
Change Quotes

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"Music can evoke the release of certain neurochemicals, these include dopamine but also norepinephrine and epinephrine, from centers in the brain and body glands."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only way civilizational change on any of these axes ever happens is because one of these people stands up and says, no, I'm going to do something different than what everybody else has ever done before."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's nothing more powerful in the world than an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A change in my consciousness might be introducing something that I'm not currently aware of or focused on."
"You must be the change that you wish to see in the world."
"Doing the work changes our story about the work."
"There's going to be some sort of huge change, a volcanic eruption change, that pushes you into becoming closer with your mother or pushes you into fulfilling your destiny."
"Once you understand that you can literally change your brain at any stage, any age, any mindset, it's life-changing, isn't it?"
"A man can always change things. That's what makes him different from the barnyard critters."
"Change is nature, dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide."
"It's the little changes that often make the biggest difference."
"Your mind is not your brain; your mind changes your brain."
"You can't change what's happened to you, but you just change what happens in you."
"The prayer is this: grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
"If you want to create a new personal reality, a new life, you're going to have to change your personality."
"The process of change is unlearning and relearning. It is breaking the habit of the old self and reinventing a new self."
"What facilitates change for me is people's willingness to lean into what is uncomfortable, what is painful, what I don't want to look at."
"You are either going to make us like them, or you're going to give them a motivation that sounds really interesting, or you're going to show them on a journey where they themselves are changing and we want to see what happens."
"You've got to be desperate. You've got to tell yourself, 'I've got to get out of this. I've got to change my life.'"
"Insight is the booby prize of therapy. You can have all the insight in the world but if you don't make changes out in the world, the insight is useless."
"Change is really hard... there are steps to change... the most important step in the stages of change is maintenance."
"We're talking about leveraging the incredible capacity of the nervous system to change."
"Change happens when the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of making a change."
"What are you still trapped in the habit of doing that you don't want to do, and what are you still trapped in the habit of not doing that you do really want to do?"
"Don't expect yourself to bloom all year round. Seasons change, and so do we."
"Once she actually started seeing the world... all of a sudden her baseline for what is unacceptable shifted and it shifted a lot."
"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done."
"Transformation is beautiful. It's okay for you to change."
"If you're not changing, then what are you doing? That means you stopped growing as a human."
"Change is actually really good. Human growth is really good."
"There's so much untapped potential in me, and I'm not this kind of fully formed, rigid lump of cells. I can change fundamentally."
"Your personality creates your personal reality, and if you want to create a new personal reality, a new life, it means you're going to have to change your personality."
"You have to become conscious of your unconscious habits and behaviors and modify them."
"You can't change the past, but the future is an empty page."
"You are more than your current reality. It's time to embrace change and become the new version of you, the 2.0."
"The moment you make a new choice, get ready; you're leaving the known. It's going to be uncomfortable, it's going to be unfamiliar."
"That person who I was when I was younger is dead because the types of thoughts that I have, beliefs that I had, feelings in my body, and behavior is different."
"Nothing changes in your life until you change."
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
"The winds are changing; it's time to go in a new direction, time to go with the flow, listen to your intuition."
"We don't need to wait until January to make a resolution. There is no quota or threshold we have to meet before we can qualify to make real, concrete change in our everyday life."
"Moving on and moving up. If it's time to move, it's time to move."
"We've always believed deeply in the power of creativity to change things, to push the human race forward."
"All you have to do is be aware and notice, and that's sufficient for change."
"You cannot change the past, but you can decide to enjoy the present and work toward influencing your future."
"History is not really the study of the past... it's the study of change."
"Do you like the path that you're on, or do you want to make something new? Break and/or make a new cycle."
"Something, whether it be a thought, a belief, the actions you took consistently got you in a place of pain or challenge... We've got to change that action moving forward."
"Life comes at us in waves of change we can either predict nor control, but we can learn to surf."
"It's becoming increasingly clear that a number of parts of the old normal may not be part of the new normal."
"The process of getting from here to there is going to be incredibly painful."
"This is a great opportunity to use the time that you have to do the inner work and the thought processing about how things are shifting."
"This change is actually going to be really positive."
"You'll never change your life until you change what you do daily."
"Be the change that you want to see in the world."
"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new."
"You're very powerful, and you can cultivate whatever you want, but if you change too quickly, you might be manifesting something that you realize you don't want anymore."
"Anyone that has ever changed the world has been more in their feminine than in their masculine."
"If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got." - Tony Robbins
"You never change things by fighting an existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
"You have to be the change you wish to create."
"You change everything in your life, but very few of us change how we think."
"As the tides change, so does our council. We are happy to have you."
"What's fascinating to me is that the newspapers don't control the narrative anymore."
"I make this leap, I leave what I knew for what I needed, and in doing so, dealt with the identity shift challenges."
"We've got to change this world from the bottom up."
"And I wanna know that when things click, massive rapid transformation happens."
"Number five years bring unexpected changes, urging you to go with the flow and embrace new possibilities."
"You're gaining new perspectives, changing your mind, making decisions."
"Growth and change go together, and you can't have one without having the other."
"I've been a card-carrying secular stagnationist... I think the era of secular stagnation is over."
"People don't change for other people; they change for themselves."
"Jesus Christ changed the world with love; love is foundational, love is the supreme ethic."
"Change happens in a moment. Change does not take ten years."
"For things to get better, you got to get better. For things to change, you got to change."
"It's time to make some serious changes in this restaurant. I know I've been part of the problem, but I'm ready to go forward and make this restaurant successful."
"We've got some issues in here, and unless you're prepared to change, this place has got no chance."
"All of a sudden, you become responsible for generations to come, responsible for changing the trajectory of your family's life."
"Change can be scary, but what's scarier is allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing."
"People just didn't calculate how much I could change and that I would so grasp on to the ability to change as an emotional life raft."
"Change your perception of reality, and you really look deep within nature...there is nothing that you're going through that cannot be reversed."
"Great leaders stand up and reverse the direction of how things are going."
"It's not reality that has to change; it's your perception of reality that has to change. That's an act of love."
"Evolutionary adaptation is a means of self-preservation in order to improve a species' chances at survival as environments change."
"Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change."
"A beauty has been born. All is changed, changed utterly."
"There's never been real change without a little bit of resistance, without a little bit of revolution."
"To tackle that, we need to really change the way we practice medicine."
"Times of change is the greatest opportunity to learn new concepts but more importantly unlearn outdated ones."
"Be the change you want to see, you have to and change takes time, you can't just say I've changed, you have to prove it."
"When you change what's going on inside you, everything around you will change."
"Each one of us can actually change the world a tiny little bit in the next 24 hours by doing exactly that... model the behavior that we want to see."
"Whenever there's a major change in our lives, it's important to realize... we're being set up for something better."
"People who are willing to change, to get better, to acknowledge those things, to acknowledge fault, that is such a rare thing today."
"We evolve, we adapt, and we change the people we are. I think that's healthy."
"Acting in a certain way makes you become a person, and then you can decide whether you want to still be that person after you become more emotionally mature."
"Education is the weapon that we could use to change the world."
"The universe is change, and life itself is what we deem it."
"Change can really take place in an instant... it doesn't have to be this massive long painful journey."
"Buying is voting. If you're not happy with the product that you buy... Speak up. Propose alternatives. Because if you don't say anything, nothing will change."
"Responsibility and fault are not the same; accepting responsibility empowers you to make changes and improvements."
"The way to get something changed in the world today is with technology."
"The more you change, the better you get at any age."
"Once you see it as a construction, then you can really begin to make the change."
"Change is not happening to you; it's happening for you."
"This wheel of fortune, your fortunes are changing, and all of a sudden, you are now getting the beginning has begun; it has started manifesting into your life."
"If you want to be a different person, you can be a different person today, but you have to start having the different person behavior to produce the reality."
"You have to back it up with those actions, and that's what's going to change the reality 30, 60, 90 days from now, or a year from now."
"Setting the example that you need to set for the people in your circle... You need to be the one that steps up and changes things."
"To me, powerful just means you can close your eyes, imagine a world, a better world than the one we have today, you can then open your eyes and actually create that world."
"It's okay for opinions to change. I think we need to say that more because it's just part of growing up and growing in general."
"I like to think everyone changes because I know how much I've changed in life, and I just continue to every day."
"Nothing is immutable. Everything that is exists only in relation to everything it isn't. There is no constant, there is no center."
"You were sent here with a mission to change the world or to change people around you in a big way."
"At times we must surrender the old before something new can enter our lives. Let go and all will work out."
"I might wish this change could have happened differently, but some of us don't learn from the heats; we need the fire."
"I have come to realize how much my past behavior hurt this person, but I truly, compassionately believe I have made great strides from the person I once was."
"It's important to let people change and grow."
"It's crazy how things change, which is good. It's for the better."
"We live in interesting times...it's amazing how rapidly the world is changing right now."
"War has changed... technology has brought itself in, altering the battlefield dynamics significantly."
"Self-awareness can change your life and how quickly it can change your life."
"Lift your eyes... lift your eyes out of your life for a minute, get a different view, change things up."
"In case nobody else tells you today, I want to make sure that I tell you that I love you and it's not just because I'm feverish. I really do and I believe in your ability to change your life for the better."
"I always try to watch everything without an agenda going into it...to be open to potentially hearing something that could change your mind."
"This spirit guide... wants you to recognize that you have the power to turn things around."
"An era can come to an end, and I'm looking forward to better."
"Have a conversation with who you see in the mirror. Tell them what you love about them and what you don't love about them, and how you gonna change because nobody can make that change but you."
"You're healing earth, spreading consciousness, helping people get a big change, wake-up call, reality check."
"If you want to change yourself, you have to love who you are first."
"This is where genius lives. There's a flexibility of mind here, an openness to change, an eagerness for what's new."
"With the right attitude and consistent action, you can absolutely change anything about your life."
"Being able to spot those dark lenses, pop them out, and put in something brighter, rosier, more luminous is going to change everything."
"To be able to shape your future, you have to be willing and able to change your paradigm."
"We are on the move now, speaking to serious experts about serious subjects. We are building something hard and fast that's going to change the world."
"This is what change is all about, and Mike Benz is one of those voices that's at the very forefront of this conversation."
"And when it happens, don't turn away from it. That's the moment that change is born."
"The key to changing your life is to change your daily habits."
"The aha moment is the door that opens, but your new life does not begin unless you step through the door."
"I believe when you get to 28 days, life just changed beyond belief."
"You can change the world in three hours a day."
"I don't recognize myself from 3 months ago at all."
"One person's enough. Changing one person's perspective is enough."
"The current productivity bestseller is 'Atomic Habits', which promises that small, but meaningful habits can create staggering changes in your life."
"Making meaning means that you change the world."
"The smallest influence can make a difference."
"Sometimes you have to let things fall away in order to create room for the new you."
"Change is not just a process; it's a person. It can start with you."
"You are going to see some extreme changes very soon in your everyday routine that is way more in alignment and lets you be more free."
"Optimism is just fun and also optimism is the thing that creates the change."
"You are a very powerful force and those of you who truly come in to your highest potential, you will make major changes in this world."
"Changing mental states can in and of itself be therapeutic."
"Fear is a thief and it takes the past and projects it into the future. It robs you of the only opportunity you have to create change."
"I'm on an ever-changing journey; my life is never stuck or static or stale."
"You can bring about the positive change you want to see in this world, because the revolution will not be televised."
"The world changes, we change, and because normalcy is entirely relative we don't always realize how much things have changed until we catch a glimpse of what's become invisible to us."
"It's okay to not be ready to quit today, as long as you keep moving towards readiness."
"When you hear a pick a card reading that is reading on your current energies, you can decide to make changes if you hear some stuff that you don't like. You can always change your fate or your destiny at any and all times."
"Experience that's made you stronger, it's giving you information, you're a different person now."
"You are in control of how you respond to the world around you; you are in control of making changes in your life to make your life better."
"The best way to attract someone to this practice is to do it yourself. If it's working for you, people will notice the change and ask you about it."
"I personally have noticed a real change... focusing us a lot more on higher consciousness and the importance of higher consciousness."
"This is going to transform absolutely everything."
"This really is a plan that could potentially change everything."
"This person wants movement. They want to transform this connection."
"Our life is never going to change until we change."
"If you want change, if you want to create something, think deeper about the possible outcome."
"Tonight is the beginning of change for you. You're going to meet the most important person you've ever been in your life. You're going to meet you."
"Transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change."
"The revolution has to be done with education."
"Humans will not change unless they are faced with obstacles and adversity."
"Leah asked a simple question: 'Where's Shelly?' She had no idea that one simple question would spark a chain reaction that would change everything."
"Your thoughts are magnetic and powerful, miraculous changes are occurring."
"Things change and that's a good thing. We want change, we want progress."
"The Frog, which is about forward movement, leaping forward. It's about transition, change, evolution."
"Should people be canceled for things they did a decade ago that they obviously don't mean to do today?"
"People shouldn't be looked at as people with fixed values... Look at people like an unfinished work of art. Allow them to change, allow them to grow."
"Change is not always bad guys. Change is like actually we should be changing throughout our lives. We should be growing, learning, experiencing, changing."
"Everything happens for a reason, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together."
"Our children being inclusive, wanting to love, wanting to change the world, is a wonderful quality."
"Let's get rid of that; let's try something different and move on to something better."
"Considering and learning about our philosophy could change our lives, and taken to its furthest conclusion, could change the world."
"You never go from Fall to Spring without going through Winter."
"Ideas can be life-changing. And sometimes all you need is just one more in a series of good ideas."
"Times are changing. They don't quite change as fast as we wish they would, but they are changing, and people like me are helping cultivate that change."
"Things change. Your actions bring different results."
"If you want to treat people well and be the change you want to see in the world, I want to have conversations where you can actually look at the ideas and at the end of the day, the best ideas would be the ones that influence your policies as an organization."
"Repentance... it's to change your mind... You change that mind, everything else changes."
"The simple ability to change a game after it has been released has made the meaning of the word 'finished' become utterly meaningless."
"It is just an old habit. Habits die hard, but they die certainly. If one persists, they die."
"Your highest self is coming through right now, being like yup, you're changing to the point where you're not going to be the same again, in the best possible way."
"Even just a couple of years from now, you're going to be in such a different place in your life... you're going to be looking back and being like, 'Oh my goodness, if I ever even knew where I was going and what was happening beneath the surface, like wow.'"
"Sometimes, friendships weren't meant to last, and that's normal."
"Everything living changes. Yes, I changed. It would be a shame for me to be 40 years old and not change."
"Sometimes when you have influence, God puts you in a situation to change it into something other than what it is."
"If you want something in your life you've never had, you have to do something you've never done."
"Every couple of years, they are replaced with new influencers, and this happens over and over again."
"It is simply astounding that a media company can go from having a huge presence online to seemingly insignificant overnight."
"I was tired of my ordinary life and passive self."
"Big life changes require patience and a long time horizon."