
Insulin Resistance Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"The way that your body manages its blood glucose levels is one of the most important factors impacting your immediate and long-term health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep deprivation has a profound impact on insulin resistance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is one of the most important things you're going to do to ward off insulin resistance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Insulin is the bad guy in the story, and when you understand insulin and insulin resistance, you understand all of these chronic metabolic diseases."
"Fasting has a profound effect on insulin resistance."
"The principles of a healthy diet are clear: eat real food, good fish, lots of vegetables, and manage your diet to avoid insulin resistance."
"One of the easiest ways to become insulin resistant is to have irregular sleep-wake cycles."
"Low carb high fat works better for people who have metabolic disruption, insulin resistance syndrome."
"If someone suspects... their diet is great but they still have insulin resistance, then it is time to look at the other two which is stress and inflammation."
"The problem wasn't so much eating sugar... the problem was that our cells are filled with fat particles that cause insulin to not work anymore."
"Carbohydrates do not cause insulin resistance; it's the type and quantity that matter."
"Sugar may well be the fundamental cause of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease because of its effect on insulin resistance."
"Obesity and insulin resistance go together; they are really part and parcel of the same thing."
"Even one bad night of sleep can cause demonstrable insulin resistance the next day."
"It's all to do with this vicious cycle between insulin and insulin resistance."
"Reducing carbohydrate intake can reverse abnormalities in insulin resistance."
"When you reverse insulin resistance, you're literally dramatically lowering your risk for pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes."
"Fasting is the most powerful tool to break through plateaus of high insulin levels and insulin resistance."
"Insulin resistance is very likely the single most common health disorder in the world."
"Insulin resistance is our cells' attempt to stop this onslaught."
"Insulin resistance and that is why this is such a huge big topic."
"Symptoms of insulin resistance: know what to look for."
"Insulin resistance explained: gradual weight gain over years."
"The way to reverse insulin resistance is exactly what the cardiologist said to me online at the Scripps Institute when I said, here's my numbers: what should I do?"
"Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes, PCOS, heart disease, and other serious conditions."
"Abdominal or visceral fat is one of the most common symptoms of insulin resistance."
"High triglycerides are another symptom of insulin resistance."
"You can actually reverse insulin resistance by eating it either a low-fat diet or a low carb diet and we have studies that completely prove this."
"If you're insulin resistant, you're not going to burn fat and you're not going to get the body that you want."
"Intermittent fasting corrects insulin resistance."
"Inflammation in the body can make us insulin resistant sooner."
"Intermittent fasting can help to improve insulin resistance quite a bit."
"Insulin resistance is a form of carbohydrate intolerance. So that's a no-brainer."
"At any given level of carb, there's quite a bit of variability with this biomarker, probably because of genetic propensity for insulin resistance."
"Low-fat diets have led to skyrocketing insulin levels and metabolic issues."
"Keeping your carbohydrate down to the point that your body is burning fat as a fuel, that's the fastest way to reverse insulin resistance."
"There's not enough education around why fiber is so important."
"The Bible says we have not because we ask not. Do you want Him to come and speak to you in a dream?"
"Insulin resistance, we're talking about a small population? No, we're talking more than 50 percent of the population."
"Reduce insulin resistance to become insulin sensitive."
"Blood sugar and insulin resistance is very, very important. It may be the single most important factor in trying to avoid disease."
"Insulin resistance is affecting the majority of the Western population."
"Now, we’ve actually set into motion the exact two things that we need for insulin resistance."
"When we limit sodium too much, we get insulin resistant."
"If you don't get the results before then, you can change because you've got some great insulin resistant hacks."
"For such a common condition, I'm always shocked that so few people even know it exists. Insulin resistance is at ground zero for weight gain, diabetes, heart disease, and so much more."
"Insulin resistance leads to every single chronic disease out there."
"Elevated blood sugars and insulin resistance can result from vitamin D deficiency."
"One of the main drivers of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance is chronically elevated levels of insulin."
"I can't tell you the number of people who fail a ketogenic diet or an intermittent fasting diet because they just have too high an insulin level to access what they really need to do."
"If we can make the changes directed at insulin resistance early in life those effects are going to be extremely powerful."
"Most people who have excess body fat are insulin resistant and they can still lose weight as long as they're in a calorie deficit."
"Insulin resistance: the root cause of chronic modern disease."
"Triglyceride to HDL ratio... a great surrogate marker of whether we are insulin resistant." - Casey
"Just a week of significant sleep deprivation will induce a state of profound insulin resistance."
"Glucagon is an antagonist to insulin. It offsets what insulin is trying to do."
"High blood pressure is almost a guarantee if someone has insulin resistance."
"Insulin resistance is one of the, if not the most common and strongest risk factor for heart disease."
"We can address insulin resistance. It is one thing that we can decide to do."
"The liver is really Ground Zero for why we have this phenomenon of insulin resistance."
"Why this insulin resistance phenomenon exists, why it's so important, why we as metabolic physiologists focus on trying to understand it and also ameliorate it."
"Insulin resistance can be a big root cause of heart disease."
"The keto diet is very effective at reversing insulin resistance."
"Insulin resistance is reversible."
"If we want to detect metabolic decay at its earliest stages, then we have to forget the glucose and include insulin in our paradigm."
"As you begin to correct your insulin resistance, all of those things go away, including your belly fat."
"It's actually the biochemistry not the weight that matters. It's whether or not you're insulin resistant."
"...insulin resistance, that is what insulin resistance is, nothing else. There it is right there, simple as that."
"Hyperinsulinemia is the most common and relevant cause of insulin resistance."
"The whole idea that this is the primary problem is insulin resistance."
"Being exposed to light and eating food and being active when our own circadian rhythms tells us it should be Night results in insulin resistance."
"Insulin resistant individuals have an elevated risk not just of type 2 diabetes but also heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many other chronic conditions."
"Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle is a huge problem."
"The Mediterranean diet is one of the best for insulin resistance and many other health benefits."
"One study showed that people who fast for 24 hours once a month are about half as likely to be insulin resistant and develop diabetes as those who don’t."
"If you can induce insulin resistance in your body just by not sleeping, even if you're eating the perfect diet and doing all the other things, if you're not sleeping, you're inducing insulin resistance."
"...these are the kind of patients we need to be thinking of insulin resistance and looking at potentially treating that..."
"You can reverse insulin resistance and restore a normal ability to deal with carbohydrates."
"What if obesity isn't the cause of insulin resistance at all? In fact, what if it's a symptom of a much deeper problem?"
"All of this happened because there was peripheral tissue resistance to insulin and that happened because there was more free fatty acids and that happened because of our lifestyle because of our nutrition and sometimes our genetics as well."
"Addressing insulin resistance through a paleo diet and supplements like berberine can also make a huge difference."
"The key to insulin resistance is fat in the diet."
"Exercise, especially working muscles, is like magic when it comes to reversing insulin resistance."
"One bad night of sleep will increase insulin resistance by over 25 percent the next day."
"Insulin resistance thing... hypertension and diabetes is actually reversible."
"The best way to fix this and restore a healthy body fat and weight is to start at the source: lower insulin resistance."
"When excess free fatty acids enter muscle cells, insulin can't do its job, leading to insulin resistance."
"Insulin resistance is like pouring gasoline onto a fire, restarting a vicious cycle."
"Fiber slows sugar absorption, while short chain fatty acids help reverse insulin resistance."
"When you have a gummed up fatty acid deposition within these muscle cells then the insulin is not able to actually do its job because the muscle cells are not accepting glucose because they're gummed up with fat."
"Insulin resistance can be reversed through dietary changes and weight loss."
"Heart disease is a chronic inflammatory disease exacerbated by insulin resistance and linked to abnormal clotting."
"If you want to understand insulin resistance, if you want to understand hyperinsulinemia type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, you have to understand the movement of glucose and fat."
"Insulin resistance is the main factor which leads to type 2 diabetes, but it also... is basically atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia associated with inflammation, high uric acid, polycystic ovarian disease."
"Insulin resistance is the root cause for not only diabetes but it's going to be the root cause for all these other abnormalities: fatty liver disease, makes us prone to a lot of cancers, makes heart disease worse, and again, that's the number one killer in this country."
"Let's understand insulin resistance because if we can understand insulin resistance then that's going to be the best way to fix diabetes type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, and slow down cancers."
"The real culprit... when both of these nPKCs in muscle are activated, you have reduced insulin tyrosine phosphorylation, IRS1 less PI3 kinase activation, and less glucose transporter translocation."
"Exercise reverses muscle insulin resistance. Exercise in muscle actually will prevent fatty liver and liver insulin resistance."
"Insulin resistance affects the brain, leading to worsened hunger control and damaged pancreas."
"If the blood sugar is normal and you're not eating carbs, the saturated fat gumming up the insulin doesn't matter because your blood sugar is normal."
"Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure are caused by this phenomena of insulin resistance or too much insulin."
"...it becomes all about insulin resistance and inflammation like you mentioned earlier is part of it as well so see reactive protein uh there are sometimes some."
"Apple cider vinegar helps reduce insulin resistance in the body, facilitating fat removal and aiding in liver fat reduction."
"...insulin resistance of the brain... ketones can correct some degree of the cognitive decline that accompanies Alzheimer's disease."
"The more insulin resistant a person is the more aggressive the cancer will grow."
"The sugar-fed animals were diabetic and insulin resistant and had fatty liver."
"Nutritional ketosis dramatically improves insulin resistance in this population."
"In type 2 diabetes, patients become resistant to insulin due to defects in the signaling pathway, leading to inadequate translocation of glucose transporters to the cell membranes."
"Insulin resistance is a big problem that many of us are suffering from and that can be drastically impacted by our food choices."
"A value over 1.5 indicates insulin resistance and above three usually means you're on the edge of having type two diabetes."
"Insulin resistance is at ground zero for disease and how to reverse it."
"Reducing inflammation reduces insulin resistance."
"Corticosteroids can cause insulin resistance and weight gain."
"Insulin resistance is caused by too much insulin for too long, and your cells become more insulin resistant over time."
"85% of adults are insulin resistant, a startling fact."
"Insulin resistance directly contributes to all of these diseases."
"Why don't we just treat insulin resistance because that would make everything else better."
"Intermittent fasting is the most powerful strategy that you can use to reverse insulin resistance."
"Low net carbohydrate diet will help you reverse insulin resistance and lower body fat."
"Insulin resistance and inflammation, they feed on one another."
"Exercise is a fabulous way to improve insulin resistance, reduce fatty liver, and boost your metabolism."
"So insulin resistance happens because of too much sugar in the blood."
"Insulin resistance is a major issue."
"There's a direct link between high insulin in the blood and laminitis."
"Statins also increase insulin resistance."
"Leptin resistance is a problem in Western society that is closely related to insulin resistance."
"The number one thing you can do for insulin resistance... is weight loss."
"There's no drug on the planet that can match even half, even a fraction of what lifestyle can change insulin resistance."
"The revolutionary method to reverse insulin resistance permanently in type 1, type 1.5, type 2, pre-diabetes, and gestational diabetes."
"Insulin resistance really starts to go up with menopause as well."
"Mastering diabetes method has helped thousands of people reverse insulin resistance and take control of their lives."
"Polycystic ovarian syndrome is strongly associated with insulin resistance."
"It's really telling that we can actually improve cognitive function in an insulin resistant brain."
"Intermittent caloric restriction for three months led to more fat loss and improvements in insulin resistance."
"Chronic inflammation and metabolic dysfunction such as insulin resistance go hand in hand; they are two sides of the same coin."
"For every 10% increase in muscle mass, insulin resistance reduces by 11% and prevalence of diabetes reduces by 12%."
"Exercise is very important to help reverse insulin resistance and keep our weight in control."
"Chronic diseases... are a result of insulin resistance."
"Insulin resistance... when you eat, the increased glucose level in your blood signals the beta cells on your pancreas to produce insulin."
"Heart disease is really a hormonal issue around insulin and insulin resistance and an inflammation issue."
"There's a so-called microbial signature that strongly predicts insulin resistance, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease."
"Insulin resistance is a well-described known phenomenon; it's just doctors clinically are kind of clueless because the treatments are going to be primarily lifestyle interventions."
"Oranges have been found to reduce fasting insulin and fasting glucose and reduce insulin resistance."
"A clean low carb diet can have for a lot of people it can put insulin resistance to the grave."
"Iron depletion by phlebotomy improves insulin resistance in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease."
"This is referred to as insulin resistance."
"When cells increasingly stop responding to insulin knocking on their proverbial doors over a matter of years, initially, the pancreas starts making even more insulin to compensate."
"Researchers have identified a few ways that insulin resistance and hyperglycemia damage the human body on a molecular level."
"Insulin resistance in the liver was quite different to the rest of the body and it seemed to be mainly determined by fat."
"Insulin resistance is improved by nitric oxide at various levels, including insulin secretion, mitochondrial function, and modulation of inflammation."
"The four dietary keys to reversing insulin resistance are: control carbohydrates, prioritize protein, fill with fat, and watch the clock."
"Depression can lead to obesity and insulin resistance."
"The development of central fat is also associated with insulin resistance."
"The prevailing paradigm with obesity is this caloric paradigm totally ignores or totally refutes the fact that insulin could have anything to do with it."
"A lot of different diet compositions can work for weight loss and insulin resistance improvements."
"Insulin resistance is caused by broken fat cells."
"If you are very carb sensitive, if you're more insulin resistant, if we can help to increase muscle mass a bit by combining protein and resistance training together, that helps to make it so that you can become less carbohydrate sensitive."
"What causes obesity and what causes insulin resistance, which is behind a lot of our chronic diseases that are common in society."
"Your glucose is high, this could mean you're a little bit insulin resistant."
"Intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding are effective at reducing insulin resistance and favorably shift levels of leptin and adiponectin."
"When you deny it food and in insulin resistant patients that means you deny it carbs while feeding it a high amount of protein and fat."
"I absolutely agree with you that we should be addressing insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome as a primary intervention to address not only weight, diabetes, pre-diabetes but also heart disease risk."
"I believe there was a study where certain dietary changes can reduce insulin resistance."
"There's a very strong correlation between insulin resistance actually and depression."
"If patients are able to maintain a very low carb diet, they will be able to really manage their insulin resistance."
"If you're insulin resistant already and you add more sugar, insulin goes even more, cortisol will continue rising."
"Insulin resistance is literally your body becoming less sensitive to insulin."
"How do we reverse insulin resistance? By lowering glucose spikes, lowering insulin levels, and then it naturally comes back into balance."