
Beauty Quotes

There are 121752 quotes

"Takes your breath away, and we all have that when we see a dramatic sunset."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You're focused on creating more beauty in your life, more of that Venus kind of energy where we feel confident."
"This is going to be a time of great transformations and through these transformations, through death, comes out the seed of life of art and beauty."
"Have you ever looked out at a breathtaking sunset and wondered how you could keep that vivid image crisp and clear for the rest of your life?"
"See the beauty in the world and see the beauty in others, like she did, like all children do."
"There's something about the way if the mind sees truth like it sees it's internal externalized, it immediately looks crazy and in that recognition that so much of what goes on in our heads is crazy, there's this weird thing where beauty like other amazing things crop up as surprises."
"I actually don't think anyone is permanently ugly."
"Beauty is truth, truth is beauty...beauty's value is only in that it is an avatar of goodness, rightness."
"To create somehow a kind of art through our life, to be reverential towards beauty, our own beauty, and the beauty of others."
"Transformation is beautiful. It's okay for you to change."
"Health is true beauty, and the only way to address health is not to be at the level of the stuff but to be at the level of the cell."
"You are beautiful. The swan always comes through to indicate elegance, beauty, self-love, and just feeling gorgeous."
"You've worked really hard to get here. Don't miss this chance to explore something beautiful."
"Focus on doing something beautiful and something wonderful."
"That terrain, the Rocky Mountains, the energy of that race, the town of Leadville, it's beautiful, absolutely beautiful."
"Gratitude is all about finding the beauty in those small things."
"Collagen powder can help improve skin health by reducing wrinkles and dryness."
"Green values creativity, beauty, and art for art's sake."
"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others, you need to accept yourself."
"Hey, that was really emotional and beautiful."
"Beauty is a huge part of the religion. That's right, art has a huge hand in evangelizing people and bringing them to God."
"It's about celebrating everyday moments and showing the beauty of those moments."
"A beauty has been born. All is changed, changed utterly."
"If you're able to see the beauty and wonder of any fragment of consciousness, then you're basically enabling yourself to then see the beauty and wonder of everything around you."
"You are beautiful no matter what you are, no matter who you are. You are a human being and you are beautiful for merely existing."
"Women are the single greatest thing and the best thing about life. The male-female sexual relationship and interaction is the most beautiful thing about life."
"People are desperate for authenticity, beauty, and harmony."
"I cried for other brides; I may as well cry for her. She looks beautiful."
"The process can be very lonely, but it can also be very beautiful."
"It's been beautiful, to be quite honest with you."
"I love the dress, I think it looks really pretty on her."
"You're so uniquely you, and I think it's so beautiful."
"She's just grown into her own. She just looks so beautiful."
"Makeup should be a highlighter to your face, not covering your face and hiding who you really are."
"I like Paul Rudd. I like Meryl Streep. I like, I love Selena Gomez. Love Selena Marie. She's so beautiful. I love everything about her."
"The beauty is in the butterfly, but the growth happens in the cocoon."
"The beauty comes when you kind of bring those skills together."
"Appreciate the beauty inside and all around you."
"There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kind of the point?"
"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and for this beautiful, beautiful glorious land."
"The colors involved are spectacular. I know this because last month the same thing happened, and you all sent me so many beautiful pictures."
"You can't enjoy the beauty in life without suffering through the pain first."
"Being super sad can be a really pleasant experience, oddly enough, because you can find the beauty in the sadness."
"It's insanely beautiful, the gorgeous use of lights immediately had me smitten."
"What a beautiful morning here on the Space Coast."
"The earth, that massive, powerful, and in so many ways even scary planet, yet it's the most beautiful thing we ever saw in our lives."
"You can have the most beautiful things in your home for hardly any money."
"Truth, beauty, and morality... are things that our consciousness is concerned with and very important."
"The beauty of skincare is you have to mix it, blend it. You have to mix it; it's like making a cake."
"This teardrop represents strength, turning pain into beauty, turning pain into something positive."
"Allow yourself to shine, you're a beautiful being."
"Transform, emerge with beauty and grace from your cocoon. It's time for you to shine."
"Love is a message, and I think so often about that first phone call... It was heavy and it was a joy and it was beautiful."
"Do not be deterred by the thorn amidst the roses. The roses are still worth it."
"I believe anytime you're creating something with tools that you have, it can be incredibly beautiful."
"The Tulip indicates a gift, good luck, beauty... there's a new sprouting, a beautiful new sprouting."
"Understanding the whole development of this flower makes me respect its beauty more, makes me value it more."
"The galaxy is full of absolutely wonderful sights."
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."
"The cars are beautiful to begin with... it's about art; it's art on wheels."
"There was genuine beauty to be found in this game for me."
"Beauty will save the world. Why do you think beauty is so important?"
"Beauty is mysterious and it's not completely subjective. There's wide agreement, at least in some instances, on what is spectacularly beautiful."
"Beauty tells you to be more than you are, to aspire to that which is beyond you, to indicate there is something beyond you."
"That issue of beauty is so unbelievably crucially important to what's happening in the world today."
"It's a testament to nature's raw power and resilience, a place of mystery and beauty, of ice and isolation."
"This is really an amazing example of the power and beauty of recursive problem solving."
"I'm just grateful that stuff like this exists. I think it's a really beautiful part of the collective human experience."
"You are so beautiful. Just stay there, pretty."
"Confidence is to feel beautiful without needing anybody to tell you so."
"I think it's gorgeous and it gives me, the owner, a lot of enjoyment."
"Childbirth should be this beautiful thing, right? It's so incredible that our bodies can create life."
"Remember, you are gorgeous and sexy, with long hair, short hair, bald, balding, whatever it is, you are what is attractive."
"And you know what's more beautiful? Me. Look at me, I'm so gorgeous."
"Caught on camera in the middle of the night, this lynx is a real beauty."
"He eventually met the goddess... she is really a goddess; she looks so radiant and beautiful."
"Everybody looks so beautiful together because everybody's different, nobody's perfect. Such an amazing feeling, you feel so liberated."
"Oh, look at it. Yes. Look at that. Beautiful."
"Take the risk, allow this relationship to blossom into something beautiful."
"The result is an astonishing display that is as beautiful as it is impressive."
"I'm going all out. I want to pull it. It is such a gorgeous looking card."
"People are different. We come in all different shapes and sizes, and that's what makes us beautiful."
"The beauty of it smote his heart, for like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing; there was light and high beauty forever beyond its reach."
"I feel like I want to cry right now for no reason other than that was beautiful."
"Autumn is where my birthday is, it gets crisp in the air, the colors are really pretty."
"True colors there's this moment where you can celebrate all that is beautiful about you."
"There is nothing in nature more beautiful than the universe."
"I mean, First Impressions, this looks beautiful. Like, it really, really does."
"I really thought it was really nice. Every time we were trying to survive over there, it wasn't easy, it was hell, but it was always beautiful."
"Expect fantastic views today. It's a crystal clear sky, just absolutely perfect."
"Here where time seems to stand still, it is possible to admire a harsh and uncontaminated landscape."
"Your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful here."
"The power of togetherness is one of the most beautiful aspects of being a human being."
"It's gorgeous. I mean, come on, it's just stupid how pretty it is."
"You're looking lovely with everything that God has given you because I know you own everything that you have."
"Despite all of its treacherous environments, Winterhold manages to capture us and constantly grants us with awe-inspiring sights that few have had the opportunity to lay their eyes upon."
"Get ready to be dazzled as we unveil the glittering wonders of Earth's most prized possessions."
"These lashes made me feel like a whole new person. Like, these are Disney princess eyes."
"Zarbon, the warrior who has both beauty and ugliness. This is the root of Zarbon's obsession."
"The story of what might have happened to a fool obsessed with his own beauty has come to its tragic end."
"There isn't anything that's more closely aligned with the combination of beauty and truth than the arts."
"And there you go. Oh my god, look how delicate that is. I am so in love. The French tips is French tipping."
"Your beauty is coming from your vibration and your soul, which is going to enchant and inspire many."
"Spirit wants to give you the gift of finally being able to see how beautiful you are, finally being able to see how your beauty and enchantment is more than just the makeup or the clothes that you wear."
"You are so beautiful and so perfect exactly as you are."
"Ugliness or beauty is all dependent on your perception."
"A beautiful thing is not just beautiful; it's telling you something."
"Every little detail is taken care of, the room has been made up again, it's just beautiful."
"You look so beautiful. You look amazing, friend."
"Art is our purpose on the planet to create beauty, to develop a sense of beauty and create it."
"You're beautiful, that's for sure. You'll never, ever fade."
"Life is full of beauty, life is full of suffering. You cannot control what happens to you; you can only control how you react."
"Behind every beautiful thing, there's been some kind of pain."
"Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
"You are absolutely stunning, so they are definitely attracted to you."
"Kindness is the most beautiful thing you could wear."
"This valley is absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait to call it home."
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."
"My beauty is found in the cross; my beauty is found in what you did for me, Lord, and I am not going to compare my life to anybody else."
"A healthy and active body is a beautiful body."
"Life is good sometimes, what a roller coaster but life is beautiful in that sense."
"I don't want anything in my beauty routine to hold me back. I don't want to feel like I can't leave the house because I don't have my face beat. I should be able to be free."
"Nature sure is a beautiful thing, isn't it, boys?"
"Everyone is flattered by her beauty. She seems to be an angel."
"I truly believe that people are beautiful and amazing as they are, however you want to present yourself."
"Life should be about breathtaking beauty, and I really think that they achieved that with this design."
"This is really where I fell in love with creation of beauty and makeup and like really putting my heart and soul into something."
"There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself, comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty." - Dr. Steve Maraboli
"It's a fashion moment. It still is a fashion moment. This is a Jean-Paul Gaultier couture look... The green is just stunning."
"There's more to you than just what you look like. There's your spiritual side, which makes you balanced and gives you the inner beauty that most people find attractive about you when they get the chance to see that."
"That kindness was the most beautiful thing you could wear."
"I've always thought that Paralives is so beautiful - the environment, the world, the buildings in it."
"Beauty is a gift from God, and that's something that you should use for good, not evil."
"Let yourself age; there is beauty in aging, and it is inevitable."
"There's a lot of beauty in aging, and I don't think we should be expected to look like we're 20 when we're 50."
"Your skin health and your radiance starts from within."
"Silent Night may be the most beautiful song ever written."
"What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful."
"They fully embraced vulnerability. They believed that what made them vulnerable made them beautiful."
"There's something beautiful about overcoming adversity."
"God is so truthful, so clear, so beautiful, so selfless."
"Beauty bars are back...a more eco-friendly way of cleansing and bar soaps have always been a good way to do that."
"Every person in Jannah will have the beauty of Yusuf Al-Islam."
"First light, the morning dew glistens across the boundless landscapes."
"Life is beautiful, and most of the time, you walk through life without taking things in, without enjoying it."
"Being really deeply honest with myself is beauty, and I recognize that as beauty in everyone."
"You might be angry with something, and that can fuel you to create beauty, for some of you. Just write a story or make a video or anything that is your own creation."
"Art is quite terrifying... beauty is no small force, man."
"Someone else's beauty doesn't take away from your own. Someone else's success doesn't take away from your own."
"It is utterly unique and beautiful in its simplicity."
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men."
"I was a young girl walking around and nothing was beautiful and one day I passed the church and I could see candlelight in it and heard music coming out."
"Our interactions with the beauties of nature around us can produce some of the most inspiring and delightful experiences in life."
"It's like you said, it's beautiful and it adds structure and it can help instill meaning in the moment."
"Beauty is God's mark that helps to restore the soul of the people."
"It is indeed an incredible fact that what the human mind at its deepest and most profound perceives as beautiful finds realization in external nature."
"Rebirth manages to create one of the most beautiful fantasy worlds I've ever seen in a game."
"Generosity is one of the most beautiful things you can find in the world."
"It's the color of the water here that is incredible, it's like this teal and you can just see endlessly into the clear."
"You will never be happy if you don't learn that beauty starts with loving yourself."
"Beauty is all-encompassing. It's not one thing, it's the way a woman carries herself, her belief in herself."
"You are opening and blossoming into something incredibly beautiful."
"It's hard not to see, as humans, that there's some kind of purpose to it, like a momentum towards complexity and beauty."
"And so there's a lot of value and a lot of power and beauty to the discovery in the big picture of our universe and in the details."
"You're just falling into this beautiful purpose and it just expands into something so much bigger for you, which is beautiful."
"It is... the most beautiful moment I’ve seen in any work of fiction."
"Sometimes I forget just how beautiful that can be."
"Quantum mechanics works, and it's beautiful and it explains so much."
"Aging is a very beautiful thing. People have to stop saying, 'Ah yeah, I'm not gonna do anything or I'm aging.' No, aging is a really beautiful thing."
"When your point of privilege is beauty privilege and then you lose that privilege over time, it's probably really hard to come to grips with."
"It keeps its leaves all through the whole winter, and it just—it's very, very beautiful and provides some amazing structure in this area."
"Boxwood hedging really looks beautiful with a layer of snow on it, just a little bit."
"Travel upwards into the stars for a moment... see the light, see the brilliance, see the beauty that's always been there."
"Death makes the world so much more beautiful...the world looks much, much brighter."
"The world of algorithms is vast, but we can often split them into two distinct classes: those that are inherently useful and those that are just purely beautiful."
"Confidence is not narcissism, and feeling pretty doesn't mean I think I am better than anyone else."
"You are a multi-faceted spiritual creature that has innumerable facets and faces to you. There is such beauty and complexity in you."
"It brings a tear to my eye how beautiful he is."
"That is just beautiful; I can't believe it. Look how good that looks."
"Welcome to Wonderland, your new home. Isn't it beautiful?"
"We're here to witness the beauty. That's why we're here."
"The fabric of everything is not love; it's actually beauty."
"It's an extraordinarily beautiful and transforming experience."
"British Columbia is by far the most beautiful and diverse province and it was never even close."
"There's some fabulously beautiful story [about the brain] that we're hoping to understand."
"And since to look at things in bloom, fifty springs leave little room, about the woodlands I will go to see the cherry hung in snow."
"The whole thing is really nice is that the math... sort of fit together in a very beautiful way."
"I think religion can be so beautiful and so necessary and so wonderful."
"Dad and Grandpa, isn't the beach beautiful? I mean, look at it; it's so cool."
"I think I'm very beautiful. On a scale of one to ten, being the most beautiful woman in the world, what would you give yourself?... The complete package is most definitely a ten."
"The most beautiful natural thing I've ever seen."
"Wow, what a sight, sometimes you just have to take a moment to take it in."
"It was the most beautiful natural thing I've ever seen."
"The beautiful doesn't preach in that negative sense; it just is, it shows itself."
"Such an Instagram reels, but that is beautiful."
"Dang, it's beautiful. Actually, it's super unrealistic, bro. It's opening frame by frame."
"Mathematics is hard, it is difficult...but it is beautiful, full of life, and it's an adventure."
"I wasn't good-looking till later... not that I was... I'm good-look now, but you are. Figure it out, thank you."
"Going through life with fading extreme beauty was like having someone very slowly turn off a light around you."
"Beauty is such a subjective thing. It depends on who you're asking. Anyone could be beautiful."