
Remote Work Quotes

There are 1154 quotes

"I'm a huge fan of full-time remote work, but I think those jobs have to look very different than like a standard 2019 job."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The shift from working at home during the pandemic may have also yielded efficiency gains."
"Depending on the role, team members may be eligible for benefits including 30 days of annual vacation allowance, stock options, at home office remote stipend, and company retreats."
"Getting folks to go from being on Zoom working from home to working from the office is one of the biggest challenges leaders are facing today."
"Blockchain is incredibly remote-friendly because it's such a new field."
"The world has changed; we can all work remotely."
"Being a programmer has so many benefits, for example, you can work from home, all you need is an internet connection."
"Imagine if you could make a thousand dollars a day from anywhere in the world without having to clock into a job or have a lot of money to start with."
"It's a whole new world, different, and actually, it practices a lot of communication skills when all of your team members are remote."
"If you find yourself typing back and forth a lot and it's getting a little combative, see if you can hop to an audio call real quick."
"Working from home is awesome. I will not go back to working in an office unless you pay me like $400,000."
"You're not in a car for X amount of minutes a day... you get that drive time back."
"I'm not going to go back to working in an office... I get to work naked or in my underwear or whatever I want to do."
"It's easy to be pen testing and just be five o'clock, you know, and you start at 8 and you haven't moved all day."
"Not everybody gets to work from home, I'm one of the lucky ones who can."
"Thanks to the internet and how connected we are 24/7, it is totally possible to have a career that allows you to work remotely and design a life on your own terms."
"If you could work for a Manhattan firm and earn a Manhattan wage but live in Ohio, absolutely."
"Working from home... people started saying to themselves, 'I can get up at five o'clock in the morning to commute an hour and a half each way? I hate this. I'm not going to do it anymore.'"
"I'm going to school for cybersecurity... a lot of cybersecurity jobs are remote, which inherently makes them flexible."
"The pandemic happened and what I saw was leaders were kind of forced in this wave of virtue signaling to say everyone can work from home forever. If you didn't say that, now you're a bit of an [expletive] company."
"This means you've got a very scalable business selling physical products, which you can do from home, or really anywhere in the world as long as you have internet."
"Remote work changed everything when it comes to where people want to live."
"I think it's easy now because people can actually work from home."
"It's not in your best interest to work at home if you're just sitting in your pajamas in your bedroom. Is that the work life you want to live?"
"Prior to the modern plague, only 6% of people worked remotely. That's ballooned to a whopping 42% of U.S. workers today."
"One study found that 70% of remote professionals work weekends, and 45% work more than they did before the pandemic."
"This has led to an even blurrier line between work and life, because both now occupy the same space."
"Employees are also more productive than they were pre-pandemic, because they're under less pressure to look busy and aren't constantly being interrupted."
"Work is not defined by a physical place. It can happen anywhere."
"Zoom is ready for it, the technology is present, and all of a sudden we're dismantling one of the biggest systems in the history of the world: commercial real estate."
"We're still making everything happen from home."
"I am gonna give you over 20 actual real jobs that you could go this afternoon and apply for where you can find remote work right now and get paid."
"If your boss right now is on the fence about remote work or they're trying to decide if remote work is good for their employees, go ahead and give them this stat: according to FlexJobs, employers can save twenty-two thousand dollars a year on each employee if they let them work remote."
"People who work from home are eighty-seven percent more likely to love their job."
"Sixty-three percent of US companies now already have remote workers."
"Work from home jobs, or remote jobs as they are also known, are a great way to earn extra income on the side of a full-time job, or they can even be used as a stepping stone into becoming a full-time remote worker and ditching the nine-to-five altogether."
"The technology is here now that enables remote working to be really, really effective and productive."
"A typical company saves about eleven thousand dollars per half time telecommuter per year."
"Study after study shows that they're more productive. In fact, they give back about 60 percent of the time they would otherwise spent commuting to working back."
"This article is suggesting that people began to see their lives differently. They realized how much time they were spending commuting and how much of their life was spent in an office setting that they realized probably didn't need to be that way."
"Zuckerberg predicts that 50 percent of the company's employees could be working remotely within the next five to 10 years."
"In the most drastic case, Twitter told its employees that they can work from home forever."
"The realization that it's entirely possible to have a remote work environment and for companies to thrive."
"Many people are more productive by remote work and are able to have a better work-life balance for it."
"Studies have shown that remote work does not have a negative impact on employees' productivity."
"The dream is that people will one day be able to just work wherever they want but will have all the same opportunities because you'll be able to feel like you're physically together."
"The pandemic changed that because now, it's important to have the good background for those Zoom calls."
"The beautiful thing is nowadays you can work from home... the world is becoming so nice and flexible."
"I'm gonna be breaking down 12 of the highest paying jobs that you can do from home to give you some ideas and inspiration about how you can get started earning a full-time living without even leaving your house."
"Online tutoring... Teaching another language is an amazing way to create a work from home job."
"Your best bet is an older company that hasn't quite mastered remote work yet but will let you work from home."
"Your money doesn't have to work in the same city as you do."
"Online freelancing: providing any kind of digital service to businesses."
"In today's economy, the ability to work from anywhere is really, really attractive."
"If you want to work remotely, know that things have really changed and the opportunities out there abound."
"You can do this from your bedroom, your car, your couch, even your toilet."
"I worry about sitting behind a zoom, doing my work, for the next 10 years."
"So the AutoCAD web app was intended to allow people to work from anytime, anywhere, and have access to this precision drafting app, whether they're at home or on the go."
"If you can work from home and cut out social contacts, that seems intrinsically wise and ethical."
"nothing is going to kill people's enthusiasm about returning to the office quicker than showing up and realizing that it's exactly the same as working from home"
"well what are you gonna do fire me I'll just find another remote job that uh you know values values me a little bit more"
"Working from home is a privilege most people cannot really do."
"I think a lot of people are gonna work from home. I believe tech for work from home Tech is probably the next big boom."
"Are you tired of watching video after video hoping to find something practical about work from home jobs that you can start right now?"
"Hopefully this is going to be the last video you need to watch on this topic."
"Literally everything that you would need to know in order to get started with a work from home job you should get in this video today."
"What makes a good work from home job in my opinion is one that allows you to differentiate, to find your niche."
"Being a blog writer is definitely a good one to look into."
"Managing online communities pays really, really well."
"It's in everyone's interests for Twitter to continue operating with this amazing remote culture that you've built."
"Remote work technology, nothing new but increasing acceptance of digitally being somewhere makes it more common."
"Before COVID, doing Zoom calls and treating people remotely was like taboo."
"That remote work job will allow you to have that and not even have to worry about a really long commute."
"It's weird it's weird and the one of the good things that came out of this covert thing I keep saying is the fact that now everyone is okay with doing work from home meetings right and having this virtual sort of meeting face to face."
"Companies working remotely can provide these things for their remote employees for a lot cheaper than a $700 headset for everyone, but the VR metaverse is clearly the future of remote work."
"We're adjourned. Madam Clerks, stay on the Zoom call."
"Apple together lists several reasons why they believe Apple's return to the office doesn't make sense."
"If you basically take the entire nation and make them work from home... people are gonna like that."
"These are weaknesses and you can fix them and you can make it so that people are working more effectively from home as well."
"The Teams mobile app allows me to go out and about and still join meetings, stay on top of chats, or even access files."
"I like to be very careful about this. It's really dangerous when you do a job like mine—it's not just working from home, it's working from home three years ahead."
"It's borderless, you've got to file for your pay your full and you get storage anywhere in the world it doesn't matter."
"Remote is the future and unless you want to go or unless you have to be there you shouldn't go."
"Most of our staff... will be watching virtually."
"Hybrid work isn't just about remote versus in-office; it's about understanding the human side and empowering every employee." - Nate Skinner, Oracle
"The greatest thing about doing a voiceover is that you don't even have to be in the same room with the person."
"Coinbase intends to function normally without an official or unofficial headquarters."
"Half of all employees would consider quitting their jobs if they were not allowed to work from home at least some of the time in the future."
"If you are valuable enough people will hire you no matter where you are."
"We're changing the face of our economy to be one that's much more work from home, stay with family."
"We've got Michael Barker listening in his Arctic driving for Royal Mail."
"I started attracting an audience of people who were interested in learning how to become their own boss and work from wherever they were."
"Working from home allows for more flexibility in streaming times, catering to different time zones."
"10 no interview remote jobs that are always hiring."
"Covid really just sped a lot of things up, and I don't just mean the gradual shift towards remote working, although that's having some major macroeconomic impacts in its own right."
"Remote work will also make us more efficient and looks like it's here to stay."
"It's one of the best ways I've ever found to make money literally even from your phone or from your laptop from anywhere in the world."
"Location is less meaningful than it's ever been in human history."
"Remote work experiment will cause companies and workers to reconsider their location."
"Precisely to your point I think that if you can have your remote worker doing the job in Des Moines, why not have your remote worker doing the job in India?"
"I need to just start traveling more. I own my company, I can take my job anywhere I go. I need to be everywhere and anywhere with good internet."
"You have a massive competitive advantage when you have a remote team."
"Becoming a transcriber is a great opportunity if you're a stay-at-home mom and it's definitely something worth looking into because you can make good money while getting paid to type."
"Statement collars: perfect for those Zoom meetings."
"We finally got COVID. But, it means we can't go to work right now, which could be a blessing in disguise."
"If the work from home model is truly more efficient, then there's also fewer reason for businesses to buy large properties."
"We're supportive of remote working and greater flexibility."
"Remote work: controversial, but transformative."
"People are willing to take a pay cut if they don't have to go into the office because that means you can have a better quality of life."
"This collapse that I'm seeing where companies are laying off tons of people, the upside to this is the way out of the recovery is going to be remote work."
"If this works, and your audience watches this and enjoys it as much as me coming into your studio, why would you ever want to go back to the studio again?"
"The cool thing is that you get to work from home, you're around your family, you know what I mean."
"If you can do your job from home, can't someone else do it for less in another part of the world?"
"We shouldn't have a different threshold for anti-Semitism than we do for other isms or discriminatory statements."
"Global remote work opportunity by 2025, online talent platforms could add 2.7 trillion dollars to global GDP."
"There's a lot of opportunity it's becoming bigger and I think right now it's really a golden time for remote working remote living."
"The pandemic made a lot of people's dreams come true of being able to work from home."
"Become a virtual assistant: doing things like planning, scheduling appointments, checking emails, researching projects."
"We're probably going to see flexible working, working remotely, and working from anywhere, anytime becoming the norm."
"I think this idea that people can't be productive while they work from home is ridiculous."
"Working remotely has improved their lives dramatically."
"Another great thing about Amazon FBA is that it allows you to work from anywhere as long as you have a laptop."
"There are more stay-at-home opportunities than ever before."
"Folks, you want to earn some money but for some reason or another you can't or you don't want to come into office. The great news is that there's actually a lot of stuff that you can do to work online jobs at home."
"People who found an easier, more convenient way to do things from home are going to keep doing that."
"Mobile work from home: Enabling flexibility and accessibility."
"The demand for programmers outweighs the supply – throwing a remote work cherry on top has become almost essential for attracting and maintaining talent."
"Phil Spencer at this point has probably got the most curated Zoom background of anyone in the business."
"Remote Shoals: offering remote workers a $10,000 bribe to move there."
"Seamlessly schedule Zoom calls within Google Calendar."
"It's perfect for anybody that works from home."
"I could see people doing logistics for like Walmart basically from their home computer at some point in the future because the software is basically telling them what to do."
"You can do meetings and pitches from wherever."
"Overall, it just kind of makes you feel special."
"And lastly, for those that want to work from anywhere."
"When people save a ton of money from not driving to work... there's going to be a lag effect for economic hurt." - Gareth Soloway
"People were now starting to realize that I like this flexibility of being able to work from home."
"It's totally possible for you to start and scale an Etsy business that brings in consistent revenue and that could allow you to work from home on your terms."
"Commercial real estate is not going away nobody's going back to the office."
"Companies have realized that most office work could be easily done remotely."
"It can be buggy on occasions but right now for example I have all of my machines available to my workstation upstairs."
"The pandemic is going to likely be the pushing point for a lot of companies to start being remote only."
"I'm just so over this work from home thing—bright pink kitty cat headphones in a zoom meeting!"
"Companies have learned to live and manage with employees at home."
"Making money online gives you absolute freedom of your own geography."
"Remote jobs have always been somewhat popular but they haven't really been offered all that much until global health emergency 2020 happened."
"There has never been a better time to get a remote job."
"Customer service representative: incredibly easy to get a remote job with zero experience."
"Remote HQ: The solution you didn't even realize you needed."
"Philosophies are changing, people are deciding to work from home."
"You can work and make money from anywhere in the world."
"What if your work could go with you wherever you went?"
"I was in a zoom call... and we were like wouldn't this be great what other challenges can we do."
"The most glorious aspect of modern technology: productive anywhere at any time."
"Putting on makeup gets me in a different state and I just feel more productive and more professional and only if I were to hop on uh Nicole with my colleagues then I feel that I'm ready for the day as if I were to have a real physical meeting."
"Remote work meant a welcome break from office microaggressions."
"Beautiful location! She is on a hotel wi-fi."
"The allure of being able to work from anywhere becomes the burden of being required to be on call 24/7."
"The digital economy allows people to work remotely, incentivizing leaving high-tax areas."
"Access to remote work increases employee well-being, productivity, innovation, and inclusion."
"You might have a lot more...but if somebody's willing to out-hustle you, they're gonna beat you."
"You don't have to be in that office...you could be location independent."
"Canada's Shopify CEO says the era of office centricity is over."
"Coinbase announces it's going to be a remote first to work policy."
"Square announces permanent work from home policy again."
"We're all sitting at home in quarantine as you can see I set up my home office I got our microphone here."
"Some of you may be thinking about making money from home. You're really checking in with your skill set because you are very talented."
"More jobs will become remote as employers realize it's more efficient."
"People would like to continue working from home even as people get vaccinated and the pandemic gets less and less threatening to their lives."
"You can work from anywhere with the right skills."
"When I retire, we can literally go anywhere and do anything because she works remotely."
"Remote work one, don't let anyone Gaslight you."
"You can do this all part-time in just literally four hours a week from anywhere in the world."
"We found massive, massive improvement in performances: a 13% improvement in performance from the people working at home, which is huge!"
"Just being able to work from home and pursue my passion... has just been the biggest blessing in my life."
"I think it's gonna be really difficult for coaches to maintain the same level of focus with their team and control when you are in this remote situation."
"Majority of online work meetings will be in a metaverse in three years."
"People are finding it more advantageous to stay home and get paid."
"Do I have to be there? Can I do it through teleconferencing? That'll be interesting."
"It's been very difficult to do this year just kind of from home."
"Hybrid work is here to stay. Having a dedicated workspace at home matters more than ever."
"This is a business you can do using your laptop, using your computer from home or anywhere else in the world."
"We went from Monday telling people they should work from home if they were more comfortable, Tuesday telling people, you know, feel free to work from home, it might be better, to Wednesday work from home unless it's essential you come to work."
"Happy to just stay home... and live life on zoom and not have to go to work anymore."
"I started working from home the very next day and still am to this day."
"Most people were working from home as Covid attacked and it wasn't the most productive time in the games industry."
"I currently am a large employer health and welfare insurance broker... I have the luxury of working 100 from home."
"More and more people are moving to small and Rural towns to retire or work remotely—there's a lot of great places... those towns aren't on this list."
"There's not really a yes or no answer to the question is remote work good instead we should be thinking about how to make it a win for everyone."
"I managed to do a couple of sessions of working from a cafe, and it's so productive."
"So we're just off the grid building turbines now."
"Remote working anywhere in the world with a flexible work schedule driven by results not hours."
"If you're making $70,000, $60,000 working from home, why not move to a more affordable city?"
"This solution has allowed me to live in an area that I love in the country and do my job as a freelance database administrator and developer, be able to game, be able to stream, and not suffer from paying high rates for slow internet speeds."
"A digital nomad is someone who works on the internet from anywhere in the world."
"Rethinking how we wanted to work and sustain ourselves remotely."
"So many people I know are still working out of the home and I know how, I mean I can't imagine."
"How much of this is revealing who has always wanted to work from home?"
"Rolling out of bed, getting to work, staying home, and just getting your work on—no commute or anything."
"So hopefully you aren't overwhelmed with the options but just know that there are tons of options for you if you're looking for a remote position."