices: get infected, get vaccinated, or isolate."
"A lot of us are pushing good quality men away which does make you guys want to explore different options."
"This is likely going to be one of the best options."
"The customization options are diverse to the point where I can't even choose what to wear."
"It's a good option. It's a good pick. You won't regret it."
"I couldn't have predicted where I was gonna be five years ago and I'm not sure I can predict the next five years either but it's just exciting knowing that I have so many different options that I can take."
"What if you didn't want to date as a kid? I would still want that option."
"There's nothing better than being 16 and having options."
"I'm glad that it exists. I'm glad that it's an option. I'm not trying to kill everything that everybody does. Choice."
"As it stands right now, there are like five solid MMO options."
"This person's bored and they're tempted to explore their options elsewhere because they're not getting anything or they're not feeling any umph."
"This car is equipped to around forty thousand dollars with options. Frankly, I think that's still a pretty good number considering all this car offers."
"This person isn't even aware that you're an option."
"We're not leaving Call of Duty. There's a lot of options available to us."
"More content options is always better... give people a reason to want to log on."
"There's so many different variations of things you can add to iced coffee."
"If you have money you have options... make more money, make more money."
"It's always good to have many options... luxury."
"Value those who invest in you; having options is key."
"If you don't want to pay that, totally cool, come watch it on YouTube. We like that."
"Exhausted every possible option available to them."
"Now another big aspect of the styling are the wheels and you've got plenty of options to choose from."
"Having a roster allows you to really weigh out your options."
"If you want a seven or an eight passenger crossover with a hybrid drivetrain you've pretty much got that one option under about fifty thousand dollars the highlander hybrid."
"They have more stuff, they just have a broader variety of stuff."
"You have way more options than you think you do at all times."
"Very often you're asking, why not this move? There isn't just one."
"What if you want something in the middle... no worries."
"Confidence comes from options, but those options come from competency."
"At least give yourself options, right? It's not so much about you have to buy disks, just that you have the opportunity to do so."
"The elcan specter dr comes with multiple reticle options."
"I think they should have the option of Resurrection but I think it should be interesting."
"The more that we can get ahead of this, just the more options we have and the better chance we have to quell these tides of momentum."
"Those are not your only two options. In fact, there is a vast array of options in between and around suicide and transition."
"Options, that's pretty much what you always get with a Samsung device."
"The double horn with a horn in F and a horn in B-flat should not be considered two horns for the price of one but a four-valved instrument which gives us many options for fingering each note."
"It feels like there's a lot you can do at any given moment."
"There are thousands of potential options in terms of race."
"The S8 gives you more battery charging options."
"Spoilers, you can have any Bundesliga 100-want Brazilian."
"Layers offer various options: rename, select within, transform, paint, copy, paste, fill. Control without altering the whole canvas."
"The possibilities are literally six of them."
"You can ring in the New Year inside the Disney parks in multiple ways..."
"Honda offers it in five trims starting at the base LX with pricing starting at twenty-three thousand five hundred dollars."
"Here we've got Japan's exclusive size. We've got chicken nuggets and this is four pieces, eight pieces, 16 pieces, and we also have plain flavor and spicy flavor."
"This car starts at about $21,000 for the sport with a 5-speed manual and front-wheel drive at $1,254 for all-wheel drive."
"I like giving people the options if they want to play around with it, you know that's what's fun about these games."
"Pecos Bill's: elevated tex-mex menu and an amazing toppings bar."
"Different options available in how you structure your team comps."
"You can buy the base unit where you can buy the advanced unit with it much bigger graphics card or you can buy the base unit now and then swap it out later."
"Suddenly you have more options than you did before."
"If you run into domestic difficulties, you have options... transforming or using more of the other pillars in the equation."
"You can do whatever you want, honestly, you can just hide inside the houses, you can hide inside a theme park, a church, a high school, so many places to go and hide."
"The key for you to stop over analyzing things is for you to get more options."
"Special weapons are still a thing... some of these weapons are pretty good..."
"Laurels can be traded for a variety of things."
"We have options, we can be out in the world and that will return."
"These were our two choices. This was what's on the banquet table."
"There is a third option now and it is awesome you guys there is a third option."
"Delay stuff is always interesting but when you see it like this and you see all the options and the sounds available and all that stuff, you know it is wondrous."
"We do like to whenever possible give people options so they can play the game the way they like."
"You make better decisions the more options you have."
"Options give you power, it gives you the sense to calm down."
"A third option: Seeking a middle ground for humanity's betterment."
"Selecting quick match offers four options: any duels, United combat, and combat ordeal."
"All three of these speakers are great options to consider."
"The person who has the most options typically wins."
"I can go to a car dealership and I can get the same damn car in different colors I can get different options features and things like that."
"We should absolutely exhaust every option available to us."
"We need to keep the momentum going and look at other options to remove the Glazers."
"All options are on the table. Do let me know in the comments what you think about these things."
"Three different options for filing your tax return."
"You should be dating other women, you should have some other options and some other choices because then you wouldn't be so desperate."
"All those options look pretty darn exciting."
"Now that the military has Titan serum we've got options."
"Nearly every customization option from the past is here."
"The more options and customization we have, the better."
"A vertical is like the most generic term of basically just saying that you're playing to either calls or two puts."
"Love to see it, and I also prefer the peer option over other options." - Expressing approval for a specific payment method.
"Expiration dates uh calls on the left puts on the right Always by the ask on these and these are all your premiums."
"But these are the kinds of things that if you really, really study the perk system, I think it's going to give you some good options."
"There are several different ways to sell a car."
"You always have options and you are resourceful and capable enough to figure them out."
"The available choices combined with New Game Plus means it's pretty easy to see everything."
"The job of any cool aunt is to present to you an option for how you can live."
"That's what options are all about: accessibility settings. You're all about taking the hand when you need it and not when you don't."
"Choices. Let's not be mad for having choices."
"It seemed to be either the Prime Minister's deal or a long delay, European elections, a softer Brexit, and more political uncertainty."
"Options are a beautiful thing in the fight game, and boy do I have many."
"Create options for yourself and your family."
"Transforming what your options are for actual destination."
"Upgrade to the long range for better savings and range."
"Money gives you options, and options are worth more than you can imagine."
"Even for those that aren't interested in PvP at all you can just choose the PvE mode and have just as much fun that way."
"The future is just going to offer more choice for you and me."
"Even slight convenience can be worth doing something... it's just more options and more options is always better."
"You can transfer with a cable or you can transfer wirelessly."
"Explore your options instead of making a decision right here, right now."
"The true definition of decision is that you cut off alternative options."
"Money gives you options, gives you the ability to say no."
"Mercedes has a reputation for offering a ton of standalone options."
"KuCoin offer us a couple of different options exactly like Binance, they offer us the earn platform and also the staking platform."
"You don't have to make up your mind right now, you can try out this program."
"Pick up a different game, it's good to have multiple options."
"There's so much that can play into this, so definitely explore all options."
"You can see what it looks like when you're inside, it's gonna look like what you see here: empty templates, then it's going to give you all these options."
"It's just nice to have the option to come back."
"Many people would see a 3x10 as the superior option."
"Lots of choices and things to play around with in the new Tundra for sure."
"Africa understanding Africa gives you options doesn't mean you gotta go they don't mean you gotta live there I don't think I'm live here right."
"Money gives you control over your life, options, and the ability to contribute."
"The game isn't about what my idea of your options are, it's about what your idea of your options are."
"I think it's really important to note there really is no wrong option, you're going to get either of those CPUs, put them in your system, game, or do whatever work you're going to do on them."
"Options are the cousin to freedom. If you have no options, you have no freedom."