
Everyday Life Quotes

There are 924 quotes

"It's like, oh, yeah, there are birds like this everywhere. I'm just not paying attention."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Science-based tools for everyday life are not just fascinating; they empower us to lead better lives."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Jesus took the simple things, the everyday things, the common things...and used those physical things to show spiritual truths."
"Find magic wherever you are, find magic within everything and to make the most out of every situation that you're in."
"For you to function in everyday life, it's actually important that your memory be limited, so you don't remember every slight, every insult, every dirty look."
"Try to find that person for you who you just are enthralled to do laundry and taxes with."
"Science and science-based tools for everyday life."
"Normal people in their burdened lives do heroic things regularly."
"AI is the superpower that is going to be part of everyday life and everybody's life."
"You can begin to be great today in your own home, in your store or office, on the street, everywhere."
"We discuss science and science-based tools for everyday life."
"The mundane can also be capturing history... fascinating by the mundane."
"I've been loving wearing dresses every day. When I get dressed, I will go downstairs and twirl for all my kids and they all giggle and laugh. It's like the highlight of their day."
"If you're a father, a mother, a son, a student, a doctor, or a priest, people should be able to look at your life as a great witness of how to live according to holiness."
"The age of philosophy is in a sense, again, that we are confronted more and more often with philosophical problems in everyday level."
"Medical Mechanica is the symbol of the conformism of the adult world. It flattens everything and makes it the same; it covers everything in the smoke of everyday life and keeps us from seeing the extraordinary things in life."
"You're negotiating in your life all the time... you're always negotiating."
"How often do you fill up a glass of water and just drink the whole thing?"
"Chemistry is incredibly interesting...you open up your kitchen, open up your refrigerator, and see things that were made chemically all around you."
"Art is something that transforms the everyday."
"These are the secret origins of everyday symbols."
"The overwhelming majority of people with PTSD live regular day-to-day lives upon returning home and do not harm others."
"Do the Right Thing does not have good guys and bad guys... it shows step-by-step how everyday events can lead up to a racial incident."
"The stories of the most entertaining people are often found not in the limelight, but in the everyday experiences of those we might overlook."
"It's about sharing the more forgettable and mundane moments of our life instead of just the highlights."
"I'm just gonna eat some mac and cheese. I don't remember when we ever made that."
"Memory is such an everyday thing that we almost take it for granted."
"We literally live in the middle of Suburbia."
"Luckily my reflexes are really fast and I am still sitting on the couch today."
"You know you're an adult when you get real excited over a measuring cup. Stop it."
"Take a look in your house, take a look at your workplace, take a look at the hospital. Try and identify something that was not made with fossil fuels."
"It's almost every day that someone approaches me in a restaurant or at the airport or somewhere in public."
"Having someone else prepare a meal for you is a luxury many of us don't really think about."
"You're not enlightened if you can't be happy doing the dishes. What matters is what you can do in moments big and small in your actual life."
"I'm just a guy standing in front of a girl in front of another guy, waiting in line at Chipotle."
"I forgot pizza's really hot when it's made fresh."
"We have to be very careful when we're looking at this research or even being presented with research, how we let it affect our everyday lives."
"I promise to bring you flowers for no particular reason other than it's a Tuesday."
"Me when I visit Shiki and she's asleep and I tried to open the alfredo sauce in the fridge when I dropped the jar and I got Alfredo over my hands and I don't know where the towels are."
"May your Wi-Fi be strong, may toilet paper be plentiful, may your 4th of July if you're in the United States be lovely."
"It's like the medium stuff. It's the listening to the music and crying, it's the watching a movie and crying."
"Living paycheck to paycheck, you know? Just know you're not alone if you're going through it."
"Every time it's like, 'Oh nice try pass it on to the toilet.'"
"You know what, Snoop and Izzy added to it? Regularness."
"Have you ever felt as if you're being watched? Perhaps you are reading a book, perhaps you're in the middle of some household chore. Maybe you're even sitting watching a video on YouTube when all of a sudden this unshakeable feeling comes over you."
"Oh my gosh a fly has gone into my peach juice oh my gosh it's still life this is my peach juice fly it's not yours it's not yours I know it's gross first piece trick you can't let it go to waste."
"Wow, that's so crazy! He changed into athletic wear."
"The things that we wear every day in our closet today have actually been around for hundreds of years."
"Everyone likes a great deal—like savings, markdowns, and lunch specials."
"Always negotiate. Ask everybody you deal with, 'Is that the best you could do?'" - Unknown
"I listen to audiobooks all the time when I'm driving, doing laundry, cleaning up around the house."
"I'm happy to go get coffee and I'm good at it."
"I genuinely just don't know. Okay, one cake done. I need three cakes. It's a good job babies don't eat cake otherwise I would need to cook four cakes today. How ridiculous is that?"
"I like the slice of life format because it showed a bunch of things that we don't typically get to see."
"Back to life, back to reality brother, the loan's over and yeah, back to fossil football extraordinaire."
"The direction of the U.S economy befuddling the experts again and rattling investors in a huge way."
"For us, that frame is The Office, a reflection of our ordinary lives that allows us to appreciate the beauty and joy within them."
"If you push a hole right next to the candy, it'll jump out easily when you take a sip from a coffee cup with a lid."
"Legit, some of the best thoughts in my life that I've come up with were in the shower."
"Family is always normally always filming whether it's actual cameras or on their phones."
"He made the British monkey pants and then paid for his telly license."
"In the UK, the average Brit breaks the law... once a day."
"Every day is harvest time." - Robert H. Bitzer
"See you tomorrow, things will be back to normal."
"Find a problem that's in everybody's everyday life and just provide a solution."
"All in all, it's just applying the golden rule in our everyday lives."
"But, my phone, my keys, and my wallet, 99 days out of a hundred, when I'm leaving, I know where they're at."
"All we have to do is not die, all righty? We do that all the time."
"Having something sweet like sugar isn't just a luxury, it becomes a small beacon of normalcy."
"You genuinely don't know what's gonna happen next, right? So you literally have to take it day by day."
"The first task is not to come out of your seminar or your party training and lecture to them about the nature of the proletariat. The first task is to learn the everyday, quotidian, ordinary aspects of their existence which you don't yet know."
"Man, that was lame! I didn't hear any car crashes out on the street, the world didn't end, it didn't even get that dark."
"Our days are full of performance... you're constantly performing."
"One of the weirder things about being an adult is having a favorite stovetop burner."
"Happiness it's not the reward you get when everything is finally perfect. It really is all around us every day."
"Wow, speaking of the bowl, look at this bowl. Stop it right now."
"I remember seeing like, no I love it. Like there were boxes like merch on the ground, like the table was filled with trash. I was like, I don't know, I was like, I enjoy that."
"Breakfast of champions, right? That's right!" - Rick Wilson
"Two things that don't get me wrong are absolutely important and vital but will do little to affect the day to day life."
"Seeing God in our everyday life helps us realize He's always with us, making our relationship with Him stronger and more real."
"Uncertainty is something that you have to endure and deal with on a regular basis."
"Of the many movies Khan featured this year of people just living their lives in the most mundane ways perfect days feels like the most genuine and successful."
"Seven bucks for a cup of coffee, I mean are you for real?"
"You might not think about it this way. We're actually balancing all the time. You're balancing right now."
"Coffee is a comfort to millions and a necessity to many more."
"She was just trying to like get by, pay her bills, and stay alive."
"It's crazy that like you could go to Subway and have that same experience but it's not as fun."
"Should we check the garbage again? More poop crap, baby."
"It's comforting to know that no matter what your walk of life is, poop is always funny."
"Enjoy the day, hug your grandma, text your mom that you love her."
"We've all encountered a Karen or two in our lives."
"Regis starts bickering with M21 about how much food they got."
"Adulthood, getting super excited over chairs."
"It's easy to miss the incredible things happening around us."
"Now when I leave my house, I usually feel really good about myself."
"Chevy's are the perfect thing for Beaufort to use against Bowie. Your jammies are your armor piercing."
"It's like going to a bar and ordering a rum and coke."
"It's almost like when you go to like a garage sale and you're haggling, you know?"
"They walk their dogs, they go to Starbucks, they sit ringside at cage fights and shear wildly as someone tears every ligament in their knee because they took too long to tap."
"Life just goes on and we got to keep on lighting those pumpkin spice candles, find little bits of humor in there while we can."
"I just started seeing the meat aisle and then I like real remembered in my head that there was like a grill at the place"
"Even when I gave birth, I think I showered the next day."
"The state with Bernard for some doesn't change that in any way... what is Tim doing still aside from having a good dinner hopefully..."
"When you're getting in a car on a hot sunny day and you accidentally touch the silver part of the seat belt."
"Here we are then... It's about ten minutes into the town... It's actually a town."
"It's like Christmas every day, I got packages all up here and they all in my way."
"Depreciation is not something that normal people think about as often as they should."
"If you're listening to me in your car and you're just driving, you know, you're just applying the gas and then the brake, because that's standard, then there's something in this message for you."
"Slice of life with a more pejorative slice if nothing ever happens."
"Anyways, let's roll into what I want to talk about today, which would be tech that we take for granted."
"Life isn't found on the pages of a magazine; life is found in the glass of spilled milk and in the long narrow hallway filled with socks and soccer balls."
"Yeah, man, sometimes you just can't not laugh."
"The main bulk of the population is just trying to survive."
"As soon as you stop looking for your keys, like, there are my keys."
"I felt really tick-tarted when I realized I've only been using one tide pod for every load for the last 10 years."
"You could tell within the day, you know, without any great effort if you were just observant."
"If you're involved in a bank, if you eat food, if you buy gasoline, you're supporting these families."
"It's funny to see them in everyday situations and acting like humans do."
"It's good to be alive today, then you realize the Amazon guy is going to a different house."
"It's always the little guy that ends up getting screwed."
"I don't think the average person who's got a job and a family and a dog is looking at this thing and going, I don't get it."
"It might amaze you how many algorithms are working quietly behind the scenes in our everyday lives."
"But when I'm trying to make a video and there's like nothing but Pilgrim barking in the background..."
"We're walking on the ground and most of us we just walk in the ground and we don't really think much of it but if we have grateful hearts we recognize the gift of the ground."
"It is well to have a slight tinge of meditative practice ongoing at every breath that you take."
"Each moment is a bounty, a feast, a banquet."
"Now special request, the mirror is actually quite small."
"Walking into a supermarket and seeing the endless cereal lanes blew my mind."
"For me, if he's kissing me and hugging me all day, like, that's cool, but if the dishes aren't done, then all those hugs and kisses don't mean jack poop."
"Every time I take it out the ground, all right, you have a good day."
"Life is Strange finds grace in its characters and their everyday struggles."
"Leapfrog memories, yes! Cheerio juice, I actually hate that. I hate when, oh my goodness, when you have cereal and milk and then the milk gets all like disgusting."
"It's a little strange to consider that someone like Otto Rohwedder had to invent sliced bread, but aren't we glad he did?"
"Reading is more than just reading a book: It goes from Facebook posts, blogs, recipes, labels, commands on your cell phone, signs on the road, and so on."
"Stories are based on everyday things that people can relate to regardless of where they come from."
"$2,000 a month, that's like, people's rent money!"
"Every street corner is a double-take waiting to happen."
"Maybe you do need to return to the Practical reality of everyday life."
"Everyone can use magic like it's part of their everyday life."
"Now I'm basically Harry Potter living under the staircase."
"Why should everyday tasks be tedious? Why can't we have fun in everything we do?"
"We said Keith tried to climb it, which by the way, it's a dresser, he could literally just touch the top of it."
"I love when you see a video, you realize someone is filming, and then you zoom out to someone just walking by."
"This grown man, and what appears to be his adult sons, they're shopping in a Sprouts supermarket."
"You don't have to do it in some weird way, you can be normal and walk every day with the Holy Spirit."
"Nobody's perfect, this is just human. When you get white sticks on your controller, they get dirty really quickly."
"I just genuinely, I cannot stand having to go to the gas station."
"The contributions of black people influence every part of how we live today."
"We live in 2017, we have computers in our hands 24 hours a day and we're still wearing tool pouches."
"Thank you, have a nice day." - A polite way to end any interaction.
"Celebrate the seemingly little things; they are important."
"That in the seemingly ordinary there's the extraordinary."
"Legit have something in my eye and I'm crying. I feel like I've cut onions."
"Check it out, there it goes, roosters across the street."
"Feels like I'm wearing like a whole new shoe."
"Talk about having a better day than usual, especially the way the world is right now."
"Everyone makes mistakes, everybody has those days."
"Surrender to the magic of who you are: 'We all have magic in us, even in the mundane aspects of life.'"
"These people need incredible courage every day."
"It's just a regular Thursday around here guys."
"That's amazing where'll yeah amazing like where does he hit like going to Starbucks."
"I just want someone who will pick up the girl who pick up my yogurt when I drop it at the grocery store."
"Dude, literally so much of what keeps you safe and keeps you having a normal healthy life is because of privacy. Because you don't have to think about it."
"We all make creative choices every day of our lives."
"Everything has become so political, our running shoes political, our chicken sandwiches political, our sitcoms politic."
"It was like coming downstairs this morning and watching a blockbuster movie."
"Like, three feet of walking, which just exemplifies exactly what I would use a portal gun for in real life."
"My ability to be able to actually get my shopping list in place is super easy."
"It just feels like this place that people have lived in and... there we go there are some of the jars themselves."
"If you expect you're gonna get a good parking spot, you'll get one."
"Controversial lunch alert. You know, some days you have a kale Caesar salad for lunch and other days you just might see crumpets."
"Training your brain will have a far bigger impact on your performance and your everyday life than will training muscle strength or other similar physical properties."
"It's almost like a little doorbell kind of thing. Oh, I like it. It's not too bad, it's pretty nice."
"You better talk to your pizza man about that."
"Every day was different, and you learned something new."
"Technology has made a considerable impact on our everyday lives."
"He's absent mindedly tapped away on that exact same spot so many times that he's worn the paint off his truck."
"Not every moment is a big crescendo, sometimes it's just the nitty-gritty in between."
"Racism is ordinary. It's part of the daily life of America."
"I just thought he was up in his room sleeping. No way."
"Just remember she was a girl with a camera phone."
"Argo, come on, that's telling you. I mean, it's cereal."
"Funny is embarrassment, kids being weird, pets being weird, and illustrations."
"Just leave us alone. Let us shop in peace. Let us be at the pool in peace. Let us sell water. Let us cut grass in peace."
"I burnt my finger, Mia, and oh no, why worked out is don't curl it from the roots, curl it from halfway down."
"Those purple power things, man, they really get to you."
"And all of a sudden a random song lyric gets stuck in my head, that's not weird for me at all."
"Have you ever seen a busier gas station in your life?"
"I started putting them on the ground to put into the fridge, I didn't realize quite how much that was gonna be."
"Only got 12 dollars and three cents, hold on, I've got a coupon."
"Apologies if you can hear the washing machine as well but um I do have to have clean clothes."
"You're awesome car wash manager, I think he's the hero."
"Do you want to feel like you just wrote somebody a parking ticket?"
"The toast is toasting, the butter is buttering, I'm here, you're here, the coffee's brewing."
"Life is that already, that's right like you do diddy's right there sitting around you don't gotta start harlem shaking."
"When you walk in, you're gonna get a ticket. That's our system."
"By studying these abnormal cases, we get some insight into regular life."
"We have a regular life, we'll go to the washroom like you do and sit on the toilet, it is not perfect what a human just like you are."
"People want a laundry room, people want to do laundry in their game, so I'm so glad they added this."