
Connection Quotes

There are 50149 quotes

"Physical movement and cognitive ability are intimately connected."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Through our acts of service, we actually forge powerful connections and remind ourselves how much value we have to bring to the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People want to connect with something; they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves."
"Little did I know our lives would intertwine within only weeks of knowing each other."
"The feeling of gratitude connects me with rich experiences."
"The highest level of consciousness is when you're getting really enjoyment out of what you're doing but you are also connected to the world."
"When you feel lonely, that's your brain and your body trying to get you to connect."
"You cannot have real high-powered motivation without a connection to other people."
"There is definitely a direct connection between finding your passion and reaching your potential."
"Happiness is about connection, purpose, respect."
"Eye contact is a symptom of being interested in the other person and specifically... it's being interested in the other person's soul."
"Presence is giving your full focus to someone... great presence comes when you're entirely focused on the other person."
"You're finally stepping out of yourself...making room for love and connection in your life."
"I think we can all agree that in this world, dominated by social media, it's pretty ironic that there are literally millions of people who are so desperate for connection, so desperate for love, and it's actually affecting their mental health quite a bit."
"The way to connect with others is to simply open yourself up to being connected with them, and then shut the fuck up and listen better."
"What really makes life worth living at all is our relationships, our connections."
"I see a deep thirst for real intimacy in the way Reckful speaks that he never got from anyone."
"All work is empty save when there is love, and when you work with love, you bind yourself to yourself, and to one another, and to God."
"People who are buying things or eating things or drinking things aren't actually looking for the thing; they're really missing some form of connection."
"It's not about the cookie; it's about the connection."
"You'll never feel good about life unless you serve and connect with other people."
"2024, I don't know what it is, but I've never felt this spiritually connected like ever in my life before."
"Through feeling gratitude, we are connecting directly to Source Energy."
"Technology gives us new ways to connect, but also presents new challenges."
"Pain is an adhesive, bro. If you've been through it, you can connect to people."
"Finding someone who accepts you without wearing any masks was the kind of connection that I wanted."
"Empathy fuels connection; sympathy drives disconnection."
"Rarely can a response make something better; what makes something better is connection."
"Reach out to someone if you're feeling disconnected; you're not alone."
"Stay connected with friends and family right now. Talk to people. Everyone's on this Ferris wheel right now in some capacity. You're definitely not alone."
"'Frientimacy,' the closest relationship we have - 'friendship intimacy' - is where two people both feel seen in a safe and satisfying way."
"My addiction is connecting with people... in a way which connects us spiritually, intellectually, or mentally."
"Music has always been a great open door. Music is a great way to connect people, music is a great way to have like a healing, type of cathartic experience."
"A relationship is an experience or state of being connected or joined or linked so that you have a sense of soundness in life that supports and advances your well-being, your wholeness, your stability, your security."
"We can't have an amazing relationship, at least long-term, without connection."
"You can't connect with someone if they're connecting with the fake you. That's a false connection."
"If a true connection ever existed in that relationship, then it can be fixed."
"You end up finding the person who was doing the graffiti who's doubting their own artistic abilities, and the two of you connect and paint a massive flower mural together."
"Staying vulnerable is a risk we have to take if we want to experience connection."
"Empathy is a choice, and it's a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling."
"I define spirituality as the belief in the inextricable connection between human beings and something that's grounded in love and goodness."
"What we feel in relationships is that we matter. That is the essential reason for connecting to people."
"The fundamental human need for love, for connection, for passion, for transcendence will never change."
"I love the moment when you and another person who speak a different language realize neither one of you knows how to say what you want to say."
"I see all the comments asking for you, and then I was just like, I just feel, and a lot of people probably feel this way too, they just feel connected, they feel like seen and represented."
"We're human, and we're starved for validation and connection and love and kindness and compassion."
"The sexual part, which is extremely important in any relationship, will actually be intensified and heightened if you deepen your connection."
"The two of cups...is just about harmony, it's about a strong connection."
"We all have lows, and that's usually where we all find each other."
"Anytime someone tells their story, you can feel a little bit of yourself in that moment with them."
"The fundamental human needs for love, for connection, for passion, for transcendence will never change."
"Relationships are not feelings. Relationships are ways of relating to each other."
"It's important that you address your own needs not from a place of bitterness, not from a place of spite, not from a place of jealousy, but from a place of wanting this connection to be strong."
"Tiny acts of connection are the most powerful gift you can give yourself or someone else."
"The sun is inside, the light is inside, light will find you from inside, but not because it is only in your body but because the connection point to it is buried deep within you."
"My love for you is your love for yourself. And so when you finally reach this point of this ultimate realization of love, that's when you and I will connect."
"My dream for this device isn't an infinite computer monitor; it's more connection with the people that I love."
"You've got to find your realness, find your 'why' and why you do stuff. I feel like that's what's going to connect to the world."
"Depression to me is a disconnect from the truth that you are infinitely enough, valuable, and connected to everything."
"I reach out my hand and my heart to connect and unite all of humanity."
"Philosophy is that in-between substance, that thing that can actually connect both science and religion."
"I wish I knew how to heal our connection so we can be together."
"Reflect back on your own personal experience, and you will find that when you are in flow, you have a deeper connection with your inner voice."
"Even after all that time, I didn't really feel as though I'd ever met friends that I had really connected with as well as I have with them."
"The key to walking in the fullness of what God promised is connection with and surrender to the person of the Holy Spirit."
"We evolved in for millions of years...our needs are for community, for contact, for collaboration, for connection."
"Safety isn't just the absence of a threat, safety is also the presence of connection."
"People want to connect through authenticity."
"Finding things in common with someone to create a connection...it's very basic and simple but it's a great way to connect with people."
"Love does not require you to disconnect; it connects you back to source."
"Love is everything. We are all connected. God is everywhere."
"The awesome in me bows to the awesome in you. I'll see you tomorrow. Great work. Namaste."
"Freedom, liberation comes when we connect with our innate quality inside."
"Our music brings everyone together, we all connect, and that's what people are looking for: connection."
"Being vulnerable is one of the most empowering things because you allow other people to see you."
"When I looked her in the eyes, I could tell that she was there for me and she met me and loved me unconditionally."
"You're never alone when you're connected to love and connected to spirit."
"I bet there's some form of movement where if you were really there, you would have an amazing experience, a sense of yourself or a connection with others."
"Heaven on earth: They really feel the divinity of this connection."
"Everyone has a unique and natural sense of humor... we've lost touch with it."
"The goal of life is not to get sex; it's to get connection."
"The beautiful thing is, we are still growing, and one day we will evolve to the point where we will know and understand that we are all connected."
"Vulnerability really makes you relatable with people."
"I think traveling is one of the best ways to connect with your sibling."
"The union of hearts: There is a connection of love that defies explanation."
"When you call upon His name, you feel closer to Him."
"There's nothing more important in your life than reconnecting with the Divine."
"The first time we met was at a holiday party... soon as I got there, I'm like, hold up man, this guy... we just hit it off."
"This connection feels young, but their energy feels familiar to you."
"This beautiful depth of feeling, this real connection... somebody saying 'I love you' and you're looking into their eyes and just you feeling the power of that."
"You're going to be able to see the potential, you're going to be able to feel the connection in your heart."
"This is the family next door, very connected, very loving, very bonded."
"You guys have this soul connection, a very spiritual connection."
"I do see a very spiritual relationship coming into your guys' lives."
"You are supported every step of the way. If you feel confused, if you feel alone, don't hesitate to reach out to your angels."
"You've got this; you're connected to Source."
"In a world lacking soul-to-soul connection, small and simple acts are what create the biggest and most lasting impact."
"What needs you today? Make one soulful connection. Notice the joy you feel when you serve others."
"You guys are a sanctuary, therefore it is important and imperative... to take the proper time to breathe, being connected with the source."
"I do think that my generosity is real. I do think that my urge to connect with others and be beneficial to others is real."
"When you have true empathy for another being, you understand why they feel the way they feel."
"Perhaps when we die, we join the great beyond, the great significant energy of others."
"This is a deep deep connection; it's a soul bond."
"Connection is the only thing that heals; otherwise, we're all just lost in the fog, alone."
"Do not limit the universe. There are beautiful connections that will serve different purposes and they are meant to be explored."
"You deserve to feel connected to cool people, and you are a cool person."
"Your thought will mingle with that of others of like nature and mind, and you'll be attracted toward each other and will surely come together with a common purpose sooner or later."
"When we choose to be willing to feel our sensitive emotions, we're more likely to build connections with others and solve our problems."
"Living in our purpose allows the law of attraction to manifest, connecting us with others on the same journey."
"Your smile generously expressed can make the difference between a man across the room not noticing you or noticing you and wanting to go walk across to connect."
"Reciprocity is the process through which you share something deep about yourself and the person feels compelled to share something deep about himself."
"Using that, you can draw a link between two things that were completely innocent to take on a meaning that's completely the opposite of that. That's humor."
"Every time I've run the experiment of vulnerability, it's like the antidote for loneliness in many respects."
"Vulnerability is the daughter of connection."
"Water is my soul, the earth my body, the air speaks my voice, and light sets free my fire."
"I'm disappointed because I think that we had a connection."
"Humanity's greatest desire is to belong and connect."
"I think people are generally... wanting to get back to something that feels a little bit more connected to something human inside of them."
"Music is like a free flow, a little golden thread between people."
"We all want to feel seen, heard, and loved. That's it."
"We're all connected. We're all together in this. At the reduction of our identities of self lies real unity."
"Your solo journey is tied to so many other people's journeys with you."
"Physical touch is a huge part of connection. If you're feeling a lot of isolation, go for a massage."
"Empathetic mirror neurons... allow us to feel what others feel and connect us to other people."
"With your twin flame, you don't have to force anything because there is this natural authentic connection."
"If you look into someone's eyes and you see yourself, that is your twin flame."
"You know you've met your twin flame if even if you're no longer together, as soon as you met them, your whole life changed."
"They want a rebirth, a regeneration into the connection."
"The mess you have in your life, the things you are most ashamed of and embarrassed by that you think are the most insignificant that disqualify you the most are probably the very things that will qualify you to connect with another human being in your business or your personal life to change their life."
"And you have shown me that there are people out there who feel that same way."
"The heart, not the pump, but our energetic center, is the bridge between the human aspect of us and spirit."
"The more aligned we are with ourselves, the closer we are to God."
"Focus on the connection rather than the commitment."
"The purpose of chatting is to have an opportunity to get a window into someone else's life and to share a little bit about yourself."
"This is just an opportunity to have your life very gently intersect with someone else's life."
"Freedom and forgiveness are indissolubly linked."
"Emotional intelligence is about stepping out of your own bubble and now being aware of the people around you and being able to connect."
"We cannot influence unless we first connect and it's such a rare quality in this world that when it happens it's pretty magical."
"Connection is why we're here. It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives."
"The ability to feel connected is neurobiologically how we're wired. It's why we are here."
"Our nature wants to be aligned with connection and generosity and giving because our bodies will tell us that."
"Spirituality... means sense of connection to something larger."
"Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity."
"It was hugely refreshing to be able to get to know someone who isn't necessarily within your circle, doesn't know much about me, I don't know much about her, so to be able to start almost afresh right from the beginning and getting to know each other step by step."
"Vulnerability doesn't only help you connect with women and build healthy relationships, it can also help you turn women on."
"You'll never have the opportunity in your life to have as high-quality a relationship with anyone as you could potentially have with your child."
"Is-ness, which again is the gateway to something so endless and vast that it's your direct connection with the source."
"The energy of friendship supports our intrinsic desire for connection."
"This soulmate union is very, very healing to both of your souls."
"This person wants to get to know you right on a deeper level."
"Connection is that deeper spiritual occurrence, it's like your spirit recognizing its match."
"We pursue integrity, depth, joy, aliveness, connection, growth."
"It's those moments where we actually connect and we exhale and we're able to be ourselves and that is so freeing."
"It's time for happiness to come in, it's time for you to feel love, it's time for you to feel connected."
"Look deep within your heart, you will feel my love; my love for you is as deep as the ocean."
"Sometimes all you have to do is just check on someone and let them know you're thinking of them."
"I've been in the music business long enough to understand her connection. I actually get it."
"I'm fully connected to my higher self and higher power."
"In the beginning, we feel uncomfortable, and if we can stay through the whole process, what happens at some point is everything else vanishes and all you are experiencing is the moment of connection."
"Cardinals... could be a passed away loved one reaching out to you."
"It's not about things, it's about a loving God who had an imagination about us being together."
"I refill my cup by connecting with the people I love."
"It's a blessing to be able to do what we do for a living, to be able to travel, to be able to connect with so many great people, to educate people, to help people."
"I think it's when someone's holding your gaze, there's something to be said."
"Your strongest gift is the ability to speak an uncommon language where people that don't feel understood or heard or seen finally feel connected to something through you."
"You are a channel, you're like this portal that people connect to in order to feel at home."
"They are saying yes to this relationship... they say yes to you and to this connection."
"Authenticity in content creation allows for genuine connections and discussions, a rarity in today's digital age."
"What's amazing about a moment like this is you can actually feel her heart rate slowing down."
"My point is, in amongst the problems we've identified with consumer society, which are deep and vast...we can also find depth, meaning, usefulness, creativity, and connection too."
"This person feels so connected with you; they feel this balanced energy in this connection."
"The older you get, the more you realize like that that's your lineage, it's your blood, it's so nice to feel connected to that."
"Presence, not charisma, is what truly matters in a world where many are just not present."
"Connection is the single most important human need."
"And when you do that, you will actually feel connection."
"Loneliness is an emotional state that we have when we're feeling disconnected, but our need for connection is ingrained in our DNA."
"And don't wait, the next time you feel alienated, isolated or excluded, respond to that aversive signal as you would hunger, thirst, and pain and get connected."
"Humanity has a thirst for connection with potentially other species and information about the Milky Way; it's just how we are."
"Loneliness is the siren of the soul calling us back home to one another."
"Two lonely creatures connect for a time...acknowledge that we exist together for a brief time."
"So many men are yearning for a connection, whether it be a community, a friend, a significant other."
"It's often a sharing of the trivial day-to-day things between two people or through groups of people that leads to the feeling that people are really connected to one another."
"I get that your next big major life change has to do with a connection that comes in; it's like strong."
"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection."
"We're bound together in love, and then only blessed with grace."
"A lot of recovery from trauma is to re-establish your capacity connected to people around you."
"The path forward involves creating connection, but even more so, it's about discovering the connection that's already there."
"We are already more connected than we're consciously aware of."
"Be a joyous connection to anyone; that's my motto."
"I love you, you are my heart walking around outside my body."
"This connection with you is like one they've never had before."
"Past life relationship: You've known each other before."
"If we switch from a view of nature as being inanimate and mechanical to a view of nature as a living cosmos, we'd feel much more connected."
"It's more about who you as an individual relate and connect with."
"Relatability plays a large role in who we are drawn to in terms of seeking advice or counsel."
"We capture photos and videos so we can look back and remember. They help us feel connected."
"That's how we'll really build bridges. And it doesn't require a single rivet."
"It doesn't matter how long you've known someone; when you meet a soulmate of a friend, it's just different."
"A surprising amount of them seem to not care about that part (sex), but that the connection and having somebody was like the most important thing."
"Young people across Europe and the world are connecting, taking action, and making change."