
Health Precautions Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Being a nasal breather, humidifying your air, paying attention to whether or not you're indoors with people who are coughing and sneezing because it's cold outside, all of those things are going to be relevant."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you are exposed to a cold or flu, it's important to do certain things in order to make sure that your innate immune system is both ready and can launch a full-scale attack."
"For those of you running large entertainment venues... please require folks to get vaccinated or show a negative test as a condition of entry."
"Everything that we've been talking about here is not in lieu of social distancing and wearing a mask; it's in addition to all of these things."
"Anybody who's telling you this is an easy calculation is not looking at what's happening in other parts of the world."
"Now, at this point, no hugging or high-fives. Just leave that until later."
"Connecting people while still being mindful of the virus is essential."
"The virus is here so what are you going to do to protect yourself and your family?"
"If there is even the slightest chance that I am less likely to spread COVID to somebody else or have a bad case of it, it was worth it."
"Our lives are gonna be a little different... we're probably going to be much more likely to wear masks in the future, much more likely to wash our hands."
"People do feel a little bit of a physical sensation, if you're prone to epilepsy it's not a good idea to try this, so it does require some careful supervision experimentally."
"Wash thy hands, wear thy mask, and don't summon any French monarchs at a lantern show."
"Mask up, get tested if you've been around someone who's positive, stay home."
"Practice social distancing; avoid large crowds to prevent the spread of illness."
"The choice we make, the precautions we put into place, are critical to overcoming the virus, reducing its spread, and shortening the duration of the pandemic."
"Please mask, please practice social distancing."
"New transfers actually are quarantining for at least two weeks."
"Because the symptoms are so unpleasant, and because quite a large number of people don't actually show any symptoms, it is very, very important that you always wear a condom."
"It's very exciting to see that wearing a mask thing catch on and go all across the world."
"With an easily spread [virus] infecting bunch of people, it would be prudent to reduce your exogenous [steroid] at least down to therapeutic levels."
"Masks will essentially... encourage us to see our fellow citizens as vectors of disease."
"Masks are a fantastic thing to add to your tool set."
"Stay positive, take precautions, listen to the experts, and carry on living."
"They need to think about what happens if a player or a staff member does test positive."
"They take the president's health very seriously. They would never put him in a situation that would put him in harm's way." - Press Secretary
"It would be a good idea to filter drinking water anyway, right? I don't assume that we're going to have many issues with it."
"If you develop symptoms do not just go straight to the ER."
"Wearing eye protection all your PPE basically."
"In this video we talked about the treatment, the prognosis, and precautions."
"Please have your masks if you need to have a vaccine have your vaccine hygiene social distancing all that you believe in doing to protect yourself you should do that."
"What we do know is we can't take some active actions to reduce the risk of getting it and or transmitting it and at this point that I think is important to each of us and everyone that we consider neander excellent."
"Keep your droplets out of my mucous membranes."
"Somebody loves you Todd you should all put your masks on."
"Hugging, kissing, shaking hands, completely out of the question."
"I'm honestly like I'm just happy that we're having an event this year so I don't really care about the plexiglas if it keeps the scare actors safe and if it keeps us safe I think it's a good decision."
"People need to wear masks and practice social distancing to protect themselves and others from COVID-19."
"Containment is critical: Direct contact, droplets, and aerosols."
"Remember, there is a proper way to put on and take off your protective equipment."
"So with all of that being said, please be safe about whatever vitamins or supplements you might be consuming," she said.
"Most of us have been given the booster doses so precautionary doses have been taken by most of us now."
"We all have to assume that we're a super spreader and mask up accordingly."
"When people take steps to unmask, that is something that should be celebrated."
"You hit each other in the head, you get coronavirus. Okay, tackle each other, be smart, be smart."
"The Chinese government is taking extreme precautions to prevent backflow."
"Don't panic but take precautions and bring a towel. Wash your hands."
"Keep away from other people in your home as much as you can."
"Sunscreen is not a coat of armor, and it's just another thing to reduce the burden of damage."
"Wash your hands, avoid touching your face, reach out to your grandparents."
"Wearing a mask, there's a temporary delay of the virus getting through the mask so you're sucking more virus back in."
"Cinnamon should be avoided by pregnant women because of its stimulating effects."
"If your grandparents were at risk like why don't they just stay the [__] home you know what I mean?"
"Dancing with the virus: balancing precautions and economy."
"We have to take every possible precaution. Four out of five people who have the coronavirus don't have symptoms."
"Live your life, understand the risks, keep your hands washed, don't shut down your plans or your holidays."
"Wash thy hands, wear thy mask and keep your enemies close but your swords even closer."
"Don't forget to stay safe, stay healthy, keep that mask on while you're out in public, stay happy, and most importantly please stay well."
"If me wearing a mask helps other people feel more comfortable, then what is it to me? It's not a big deal."
"Be good, be safe, wear your mask when you have to, and your seat belt."
"I think like right now it's actually probably one of the safest times to fly and the least likely that you'll get sick because everyone is so afraid, everyone is so petrified of getting coronavirus and there are such strict standards everywhere."
"Without being ultra paranoid here we really need to limit the exposure of human body fluids between people."
"If I'm wearing a mask, I'm doing so to protect you and vice versa."
"So now it's okay, you buy your bottled water, but before you drink your bottled water, you need to boil."
"The wearing of masks has been politicized for one particular political position, it's just ridiculous."
"You gotta stay safe, you gotta wear a mask when you're around people, you gotta keep distance."
"If you don't wear a mask, you might get accosted."
"You can't play games with this COVID [ __ ], you might as well wear a condom on your face."
"Don't let a little piece of cloth over your face be like the determining Factor."
"I start every day with a COVID test now. It's just part of my routine."
"I'm not traveling until there's a vaccine, period."
"I think if you want to keep wearing a mask outside that's totally fine."
"CPR breathing barriers are used to protect the rescuer when giving rescue breaths."
"Wash your hands and put on a face mask, because we are the world's last, best hope to stop a pandemic."
"Hope you have an awesome week, stay safe, stay healthy, wash your hands, stay inside if you can."
"If you're wearing a mask, you're minimizing contact."
"Let's not shake hands in this special period," he said. "You should always remain confident. We will be able to contain this epidemic eventually."
"If you're taking drugs and you're not doing your blood work, you're just stupid."
"I wear my mask to try to model that good behavior. All of our leaders must wear a mask."
"We were wearing masks for a threat we couldn't even see."
"I'm moving all my stuff to my new tv stand... because you don't know who carryin' Rona."
"I think the science is saying we should stop for the time being."
"It's what we're doing right, staying apart, wearing masks."
"A good ventilation system is also paramount, to make sure you have good ventilation so you're not sitting in that, so it can be put out."
"Ninety percent risk mass gone. Thirty percent risk mass gone. Five percent risk. Both masks on. One point five percent risk."
"Toxoplasmosis is very serious but the risk can be totally mitigated as long as you're hygienic and baby proof so that your kid can never get into the litter boxes."
"Don't sit here and tell me that yo I'm married so I don't have to use protection."
"Guests will be encouraged to use hand sanitizing dispensers."
"You will be virus tested at the port both when you get on the cruise ship, when you get off the cruise ship, who knows they may even test you while you're on the cruise ship."
"MSC were very hot on mask wearing during this cruise."
"I feel like after the whole pandemic, seeing hand sanitizer like this, I just picked up like five of them."
"I will never set foot in that tram again at least without an N95 mask on my face."
"Puppies should not be tested the day of or the day after being vaccinated."
"And this, you know, secures my income and allows me to do the show properly but without risking covet. So win-win-win."
"The mask needs to fully cover your mouth and nose to work correctly."
"Well, now that we know for a fact we can be infected, we need to do everything we can to limit our exposure to the contagion."
"Personal protective equipment is available to protect all parts of your body."
"It's super important to be aware of like studio safety then, usually it's just you need to sweep and mop the studio on a regular basis, wear a respirator when you're doing dusty things."
"Do we really want to get back to living? I do. So take the rational precautions, a solid vaccine, and go about your business as you always did."
"Thank God for that, because if we needed a COVID test, we might have missed our flight and that would have been not good."
"Always, always, always check your allergies."
"Whatever you're doing with your nights, be safe, keep your masks on."
"Safety should always come first, and a day of watery fun should never end with injuries and irritated skin."
"Be safe, keep your masks on, and I will see you next time."
"We drove here after multiple tests, negative tests, and many vaccinations later."
"You're gonna need a safety mask right there, cover yourself up, stay safe."
"I am NOT leaving the house because I have a depressed immune system."
"It's not just about being careful not to get infected; there are several important things to learn to ensure it doesn't happen this way again."
"I'm still wearing my mask to protect myself and to protect others."
"I do sometimes wear masks on the plane, just because I feel like the Asians were always onto something."