
Awe Quotes

There are 7293 quotes

"Takes your breath away, and we all have that when we see a dramatic sunset."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every day or so, like accessible awe, has proven to have a positive physiological impact on humans, on their emotions, or their behavior."
"We should just have more awe and encourage more of an understanding of the links between our bodies and health."
"This is unlike anything I've ever seen in my life."
"Being in a state of awe is actually very good for us. It increases our well-being to contemplate mysteries and the bigger questions."
"It's fun to have a tunnel through space, but it is mind-blowing to have a tunnel through time."
"I wish that everyone, if even for one moment, could feel that awe and humility and hope."
"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!"
"Gazing into the night sky, it's easy to be awed by the grandeur of our universe."
"When you walk around that bend and then Falcon's just like straight in your face and you're like wow, this is real life."
"What, what, what, what, ah, that was some next-level stuff right there, my brain is exploding in awesomeness."
"That instinct to admire and experience awe facilitates that mimicry."
"I have seen things mere mortals could not even begin to understand."
"People can experience awe and reverence about virtue."
"I don't feel small, necessarily. I feel in awe and I feel I'm a part of it."
"It's the kind of numbers that make even us astrophysicists that deal with big numbers every day just stop in our tracks."
"When we're walking in the woods and we catch a glimpse of a deer through the trees, or when we see dolphins leaping out of the ocean, or when we notice a delicate butterfly resting on a flower, we often feel that sense of awe."
"Seek out moments of awe on a regular basis... Reminding ourselves how immense life is can help us better put our problems into perspective."
"Lord, when I consider Your amazing power and Your might and stature, I stand in awe of Your holiness."
"It was the most beautiful natural thing I have ever seen."
"To be in awe of yourself, to be in awe of the people in life and what they've created, to be in awe of everything."
"Experiencing awe leads to what we call shrinking of the self...our problems shrink because we realize there's a whole universe out here that is much bigger than you."
"To be born and to die, these greatest forms of change sound so awesome to me."
"We're overstimulated with awesomeness. The sheer awesomeness of reality inspires so much awe that the only way that we can even let it in is with sunglasses."
"It looks so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it before in my life."
"I was blown away when I first saw this, and I still haven't forgotten that moment."
"Because once you see it, it was. One of the most amazing and emotional experiences I've ever had, other than seeing my own children being born."
"The unpredictability of being in the right location at the right moment is what causes these spectacular and sometimes terrifying experiences."
"If you're not astonished by quantum mechanics, then you haven't understood it."
"The beauty of the universe... inspires a kind of sense of awe in us."
"This place is incredible, coming here just absolutely takes your breath away."
"We're pounded every day with the glory of man. We've got to get back to understanding the awe of God."
"Fear of Heaven... can also be awe. When you're in awe of something, not that you fear it like you fear a thief or you fear the night, but you're in awe of it."
"My mind has been absolutely blown this past week."
"Awe is something that's missing a lot today... It reminds you of your place in the world."
"I think a proper response is complete amazement and awe at the universe that we're in."
"Grand Canyon has held the world in awe for centuries."
"Falling into this absolutely enormous open cavern with two giant underwater statues and the water dropping into blackness is equal parts awe-inspiring and stomach-churningly terrifying."
"There is an inherent majesty in the huge, no matter how primitive or ugly. The huge has a spiritual presence that can easily produce fear or respect."
"A total solar eclipse is a different experience for everyone; for some of us, it's a chance to witness an incredible cosmic event and just immerse ourselves in amazement."
"Our first view of the largest island was awe-inspiring. A tower taller than any I've ever seen and made of blood red coral reached into the sky, a terrible blue light flickered at its apex like a strange bud upon the tower's stalk."
"Watching this, it's just magnificent. This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen in my time here on this planet."
"Stars had to die so you could sit here. Isn't that a bit more awe-inspiring than the burning bush?"
"Imagine finding yourself far above Mother Earth's surface and well beyond our thick blue atmosphere... the sense of tranquility, awe, and euphoria that follows will be nothing short of majestic."
"As Christians, we stand in awe of God; we have a deep respect and a reverence, but it's not a terrifying fear because our sins are washed away."
"Mother Nature has a mind of its own and often leaves us stunned, questioning how on earth something could happen."
"Imagine the awe that overcame them as they ventured deeper into the cave’s recesses, unraveling its secrets one ancient layer at a time."
"An entire corridor of fridges... This is so epic."
"Did we feel fear? For you to even ask that, it suggests to me you have never borne witness to such machines, such engines of war."
"For many humans across the galaxy, to merely lay eyes upon a god machine of war such as a Titan would leave them on their knees, absolutely overwhelmed by the sight."
"It's bigger than the weirdest thing ever, and I'm glad it's bigger than me, and I hope it lasts longer than me."
"For the first time, it felt like we'd gotten to meet Earth's twin, to understand her, to witness her silent volcanoes and vast fields of basalt in awe."
"As many launches as I've seen, seeing it in person is a whole different experience."
"Be in awe of the Creator. That's what the true interpretation of fear is."
"It's as amazing as seeing anything in the natural Universe."
"Oh my goodness, look at the size of that! That thing is beautiful!"
"That's actually the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life."
"It feels like I'm one of those Portuguese explorers who just arrived, this is insane, like a Pandora of sorts."
"Absolutely incredible images we are getting back from up in space."
"We're in the umbra, the great North American eclipse is happening right now above us, oh, my God. Look. This is incredible."
"We've heard it go quiet. For the rest of the 3 minutes or so, people were just kind of soaking it all in."
"Everything's a wonder, everything is awesome, just living is awesome."
"You ladies and gentlemen are that last generation stunning as that sounds."
"There's something that's both scary and awesome about nuclear energy."
"I got full body chills the whole time my mind was so incredibly blown."
"That's real, that is a real elephant, dude, I never realized."
"A total solar eclipse is a humbling reminder of our place in the universe and the wonders that exist beyond our everyday lives."
"In the hushed stillness of totality, as the Sun's corona shimmers in the darkened sky, you may feel a profound sense of connection to the cosmos and to those who have witnessed eclipses throughout history."
"I am in awe over the gift God has entrusted to you, a prophecy."
"Nothing would have prepared me for what we've seen here today. It's spectacular, walking amongst the ruins of World War II."
"Reality was even more fantastical than fiction."
"Those stars are more than I'll ever see, and I feel peaceful with that."
"These mountains are incredible. They are so tall, the view is so vast. These mountains are so big."
"Echo the grandeur and wonder of space itself."
"That was epic! I love how it came out of the cloud like that. That was super cool."
"Haunting reminder of nature's unfathomable mysteries."
"Walking into the Great Hall for the first time was absolutely incredible."
"It looked incredible, it was completely wild."
"I was terrified but I was transfixed by it. It was so beautiful looking, this ball of light and the colors and the way it swirled around."
"Miracles are everywhere. Remember your childlike awe. Everything is in perfect order. Broaden your perspective. Trust in Divine Harmony."
"You're involved in that moment, and you get to see the way nature sort of takes place right in front of your eyes, and it's so intense and amazing."
"You're weightless, and every time you look out the window, another whole part of the world's going by. It's an intoxicating place to be."
"It's quite scary, the scale of this place... it's absolutely ginormous."
"Even with all my cynicism and critique of the Avengers, that's maybe the coolest thing I've ever seen."
"It's like heaven is coming down. It's amazing."
"It's up there for me with stuff like endgame Inception Dark Knight where I leave completely blown away by what I've just seen."
"It's absolutely insane how surreal it really is, just undescribable."
"It's so cool... it's so surreal to see this in real life."
"It truly is something absolutely incredible."
"Having something in space is insane, like the coolest thing ever."
"Boom! It doesn't just pop out. It pops out for a second and looks like it's just about to fall back down. And then... (laughs in awe)"
"Walking the streets of the future is really going to be breathtaking."
"I think it's beautiful, it's awe-inspiring but it's also scary."
"I feel like I'm dealing with and listening to something that's much bigger than me."
"This is the coolest thing I've seen in my life."
"They felt as though they were standing in front of a hugely important historical artifact."
"It takes your breath away on many fronts it really does."
"Yeah, I'm in awe right now, man... every time I walk into the building."
"I mean, it's super cool but it's kind of crazy at the same time."
"Nature is, you know, awesome, and that some of the awesomeness comes from its potential to be terrifying."
"Enoch's journey takes on even more awe-inspiring turn... profound insights into the workings of the Divine realm."
"To us, the Jurassic World franchise is about capturing that sense of awe and wonder when you see a dinosaur for the first time."
"I have never been so in awe of my blockfolio."
"Here is one who is literally seeing God right at this moment, and it's expressed in his face. That's what stuns all of us."
"Faith begins with bewilderment, astonishment, gratitude, humility, and reverence."
"It's these incredible, overwhelming moments of realization, the humbling feeling of the cosmic expanse stretching out endlessly before you."
"You know, it's one thing to talk about 'em afterwards, but when you actually experience them, there's a, you know, kind of a feeling of awe because you know that there's no way to rationally explain these."
"You really get a sense of just how big and powerful these creatures are."
"Five minutes of awe gives you that suite of benefits that I think are comparable to anything you can do, no kidding."
"The full experience of awe requires vastness."
"It's awe-inspiring visually and emotionally."
"That's the power of awe, wherever you experience it, isn't it? That actually, it takes you out of yourself."
"It's literally like a battle taking place right here. Wow, look at that."
"When it comes to opening the Sistine Chapel every day, he's filled with the same awe that he felt the very first time."
"Just the sheer size and magnitude... mind-boggling."
"Day one in this new world and I was already in awe of its beauty."
"If you let him lead, it will be something awesome and guess what? You will be the one most shocked and humbled at the same time when he does it."
"Every time I've come to the ridge top of a mountain and you get to see the other side it is like a religious experience."
"Literally the whole damn world stopped and just said wow."
"Oh my gosh, look at this. I've seen a million photos of this spot, and nothing could have prepared me for this."
"Just honestly want to stand back and Marvel at it."
"So great and marvelous were the words and prophecies of Laconius."
"The physical strength of the youth never cease to amaze."
"Holy crap, this is amazing! I just went to Yosemite and in front of me is El Capitan. This is absolutely insane!"
"He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause wondering and stand rapt in awe is as good as dead. His eyes are closed." - Einstein
"It's just so joyful, it constantly leaves you with your mouth open. It doesn't let up."
"There's so much to see here, and the more we discover, the more mind-blowing it gets."
"It's more vast than I ever expected, the universe is something new and interesting."
"Even making this 3D Connect Four with CSS only, I'm in awe."
"The feats of bending the Avatars display are staggering."
"There's a very deep sense of awe that they are feeling."
"I'm completely stunned by this place, Babylon. It just doesn't get any better than this."
"This is up there. This is, I mean, the ruins are amazing."
"Humanity's Return To The Moon" feels surreal, doesn't it?
"Sony Santa Monica succeeded so comprehensively here that I am just in awe of the talent that it took to produce it."
"Improvements are really absolutely mind-boggling."
"Goku's sheer energy shattered his tides of time pocket dimension, leaving all in awe."
"Watching humans walk on another planet in my lifetime? That's crazy!"
"It's just so incredible when you see the performances."
"This is insane. I've never seen such a beautiful office."
"But this knowledge should do more than leave us in awe; it should help us to fear the Lord."
"It's like she's floating, yeah, floating in water. My god, it's full of stars."
"Let your hand yield increase, that the ends of the earth may fear you."
"Her powers are pretty spectacular and also terrifying."
"A performance like this... I have never seen."
"Literally breathtaking, it was so incredibly magical and beautiful."
"The heavens declare the glory of God, the sky above proclaims his handiwork."
"A beautiful process of love, awe, and wonder."
"I could just go stand in front of it for hours and hours."
"Brachiosaurus, the majestic giant of prehistoric times, captured our awe once again."
"The sequoias are familiar part of their genetic memory. That's crazy."
"First time I saw that, I was like, that is the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life."
"I think everybody wants their story to be heard, and I would be in awe. Who am I to say that they didn't see what they saw?"
"I've never seen stars like this over the ocean."
"These behemoths are so unbelievable, it's unreal."
"It's like going to space, it was totally insane."
"What a Wonder it is so Grand, so solemn, so vast and yet so delicate, so airy, So Graceful."
"You cannot comprehend how big the things we're talking about are."
"This is amazing. I know I've said this before but everything on this ship is just so open."
"We all need to live our lives with a little bit more awe and wonder."
"What a beautiful figure, man. I am just speechless right now."
"When men lack a sense of awe, there will be disaster."
"Our responsibility is to try to reignite or reactivate a sense of awe in our fellow man."
"I mean, every turn is going to take your breath away."
"Get to know Allah... It really hits you... you are going to be in awe."
"Our minds are blown and this is the bluest water I've never seen anything like this in my life."
"Every time I'm out here, this is just a special place, and when you get to see these Rockets launch it just gives you goosebumps."
"Take a look at that, that is just magnificent, just wow."
"The arrival experience alone, simply takes your breath away."
"This is nuts. This is awesome. Look at that mountain, geez."
"Prepare to receive a surprising overflow of abundance from God that will leave you in awe and forever thankful."
"It's not often that I'm speechless but being at a place like this..."
"Damn this view kind of worth it, look at that [__] bro, I'm in some weird fever dream right now."
"The sheer scale of the valley, the bridge, and the cliffside catwalks makes you wonder."
"Patterns within patterns within patterns. How amazing is all this?"
"Its implications are as far-reaching and awe-inspiring as can be imagined."
"This colossal creature isn't just about shock value."
"When we're in Hawaii at your wedding, that's how I was thinking. I was like, dude, this is incredible. This shit exists. I was like, I need to start, like, I want to explore, bro."
"Opulence, opulence, the opulence is too much. We're in wonderland."
"It seemed like it kind of left them a little bit stunned or in awe of the movie."
"When you've got an invisible immaterial undetectable thing out there that's doing something that scripture actually says occurs, that kind of blows my mind." - Caller
"Legend has it that a Japanese whaling ship stumbled upon an awe-inspiring site that would forever leave an indelible mark on their collective memory."
"Dear Jesus Christ I'm trying so hard to focus on the story here but they brought the gun shucks back and holy fuck that was awe-inspiring."
"If awe equals a religious sort of consideration, then that's kind of where I am."
"The vastness of our universe, the perfection of it, the grand design of it, it's just incredible."
"One of the most spectacular things I ever witnessed."
"Carolina's mind is blown to the point that she's scarcely able to articulate how impressed she actually is."
"Sometimes the beauty of nature makes the world feel a bit more enchanting."
"In moments like these, the thin line between awe and fear is palpable."
"The views into the gorge are absolutely breathtaking."
"Every time I look at an Hubble Space Telescope picture its spiritually uplifting."
"Look at that, that is awesome... Oh, that's perfect."
"You can't stand up to Kong wrong, it's beautiful."
"Absolutely incredible images from some of the most iconic places in our galaxy."
"One of the greatest things I have ever seen."
"Beautiful, destructive, deadly, a force only nature could have dreamed up."
"This looks absolutely incredible, it doesn't really get any more realistic to me."
"The magnificence of the lunar butterfly has elevated Sue to a god-like status."
"Stonehenge in England is one of the most awe-inspiring ancient sites on Earth."
"I am just honestly, truly, completely blown away at this entire thing. Just a ton of moving pieces, the attention to detail, the quality... unmatched."