
Medical Research Quotes

There are 1494 quotes

"I'm most excited about the idea of Laboratories or companies figuring out which the compounds within these products are actually responsible for lowering the eye pressure and could we get like a more potent, eye-specific, long-acting drug that's basically derived from the concept of cannabis but works better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just to give you a hint of where we are headed with this, just this last week, there was a paper published in 'Nature' from Qiufu Ma's lab at Harvard Medical School, explored how acupuncture can reduce inflammation in the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What's very exciting is when we can discover mechanism that explains why certain practices work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In Alzheimer's disease, other investigators, decades ago, have shown that very early on, there's reduced glucose utilization by brain cells."
"If we were able to figure out how they do that, well, then maybe we could do the same with our own cells."
"I was talking to the CEO of Cleveland Clinic recently, and he was telling me about studies that had used fecal transplants in autistic kids. And taking the poop out of a healthy kid and put him in an autistic kid, and the kid's autism goes away."
"The reason we don't have a cure for the common cold is that all of those different serotypes of the cold virus mean that the virus itself has a different shape on its outside."
"In medicine, the gold standard for evidence is randomized controlled trials (RCTs), as they avoid study bias. Moreover, the key outcome is death: Do these vaccines save lives?"
"Meta-analysis of 27 studies on patient regret rates following gender-affirming surgery: Of nearly 8,000 patients surveyed, only 77 or 1% reported regret."
"Evidence and research related to Ivermectin in COVID-19 has serious methodological limitations resulting in very low certainty of the evidence."
"I'm not saying that Ivermectin is no good for COVID, but I think that the available evidence has serious limitations and it's probably a good field for research."
"The consistency of benefits from different countries, different centers, different investigators, all without conflicts of interest, is truly remarkable."
"It was really quite a shock in the 90s when assays got better, and we began to realize that if you measured inflammatory markers, they were actually elevated in depressed people."
"We did a study, medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of hypertension: 174 consecutive patients, 174 people achieve low enough pressure to eliminate the need for medication."
"This is a really exciting time for the field of immunology."
"Because of his discoveries, scientists were able to very accurately analyze the Spanish flu virus, discovering all of its genome, and that allowed us to create a vaccine."
"Curing cancer is something people often talk about almost as an expression, but these people are really contributing to ways of treating it."
"We pray. A lot of medical companies are working hard on it in this state and across the country."
"This approach led to the discovery of subtypes of Alzheimer's disease, followed by the first descriptions of reversal of symptoms in patients."
"We think that we're on the cusp of some new medications, some new treatments for fibromyalgia that may have an impact on this very disabling disease."
"We're currently living in the decade of pain control and pain research, and we're all hoping that by the end of this decade, we'll have made a much bigger impact on our patients suffering from pain as well as its impact on society."
"We've seen some pretty really interesting data come out from CRISPR Therapeutics and others that sickle cell anemia and beta-thalassemia could potentially be cured by a gene edit, which is really, really exciting."
"The goal of the vault was to create a single supercure to cure every sickness humanity could ever develop."
"There are over 200 medical conditions linked to gluten sensitivity."
"It's very hard what we're doing. Hundreds of tests per year across imaging, MRI, ultrasound, blood tests...it's insane."
"The research you have done around chronic pain is game-changing. It's helping so many practitioners and patients all over the world find healing where previously there was stress and heartache."
"Last stage FDA approvals have an 80% chance of getting passed."
"You're there to hopefully find something to prevent recurrence, to save somebody else from having that same tragedy in their lives."
"We published a trial just a few months ago in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease in which 84 percent of the people actually got better."
"Our ability to make progress in treating people with epilepsy is predicated on our ability to make inroads in basic and applied research."
"The path to an FDA-approved Alzheimer's drug has been riddled with failures."
"This comes from...the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease...very reputable international journal, so no serious question marks about the quality of the data in this study."
"Our findings call for research to understand the underlying mechanisms and for continuous surveillance of long-term impacts that COVID-19 has on Alzheimer's disease."
"Stem cells are like biological plastics, offering raw material for biological and medical advancements."
"This subtle genetic structure within such a small country has implications for medical genetic association studies."
"It's pretty cool. There's actually life extension that's happening because of stem cell research."
"The potential of these drugs to help people is so great, even people who are otherwise well, it would be a tragedy if we lost this moment again."
"Psilocybin produced immediate, substantial, and sustained improvement in anxiety and depression."
"Johns Hopkins University conducted a randomized control trial showing that a single high dose of magic mushroom psilocybin can lead to remission from severe depression in the majority of participants four weeks out."
"Let's hope that trial shows some therapeutic effectiveness, but it's right to do the trial because as the World Health Organization said, we have to be guided by the evidence."
"The only way we're going to bring age-related conditions under control is by developing a panel of interventions to periodically repair damage."
"With these discoveries also came a scientific advances in understanding the underlying mechanisms of disease, leading to innovative therapies that focus on addressing the cause of disease instead of just treating symptoms."
"The capacity of the chemotherapeutic agent to induce autophagy is actually required for the long-term efficacy of the treatment."
"The health threats begin at an a1c of 5.3. And that's not new information. That was published in 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine."
"Could the secrets of conquering disease like cancer be tucked away in the intricacies of our genetic makeup?"
"But what if we could turn back the clock and replace worn out or damaged body parts with completely new ones?"
"How terrifying is it that one mysterious affliction, with a cause that has yet to be determined, could be responsible for all of these people getting sick?"
"The anonymized participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remains inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public. This is morally indefensible."
"We have the power to end cancer as we know it."
"It's not uncommon in treatments to see Kaplan-Meyer curves cross; it's only a requirement that they're monotonically decreasing or staying flat."
"There's a whole system of medicine where we take the RCTs."
"Why do Eastern people not like randomized controlled trials?"
"Sunlight actually helps. Now we look at this medical research—reviews a number of studies reported the treatment with vitamin D or their compounds with ultraviolet light enhances repigmentation of vitiligo."
"I think we're going to have a vaccine in the pretty near future."
"Emory enrolled one of the most diverse clinical trial populations in the nation."
"It is about combination in even looking at our colleagues here at Juilliard we have learned that if you have two different mechanism and put them together as treatment for HIV."
"It was the first glimmer that these vaccines were doing something."
"Parkinson's is preventable...the sooner we recognize it, the sooner we prevent millions of people from ever developing this disease."
"Any important vaccine safety signature was clear within two months."
"There's an improved response associated with the BCG vaccine in some countries."
"It's certainly looking like this is an area or a target of therapeutics."
"What is desperately needed throughout the world is properly a standardized program to do post-mortem studies in people who are dying unexpectedly."
"For decades the causes of this peculiar chronic illness baffled and divided scientists."
"This has followed all the regulatory stages that any normal new vaccine or medicine would follow."
"It's all been very fast-tracked but not short-cutted."
"The average weight loss in a semaglutide trial is about 15% of body weight."
"Longer gaps between doses yield similar results in other vaccines."
"It really is looking remarkably encouraging."
"The vaccine efficacy was consistent across ethnicity and age."
"The vaccine candidate that was given the first injections for the first person took place today."
"Previous infection has the best outcome in terms of protection or incidence rate or has estimated Hazard rate."
"The results of these studies found 67% of people who had MDMA-assisted therapy no longer qualified for a PTSD diagnosis."
"In the next five to ten years, major cancer treatments associated with adjunctive fasting."
"This new virus has a lot of the old-school stuff but much more new things."
"One of the things that's allowed us to make such fast progress in the last few months is the use of pigs as a model."
"Your support is helping me chase this dream of doing what I love to do."
"Nobody is doing insula lesions to help people stop smoking, OK. But it just stopped the smoking, and their desire to smoke, just like that."
"The key point is early detection to give that little nudge."
"Organoids could lead to more discoveries in the future."
"It's incredible to see this acceleration of research... focused on the evaluation of therapeutics."
"Immunity seems to last for at least six or seven months and may well last for much longer."
"One thing that we're doing is really working hard to fast-track as much as possible."
"THC and CBD can kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact."
"A recent study came out talking about constipation."
"Did Cameron's extreme methods lead to the cure of cancer or Alzheimer's? No favorable results were obtained."
"Every study that has looked at the two insulin resistance in some way and LDL cholesterol insulin resistance is always a much more powerful predictor of your heart disease risk."
"He announced what he called the biggest breakthrough yet in finding a coronavirus treatment proven to reduce the risk of death."
"Stem cells are specialized cells with the ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialized cells."
"I live a dream. I get to work on a therapy that has the potential to cure or at least dramatically transform the life of a child that's been handed a genetic death sentence."
"It gives us an opportunity to understand what treatments to use."
"Most importantly, we have a race for the vaccine."
"Replacing saturated fat with linoleic acid lowers coronary heart disease death."
"I believe that what all of us in this field ought to be trying to do is to make medicines to benefit as many people as possible."
"All human disease can boil down to a loss of communication at the cell level."
"The sequence release was a key moment, because it told people, 'Right, this is the pathogen, this is what it looks like, it's a real thing, here it is, and now we can start.'"
"Stem cells are kind of on the forefront of the research and are still being incorporated in the most progressive trials that are happening right now."
"We have the knowledge and the ability to wipe out cancer."
"You certainly couldn't know that ivermectin works if you don't have randomized controlled trials of a certain size."
"We are closer than ever to a vaccine that will save millions of lives."
"That's really encouraging data out of ivermectin right there."
"Immunity to coronavirus could last for a year, maybe even decades."
"You go to the National Library of Medicine, PubMed.gov."
"Early reports on both vaccines suggest that they protect against the individual who's being vaccinated getting the disease, okay, that's really important."
"The results suggest that there may be a product specific difference in rates of myocarditis or pericarditis."
"I do actually think one of the greatest contributors to the fact that we had this incredible vaccine ready in less than a year is investments in basic science and research."
"The presence of heart disease is sufficient to accelerate cancer growth."
"Our approach revealed this amazing molecule, which is arguably one of the more powerful antibiotics that has been discovered."
"Rad 140 exhibits tissue-selective anabolic effects in muscle and bone equivalent to that of a therapeutic dosage of testosterone while simultaneously reducing prostate size by approximately 70%."
"Stem cells are fantastic things because they are things that have the potential to turn into any other type of cell."
"When we're going to be looking at the effect of antibiotics..."
"Finasteride for women: efficacy positive overall."
"It looks like it's going to be around about 90 percent [efficacy]."
"The L form is considered to be more infectious and more virulent."
"The ultimate fat loss drug? 33-pound average weight loss was found."
"There's growing interest in the potential therapeutic benefits of iasa in treating conditions like depression anxiety PTSD and addiction."
"These low antibodies in recovered patients, that's a huge red flag for herd immunity hopes."
"On the one hand we have evidence that many nations are turning the corner on this virus. On the other hand, we have evidence that reinfection and low antibody titres could mean we're in for a much different battle than we thought."
"He was changing the medical game... and little did he know he was about to change the science game as well."
"Low blood sugar more effective in fighting cancer than ketosis."
"It's in these muddy water gray areas that the frontiers of medicine and science knowledge are advanced."
"It is difficult to overstate the significance of this discovery."
"The flame is only to be extinguished when an actual cure is found."
"Berberine plays a significant role in weight loss. A meta-analysis of 12 different studies on berberine's effect with weight loss showed significant decreases in body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and C-reactive protein."
"Berberine effectively lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL, the good cholesterol."
"Berberine can lower blood pressure and has been proven to prevent cardiac muscle fibrosis or scarring after a heart attack."
"I had cancer as a child and this research may have saved my life."
"We now really have the genetic base of cancer."
"Henrietta’s cells live on and continue to provide us with immeasurable value in the fight to cure and eradicate disease."
"If you've read any articles about scientists discovering powerful antibiotics using AI, you can know that there is a graph neural network hidden in there."
"Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread."
"Early treatment of Covid-19 patients with hydroxychloroquine is associated with an increase of survival."
"In other parts of the facility bodies lie in coffins above-ground drainage tubes allow the testing of fluids and air samples without opening the coffin lid."
"Sensionics is also currently undergoing research on a 365-day leave-in product... to see if this thing will work and it's looking fairly promising."
"Years before cancer emerges, we can start to understand the microbiome as the harbinger of a problem but also the solution for the problem."
"Why have we not had a large-scale Interventional trial on something which is potentially so efficacious and so cheap?"
"Over 1,500 medical studies... have found that coconut oil is beneficial for your health."
"Unlocking the secrets of human aging and helping to develop vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, and HPV."
"Chronic illness is growing at an all-time high. Science and research can't keep up with it."
"This is actually a super exciting Discovery for a lot of medical Fields."
"Some of them are much lower cost than others. The mRNA platform, although in the long run it's probably the most promising."
"Time is of the essence when dealing with a novel disease, but delays can lead to missed opportunities for learning."
"Vaccines take time and are difficult to create."
"Lord Catherine can help. In a recent clinical trial, Lorcaserin reduced fatness and its symptoms by over 50 percent compared with Placebo."
"We're making very good headway with respect to vaccines... I think we're going to have some very good news for you on vaccines and therapeutics and cures."
"From where I'm standing, it doesn't matter what the historical context is... what matters is clinical outcomes."
"We have the best medical minds in the world tackling this disease. We have the best science, the best researchers, and the best talent anywhere working night and day to protect your family and loved ones."
"The prevalence of the South African strain among vaccinated individuals was eight times higher."
"I just think it's cool that science is like digging deep into the mysteries of our relationship to disease."
"Understanding the role of delta 32 in protecting the body against the AIDS virus has opened up a whole new avenue of research into developing possible preventative cures."
"Scientists literally discovered a new organ just this year completely by accident."
"More and more studies are pointing towards the efficacy of psilocybin-assisted therapy."
"A vaccine is not gonna help us now, next month, the month after, but as I mentioned to you we went into a phase one trial."
"Ketones were helping the brain as an energetic life raft."
"You can see some kind of perception of T-cell response... longer and more robust than antibodies."
"They are addressing the fundamental root cause so you can use a peptide to actually Target an illness."
"If we can block interleukin 6 like Tocilizumab then we might be able to decrease a lot of that inflammatory response."
"The older the age or particularly we can actually say greater sixty years old is associated with a higher mortality rate."
"If the Stars had aligned properly... we would be able to come up with a COVID-19 vaccine very quickly."
"This is record time, this is the fourth vaccine candidate in the United States to reach the final stage of trial."
"Let's explore what these potential dangers of the spike protein actually are."
"Understanding viral genotypes is essential for selecting the most effective antiviral therapy."
"It's important RNA formation, this is going to be NS5B inhibitors."
"Believe it or not, though, this is not enough."
"It's a real thing now we want to find cures we want to find therapeutics we want to find vaccines."
"The power that gives us to actually understand that we can compete against this virus."
"More careful assessment needs to be taken in terms of a drug's potential efficacy as well as a side effect profile."
"Someday, the occasional heroes that are the beaker-geeks of the world might be able to create a universal flu vaccine."
"We're on an excellent course right now with two vaccines that are looking very promising."
"It turns out one of the biggest reasons we don't have vaccines for everything is simply because we don't try hard enough."
"Forget the clinical trials, it's ongoing data on a daily basis that's still being collected, still being accumulated, still being analyzed."
"So far we're not seeing waning of protection over time."
"It's clear that just as the virus has no borders. Its cure will have no borders."
"Top surgery dramatically increases quality of life for young trans adults, study finds."
"Pfizer's new vaccine would target Omicron and other variants already circulating."
"Novavax announces COVID-19 vaccine booster data demonstrating fourfold increase in neutralizing antibody levels."
"Black scientists are involved at every level of the process."
"Who knows what the heck what happened you know 100 years from now right i will say this this vaccine has been studied intensely."
"Definitive papers coming out now, we can summarize this that the vaccines are working."
"The power of curcumin: a compound found in turmeric with potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects."
"There's an increasing body of research particularly dr. Alessio Fasano from Harvard it shows that a lot of people have non-celiac gluten sensitivity."
"Once these blood vessel branches are produced, they cannot go away."
"The data seem to suggest that what initially happens at that at that initial site of infection does really correlate with the eventual trajectory of the disease of covin 19."
"And yes, we can win the war on cancer: we have the information right now in the studies that show the body is protective against cancer."
"A new blood test is boosting hopes for a simple, reliable way to diagnose Alzheimer's."
"Liquid biopsy is headed towards detecting a lot of stuff, a lot of information."
"Now we have some of these mixing and matching studies that show that if you mix and match the Johnson & Johnson with the mRNA vaccines you can get even better effectiveness." - Dr. Kabita Patel
"New York suggests patients with the CCP virus could be at risk of developing kidney failure."
"British researchers are trying to find out if dogs can be trained to sniff out people infected with the CCP virus."
"Resveratrol exerts neuroprotection against LPS-induced dopaminergic neurodegeneration."
"Clinical trials.gov lists all FDA-approved clinical trials for anything."
"I think to me the most fascinating thing is in the field of type 2 diabetes because it's such an important disease."
"Damage to specific nuclei leads to obesity, failure to thrive, anorexia, or savage behaviors."
"But if the therapeutics reduce viral load and reduce transmission safely, then why wouldn't you want to implement that?"
"We know that this Pfizer BioNTech is working, it is generating these antibodies."
"High HDL and low triglycerides appear to be a very low risk factor for cardiovascular disease."
"His brain was examined by researchers who found evidence of severe trauma caused by repeated head injuries."
"In the next two to five years... we may see the end of cancer."
"When you look at it grouped with high HDL and low triglycerides, it’s associated with low mortality."
"These are very early steps, but we're determined to support the science."
"There's a promising new topical cream that could help with skin cancer."