
Universe Quotes

There are 14180 quotes

"I do believe the universe is on the side of creativity." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You are the universe being conscious and thinking that it's a human being."
"The universe is not just some dumb collection of molecules bouncing around in a box, but that the universe is conscious."
"The universe is... bringing you the biggest blessings, all that I want you to do is let go of the negativity."
"The universe will correspond to whatever it is that you desire and want to create in your life."
"The more we know, the more we discover about this big universe of ours, the more we know that we know very little."
"The greatest mystery of the universe is that it can be understood."
"The probabilities are overwhelming in favor of intelligent life out there in the universe."
"The great ones are the ones who let go completely and they all said the same thing when they came back: 'I am the universe, I am everything.'"
"The way that we are wired is a reflection of the cosmic order and that is totally awe-inspiring."
"The universe is constantly conspiring for your greater good, the only question is if you're noticing."
"Humans, conscious humans, are a way for the universe to know itself."
"The moment you begin to act in a Certain Way, which is confidently and in a certain direction, the universe begins to move with you, bringing to you the things you desire."
"I think the biggest miracle of the universe is that our brains are the most complex objects in the universe."
"The meaning of this whole thing is to gain knowledge and understand the universe."
"Love is just the most powerful thing in the universe. When you are in the frequency of love, you receive love tenfold."
"Thank you is two words that can open up the universe."
"The universe is here to help you, it will help you if you ask."
"The universe is friendly and is for you. Life is for you."
"The universe wants to fill you back up with faith right now."
"Everything in our universe, when broken down into the smallest building blocks, is one thing, and that is energy."
"Gratitude is a powerful, powerful thing in the universe."
"The universe rewards you with something better."
"The universe is composed of interacting energy fields, some at rest and some in motion; it is in and of itself one gigantic hologram."
"Science has the power to unravel the mysteries of the universe and lead to new discoveries."
"The universe is all mathematical. From a subatomic level, every property that they describe is just mathematics."
"If you take the first step, the universe takes 10 steps towards you."
"Water just flows naturally the easiest way because it goes with the flow of the gravity and the direction of the universe."
"Trust that the universe has heard your wish; it is growing right now."
"While the world is superficially complex and enormously diverse, the deeper you go into the structure of reality, the simpler nature becomes, leading ultimately to the emergence, to discovery of fundamental unity at the basis of the surface complexity of the world."
"The power and the beauty of the universe relies on us working together."
"The universe is not founded in any direction... it would necessarily have a limit somewhere. But clearly, a thing cannot have a limit unless there is something outside to limit it... through the universe, there is no end."
"Everything in our universe is infinitely interconnected."
"The knowledge of the universe is already inside of you because you are the universe."
"The cosmos actually is in perfect balance and it balances itself through positive, negative, and neutral."
"The universe is energy. Everything is energy. We're all vibrating at a certain level."
"These stories challenge us to consider the vast and mysterious tapestry of the universe in which we reside."
"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
"What they can find on Mars can change how we look at the whole universe."
"If we can find evidence of life on Mars, then we're going to realize that we're a bigger part of the life story. It's not just an Earth story. It's a universe story."
"The complications, sophistication of the universe... this can never be out of nothing. This has to be some sort of a creator."
"The deepest image of the universe ever taken."
"I open my mind to the love, wisdom, and guidance of the universe and I will learn to trust again."
"The universe is really wanting you to be open and optimistic and hopeful."
"The universe is trying to teach you to love, but you're resisting it because the love is so great that it will annihilate you in the process."
"The universe is a never-ending process of self-reflection, of self-understanding."
"You have a deep understanding of the universe. There's something very magical about you."
"It is one of the oldest questions mankind has ever asked: Are we alone in the universe?"
"With the universe as vast as ours, could it really be true that we are the only ones in it?"
"It's a question that, if it were proved positive, would forever alter our entire view of the whole universe."
"Balance is the key to everything in the universe."
"Infinite love and infinite goodness...you realize the beauty and the goodness behind your own creation and you have infinite love for yourself and for all of creation."
"It is not so much that you are in the cosmos, as that the whole cosmos is in you."
"The universe's purpose is to manifest the highest ideals."
"The universe itself, the fundamental reality, is a vast social network of conscious agents."
"The coolest thing about it is it's not just that they die, but they come back, and there's a cycle throughout the universe."
"I am part of this greater thing like we're all a part of these, made up of Stardust and all these different things."
"This entire universe is nothing but Brahman, Atman, consciousness appearing as this universe."
"For many centuries, humanity considered the Earth as the center of the universe. Now we know that it's very far from the truth."
"There are around 10^22 stars in the universe, and life came into existence here once and only once."
"This work really makes you question your place in the universe, doesn't it?"
"Consciousness is the most important thing in the entire universe."
"This entire universe is a dreamlike presentation in consciousness."
"Consciousness only. The entire universe is nothing but consciousness."
"The evolution of consciousness is inevitable because that's the entire purpose of the universe."
"Life is an experiment in creativity, not just life but the entire universe. It's an explosion of creativity."
"My job is to go learn what's true about the universe because that's important. It helps me make better decisions...it's a good thing to do."
"Dare to dream big, and be open to the universe’s plan for you."
"The universe mirrors to you through other people how you feel about yourself and how you treat yourself."
"When you focus on the emotion you're desiring to feel, you allow the universe to conspire and conjure up the best possible outcome."
"I believe matter begets life, life becomes single cells, single cells become strings, strings fork, strings interlace, mosaics form, and inevitably mycelial-like networks will form throughout the Universe."
"The material Universe which we experience actually comes from a bit."
"The universe is a dark and scary place, but we can bring light to it in our own unique way."
"The world and the universe is a magnified mirror."
"The universe isn't going to give you what you want until you give yourself what you need."
"Generosity is just telling me that the universe will be generous to you if you are generous to others."
"I hold the universe within me; I am the force of an ever-expanding love."
"The whole universe is this amazing dance of cooperation, it's this endless flow of giving and receiving in the oneness of reality."
"The universe and spirit working in your life."
"The ultimate secret of the universe... is that we are infinite awareness."
"The universe is incredibly clever. Stars, the ubiquitous feature of the heavens, they are pockets of order that naturally form, but as they form, they increase the entropy in the surroundings."
"The universe, in its vastness, is not just a canvas of celestial bodies and expansive voids but is an intricate composition of harmonies."
"The melodies of the universe are not just to be listened to; they are clues waiting to be deciphered."
"To remain humble before the vastness of God's universe, for in our pursuit of knowledge, it becomes ever clearer that we are but a small part of His grand design."
"We live in a mathematical Universe. The numbers are vibratory frequencies and those frequencies can be matched with multiple different traits and understanding."
"Those who understand the 3, 6, and 9 also understand the universe."
"Dune takes place 20,000 years in the future where the universe is ruled by the Imperium."
"Cryo-volcanoes are a fascinating insight into the wonders of the universe and things we couldn't even imagine being possible."
"I think the most important thing really is believing in yourself and believing that the universe has your best interests at heart."
"As long as you trust that the universe is giving you the guidance you need, you'll be just fine."
"Following your gut, following your intuition, and saying yes to things, it's called co-creating with the universe for a reason."
"The values of love are embedded in the universe."
"Many people think the universe has a big sign on it that says do not touch. I disagree. I think the universe has a big sign on it that says go forth and spread life."
"Earth's gift to the universe is the gift of life."
"Not as a barrier but as a messenger that can carry information from the distant universe."
"We're on a spinning rock that's just close enough to a spinning ball of fire that allows us to live on this ball, and we don't fly off."
"The universe is the wreckage of the infinite on the shores of space-time and causation."
"We are the universe, and by changing our mind, trying to understand that we are not just inside the universe separate from it but part of it at all times."
"The success of the evolutionary game, as he puts it, was written into the fabric of the universe."
"The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is at bottom no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference."
"Rise up, honor your inner force. Steps are being given. Dance with the universe."
"You're never alone; the universe has your back."
"The universe is actually made of consciousness, the intrinsic consciousness that you are using right now as you watch this video."
"The universe is your partner, so what do you desire to manifest right now?"
"I saw the entire universe and nothing all at the same time."
"Everything intrigues me though. Universe, everything, God."
"We are one planet out of like billions of planets... we are so small it's insane."
"If there's no aliens, we are alone. Alone on a rock floating in a vast universe."
"We must also understand the nature of dark energy or dark matter, how it works, and how it affects our universe's evolution."
"I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant demonstration of the power and wonder of the universe and myself. I am confident, I am serene, I am sure."
"So that's my sort of angle on that; there are others who want to be cremated... if you want to live forever in the universe, then you'll be cremated, and your photons will be traveling across the galaxy."
"In the beginning, there was nothing, then suddenly the Big Bang happened and created our universe."
"The universe wasn't the only one that popped into existence during the Big Bang."
"We don't know exactly how our universe will end; we don't even understand what the dark energy pulling it apart is."
"The only potential evidence of a universal collision that we've ever discovered is in the form of a cold spot in our universe."
"Lessons introduction: There is an infinite abundance in this universe."
"The universe is waiting to bring you this powerful goodness, and you have to say yes, I'm open to it."
"If God made twelve universes, we're only going to be able to explore the one that we're in."
"Thank the universe, thank whoever's out there, but there is some sort of energy just bringing it together."
"You're the exact recipe that the universe loves to work with because you're not afraid of the work, you actually enjoy it."
"The cosmic microwave background radiation is literally the afterglow of the Big Bang."
"There is nothing in nature more beautiful than the universe."
"The universe on the very largest scale almost looks as simple as an elementary particle."
"Trust that the universe is a loving place... your soul has chosen to go through this, it will absolutely end, there are lessons that you can learn from this."
"The universe is really saying that whatever you're going through right now or whatever unfolds this month is not a punishment."
"This is an opportunity to really trust in your own inner guidance and trust the universe."
"The universe does not want you to be afraid; the universe wants you to be prepared."
"The biggest thing is the universe does not want you to beat yourself up or believe that you've been abandoned."
"Synchronicity happens so beautifully and brilliantly."
"The universe is setting you up for victory and success."
"The universe is so finely balanced... that it doesn't really look like it's an accident."
"Creating a game like Dune Awakening is about more than just survival; it's about crafting a universe where players can live out their dreams and fantasies."
"Tonight, we're going to talk about the exploration of the universe and the search for life in that exploration, and what impact that might have on us philosophically, culturally, religiously, on our artwork, and all that we are and define ourselves to be as humans."
"Upon reflecting on this pale blue dot, Carl Sagan wax poetic and philosophical, with great elegance, on what our place is in space and in the universe in general."
"Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light."
"It would be a miracle if there weren't other [alien] civilizations out there. The statistics are so high that how can we be singular?"
"Not only is the universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think."
"Let there be light, and so the universe sprang into being, worlds filled with endless potential were scattered into the beyond."
"The universe is an information processing system... all systems are information processing systems. You poke them, they change a little bit, they evolve."
"Gazing into the night sky, it's easy to be awed by the grandeur of our universe."
"Teach me, Sacred Spirit, to be in tune with the universe."
"The Universe wants me to have great abundance."
"You can have anything you want, yes anything, because with the universe, anything is possible."
"What kind of sick twisted universe would this be if it wasn't pure love? The twistedness and sickness of it wasn't in the universe itself; it was in your perception of it."
"We are wondrous things in the universe and probably the most wondrous things in the universe."
"Trust that everything is happening for a reason, and the universe has your back."
"There are people that catch you; the universe catches you."
"Most of the elegant explanations that we have so far don't include us in the universe, and I can't help but think there's something really special about what we are."
"What we are is the creative process in the universe. For me, that's the meaning."
"The universe manifests whatever thought you're placing upon it, and it does not take any more power to manifest a penny than it does a universe."
"A focused, clear mind purified and focused mind can reveal the secrets of the universe and about oneself."
"No question is more sublime than why there is a universe, why there is anything rather than nothing." - Derek Parfit
"Is it possible that the universe exists through self-observation?"
"The universe does not give you what you ask for with your thoughts - it gives you what you demand with your actions."
"Why does the universe exist at all? Why is there something rather than not reality?"
"Continuous creation is everywhere in the infinite universe."
"Surrender, I release my need to control and this can be hard for the Virgo. Surrender to the rhythm of the universe. What does the universe want for you because it's probably a million times better than what you want for yourself."
"You are being guided and protected. Believe in the power of the universe."
"The laws that dictate how things work in the universe are the ultimate arbiters of what is or isn't in our best interest, whether we know it or not."
"Trust the process and know that the universe has our back."
"This wonderful universe is rich and friendly to everyone; it wishes all mankind to be prosperous, well, and happy."
"You and the universe both have limitless potential."
"The concept we call time begins with the universe."
"Match your thoughts and feelings with the result you want, and the universe will begin conspiring in your favor."
"The moment that you just let go of control, that's when the universe blesses you."
"The universe is vast, and there's so much we don't yet understand."
"It's just up to the Universe to roll the dice for me."
"This discovery...is transforming our understanding of the universe with a fresh narrative of the physics of stars in their death throes."
"You are creating ripples in this universe that changed things on a gigantic level."
"It might be the case that we have zero significance in a universe of utter indifference, or it might be the case that we have fundamental significance in a universe destined to evaluate itself highly and with grand gesture through us, with us, and because of us."
"And so there's a lot of value and a lot of power and beauty to the discovery in the big picture of our universe and in the details."
"The universe only rewards action that is given in the first place."
"The universe is not only a lot bigger than we thought a hundred years ago, but it's also not isolated."
"Growth isn't easy and it's not always something that is welcomed or wanted, but there is a divine madness to the way the universe works."
"If you are meant to be with someone, the universe will find a way to put the two of you back together at the right time."
"The fine-tuning of the universe for human life is indeed proof that something wants us to be here."
"The universe is just raining down information. It's like this invisible orchestra of information raining down on us all the time."
"Enormous galaxies colliding in the early universe are reasonably rare."
"In this moment humans opened their eyes to a new appreciation of the scales and immensities of the cosmos."
"We live in a universe that our ancestors never imagined."
"Everything must go somewhere... the universe needs balance."
"We live in a participatory universe where mind and matter are related or correlated in a way that they can't be extracted."
"Mind or something of the nature as mind must exist throughout the entire universe."
"Modern science was inspired by the conviction that the universe is the product of a rational mind who designed it to be understood and who designed the human mind to understand it."
"The universe is just one thing; it's right there in the name. 'Uni' is one; 'verse' is turning. We have this one turning thing we call the universe, and it's just one mathematical object."
"The universe doesn't look as it should look if there was nothing at work but blind, pitiless indifference."
"The beauty of string theory... it's not merely a matter of hiding an embarrassing quality... it's the DNA of the universe."
"I'm very excited that over the last year we've made just spectacular progress in understanding how the universe is fundamentally constructed, progress I didn't think was necessarily going to happen for 100 years."
"Your body is first and foremost made out of energies, just like everything else in this universe."
"The universe does not hear what you are saying. It feels the vibration you are offering." - Abraham Hicks
"Every single thing in the universe has its own frequency, and we are constantly swimming in a sea of ever-changing vibrations."
"The universe is expanding in direct and equal proportion to the desires that you produce."
"To understand the universe, you have to understand the language in which it's written, and that language is mathematics."
"They are wrong. This abyss is... the universe of SCP, which began as a seemingly straightforward website."
"The universe did not have to be constructed in such a way that, with our limited intellectual capacity, we can delve incredibly deeply into the structure of the universe."
"There is something extraordinarily mysterious to me about our universe...this mysteriousness almost feels like the universe is our parent."
"Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe." – Galileo Galilei
"Look upon the poetry of the Lord... it is the universe."
"The universe is not just the mindless gyrations of atoms and molecules. Get rid of that illusion... and realize that all of this is just part of this great dance of the cosmos."
"The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible." - Albert Einstein