
Industry Change Quotes

There are 367 quotes

"It's not an easy revolution to start, but I think it's going to change whole industries in ways that we're, it's going to be hard to even imagine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Speaking the truth about success stories where you eliminate a profit motive from specific industries is amazing."
"Manufacturing, as we know it, is never gonna return."
"We're in this Wind of Change that's blowing through the industry."
"Video games weren't just Nintendo games anymore."
"Unfortunately, the way that animals are handled throughout the entire world for mass production is something that should be changed."
"Our mission as a fund is to try to produce a few of these companies that can change whole industries for the better."
"Gamers are striking back, and I really hope this will change our industry for the better."
"The landmark closing marked huge changes in the world of retail and showcased how our future is rapidly shifting to online shopping and shipping products."
"This is a reckoning that's been a long time coming. I love to see it, and I can only keep my fingers crossed that it all ultimately leads to tangible change across the entire industry."
"Our success is due to the fact that networks are so old school."
"The iPod changed the way we listen to music and changed the whole music industry."
"It was the last we'd see of Bungie as we know them because they were off to work on what they called their Halo killer, Destiny."
"Views and monetization are in no way bad, but there's no doubt it's changed the landscape of content."
"This could change the shape of how media moves forward as the corporate media system is dying."
"I went from working at a pet company to a tech giant with blender in just three years."
"It is remarkable how things have turned around there if you look back to the series s Xbox one s father and the Xbox one X whole DNA if X had changed completely all of this is gone yeah."
"People were still not taking rap seriously until about 2014-2015. That was pretty much the year when everything changed."
"The industry did change and we had to adapt."
"Austrian wine exports were down to less than 5 percent of where they had been only one year prior."
"The iPhone 4S was a game changer in the smartphone industry."
"I want to push these industries to start thinking about us women mature women."
"Jim Farley expressing surprise at how quickly this EV transition is happening."
"An awakening is underway around issues of intersectionality, sexuality, and gender norms across all industries and art forms."
"A bunch of CD Projekt Red veterans have left the studio to form their own outfit, rejecting crunch culture."
"I think it's awesome to see the gatekeepers are falling away and the go direct model is working."
"ETOPS was therefore the beginning of the end for the tri-jet."
"These three companies are announcing that pharmaceutical glass packaging will now be made in America. That's a big step. That's a big statement."
"Tesla is about to disrupt the semi-truck market."
"I hope hopefully we can change that, we've seen a lot of different people like Donald Glover, Jordan Peele, Issa Rae."
"A combination of market growth, the explosion of the smartphone, and other competitors eventually pushed Kodak out of Photography."
"Blockbuster's failure to recognize the potential of Netflix cost them their crown as the king of sofa-side cinema."
"Actors now have more freedom than they did in the past."
"Now this is the best time ever to be a filmmaker right now because you really can make a movie."
"This certainly does not signal the end of pornography, but it is a pretty significant shift in how and what you're going to have access to on literally the biggest site for that type of product."
"Wall street's actually making money off of it... just like completely eclipsed by netflix."
"I believe that the makeup industry has changed for the better in that it's so much more inclusive."
"We're not destroying the industry, we're just shaking it up."
"Corporate media is dying. Independent creators are now the lead."
"It's not just an idea so nobody can really stop it and every single big player going to be part of it even if they want it or not."
"You have the power to change everything wrong with the Halal industry."
"The coolest thing for me is seeing the genres kind of blend a little more than they used to because before it was a taboo thing."
"I kind of want Pornhub to save us all and just be like, listen, we're not a porn site anymore, we'll just take anybody."
"Now there's going to be a really big shift of female directing versus male directing."
"I think Hollywood is starting to recognize it but we're just in the beginning... history has just been made she's the first Asian actress to win best actress."
"They're coming for one reason: that's because they know that Joe Biden will let them in."
"I feel like this will change V tubing forever, this is probably one of the most cataclysmic moments in V tubing history."
"Music is going to a new place, it's just something else now."
"This could signal the first time in more than 20 years that we've had a real third player in the laptop and desktop space."
"Oh how times change. It feels like ages ago that Activision used to be one of the most prolific video game publishers."
"Coming out of this pandemic, we are going to see some real structural change across industries."
"DC seems to really be redefining themselves." - Walter Hamada
"I hope this is the way. It would make me so happy, not only selfishly that we could do well with this, but also to create pure authentic comedy."
"The formula that has been going on for the last 10 years is no longer working and people want to see something different."
"What if Marvel made a deal with Amazon to deliver direct to the customer and are burning the comic shops to justify the move?"
"None of us could believe that Kodak and Polaroid and Blockbuster and all these companies go out of business."
"The automotive world needed a competent electric car manufacturer that would bring that change."
"What they're doing with the new NXT, it just seems like they're getting rid of all these older veterans."
"We're in a transitional world right now... the models by which creators got their work out into the world... they're all changing."
"If you think the golden age of the MMO is dead and gone just because the game you enjoyed is no longer the same, I will disagree with you."
"Honestly, if we accomplish nothing else... charge our Abrams and bad reboots never get work again."
"The public outcry is enough maybe things really will change and 60fps will always be a standard."
"The console structure we've known and relied upon for some 40 years... all that is about to be radically upended."
"It's time to innovate. It's time to completely rebuild Madden from the ground up."
"I hope that as the like mainstream regular ass person video calling thing it just completely destroys Skype."
"This event signifies a pivotal moment and establishes a precedent for all corporate VTubers considering breaking their contract or graduating from a corporate entity."
"I think the oil companies realize the writing is on the wall."
"The bubble has bursted...the structure for the music industry, it's over man."
"The future is here, content creation in general is going to change dramatically over the next few years."
"The industry has changed... PC gaming has deviated from the console style."
"It helped touch off a broader Reckoning in the entertainment industry around diversity, equity, and inclusion on both sides of the camera."
"The floodgates had opened, and the RIAA lost what it wanted most: control."
"If you don't like an industry, create your own."
"It's not the beginning of the end for content creation; it's the beginning of the end for certain types of content creation."
"We hold the power, and if we see ourselves as citizen consumers and if we vote with our dollars, we can change the industry."
"Most of the architects and engineers in the United States have made the change."
"When banks talk about digital currencies, it's because they fear them. They know they've waited too long and missed the boat."
"New media is rapidly outpacing what we've seen in the past."
"When SB came out that kind of changed everything back again."
"Industry turmoil is happening, and that means that there’s a case to be made that we’re at that fork in the road."
"Empathy is a game changer that no one really talks about in the fitness industry."
"The truth is that after decades of looking for illegal voting, there is no proof of widespread fraud."
"The industry at large needs to change for the better and Activision Blizzard cannot be let off the hook."
"There was a revolution going on in the film industry in the 1970s."
"The transaction is a game changer that poses a threat to an industry enjoyed by hundreds of millions of consumers."
"The next 10 years aren't going to look anything like the last 10 years."
"If you want more money, be average in a different industry."
"Uber Freight should be an absolute game changer."
"Jim Ryan's departure is being celebrated by fans, by The Gaming Community."
"This is going to change the landscape, you're gonna look at that as like the iPhone."
"The emergence of Scrawny and Launders really shifts the paradigm."
"If actors are pushing for long-term change that will ultimately destroy their industry, there has got to be a reason behind it."
"But the current reign, it's a new time, and Cardi B is now. She's now where is Nicki? Where is she? She's not outside. Is she? I mean, like, is she, like, where is she?"
"If they can pull this off, it'll quite literally change the industry forever."
"We do know that the Charger and Challenger will certainly get the new turbocharged 3-liter inline 6-cylinder engine."
"What I want to end this video on is not to say you should hold out hope for a breakout adaptation, but that we've come to a point in anime where the rules we once thought they worked by are starting to bend."
"I firmly believe that we're on the cusp of another revolution in air power, where the way we think about aviation will fundamentally change once again."
"You may notice changes in your industry, mergers, downsizing. Intuitively, you're checking in with your instincts to discover new lands in your career."
"Vinyl is making a huge comeback... crude oil prices plummeted... making the profit margin in vinyl much higher."
"The whole brand in itself is kind of making strides in terms of more sustainable and animal friendly fabrics."
"What's your end game for Midas? To change the way the media is consumed."
"I think this is a major shake up here but it's a step in the right direction."
"Ford actually announced they're going to take AM radio out of electric vehicles and new gas cars as well so this is a huge issue for the broadcast industry."
"We're kind of in unprecedented times with Bethesda's recent growth, the new game Microsoft acquisition, etc., so it seems possible."
"Battlefield can't be the same game that it was back in 2010... Battlefield has to evolve or die."
"It's just sad... to see the company that you grew up with and loved and admired so much to see this fall from grace."
"AMD is changing the whole industry, it's like you're all Senator Vreenak here."
"Kopenhagen Fur, the world’s largest fur auction house, is set to close its doors."
"It's already too late for legacy automotive manufacturers."
"This change, which killed the careers of so many promising and beloved creators, is the backbone of YouTube's success today."
"You can complain about the EV revolution and the costs and the job cuts and all of the downsides which yes exist or you can get to work and find solutions and provide a sustainable future for your people, your investors, and your company."
"A wave of creative destruction is heading our way and is a necessary corrective. This will ultimately be positive for our industry."
"TickTock has done more for music discovery than anything else in the past 10 years."
"Square Enix just, to me, is such a failure that I'm happy that they're selling off and giving it to a company that's not going to make these games exclusive."
"Some of the really well-known [artists] are now in charge of their own destiny."
"Once you have new technologies it enables new things but then the old incumbents aren't familiar with the new things that new technologies can provide."
"We're bringing sex hardcore sex back into this industry in a positive way in a cool way."
"Is Olympus really gone? What's gonna happen to Olympus cameras?"
"Stop being reactive and be proactive... we have to plan for the new industry."
"Conkelder finished a generation a far cry from its early days of dominance."
"There's a stigma that comes with tobacco, as innovators we decided we wanted to develop a new product."
"Every now and then a new software will come out that will change everything."
"I will never have blanks on my sets ever again."
"They changed the sound of metal production forever."
"What he and John Boyega are doing is probably going to make a difference in the industry, and I think it's really commendable."
"A very winnable fight for Seoul as soon as they initiate with that crucial EMP."
"From here on the job of flying a commercial airliner will never be the same."
"Youtubers are gonna have to change their whole thing."
"This is scary stuff, heavy-duty industry-changing shit."
"The industry will finally get the clarity it deserves. Goodbye Howey test, hello Ripple test."
"The Pepsi challenge signaled a major shift in the winds of the cola landscape."
"Hope you shape every aspect of my antiquated industry, go girl, you got this!"
"Cutting the barriers to entry in this industry."
"A paradigm shift for how Twitch handles live streams."
"Vaping has disrupted Big Tobacco's business model."
"This is a way for artists, musicians, and creators to also get their power back."
"You see Ruth, aspiring Glinda that she was, saw men getting standardized sizing and thought: Yeah, why not take that idea and bring it to the women's department?"
"The change is gonna happen because WWE is gonna have their buttons pushed in by AEW."
"Microtransactions will never be seen in the same way as they were once seen."
"Obsolete isn't the right word, heavily reduced, yeah, absolutely."
"You can credit Elon Musk with making trucking cool."
"It's an unprecedented change to reality that everyone from booking agents to venue owners to tour bus companies, we're just all like 'yo what is that.'"
"PewDiePie getting surpassed by T-Series is a really fitting situation for the current state of YouTube."
"The way we consume content is just changing, so I think that the whole landscape is really radically changed."
"There's no saving cable news okay they're not going to change that model is what it is and we have to have an alternative."
"They're trying to keep the industry from saving a tremendous amount of money. AI would save a tremendous amount of money."
"Option's emphasis on DIY and personal relationship with cars was revolutionary."
"Unity should try and make a game. It would change things."
"It's old media attacking new media. It's the lumbering dinosaur of irrelevance lashing out against the next phase of evolution."
"Fox also wanted to get out of the business of making movies."
"Everything I have today is because of these films, and these films changed cinema in India."
"It's not all tech anymore, it's new tech because they're actually changing the way things are done in many ways."
"We can work together, change the industry, affect something positively."
"YouTube still incorporates everyone, but you get these people like Jake, Logan, Mr. Beast, David Dobrik who come through and change the status quo."
"I feel like there needs to be some change in the industry to help protect these child actors..."
"I think this is the beginning of a seismic shift in this industry."
"Every industry is going to be changed, the whole world is going to be changed."
"This news is big news, it's absolutely gonna change things in some way, shape, or form for Twitch."
"Herbert Diess: 'Autonomous driving is the biggest game changer for the automotive industry.'"
"Every single one of the guys on the roster if you went to the office you were going to the office or create if you were going to somebody that had been in the wrestling business for twenty years or more I don't think they can say that now."
"And that's it! Jaws came out in 1975 and changed the film industry forever."
"I promise you Harvey Weinstein will never work again."
"This is the much bigger thing: WWE needs to make major changes."
"Kevin Feige states publicly he wants more female characters than male characters, and then he does it."
"People are so scared to change up the content because you could say it still works I guess... it's just not what it used to be."
"Autopilot 2.0: A radical change in the automotive business."
"Do I expect Newegg to actually change anything? Well, they did commit to..."
"It's the funnest time to be a stand-up because there's no real rules, networks for us, or I've changed to just Netflix."
"It's gone from the big studios big P and it's now in the hands of these you know individuals."
"The Glock Model 21 really changed the market, and honestly started a revolution."
"If you want to see the change you want to see in the industry, you have to be that change."
"It will change that one fundamentally limiting factor in the Spaceflight industry, which currently limits spaceflight to very expensive niche products."
"Tesla will change the world and they're gonna lead all this but they can't do it alone."
"This isn't about the future anymore; the manufacturing industry is changing in a very big way as we speak."
"This industry has been changed significantly because of the impact that he's made."
"Just try and be honest. Let's change this industry to be more realistic and real."
"...we're able to see just how important it is to allow creators to express their ideas even when it goes against the status quo while still hoping that other artists and creators are given the opportunities to change the industry in their own ways in the future."
"Why stay when the industry is changing right in front of you?"
"She is possibly going to change the entire industry."
"Manny's star was rising just as there's so much change in the industry."
"This year marks the change for the entire industry because both of these creators would just start having hit after hit."
"This is going to change the diet and fitness industry."
"There's no way they're going to remove us completely from the process."
"We're revolutionizing the hair care industry, one product at a time."
"...what if AG technology companies would focus on changing how agriculture is done instead of just making conventional a little bit better?"
"It's changing the game for every industry."
"If it works, it's going to change how we do things at corridor, it's going to change how the industry is doing things."
"We get a percentage of every sale, and that had never happened before, royalty deal. It had never happened, and it changed. Now, moving after that, every player who has a line gets a percentage."
"We have enough industries, enough independent artists, groups, businesses, labels, organizations to where we quite literally don't need them anymore. Hollywood is dead, we just need to let it die."
"Children should be protected. Reliving this publicly is incredibly difficult, but I hope it could bring healing for the victims and their families as well as necessary change to our industry."
"Healthcare is transformed to be a much more people-centric business; the technology changes and the shifts that you've seen in other industries are now coming into healthcare."
"It's more about the food industry changing itself, how the products are manufactured."
"Country music's in a cool spot we are having our Nirvana moment the industry is starting to react."
"There's always going to be a need for somebody to influence. But soon, it won't be the niche that it is anymore."
"They're gonna change the motorcycling market, and you can either adapt or you can die."
"We're changing this industry, putting these gurus out of business."
"In the industry now, people are starting to wake up and see that self-care is important as well as creating safe spaces that allow people to have a voice."
"Are y'all creating something or have you which they haven't because it's been 14 years, but have y'all thought to do that? Create a Hollywood 101 course that up-and-coming actors and actresses of color can take?"
"Whether you're an old-timer or newcomer, you probably have heard about Wayland. It's the next big thing."
"If fish farming catches on and spreads, it could in fact revolutionize the inshore fishery."