
Enthusiasm Quotes

There are 63929 quotes

"I must say, I love, love, love this paper, and I don't often say that about papers."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's the best! It's literally, it's a medicine."
"We've been working on this thing non-stop; it's been crazy, it's been great, it's been fun."
"That was the best movie ever, are you serious right now?"
"Your greatest superpower as an artist is your enthusiasm for the craft and for music."
"Am I demonstrating bold enthusiasm? If you want to persuade and influence other people, it's the only question I'm going to ask."
"It's possible to live every single day of your life feeling charged and feeling alive and eager."
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
"Everybody just wants to own Nvidia. That's just crazy."
"Despite everything... you always go out things with such a childlike joy."
"I didn't hear anything, but you know, I got the crowd on their feet and pumped them up coming around third, and they seem to really like it."
"This is the best card in the entire set, rebuke ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all the beautiful people, which includes, of course, you."
"When life becomes too serious, find time for joy. Embrace the creative, talented, and enthusiastic side of your nature."
"Let's get this show on the road. Cheers everyone!"
"I think it's super awesome and I can't wait for each flight."
"Your energy is palpable. You're just full of life, you know. You're pumped to be around."
"We've got to build, and we got to grow... let us explore this wondrous creation and have a good time doing it."
"It feels like the whole space industry is being invigorated with a new sense of enthusiasm and creativity."
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'Wow! What a ride!'"
"You know, I learned a lot about it, and I really want to play. Please let me play."
"Thank you so much, you're awesome, you're awesome, you're awesome."
"That was a double transformation. I would give that a 12 out of 10. Let's go."
"Do you smell that, boys and girls? It's the smell of adventure, baby."
"The only way to maintain enthusiasm is to continually study who you are."
"The watermelons are growing at an unprecedented rate. It's beautiful. I'm bringing life to all melons."
"It's not every day trading; in the beginning, you want it to be, you want to find an opportunity to do something every single day because you're excited."
"Congratulations, you just clicked on the best video in the entire world."
"There's just so much enthusiasm about car racing and the fact that we're at Bathurst for the first big race of the year here in Australia."
"This is a month for you where you do feel very... it's kind of like a buzz, like a very ecstatic, very electric energy."
"We love this game. We freaking love it. I wouldn't care to rant about it if I didn't like it this much."
"Let these gay pirates destroy your life. You, I promise, will not regret it."
"I've never seen something communicate joy so much as to that guy dancing and jumping rope at the same time."
"I love it. You've taken merry to a whole new level."
"I am absolutely delighted to be here and share my knowledge with you."
"Intelligence is helpful, talent is useful, but enthusiasm is the engine which drives everything that matters."
"Enthusiasm to its Greek or Latin roots means 'with God'."
"When you're passionate, when you're enthusiastic, like you're doing God's work."
"Icecrown Citadel gets a 10 out of 10. Blizzard went all out with this place."
"We're getting science from another planet... that is just that's insane."
"All right, everybody ready? Yeah, let's do it!"
"I'm just pumped up, period. I don't need music, but this song really, really, really, really, I really fuck with it, because I absolutely want good for everybody."
"You don't understand. That's Wicked. You must be in love with it."
"Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm."
"Dude, my mind is blown, guys. This is so cool. You guys are the best."
"I would love to see one of them take that role and kill it, kill it. As a comic book fan myself, I would love to see that."
"We need more vampire games. It's a good genre and we love to see it."
"We're going to launch all of our people into space, and it's gonna be fantastic."
"Do I like it? Do I love it? I kind of love it."
"We're doing the pizza dance, and it's about to get saucy."
"What's going on, Anaheim, California! Man, I love you people. You're making me wish I was from the West Coast."
"Fuka truly enjoyed the movie and on their way back home, all she talked about was the song of her favorite singer, Kyuki."
"Life is an adventure, and I'm here to embrace it."
"I ran outside so I can watch this thing lift off, and that was so cool."
"We can move on to a much more important subject, Sonic Adventure 2."
"Fenty Skin is going to kill it, it's going to be so successful, it's going to explode on the market."
"Enthusiasm that's powerful is mostly enthusiasm that is enthusiasm inside, 90% inside and 10% outside."
"When you're looking ahead, you should be filled with optimism and feel excited and like you have something good to look forward to."
"Honor your inner child and embrace childlike enthusiasm."
"It's like just put together five little ingredients in this bowl, it's going to rise in an hour, and you're going to have fresh pizza dough."
"I had my first full day of advice sessions yesterday... I was cooking with gas. It was just boom boom boom boom one after another. I was in the zone."
"I'm obsessed with that soup, by the way. That just looks so scrum-diddly-umptious."
"Life is always brighter when you wake up each day with a spirit of enthusiasm."
"I got a little carried away baking last night."
"I am obsessed with that ride; it's so much fun."
"True spiritual enthusiasm, isn't something you work up, it's not a product of your environment, it's a posture of your heart, and your time with God."
"We ate this up! - Go watch Avatar: the Last Airbender!"
"Thanks so much, have a good one. If this visual represents the future, sign me up."
"I love this, I absolutely love this. We don't have anything like this already in the game."
"Let's go. The fantasy footballers mock draft."
"Let's get cooking, y'all. We have no time to waste."
"Developing or applying self-control to focus on the highest and best use to do that with enthusiasm to get more to have more returns."
"Create a life that you can't wait to wake up to."
"Absolutely fantastic. Are you not entertained?"
"Tonight was probably the greatest night in the history of AEW."
"You made it this far, and that makes me think that you're really enthusiastic about learning Python."
"Intellectual curiosity... I get up every morning and I'm a kid in a candy store."
"This is absolutely phenomenal technology, and I'm super excited to play with it."
"I remember rather fondly the enthusiasm at the beginning of the pandemic, where in spite of our shared fear, there was at least a sense of collective duty."
"And I was like, we're gonna figure out where we're gonna go. And this is not gonna be boring."
"The enthusiast, the busy, fun-loving type, spontaneous, versatile, distractible, and scattered."
"The gronk spike picked up my second year when I started scoring touchdowns like a machine."
"It hasn't even been a day, and the origin is already my new favorite member."
"With an exemplary enthusiasm he brought to everything he did, except work, he whirled in the middle of the group."
"I feel like one of those scientists that just discovered how to solve world hunger."
"This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen, guys."
"This book is awesome, and I cannot recommend it enough."
"What a great day it is, guys, what an absolutely great thing."
"Being enthusiastic is a skill, and so is being creative. It's a skill you can get better at."
"Frankenstein: smash, smash all the way, one of my favorite classics."
"It's fantastic, unbelievable, it's literally beyond imagination."
"Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very heaven."
"I feel so good about this, actually the coolest thing ever."
"Literature Club is the best, the best it will be the only Club ever."
"Come back, it's time. The changes to combat, army feeling like it actually has weight again, spear bracing, sieges, all of it is just so awesome."
"The world's a very competitive place... don't ever expect a competitor to give you a loose ball."
"I'm an unabashed sucker for dragons, and I think millions of you guys are too."
"The singularity has occurred, like the AI is in control. That excites me."
"Everyone loves Interlagos because it always delivers quality racing."
"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm."
"This is one of the greatest movements I've ever seen, if not the greatest movement, because it's political, it's economic, it's financial, it's cultural, it's everything all rolled into one damn thing."
"If you enjoy learning how to better apply scientific principles to real life situations, or just learning more about science in general, you'll likely love this."
"There is something about the twinkle in your eye when you get going on this stuff that I find just absolutely amazing."
"I am obsessed with these Tech colors already."
"Now I don't know about you guys, but I would be partying all night with my dogs and my action figures if I became the ultimate speedrunner."
"I read that strategy guide (for Super Mario World) inside and out... It got completely dog-eared and was falling apart at the seams."
"I could not not put this movie at the top of the list; it is absolutely incredible."
"I saw Bitcoin really early on and got wildly excited about it."
"That was such a good one. That movie fricking rocks."
"This is electric, this is amazing. Are you kidding me? This is it."
"Having seen how much it's actually worked and how much it's helped... I've become obsessed."
"When you're passionate about something, it goes. It's like a wildfire."
"Learning a new language should feel like an adventure."
"I cannot wait to start studying other languages."
"I'm going to make a god tier, guys. God tier time."
"The enthusiasm and energy that comes from the best writers is still there."
"Every Park in this video is absolutely insane."
"Feeling ready to take on the world, the Disney World that is."
"Time to break out the fancy cookware, this one's gonna get hot."
"I've been excited about this ever since I woke up this morning thinking about it, preparing for it in my head."
"I might take my mom. Buy two tickets each. This movie needs more sales. It's gonna be the most successful movie but the good ass movie, it's really good."
"I've never been so enraptured in a series in my life."
"Talking to you is like a joke of electricity, it's like being electrocuted in a good way."
"These are pencil cases, and they are incredible."
"So get a drink, a notepad, and your periodic tables ready 'cause we have lots of science to talk about."
"Woo, all right! Look at this place, this looks great."
"This is our life, this is our passion. That's the spirit we bring to this show."
"One thing about me, I [expletive] love the Victorians."
"When it comes to relationships, there's hardly anyone around who is more excited than campaigners to share with their partners the bounty of ideas and eye-opening experiences that life has to offer."
"From one interface, you're able to control all these things. Absolutely awesome, absolutely amazing. It just makes my little geek heart go pitter-patter."
"That's the most cyberpunk thing I've seen. That is, I'm so happy to live in a world where stuff like that is happening."
"This gets Beerus hyped up... maybe this is the Super Saiyan God he was looking for."
"In the kitchen, Yonsung was excited to pursue his culinary dream."
"My mind is racing with everything Moon Knight is doing. Such cool world-building."
"I would love to have been in the Barbie film. It looks like they were having the absolute most amount of fun."
"Oppenheimer is one of my favorite films in the world. I saw it more than five times in the IMAX."
"Trust me, if you guys do not already have tried Bubble, then try it. It is good."
"This is huge. I don't know if you guys understand how important this one is."
"Hardware hacking is a wonderland of deep wizardry."
"I'm used to crazy, so this is going to be good."
"To have communities that are already enthusiastic to get behind us, from the friends to Kraus House to D Gods, it's just been amazing."
"I had so much fun today and I cannot wait to be back. I'm going to study even more so I will catch you guys next time."
"We live in an exciting supernatural universe, and this shit is fucking exciting, guys."
"We're gonna make a cake. I'm really good at that."
"The more you get into this book, the more you want to get into this book. This Bible is amazing."
"When you love something so much, you have to share it... not because you need to, but because you're so full of the thing that it spills over."
"Are you ready to draw? Well, I'm ready to draw. This is going to be so much fun."
"I'm biking on my motorcycle, right, my Huck motorcycle. This electric and got pedals, but it's a motorcycle. Okay, it's fire as fuck."
"The best definition of success is going from failure to failure with no discernible loss of enthusiasm."
"It was a challenge, and people love challenges."
"I love educational stuff. I love it so much."
"That Pursuit, oh my God, it is freaking such a high."
"Blender really allowed me to own it, and I was more excited to share what I learned with others."
"This is a Spring conference, and we love Spring here, don't we?"
"Be polite at all times, smile and be happy, be enthusiastic and positive."
"It's an awesome park! Bro. I am going to pet every F-ing animal."
"That Silicon Valley startup vibe was super cool."
"I can't believe we got this game back, dude."
"This is the greatest freaking hack in the world, completely discovered by mistake."
"I'm actually really happy because 2022 started out with an absolute bang, or as we like to say, an absolute banger."
"If you love history, then you'll love History Hit."
"It's a page-turner. In fact, we loved it so much that the talk in the book club turned to movie rights almost immediately."
"I wish I could express to you the excitement I have in my heart."
"Them the Miso steak in that Wasabi slaw, my God, I got to write my cookbook."
"Fantastic, I am loving how our game looks, this is looking really good."
"Guys, this is the most awesomest, most amazingest, most epicest amusement park ever. It's awesome."
"That's why I love tabletop. Because you've not heard a barbarian until he descends from like the wilderness and he's like, 'Hey man, guess what, I don't care if there's orc champion or not, I'm gonna bust his ass.'"
"When I read a book, I get excited, and I'm like, 'Oh my God, oh my God!'"
"Don't sit on the sidelines. Don't miss out. It's an incredible technology, it's super fun, and to be honest, it can be super profitable and potentially change your life."
"Transmuting cynicism and greed into genuine love and fun through sheer willpower and infectious zeal."
"You want to live life with energy and passion."
"Let's have fun, yeah. Now, this is different right here. I'm excited, though. I'm super excited for this."
"It's always the highlight of my astronomical calendar when I get to go on a show with you, John."
"Oh my goodness, this whole entire thing, it's incredible!"
"Our first game on Chapter 5, it's a W, let me tell you, this game is a W, you love to see it, baby."
"Oh my God, oh my God, this is the greatest thing ever, this is the greatest thing ever."
"Raise your enthusiasm. One of the most magnetic, charismatic, and attractive things you can ever do is be more enthusiastic."
"When it comes to Christmas decorations, there's no such thing as too much."
"Nightmare Longinus...has four metal dragons on it...what's not to like?"
"Let's go! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Call of Duty League Kickoff Classic."
"My game has been found. This is my ideal game. I don't think we need any more video games after this. Feast your eyes on this."
"That fight is a reason why boxing will always have my heart as my favorite sport. That was absolutely fantastic."
"I am ready. I am all for this. Whoo! Let's go!"
"I am absolutely stoked this is the final Arc we've been doing this for over a year now."
"Like a couch on wheels, right? But when you can make that also a performance inspired vehicle and actually go out and freaking slam some gears and haul some ass... Why the hell not?"
"Hope you guys are really excited about this interview. I really enjoyed it, and I think you will as well."
"This TV, let's just call it what it is, it's insane."
"Hey Carter, thank you so much for Z's gift. I see something fuzzy, and it's oh, a bunch of Team Roar plushies."
"This is the coolest thing ever, what the heck!"
"I love the power, the four and a half inch travel shocks in the rear are awesome. I wouldn't trade them for anything."
"It's a beautiful new day out here, and we are super excited to show you the new engine wiring and the keys."
"I mean, I think it's not, people are like, pretty excited, and I think ultimately, you got to attack."
"Temporary Lockdown is sweet. I love this card."
"You love to see it, all of Landian Vanguard of Landian banner knight tier six, oh don't mind if I do."
"This video deserves fireworks and explosions in the background."
"Avatar: The Last Airbender is the best thing to ever happen to humanity."
"Japan treated worlds like it was the Super Bowl, and it was just so cool to see one of my main interests so culturally celebrated."
"Are you guys super stoked for this right now? Because I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty stoked."
"Hugh seems quite serious and really cares a lot about Pokémon."
"I'm honestly probably never ever going to get tired of meeting so many amazing people."
"Despite all of that, I'm still excited to log in. I'm still excited to chase down pirate ships that land off in the distance on various planets."