
Pain Management Quotes

There are 801 quotes

"I had a cup of coffee this morning, and many of us listening to this podcast, it's really hard to start our day without getting that hit of caffeine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You take another mouse that's in pain, and you just let it hang out with the mouse that is no longer in pain, and the mouse that is in pain will show behaviors indicating it is experiencing analgesia."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Omega-3 fatty acids are going to be a very potent way to reduce pain and to reduce inflammation in ways that can reduce the frequency and the intensity of different kinds of headache."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Acupuncture has been used very successfully to treat headache and other forms of pain so much so that many insurance companies will now pay for acupuncture as an insured practice."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pain management is often about that, getting people to actually pay attention to their pain...the real weave and fabric and texture."
"We're much better at causing pain than we are feeling pain."
"Once a man learns how to control his pleasures, he also masters how to control his pain."
"No one can fix you, no one can take your pain away, but I can hold your hand."
"Pain, for example, our brains are used to treating all pain as if it were acute pain."
"So let's work on the brain, psychological therapies for pain."
"You are not the pain. You are aware of the pain. You are free of the pain."
"Don't gaslight yourself out of your own pain. Don't talk yourself out of feeling how bad that pain is."
"Getting comfortable with the pain is about feeling okay with the pain; it's a part of life."
"The notion of the difference between pain and suffering, I thought, was very useful. Pain is physiological. It's there. If there was no pain, most people would not even know how to protect themselves."
"Everyone feels pain when they are rejected. What determines whether that pain turns into suffering is simply how somebody deals with the pain."
"Experienced meditators can significantly reduce pain with only four training sessions of mindfulness-based meditation training."
"The first thing to understand is that you can't avoid pain in life... you can, however, do something about suffering."
"You can regulate and change the biochemistry of your body and learn how to deal with physical pain by activating your own opioids using the power of your mind."
"You can either recover quickly or slowly, completely or partially, it's entirely up to you. The degree, to which you are willing to embrace the pain of recovery, is the degree to which you will recover."
"Just start moving your body and your pain will become memories before you know it."
"Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage."
"We're currently living in the decade of pain control and pain research, and we're all hoping that by the end of this decade, we'll have made a much bigger impact on our patients suffering from pain as well as its impact on society."
"You can't run away from the pain; you got to run through it."
"You can't understand pain unless you understand how the brain works."
"Change the narrative, and how powerful that was to have 75 percent of people pain-free in one month."
"Pain medications temporarily alleviate suffering, but understanding and reprocessing pain can lead to long-term improvement."
"What it does is it changes your perception of pain so you can see something that you've experienced as less painful."
"I have a brilliant solution, just stub your toe really hard, and you won't even be able to think about your headache."
"When you look back 15 years ago, nobody was talking about pain."
"Once a fact of life, pain has become another problem to be solved by pills."
"All pain is temporary. All things are temporary."
"Nurgle offers you a deal. Now, Nurgle can't change what's already happened. He can't take away your sickness, but he can take away the pain and allow you to continue living."
"The key is to walk towards and through the pain, and eventually, it will change."
"Sometimes the pain will actually lessen a lot more when we actually release our emotions."
"Life is all about how you deal with the pain and how you move forward."
"I used to have a perception that I would have neck pain and it would last for a day, two days, three days. Now, this strange-looking technique comes along, I use it, and that perception is blown right out of the water."
"Recognizing that in life, pain is going to occur... say, 'Okay, how can I live my best quality of life and have this issue going on right now?'"
"If you're always having these nagging little pains, you're never going to build optimal amounts of muscle."
"Hatred is a cover emotion for feeling pain, hurt, and fear."
"Each and every one of you is completely capable of getting yourselves out of chronic pain, getting yourself stronger than you ever imagined."
"Most of you that are suffering chronic pain...is doing so unnecessarily."
"You can change your movement pattern...take control of your pain."
"You have to get up, it's going to be agony, but you have to get up."
"If there was a pain in your body I want you to begin to move that part of your body."
"Laughter increases things like dopamine and can even help soothe physical pain."
"Your faith is measured by your reaction to pain."
"Discount how somebody feels when they're in pain or when they're scared or when they're angry."
"If you inflict pain, don't become addicted to you. Pain could be anything."
"In the worst pain, when you praise God and have an attitude of thanksgiving, He brings great hope."
"Once you've got that range of motion, that movement pattern you're happy with, and you're not feeling any pain, now you can start repping out high repetition bodyweight squats."
"If I keep going, I can stop this before it happens. Just keep going, even if it hurts, even if the pain feels absolutely unbearable."
"The greater the pain, perhaps the greater the purpose that's coming."
"Most billionaires I've met have a mission so big it dwarfs the pain that comes with built-in."
"Holding on to our normal causes us more pain than letting go and accepting where we are today."
"If you have any kind of pain, the longer you keep inflammation down, the better you're going to feel."
"Marijuana can be an effective treatment for chronic pain."
"I have not touched one opiate, not one painkiller, not one muscle relaxer, not one sleep aid, not an aspirin, not Aleve, not anything."
"Instead, you need to listen to that pain, respect it, and then make a rational decision."
"Now, try to hold still. This might sting a little."
"Once you realize you're not supposed to feel pain, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore."
"Your pain is going to be a part of your cause."
"My quest to help him heal is not going to be over until he can walk pain-free."
"Pain isn't an option when you're in that mode."
"Do the difficult thing... I resisted it... all of our pain comes from trying to paddle uphill."
"Everyone has their own way to deal with pain."
"It's all a mental game. Pretend that you won't feel pain. Pretend that you are Super Saiyan 3 Goku right now. You do not feel a single thing."
"All is not lost, and while the pain can refine us, it does not have to define us."
"Sometimes you've got to understand... to go through that painful stuff... it's necessary."
"The mind has this interesting thing that we can endure so much pain."
"Ignoring or reducing the body's warning signs of pain with either guided meditation or self-hypnosis is not advised unless you are under the responsible care of a suitable medical treatment plan."
"Imagine this: kidney stones passing through your plumbing can be really painful and might even cause infections or blockages, potentially harming your kidneys."
"This is just a journey, man, from turning your pain into power."
"Chromatica isn't an album about forgetting our pain, it's about learning how to live with it and still finding moments of happiness in the process."
"Life will bring you pain all by itself. Our responsibility is to create joy."
"This is where it gets interesting because he's taking those blows and not feeling anything."
"I just I'm in so much pain because natural doesn't mean better."
"Take your pain and transmute it, turn it into a creative offering."
"If you're going to have pain, there should be a purpose to it."
"Act competently while in pain; it'll take you to a whole other level."
"The pain can become soothing, but God offers a new beginning."
"He drove with the worst pain he's ever experienced in his life."
"My tummy hurts but I'm being Really Brave about it." - Kind of funny, not cringe.
"Best thing for rib pain chronic rib pain is moist heat moist heating pad I love about 20-30 minutes couple times a day don't sleep with it that's something important."
"People spiritually bypass because they don't want to be in pain... spirituality becomes an opiate for the masses." - JP Sears
"Over time it can like give the appearance of Slimmer shoulders but I more so did it because I had so much shoulder pain."
"Cheating can just shatter everything that you tried so hard to build."
"But we are now at the point where people can't access pain medications even in the situations that really should be getting them."
"Different therapeutic profiles, so, and when I burn the heck out of my hand, you know, it's, it would have been nicer not to wake up in the middle of the night to have to take another one."
"A moment of pain led to a life of happiness."
"I would never drink I would never do drugs and I would try to move into the pain instead of a pile more paint on."
"True maturity in God is to be able to rest in the midst of your pain."
"You're crying? Yeah, there's a crutch. Sleep's a crutch, food, it's a crutch. Shut up, it's only pain, keep going."
"I finally would not have to watch my child be in so much pain."
"Would mean knowing what it's like to live without pain 24/7."
"Stop wasting your pain and learn from what you've been through."
"You must understand that even your pain was a part of God's plan."
"If you're happy, it can decrease your sensation of pain."
"Lean into the pain. It doesn't really matter that it hurts when you sit, stand, sleep, cough, run, jump, dance—anything. If you've hurt your back, you understand that it affects every single bit of your life."
"You're not gonna get better from it if you run from it. The only way to get better from an injury is to lean into the pain."
"You're gonna be sweating, you're gonna be shaking, it is terrible. However, you do not get better by running away from the pain. You need to lean into it."
"Pain ain't permanent. Your pain ain't permanent. You can get through this. You're bigger than your pain. You're better than that."
"Every single one of these riders after two weekends is banged up, but they're feeling no pain."
"The belief that I will have a greater appreciation for the growth on the other side of that pain."
"The pain never goes away, you just learn how to manage it over time."
"The pain isn't really that bad compared to the pain of losing or the pain of regret."
"If you want to have power, you gotta deal with pain."
"You are meant to help people with navigating their pain."
"The best way I can describe getting uh tased is it's the absolute worst for as long as the electricity is running and once it's done it's you feel fine it's like it's over."
"I wake up every day out of my bed my brain wants to believe it's her because I've spent so much time in my last couple years and WWE being in so much pain every day and I wake up now I slip right out of bed no pain."
"Don't let aches and pains keep you away from your fitness goals."
"For the average healthy woman, sex shouldn't hurt...if it does, it's not something you should ever feel you have to enjoy."
"We've seen them get so much of their life back without having to have surgery, rely on pain medications, or have to get injections every so often to feel better."
"I can use no pain meds and just drill right into your tooth, which would hurt really bad but you'd be a badass."
"Women put up with a lot of pain in their lives, between childbirth and conditions like endometriosis."
"Imperial Fists have a strategy literally called 'Pain is a lesson.' You know they like their stuff."
"It's about effective damage limitation. You just have to suck up the pain and get on with the job at hand."
"God does something even more profound than removing the pain, He redeems the pain."
"Unchecked modern life will inevitably lead you down a path of knee pain and let's face it, pain sucks."
"Confidence is more about being able to feel pain and be okay with it."
"We have people who cannot walk, we're not talking about running cannot walk pain-free and if you can't walk pain-free chances are you should running pain-free."
"It's a weapon. If I can take the pain and use it, use it to create something or to do something, maybe that's a way of not surrendering to death. It's powerful."
"The pain was so intense that I begged a nurse for morphine, heroin, ketamine, an induced coma if they had to."
"I'm honestly more worried not about the recovery not about complications not about my results I'm more worried about being mean to people because I'm such I'm in so much pain."
"Here we go, did I standing out? I just need pain reliever and anxiety medication because I'm in pain."
"I just wanted to sleep my pain away and wake up feeling slightly normal."
"Reframe your pain so that when it's like, 'I'm afraid,' you love it."
"Doing the hard thing usually requires pain, and doing the easy thing would be to continue to stay open to this person and just accumulate more pain that you would have to deal with even more later."
"At moments of the greatest pain, that's when I really have had breakthroughs around what it is to surrender."
"We're their last hope, generally by the time they get to us they're in extreme pain."
"Money cannot make the pain go away, however, being broke will definitely add on to it."
"The majority of the pain that's associated with it... is when that bulging or ruptured disc irritates or compresses surrounding structures..."
"Fentanyl is an amazing drug for pain control."
"Pain is probably one of the most complex subjective things we could measure."
"My career -- I have many more years in front of me and I'm really going to make the best out of it."
"Just because you're experiencing pain does not mean you're not living the dream."
"If I do it alone, then the only person I could even flip the pain left alright Ichiban is myself."
"You have to endure it and your relationship to pain is forever changed."
"If you can turn your pain into your purpose, then you're doing something right."
"I'm just trying to convince myself that whatever pain I'm in Natalie is experiencing the exact same kind of pain."
"I just hope that just like I said one person listening to this can maybe help themselves out of a lot dealing with a lot more pain than they need to."
"You must have a plan for your pain. Pain is not permission to quit."
"Our inability to tolerate, regulate, and transform pain is the misery of the human condition."
"Pain is optional. I learned that a long time ago, and I never really understood it, but pain really is optional."
"A man should live with a hurting heart rather than a closed one, learn to stay in the wound of pain and act with spontaneous skill and love even from that place."
"Addiction is self-administered pain medication."
"There's a lot we can learn from the ancients, including how to battle depression, reduce pain, and heal our symptoms at the root."
"The truth about pain is... it begins to seep into every area of our life... resentment does not stay localized... you really do have to let it go or else the beauty that God puts right in front of your eyes will be missed."
"If you have a new injury like a sprained ankle where there's a lot of swelling, a good way to help reduce the pain and inflammation is through the use of ice."
"Educating yourself, communicating with your partner, and reframing your mindset about pain can help change your relationship with it."
"Physically, it hurts, but me, personally, I never worried about the pain I was feeling in my body; it was more thinking about the mistake I made and how I need to correct it the next time."
"Water is calming, refreshing, and helps diminish some of the pain."
"You stop hating, then you're gonna have to stop pain. If you can't stop pain, you can't stop all that."
"If you work hard enough on yourself, you will always be able to understand or learn more about your own pain and how to handle it."
"You can have a baby without an epidural. Your body was made to do this."
"Love a good body shot—those body shots are really doing the damage."
"Pain is what the patient says it is... Believe what they say."
"We don't have to add to that pain by going out and searching for pain... but you have to be willing to acknowledge your own faults."
"Life is painful but pain is inevitable, but suffering isn't."
"Pain is like a very complicated subject matter."
"There's a hidden blessing in your pain and past."
"Successful pros don't let setbacks get to them and deal with pain extremely well one thing that's helped me over the years is shifting how I felt about how successful the race was at least while I was actually racing."
"Are you going to continue to preserve and Proclaim or try to find some way to alleviate the pain through compromise?"
"You're not recovered from your pain until you're helpin' somebody else with it."
"I pissed on my foot, yeah. And eventually, it stopped hurting. Listen man, when it hurts that bad, you do stupid things."
"Wells reported being pain free during the procedure."
"Working with our fear of pain gradually, slowly, at our own pace."
"You can't transcend your own pain, but you can create a space for it to be seen."
"Interrupting the pain cycle allows us to digest and move through emotional pain."
"Last bit of percentage is going to be excruciatingly painful."
"Don't allow yourself to reinvest into your pain because the moment you reinvest into your pain, you're drowning in it."
"Surrender isn't to never be in pain again; it's to be strong enough to cope with the pain."
"I'm not about avoiding pain that's happening. I'm about avoiding unnecessary pain that didn't need to happen."
"That's an interesting problem with an injury. Winter nights are bad."
"Often your mind may be clouded because of pain. Then do not try to think. You know that Jesus loves you; He understands your weakness. You may do His will by simply resting in His arms." - Ministry of Healing
"If you want to be as functional as possible, great deadlifting 500 pounds, squatting 450 pounds for three, but now you can't really, you know, now you have all this back pain."
"The true meaning of good health is feeling good and having energy, being able to perform daily activities pain-free."
"Tell them I love them. I'm finally getting the hang of this whole pain thing, you know?"
"You're controlling your pain, and that's a beautiful energy to see."
"Now you must choose: die here and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow."
"Everybody else can't and that's pushed through the pain just keep chipping away."
"You're gonna go through pain whether you wasted or not, but you may as well use it for good."
"She's essentially created a tool that will revolutionize pain management."
"What if we look up knee dislocation... painless knee dislocation."
"We provide the body with the stuff it needs to fix itself and when it fixes itself you're going to be out of pain." - Peter Glidden
"Sometimes it's better to take the short-term pain than have the long-term pain."
"For those of you who have ever been in pain or feeling pain right now, don't give up."
"Pain is inevitable but the suffering is optional."
"Alas, sooner or later your pain will return, but do not be discouraged. You will recover, I promise you that."
"Recognize the pain, but separate yourself from it."
"The pain at the worst was a 6 out of 10 at the moment it's just like a dull ache."
"Stop These Five Habits Or Your Knee Pain May Never Go Away."
"If you don't enjoy something, stop. Pain is temporary, and letting go is not failing."
"I find refuge in you, Lord, in the midst of my pain."
"Honey also generally has the effect of reducing pain on burns and open wounds."
"You shouldn't be in pain, but you are in pain and that's okay."
"Pain only lasts temporary, but something else gotta take its place, the testing come before the blessed."
"Embrace the pain... every pain is a pass or promotion."
"I don't got time for pain the only pain I got time for is the pain I put on fools who don't know what time it is."
"Once you observe the pain, you're not afraid of it."