
Scientific Research Quotes

There are 860 quotes

"Deliberate cold exposure and deliberate heat exposure can be used to enhance human metabolism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Based on her scientific research...Dr. Soberg is considered one of the world's leading experts on [cold and heat exposure]."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Wim Hof is changing scientists' understanding of how the body works."
"With this never before seen streamlined access to the moon, we'll be able to make novel measurements scientists have long wanted to make on the lunar surface."
"The Antarctic Treaty... suspends national claims to territory, making the continent a shared scientific preserve."
"This is the first time we're ever going to really truly probe into the core of Mars and get temperature readings and things from pretty far down."
"I feel so fortunate to work with just an incredible group of scientists in my lab that range from undergraduate students through graduate students, post-docs, clinical fellows, we really have an amazing team that embraces our collaborative nature, our kindness and respect, and our desire to make a big impact on human health."
"Surveyor 5 would carry a handful of new instruments, including the alpha scattering experiment, which would bombard the surface of the Moon with alpha radiation to determine the elemental makeup of the Moon."
"NASA's scientific balloons, lifting heavy scientific instruments into near space to get a clear view of our planet and the cosmos."
"It's really cool going back to the scientific roots of my life and reading papers again and highlighting stuff and like having a note-taking system. It feels like almost being back at university."
"There's an absolutely massive international scientific effort now to try and find countermeasures."
"We're going to look at the structure of that whole Torrid system because that's the system and understanding that and its influence and role in the recent geological, archaeological, paleontological history of this planet is likely profound."
"Michael Levin's work has direct implications for cancer research, the regeneration of limbs, the possible regeneration of tissue in general, and thus may aid with Alzheimer's research."
"The rocks from Mars have potential to show evidence of ancient life but to have that proof we need to bring those samples back and see them in the lab."
"The intriguing possibility of animals serving as natural early warning systems has prompted some scientists to investigate further."
"This meta-analysis, which used 84 studies and put it all together to find conclusions, found that vitamins and supplements were generally 'associated with little or no benefit in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease, and death.'"
"Scientists wanted to know how much oxygen is being released from Europa."
"Generative AI is propelling scientific research across diverse domains from climate and weather prediction to astronomy and disease research."
"Pavlov was the first physiologist in the Russian Empire to devote himself to repeated experimentation, applying a factory-like approach to his lab."
"Cycling Resveratrol has led to the greatest improvement in longevity in mice."
"The more research that's done, the more scientists are realizing the incredible importance of our microbiome to general well-being and health."
"We're going to see them up close, understand their color, their composition, try and look for what they might be like inside."
"The only way to get at the truth, then, is to dive deep into the primary literature and read all the original studies themselves."
"Neptune is much more than that, which is why scientists have spent decades studying the planet."
"The probability that fluvoxamine is superior to the placebo is an astounding 99.8 percent likelihood."
"I synthesize molecules, which I loved, and used them to study biological systems."
"This study right here that came out in Nature magazine is actually really, really impressive."
"We don’t know things and we seek to figure them out. That is done through scientific research, not pontification that is motivated by a specific desired theological conclusion."
"The study's findings also complicate the relationship between genetics and sexuality... there's no single biology of sexual behavior."
"Business managers, town planners, and farmers don't base their lives or future plans on a claim by a senator, they plan based on properly conducted peer-reviewed scientific research."
"The lab, the Halometer lab, was built in Illinois because they were trying to test whether there was a resolving power below the Planck unit, which would indicate that our universe is holographic in nature."
"Time on these telescopes is extremely difficult to come by and is extremely costly. You do not want people repeating efforts. We want to maximize the science yield, and the way to accomplish that is through cooperation."
"We are in the Golden Age of dinosaur discovery... finding a new species of dinosaur somewhere around the world on average of once a week."
"Science, when you discover something unexpected, really is where a lot of the joy of doing science comes into it."
"Dark matter only feels gravity, so we can't detect it. We're also looking for all sorts of other stuff. We know very little about the universe. Most of the universe is a big mystery."
"There is legitimate long-term mental health damage that occurs. And this is not opinion, this is not my opinion or anyone else's opinion, it is a study."
"Fusion is considered the Holy Grail of energy."
"Of all the extraterrestrial places where it ought to be easy to find evidence of living organisms, Mars surely leads the list."
"Parker Solar Probe: touching a star and revealing its mysteries."
"Here we go, laboratory of ecology and natural sciences. It's new Pokémon Snap!"
"How do you eliminate the mundane so we can solely see the weird and unexplained core that seems to be in all of this with actual solid scientific data sets that will let us try to determine exactly what this is?"
"With some research, they've come to the conclusion that this virus can be used to further their immortality project."
"We're really excited to find new particles, it might be there."
"We published more than a hundred articles in scientific journals every year."
"Get your act together when it comes to research. Questioning the Paradigm is what research is about; that is what science is."
"As far as these researchers can tell, there's no other serious alternative explanation for what's happening here except cell phone and social media use."
"The biggest thing that we've got going on right now in our research area and what we're looking to validate is the use of stable isotopes as tracers."
"Contests like this are very important because they encourage people to try Scientific research early in their career."
"This is literally what we're doing here on earth: we're looking for these exoplanets and then trying to see if anyone is talking to us."
"The widespread interest in UFOs is not limited to conspiracy theorists; the US government and reputable researchers are surprisingly invested in learning more about these sightings."
"In principle, if we took all of these rocks that are near the surface in Oman today and we carbonated every single magnesium atom in those rocks, that would accommodate all of the human output of CO2 at present-day rates for a thousand years."
"Many researchers today are beginning to piece together a theory that we ourselves may be the product of alien intervention."
"High intensity interval training increases autophagy significantly."
"Not only can fragments be pieced together, DNA and genetic signatures can reveal even more information."
"We need more research to prevent and understand what the next pandemic is going to be."
"The concern is if it's more easily transmitted between mammal hosts could it be could it jump into humans and could there be mutations that facilitate transmission."
"It significantly changed the asteroid's orbit all of it would not be possible without what we are learning from the meteorites."
"The hunt for Planet 9: A mystery for decades, but new data could change everything."
"But the fact that we can see three months of experience change the structure of your brain, it's kind of remarkable in they way that we can measure and scientifically scrutinize."
"Liftoff of SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launching Dragon on the 25th mission to resupply the International Space Station with cool science and a new advanced instrument to more effectively study our planet's climate."
"Mainstream science is saying that there was a comet that hit North America right in this area around 12,000 years ago."
"Scientists are hoping the discovery will bring more widespread attention to the plague of plastic pollution across our world."
"Understanding how the system works may help scientists figure out better ways to treat these diseases."
"Microglia implicated in autism, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's diseases."
"Over the last half century we've launched around 100 telescopes into space, more than 20 of them are diligently scanning the universe right now."
"The search for habitable exoplanets could benefit greatly."
"The beliefs and ideas that we hold in our minds can be scientifically proven to affect how our DNA and cells express themselves."
"Herbert West's life work was the reanimation of the dead."
"The culmination of these decades of research is presented in the nebula hypothesis."
"Scientists suspect that we have already passed the tipping point for this climatic death spiral."
"The readings are off the charts, I'd say we're definitely in vortex territory."
"It's not a failure, it's like okay, now we're going to learn something new."
"Radioactive sunflowers for Kansas, dude. This used to just be a house that regular people lived in until the accident, and these guys have turned it into a laboratory for mice. I like research about radiation, yeah, oh my god."
"Bulge cells in the hair follicle are stem cells, and transplanting them into a nude mouse can result in hair growth."
"Limiting food intake is actually one of the probably most, I would say, reproducible interventions that's been shown to modulate the aging process across multiple organisms."
"Prince Frederick has an interest in scientific research, climate change, and sustainability."
"It's an extremely hard scientific problem. It involves thousands of PhD students. Their whole PhD life will be dedicated to it."
"Impact recorded, science can now be accessed from one of your accelerometers deployed on this body."
"The only way to find out for sure what's happening on these icy moons is to send a probe."
"We wanted to see it studied further and really put science-based evidence behind a decision that was made in policy."
"It'll be the closest any probe has ever gone to the Sun to measure a lot of neat things in the corona."
"There's so much incredible science on turmeric, green tea, blueberries, cruciferous vegetables, onions, garlic."
"The whole idea about scientific research is that once you have strong enough evidence everyone would be convinced."
"Shouldn't the 'we don't have the long-term studies' be 'we need to wait until we have the long-term studies'?"
"Did scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology run the sort of gain-of-function experiments that could have ended up creating something like COVID? Now that is a good question."
"Astronomer Carl Sagan wrote about the possibility of lunar Organics as part of his doctoral thesis."
"CERN was established to study the building blocks of matter."
"Deployed science exciting stuff finally gives us more stuff to do on the surface of a planet rather than just take a surface sample and plant a flag."
"Our efforts to understand the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic should remain evidence-based and free from politicization, partisan rhetoric..."
"They could end this conversation forever if they could put out a study that shows that the vaccinated inside of that database are healthier than the unvaccinated. They won't do that study, they won't do any study."
"Sharing data with other researchers is vital for scientific transparency."
"The crew of the shrouded hope are pleased to report that the experiment was a success."
"This is something that modern science is very busy at trying to establish."
"If we can get DNA from it, it's not impossible that we can prove that it's Lucian Freud's."
"Understanding how the universe works doesn't have immediate practical benefits, but some scientists say we should think of this research like a better version of war."
"The scientific endeavor that is evident here is something to be applauded, frankly it's a beautiful thing."
"The crew aboard the ISS are conducting hundreds of science experiments they believe their research could help improve life on earth and also assist in future long duration missions to the moon and Mars."
"Conway wasn't just doing this for fun... but Conway was really trying to produce, really trying to think about biological reproduction."
"Isn't it a national security threat if we are not openly studying this with our brightest minds?"
"So for example in a mouse they give NMN to mice and they live 30 longer."
"Liftoff of CRS 29 carrying cargo, research, and a laser communication press nominal laser communications demonstrator to the International Space Station now in its 25th year of orbital operations."
"The loss of moneyed residents in their businesses was coupled with the departure of manufacturing jobs."
"The search for Dyson spheres is being taken seriously by scientists, with SETI incorporating Dyson's assumptions into their search criteria."
"For us, it's really important to understand what the sun is doing, what it's doing when unique events are occurring."
"It's taken millennia for humans, scientists to piece together this origin story of where we came from."
"Gain of function research isn't that hard and so, hey, guess what, your globe does not have governance structures sophisticated enough to deal with a problem you have now just technologically created."
"Small differences matter - precision in thermocouple placement is crucial for accurate results."
"Discovering the origin of cosmic rays... requires problem-solving, which is a perishable skill."
"My research and the evidence and the scientific evaluation of that evidence has convinced me that this case is real."
"The research on collagen supplements is fascinating. There's a ton of studies, and the results for improving skin elasticity, hydration, fading fine lines and wrinkles are proven over and over."
"You can assemble a pretty decent match of DNA for any organism from its descendants."
"Since the first case in Nahiku, scientists at the CDC had tested hundreds of blood samples."
"It's important to note that all that great science that's going to be going on on station requires six months of work."
"James Webb is going to allow us to extensively research exoplanets and really characterize them in ways that we haven't been able to before."
"Einstein's cosmological constant, an invisible energy suffusing space, roared back into the mainstream of cosmological research in the form of dark energy."
"The short answer is absolutely we know we can in worms sometimes in mice can we do it in humans at the level of ourselves yes."
"Devon Island: called 'Mars on Earth' by many researchers."
"We can actually quantify the extent to which this does work, what we know and don't know."
"There's a sense in which you don't look for these magnetic monopoles, you listen for them."
"Science keeps proving more and more how beneficial cannabis is for us."
"If you're going to make progress for hunters and for turkeys, you have to have the research, you have to have the science."
"Researchers felt incredibly hopeful, believing that if a large enough quantity of SCP-682 Killer can be synthesized, it may actually live up to its name."
"When you discover something scientifically, your mind expands."
"I scoured PubMed, the greatest repository of biomedical research ever accumulated on the planet. There's nothing. Nobody even asks the question."
"This is all new because this was not part of the theory when I have resources like yeah yeah oh well I'm sure people like continued digging."
"But investigating the geology of the Siberian Traps is no easy task."
"These tools and crystals might just force a few scientists back to the drawing board."
"But where in the world did blue eyes even come from? This itself is an ancient mystery that scientists have been trying to unravel with moderate success."
"Someday, the occasional heroes that are the beaker-geeks of the world might be able to create a universal flu vaccine."
"I came in thinking I was gonna learn a little bit about how scientists do research on ice in the ground. I did not realize how big of an impact permafrost will have to daily life and the future of our planet."
"The results of these research flights provide evidence of climate change."
"Charles Fort is an American writer and researcher... documenting scientific anomalies..."
"We have no idea what we're going to discover ... going to run it like an emergency hospital."
"NASA is sending artificial female bodies to the moon."
"There's still very, very little research on this and the results are not super dramatic or convincing."
"Do the research, change the actual science, present your thesis, get your PhD, do the work."
"God packs are regarded as some of the rarest and most sought after packs you could ever find in the hobby."
"Onions have been shown in scientific studies to be protected against almost all types of cancers."
"Scientists are trying to find out whether vitamin D might also help to protect against Covid-19."
"These are very early steps, but we're determined to support the science."
"Space is important because that's where all of the really cool and really important science is being done."
"The Argo program, with around 4,000 probes in the ocean, is a critical international effort, with the US playing a significant role in funding and deployment."
"Researchers were able to date the rock at being somewhere around 313 million years old."
"This was several independent teams from different countries from different facilities and even using completely different Pulsar data that all did pretty much the same research and found pretty much the same thing."
"There has been only two randomized trials of masks for COVID."
"Breeding a Panama-resistant Cavendish is likely the best hope for the banana's future."
"In this world of crystals and photons it’s all a game of probabilities, and the simplest way to increase the chance that a crystal will undergo sufficient reduction in the exposure is to make it bigger."
"Now scientists are digging up dirt to uncover how these real life monsters were forced to fight for survival."
"Studies and rodents have shown that older mice that share blood and organs with their younger counterparts may experience a reverse aging effect."
"Strange creatures were recently found throughout Siberia, many of these unknown creatures were found deceased and frozen in huge blocks of ice."
"Data from this telescope could provide us with a new understanding of gravity and physics as a whole."
"I wonder what possible repercussions might unfold as a direct result of nuking a laboratory dedicated to the study of highly transmissible mutagenic viruses."
"The best science is always noticing the points that are off the curve."
"It's not an opinion, there have been six research groups of the best clinical and cellular immunologists in the world."
"T cells last three to five months, an average of four months, and that's six times longer than the half-life of some of the antibody studies."
"Webb combines the best aspects of the telescopes that have preceded it and takes them to a whole new level."
"Over the next decade, it should allow scientists to probe every phase of cosmic history, helping us to understand the origins of the universe and where we fit into it."
"The burden of proof rests very heavily on the shoulders of the discoverer."
"Step number one: much more vigorous observation program is one of the things it's called for."
"Mars's geology holds clues to its past and potential life."
"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the major issue occupying science."
"Helium-3 is attractive in this regard because it's considered our best option for aneutronic fusion."
"We're a group of international scientists, and we specialize in getting a wide and high-level view of the internet as a whole."
"Maxis returns to the Duress Facility, he orders Richtofen to do likewise so they may continue their work on the Mata Transference Device."
"Things like what the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva does... and making the predictions theoretically for what's going to be seen by those experiments that's where physicists are really really good."
"Dinosaurs had penises. I could have saved them all this money."
"On a 10-point scale, Retin-A improved the appearance of fine wrinkles by half a point."
"According to his diaries, which are really just lab reports, he's been running experiments to try to combine four-legged and winged Pals but to no avail."
"Mental training and visualization is a fascinating process that has been shown over and over again in now hundreds of studies to improve our ability to learn anything."
"NAD restoration through various methods has been shown to increase lifespan in lower-level organisms as well as in rodents."
"China's officials have not finalized necessary permissions for the scientific team's arrival."
"Most ground-based telescopes will have a proposal process and there will probably be a fair amount of time on the telescope that goes to individual small projects."
"You can do fundamental research that is absolutely impossible to do on the surface of the Earth."
"Methylene blue enhances long-term contextual memory and memory retention."
"If we don't know what we're looking at, how do we work with it, how do we treat it? And I think that's part of the problem."
"Tumor cells lose every time when it comes to that experiment."
"Let's not get certain about it, let's have mathematical certainty that we can actually make a plane that will work or whatever."
"We cannot afford to be that wrong, and we should not risk our public in these kinds of experiments."
"According to the CDC, researchers have found mask mandates do actually help to prevent COVID cases from skyrocketing."
"One of the areas scientists are most interested in is using nanobots to potentially repair brain tissue neurogenesis with a cybernetic twist."
"We do have our key agency goals, one of those as the administrator described is the search for life elsewhere."
"A plant-based diet can reprogram your body to bring down IGF-1 production in as little as eleven days."
"Operates through a mechanism that provides negative feedback."
"If we gather enough research data from these interfaces, we could very well start unraveling the mysteries of consciousness."
"Scientists worldwide are striving... the secrets of water."
"The scientific insights provided by researchers like Thovany will guide our way forward."
"Dr. Nicholas thovany's research illuminates the path ahead, enabling us to understand the causes and potential repercussions of our planet's weakening magnetic field."
"These are the kinds of scientific analyzes and studies that I like to see when it comes to cryptozoology."
"The big void is a mystery, but it's there, 40 meters long and according to Morishima, it looks to have a roughly four-meter square profile."
"Science is busy working on figuring out what animals belong to each kind."
"There are serious scientific studies that show that for a lot of people... ecstasy, MDMA, ketamine, or LSD... can profoundly help mental health."
"Humanity was close to understanding the human genome and turned its attention to the potential of human cloning."
"Still a focused search but one that gives us a better chance of picking the right Schelling point."
"We have sampled less than a pond's worth of water in an entire vast ocean, and we have a long way to go in a pursuit that could get lucky at any time."
"Using deep learning algorithms are super effective in all kinds of areas of science not just study and astronomy pretty much everywhere."
"Some of the discoveries that we've made at Little Salt Spring are breathtaking."
"The Miri instrument on the James Webb opens up an entire new way for us to investigate the reionization period of the universe."
"Our findings suggest that L-carnitine stimulates human scalp hair growth by upregulation of the perifollicular ation and downregulation of the apoptosis."
"Among the tested plant extracts, the extract of Astragalus radix showed the most potent hair growth stimulation potential."
"This discovery comes from the data of this experiment right here known as Apogee."