
Relativity Quotes

There are 1042 quotes

"If we're not considering yellow, blue doesn't exist."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything is relative and everything is intersubjective and everything is semantics."
"Words such as better, greater, or even good are always in reference to something; otherwise, they just make no sense."
"Don't form hard-set beliefs on these things that most people would label as bad because we live in a world of relativity, and there are no absolutes except for the absolute."
"The faster you go to the speed of light, the slower time moves."
"According to Einstein's theory of relativity, there is an absolute speed limit in the universe: the speed of light."
"I think that the thinking that he did in relativity, particularly, was right. It's very appealing, it's very useful."
"Different observers would measure the passage of time differently according to their relative motion."
"Motion is relative, not absolute... the speed of light is absolute."
"We're all richer than somebody and we're all less rich than somebody else."
"We want to close the chasm of ignorance because we know that there are issues that we can't deal with yet because of the difference between quantum mechanics and relativity."
"General relativity, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics are unintuitive, but this is in no way reason to doubt the force of their explanatory value."
"Objects and observers in relative motion measure time differently. Movement in space affects how time is measured. There's no absolute time; there is no absolute now."
"The speed of light, a constant 299,792 kilometers per second, is the universe's speed limit according to Einstein's theory of relativity."
"You can't be short without someone else being tall; you can't be tall without someone else being short."
"Time is not absolute... time is something that different people measure differently."
"Space-time replaces the geometry of Euclidean space with a spacetime in which the division between space and time is not absolute."
"Why don't we notice the structure of relativity in our everyday lives? It's because the scale of human life is so slow and small compared to the speed of light."
"The main new feature [Einstein introduced] is that time elapses at different rates depending on how you're moving or your experience with gravity."
"Everything is comparative, everything is relative."
"So what does it leave? Well, it leaves, since we said there were two possibilities, one was that the photons were communicating with one another instantaneously, and the other is that they had embedded DNA. If we rule out the idea that they have embedded DNA or hidden variables, we are left with the only other conclusion which is that somehow these two particles are in constant communication instantaneously, thus violating the principle of special relativity."
"The storm of creative thought that launches quantum mechanics, the special theory of relativity, the general theory of relativity, completely rewriting our understanding of space, time, matter, and energy."
"Time is not universal; time is in the eye of the beholder and depends upon the beholder's motion."
"Relativity has been corroborated far beyond reasonable doubt."
"If you are in a box with no windows, then you can't tell the difference between being in outer space and accelerating with an acceleration G or being on the surface of the earth stationary but subject to the gravitational force."
"In the general theory of relativity, space-time is dynamic."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity is about gravity or, at least, it provides an explanation for what we experience as gravity."
"If you're moving or if you're still, you can't use the laws of physics to tell you which is moving and which is still."
"Without the tiny atomic clocks on board the 24 satellites that girdle the earth and create the GPS system being corrected using special and general relativity, we would run up clock errors which would give rise to distance errors of a rate of about 11 kilometers per day."
"There is no such thing as objective wealth; everything is relative, and most relative to those around you."
"The interesting thing about tech is that it's all relative to when it comes out."
"Relativistic space-time is kind of like ordinary Euclidean space-time, but with a funny difference that you take the difference between T-squares and X-squares, and that's the thing which everybody will agree on."
"Einstein got rid of the idea of forces in action at a distance and said, no, mass and energy bend space and time."
"The short answer here is general theory of relativity allows space to expand at arbitrary speeds and it is not constrained by the speed of light."
"Success is relative to the person. Not everybody wants to be a billionaire or a millionaire."
"At the heart of special relativity is the realization that measurements of time and space vary from one frame of reference to another."
"Good is relative, so you could be the seventh best player in the whole world, but if you're playing with the other six, you're the sucker."
"Time flows differently due to gravity. It's a fundamental part of Einstein's vision of reality."
"Einstein's point was that what we see as the twists and curves of the branch feel to the beetle like forces pushing and pulling it."
"All we have is Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. That's our best understanding right now of how space and time works."
"Everyone has some validity in their own time."
"There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
"The truth is that like if a game came out 15 years ago and you're playing it right now it's a new game to you."
"The laws of physics are exactly the same in every inertial reference frame. So the results of this experiment are the same in each of these frames, no matter what speed it is moving relative to something else."
"You cannot speak of happiness in absolute terms; it's always relative."
"A million for us maybe, but yeah, I see you."
"Our time perception does not seem absolute. It seems distinctly relational and very malleable."
"Everything is good in moderation... it's all relative though."
"Success is all relative... you have to find your own successes."
"Time is not fixed or a constant; it varies with mass, acceleration, and gravity."
"Strength is relative and can therefore only be measured by what's around it."
"Einstein's general theory of relativity finally explained the why of gravity."
"This is an extraordinary validation of general relativity." - Michael Johnson
"From the equivalence principle and one more axiom that the speed of light is constant for all observers, an inevitable chain of reasoning led Einstein to the general theory of relativity."
"Time travel because it's all relative here now."
"2050 is closer in time to us than the early '90s."
"Einstein's first major contribution to relativity... if you remove the word ether here everywhere and you just say light propagates through empty space you get all of the phenomena correctly described in much simpler terms."
"No matter what, E equals MC squared is fundamental."
"For an infinitesimally small amount of time, the time measured by the observer will be infinite."
"Whatever we think is a lot of money to someone else or we don't think is a lot of money to someone else is life-changing."
"Pet peeves are subjective, guys. I understand that some of you that don't have that pet peeve probably think I'm being ridiculous and I totally get that."
"Time can feel like it's moving quickly or moving slowly depending on what's happening."
"Status on our living conditions are relative not absolute."
"Truth is relative, it depends on context, on knowledge, and perspective about the world because the truth is, the only thing that you can prove is certain, is that nothing is certain."
"Clearly, when I say 'tomorrow,' when I say 'soon,' I actually mean give or take a few days to weeks to months, potentially years. It depends."
"What is fast for one car and one driver may not be fast with another car and driver."
"The faster you go, the more your clock slows down and the less you age."
"Do you see how there isn't universal truth when it comes to this stuff?"
"These are the questions we'll address with Einstein's theory of special relativity in the next segment."
"Dirac's incredible insight in combining quantum mechanics and relativity reveal an entire flip side of our universe, with its prediction of anti-matter."
"Everything is embarrassing to somebody at some point."
"There is no lights reference frame and therefore in special relativity you cannot look at things from light's perspective"
"Time dilation is a real and irreversible phenomenon."
"The theory of relativity really should be called the theory of absolutes because space and time are relative but space-time is absolute."
"Time doesn't want to run the same everywhere."
"The real important thing about a Higgs is that it allows our theory of nature to obey the rules of special relativity and quantum mechanics in a very particular way."
"The weirdness of time and relativity is mind-blowing."
"It's all just relative to how you're doing at the time."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?"
"Time ticks slower for moving objects compared to those that are still relatively speaking. As in clocks actually tick slower and people age slower when moving compared to those that are not..."
"Context is key, everything is dose-dependent."
"Einstein's theory of general relativity is arguably the most successful theory of all time."
"As you move closer and closer to the speed of light, your time appears to slow down to an observer that's just sort of watching you go by. That's amazing."
"Time is not absolute, but depends on how fast you're moving."
"Distances actually shrink depending on how fast an observer is moving."
"There isn't a solid right answer when it comes to the best in the game."
"I think he's in another stratosphere. It doesn't matter who the [ __ ] is."
"Unleashed a groundbreaking storm with its special theory of relativity."
"The faster we travel in space, the slower we travel in time."
"Time dilation is real; people experience time differently."
"I happen to think that special relativity suggests that free will is an illusion."
"Meaning there's no such thing as absolute motion. It's all relative."
"May has been probably the biggest month in the channel's history. It's all relative because you know what matters more, total number of subscribers or percentage growth..."
"Time dilation is the fact that when you're moving really close to the speed of light, time passes more slowly."
"The speed of light is universal to all observers, which is a very counter-intuitive concept, but it's experimentally true."
"Time perception: God's timeline is not our timeline."
"Gravitational lensing. Einstein’s general theory of relativity tells us that gravity is due to curvature in the fabric of spacetime due to massive objects."
"It's all about perspective, right? Somebody's one person's perspective it can be divinely guided and perfection in somebody else's it can be unbelievable and unachievable because it's all of our perspective."
"Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. So, to break it down simply enough..."
"There's no universal clock... clocks at different locations in a gravitational field run differently." - Dr. Lewis
"When we look at clocks spread throughout an expanding Universe... we see their ticks run slower." - Dr. Lewis
"...this is backed up by Einstein's theory of relativity and further scientific explanations by other physicists."
"This is just one of the strange results that comes outta the general theory of relativity, our current best theory of gravity."
"Distance and time are the same thing from different perspectives."
"In Einstein's idea of general relativity, gravity is associated with the fact that space is curved."
"The faster you move, the slower time moves."
"It was success, it's relative, and I was a big part of that."
"Einstein's new contribution is to say that the speed of light is 671 million miles per hour relative to anything."
"The relativity of simultaneity strongly hints in fact almost necessarily requires that motion speed must be affecting time itself."
"The time that elapses on a moving clock is slow relative to that on a stationary clock by a factor of 1 over the square root of 1 minus v over c squared."
"Einstein found completely counter to experience that clocks in motion tick off time at a slower rate."
"He found that clocks that one set of individuals say are in sync relative to each other, they would say they are not synchronized."
"Space must adjust itself in tandem with time, so that the ratio for light stays fixed."
"The length of an object depends on its speed when you measure it."
"Simultaneity is in the eye of the beholder."
"Moving objects are shortened along the direction of their motion."
"Space has a kind of warp, distorted, curved look; the world around you seems to be curving in around you when your speed approaches the speed of light."
"Both of these pictures are absolutely correct; they're just two different perspectives."
"The constant speed of light is what makes clocks tick off slowly."
"Space is warped and time is bendable."
"In the hundred years since general relativity was published, countless findings have supported its predictions."
"Is eight a lot? Depends on the context."
"Dave's speedometer is only right when you're stopped, sort of like a broken clock right twice a day."
"General theory of relativity is a very, very precise theory, comparable with quantum mechanics."
"E=mc^2, which tells us that mass and energy can be converted into each other."
"Time is an illusion that moves relative to an observer."
"Time dilation occurs when an object is moving at a significant fraction of the speed of light or is in a strong gravitational field."
"Time isn't experienced uniformly throughout the Universe; it can be stretched or compressed depending on the conditions."
"What I want to try to convince you of today is that a major feature of our universe, namely special relativity, emerges as a very natural consequence of these hypergraph rewriting systems."
"Did you know time passes faster for your face than for your feet?"
"Our view of what's happening in the universe depends on where we are."
"I think my favorite part of the movie is like the whole time thing is like the relativity thing."
"Blend space and time together into space-time."
"All time is happening all at once; we just perceive it linearly."
"Never forget that giant is a relative term used by people of average height."
"The point you're making about making the rule... is increasing the effective speed of light but it's not introducing nonlocality."
"Grab hold of a hot pan, a second can seem like an hour. Put your hands on a hot woman, an hour can seem like a second. It's all relative."
"Aren't we all a bit crazy in some ways?"
"Every second inside the cave is not a day outside but in fact an entire year."
"The speed of light is considered the cosmic speed limit beyond which nothing can move faster."
"According to general relativity, light is constant, it always has the same speed and is probably the fastest phenomenon of all."
"Space-time tells matter how to move; matter tells space-time how to curve."
"Einstein's theories of relativity literally warped our understanding of time."
"Time can be warped by two things: gravity and velocity."
"Hopefully this is enough to show you the power of color relativity that it can actually be a tool and not just an optical illusion."
"Space and time are more fluid than we thought they were."
"Discovering Ptolemy was really like if 1000 years ago, we had lost Einstein and then suddenly they rediscovered his papers on relativity."
"Time is just a construct of human perception."
"We really need to understand general relativity and how it connects with all the observations and all the beauty, all the fundamental physics beyond it, and how it connects also with quantum field theory."
"Is Einstein's relativity The Final Answer? We've worked for a century to test it, Einstein's relativity is holding up, precisely, I find that astonishing."
"Morality isn't concrete; it's relative, updating, and changing over time."
"Time at some points like it can feel like it drags on forever, feel like it flies by in a blink of an eye and it's just why does that happen? How does that happen?"
"Information is completely contextual. It is never absolute."
"Moving clocks run slow; time slows down when you move."
"Space and time are not separate things, they're part of this bigger thing called space-time."
"Mercury's orbit was actually the very first proof of Einstein's theory of general relativity that we ever had."
"You only understand something relative to something you understand."
"Perception of time depends on what? Depends on the observer. Depends on the observing and what is being observed."
"Space and time depend on the observer, depends on who's looking, the measurements you make depend on how fast you are traveling."
"Every time that you've been in a plane, train, or car, if you've run really fast, that is because time is not absolute, it is warped by velocity and gravity."
"Time is a human construct; we've made it linear because time isn't linear, time is happening all at once - past, present, and future."
"Time is relative depending on your state of motion."
"Mass affects space-time and warps it and changes its geometry."
"The consciousness that creates observer-relative phenomena is not itself observer-relative."
"Time and space are strange things."
"Time is irrelevant in the grand scheme of the universe. What seems like thousands of years here could be a few seconds there."
"Time, time, time, these days I swear the days for me seem to be going by like seconds."
"Our perception of our own time is very different from our perception of others."
"The nature of the Observer and the nature of what constitutes observation are central, and I believe that general relativity and quantum physics have only touched lightly upon what it means to observe."
"The metaphor doesn't work, and you therefore have to try to find a way back to the principle of Relativity to start the process of explaining what the Hig field really does."
"The law of relativity posits that no experience, situation, or emotion is fundamentally good or bad until it is compared with another."
"There is only absolute relativity. There is only formless form. There is only empty fullness. They're both the same thing."
"In special relativity, space-time is fixed and flat and non-dynamical, and there is no gravity. In general relativity, space-time is dynamical."
"Einstein was able to show that Einstein's general relativity theory is right and a revolution in science has been accomplished."
"So in a sense that in this four-dimensional way of thinking instead of a three-dimensional way of thinking we are all always moving at the speed of light."
"General relativity is undoubtedly one of the greatest scientific theories ever conceived."
"Your GPS units use the results of general relativity. When you navigate in your car, you perhaps should give a word of thanks to Uncle Albert."
"Time is one of those things that's kind of relative."
"We know that there's something wrong with just throwing together general relativity with the standard model so we need something more."
"Quantum mechanics has profoundly challenged our traditional views of space and time."
"Einstein's recognized and understood far more sharply than anyone else at the time that not only were Newton's Laws of Motion inconsistent with Maxwell's theory of light but Newton's laws of gravity were inconsistent with special relativity."
"A week ago to me is like four months."
"All modern physics is a rather grand, all modern fundamental relativistic physics."
"Time is subjective and interpreted in different ways across different cultures."
"The central Axiom of special relativity that light travels at the same speed in all inertial frames is something of a head scratcher."
"Special relativity has undoubtedly been one of the most successful theories to emerge out of recent history."
"At the level of fundamental physics there's no thing called the flow of time."
"Time near the edge of the black hole would appear to last billions of years."
"It's all relative you know like these guys and ladies that I'm going to show you the best in the world and we're all on our own little Journeys"
"Change is only an illusion; everything is relative."
"But now, it's just people, bro. People might think that about us, who knows?"
"Time slows down as you become closer to the speed of light."
"We've done the impossible: restored Newton's notion of absolute space and time to relativity."
"It is an emergent fact that space and time sort of work together in the ways that give relativity."
"Time is just made up, right? It's relative, it's very relative."
"In other words, quantum mechanics is the same phenomenon as gravity and general relativity."
"Well, essentially any observable demonstration of time dilation that we can make in special relativity can be mapped to a demonstration of time dilation in our sound clock universe."
"We're calibrated to detect contrasts rather than absolute levels."
"Time is not a linear progression of events."
"As the spaceship approaches the speed limit, time doesn't slow down evenly. It's a dramatic divergence."