
Life Stages Quotes

There are 1905 quotes

"Listening to a particular song, 'Weightless' by Marconi Union, experience up to 65 percent reductions in their anxiety."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"F. Scott Fitzgerald, 'there are no second acts in American lives' turns out was completely wrong. Turns out there are second acts, third acts, fourth acts. Apparently, you can have an unlimited number of acts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You can be friends with your children when they are children or when they are adults, but you cannot be both."
"Every one of us wants at a point in time a long-term committed wonderful connected relationship and at other times wants the parties and the fun."
"Life is the C between B and D. B is Birth, D is Death, C is Choice."
"Enjoy your 25s, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You're going to have yourself a midlife crisis every 5 years, it just happens."
"Everything living changes. Yes, I changed. It would be a shame for me to be 40 years old and not change."
"Healing is part of the nature of any organism, so it's certainly possible at any age, any stage of life."
"The search for a father figure shows that this isn't strictly a challenge for children but something men need throughout their lives."
"All the stages in life are so passing, they're fleeting, they don't last that long, so appreciate each one. Take advantage of it, reel it in, soak it in."
"In your 40s, creating memories with your family is invaluable, as those years will pass quickly."
"You are at the perfect stage of your life. You're at the perfect time."
"We are aging constantly. The clock of aging, the epigenetic clock that we measure, begins even before birth."
"Quit negativity and start having gratitude for whatever stage of life you're currently in."
"Any notion that there is a 'correct' or 'normal' time to carry out any life activity is far more social construction than biological certainty."
"Ageing is a beautiful thing. Embrace your age."
"The vast majority of people who do not have children had planned to; they had assumed there'd be a moment in time after education, after careers, when it would be the right time. But the right time never came."
"I think of life as existing in three big stages. The first is that you're learning from others. You're dependent on others. You're a kid. The second stage of your life is then you're working. Others are dependent on you. And you're trying to be successful. Then after, you get to the later stage in life. Third stage of your life is others are successful without you. And that you're free--according to Joseph Campbell free to live and free to die, OK?"
"Most of the world hasn't even figured out what they want to be or who they want to be until they're thirty-plus."
"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22. I'm not feeling 22, I'm feeling old."
"I've learned more in my 40s than I've ever learned in my 20s and 30s."
"In your 50s, it's about finishing the puzzle... getting the final pieces put into place of your financial independence."
"Your 30s can be the most peaceful, happiest time of your life."
"Never feel as though you get to 35, 40 years old and you have to start over and that life is over."
"So at its core, Growing Together seems to be about like, the experience of growing up."
"God does not need for your life to be at a certain point where people say it should be in order to bless you."
"Pregnancy doesn't just create a baby, it also creates a mother."
"I started to grow and realize that I wanted more. I wanted marriage."
"I didn't think I'd meet someone like you at this stage of my life."
"Divorce used to be something to be ashamed of, but today people have really decided to nip that societal shame and instead embrace being divorced as another stage of life."
"Your 27-year-old liberal becomes a 32-year-old parent with a career or a business, and then their perspective shifts."
"Motherhood is not until you start getting older, and then when you become a mother, you realize."
"I was a burned-out stock market investor... I realized I could not continue working as hard as I was in my 20s when I was older."
"Retirement is a really weird concept. Personally, I hate the whole idea of traditional retirement, where you work from the age of 21 until 65 or 67, and then once you hit that age, then you can quit your job finally and then do nothing until you die."
"Enjoy the last year of your 20s and understand that your 30s are gonna bring even more blessings."
"It feels like we have generations now; you can start a family and watch your kid grow from a baby to a toddler to a child to a teenager and then finally a young adult."
"I mean, yeah, you've been in a relation for a while, live a different life situation than like all of us."
"Because the argument was made in the discussion of those papers that the reason why happiness is lower when people are in their 30s, 40s, and 50s is because they're devoting more time to raising their children and devoting more time to work."
"Killing a day-old embryo seems morally acceptable to most Americans, but killing a day-old baby is one of the worst crimes imaginable."
"The only difference, biologically from the moment of conception to where you're at today, is its size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependence."
"There are seasons of life. There is an art to navigating despair and depression, and spiritual principles lead us there."
"All children leave the nest one day or another, sir."
"Life stages are just the chapters we find ourselves in, not the whole story."
"It's time to join your loved one. Oh, that's so cute. That's really cute."
"Ah, so the last stage is death. I mean, the afterlife."
"The best part of a woman's life begins at 40."
"The quiet time is over, it's like you're re-emerging. The phoenix rising again."
"No one has their life figured out at my age."
"Is marriage the cornerstone of adulthood or the capstone? The advantage to it being the cornerstone of young adulthood is that you're building a life together."
"If you aren't married, you will be urged to get married. If you are married, you'll be urged to have children."
"Self-preservation in one stage of life looks different than self-preservation in another stage of life."
"We're getting closer and closer to the end, here. So we have had 13 kids."
"I am very much looking forward to someday moving into that more familial chapter of my life."
"I just turned 21 today. It's like a hit or miss because today I feel like it's the last milestone until you celebrate your birthdays after like every 10 years."
"Acne is something that can happen throughout your life, and understanding and adapting to its changes is crucial."
"Where have you been planted in this particular season in your life, and what is your work?"
"When you see a baby, you kind of realize that all human beings were that thing once."
"Congrats to Evan on your marriage, man. It's all downhill from here."
"I've tried to divide this video into roughly three parts: one where I talk about what it's like to find out that a loved one is dying, the next about giving end-of-life care, and finally, what it's like to see that transition and deal with the aftermath for you and the rest of your family."
"It's never too late to start getting smart with your money whether you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, or even 60s."
"This part of my life… is called 'happyness.'"
"I don't want to become an adult. Oh, you'll be fine, don't worry."
"Love is something at 12, it's something different at 22, it's something different at 30, 40, 50, 60, on and on. It just evolves."
"I've just been kind of in survival mode for a long time...I'm so thankful to be at a point in my life where that validation isn't something that I crave anymore."
"I feel like time just gets quicker as you get older, but then you have a baby and time goes so fast."
"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it."
"Mario portella was the All-American kid; he had gone to school, maintained outstanding grades, and was newlywed, with a bright future."
"I think it's better to see marriage and family as the cornerstone of adult life rather than the capstone."
"I'm getting older, I suppose. So, we've got a new book coming out, the wine's out."
"Your life is entering a fulfilling kind of stage."
"Your 30s is your most important decade of your financial life."
"In your 20s, you're trying to find out okay, what is the ideal career for you, what should you focus on, what is your purpose."
"I am at peace with my age. Each age has its own special joys and experiences. I am always the perfect age for where I am in life."
"People evolve over time and I don't mean they grow extra fingers. I mean we change emotionally, spiritually, and as I age, I've begun to like different things."
"It's time that a lot of people realistically are starting to think about their retirement."
"His fast-approaching the Autumn of life... winter can either be a cozy place or a very cold place, depending on the cards you play during your Spring, Summer, and Autumn seasons."
"This is all it is. It's basically taking adolescence and dragging it up into adulthood."
"When I was a child, I spake as a child; when I became a man, I put away childish things."
"Sometimes you feel like you've been here forever, and other days, it feels like it's flown by. I think it's the same with kids; some days feel long and hard, and then other days, it's like, 'Oh my God, you were just a baby.'"
"She has a stable job and a long-term boyfriend, and they have a kid on the way. Oh my god, so she's doing fine."
"Just remember, once you're over the hill, you begin to pick up speed."
"Enjoy your drinking days, you guys, because they'll soon be behind you."
"You're not supposed to have anything at 24. You're supposed to struggle."
"As impressive as they were in adulthood, these sky-high behemoths like all dinosaurs came from humble beginnings."
"I feel like I've been in the stage of life where I'm really enjoying each area that I'm in. I'm just trying to make the best of everything and not try to rush everything."
"You have to know both your agelessness and your age."
"Parenthood in general it's a beautiful part of life."
"Like the man who said, 'I was dying to finish high school so that I could go to college. I was dying to finish college so that I could start my career. I was dying to get married so that I could start a family...only to discover now I'm just dying, and the sense of purpose is gone.'"
"It's really meant to be in that phase where you've got a lot of things in front of you, a lot of choices."
"The second you reach maturity, you exit adolescence and become an adult. You start dying."
"If you're pro-life, you gotta be pro-life for the entire life."
"You'd rather have like five good years with the love of your life than like a lifetime being miserable."
"Most people would say like, oh, should you try to end up with your high school sweetheart forever? No, you probably dated somebody in high school, you probably dated somebody in college."
"The golden years of their lives, which is so incredible, and it's about time that they can have those golden years again."
"All human beings have ups and downs as they pass through the life cycle."
"I'm entering my last year of my 20s which is crazy."
"And some students of this change believe redefining what it means to be in your 60s could mean the invention of an entirely new stage of life."
"Success looks differently for everybody. For some people, it's financial success, for some it's health, some it is about navigating a time period and keeping afloat, some people it's looking for a job, finding a job, some people it's keeping a job."
"18 is a very vulnerable time in someone's life."
"Eventually, you're not a 19-year-old hungry kid anymore who's trying to take over the world. You're in your 50s, you got a family, and you're like, 'How long am I going to be leading the charge on this one?'"
"Be born, go to school, get a job, work for 40 years, retire, die, realize you forgot to live."
"Like, I don't want to be the person who peaked in high school."
"While you have 4,000 weeks in your life, you have 521 weeks to spend in your 20s, which should either sound like a bit of an abundance or like a ticking bomb."
"What are the lessons that I need to learn for this next stage of life?"
"Trixie Mattel reached parenting level one... seven kids later."
"The vital art of releasing: learning how to consciously release in each stage of life helps us manifest."
"Tattoos are kind of like a time stamp in your life they kind of represent like where you are."
"Life begins at conception; it does not end there."
"Being open to possibility and just seeing menopause as not the end of life, but rather this incredible opportunity to play and have fun and explore."
"You are entering the stage of your life that is coming to an end, leading to a new beginning."
"We have to change our relationship with money at different stages in life."
"One of the greatest things that the church can be right now is a voice for those who cannot be heard."
"For my next trick, I'm going to age gracefully."
"Learn to be content in your current stage of life. Marriage is not your savior."
"Decades appear to speed up until about the age of 50, after which the speed of decades appears to plateau."
"There's an age your children reach where all you can do is have Sabr." - Unknown speaker
"It's a coming-of-age moment if you're in your first Saturn return."
"Thank you for everything you're doing out there... I hope for my thirties to kick the crap out of my twenties."
"He had come to know God in the pit, the prison, and the palace."
"Ron Mueck sculptures: '...his hyper-realistic and often huge in scale modern sculptures of people at critical stages in the life cycle.'"
"The first half of your life is about being interesting, the second half is about being interested."
"He raised men in that and I don't think as kids we're appreciated enough until we got into the next level of life."
"I swear that once you're out of school time goes so much quicker."
"We've got time, right? Middle age is a long period of life."
"I feel like a lot of people like 10 years into their marriage don't want to [__] anymore like isn't that just kind of part of life?"
"I think that the senior years can be incredibly gratifying."
"It's not their fault, and I don't want to say stereotypical, but I think it's fair to say that somebody who is 20 has typically more life experience than a 16-year-old."
"We're just born, and at some moment we just happen to become conscious."
"If there's one that's supposed to stick, this is where you get serious, you grow it up, you have kids, you get married, that kind of thing."
"It's easier when you're in your early 20s. You have some motivation to climb up the mountain."
"I feel like I want to start planning out my future, like, of like a kid and stuff."
"I'm ready now for that to happen in my life."
"You were always old but everyone was once young and goofy."
"I'm very grateful that he came back in my life at that stage."
"There's a name for the time in our lives where everything we think we know turns out to be wrong, it's called growing up."
"She had children with them and they raised these children into adults."
"Capricorn is the gate to death, the next stage of much better life, higher consciousness."
"Young people, being young is a gift in itself. You got so many opportunities."
"You're entitled to be a little silly, and 21 is a silly age."
"Being young is beautiful but being old is comfortable. Amen brother."
"Friendship goes through different chapters of life; it doesn't change the bond that we have."
"You don't realize how young you are until you realize you were just young for the last time ever."
"I remember it was the Lord, so I have a friend... She's a friend now. At my, the first school I went to, she was my RA at the time."
"If you're 17 right now, stop thinking about how you're going to be in 23 of them. Enjoy 17."
"Evelyn Hugo just wants to go home. It's time for her to go to her daughter, her lover, her best friend, and her mother. Tell them Evelyn Hugo says goodbye."
"You've got to start somewhere and flipping burgers at McDonald's is not supposed to be a job that sustains you through life. It's where you start."
"You want to measure four, five, six, seven times to know you're prepared for the next phase of life."
"Rex takes a good look at him and pretty much determines that he's going through puberty."
"But for young people who don't have the decades of all of that. They're in a different place."
"It's about expectations and pressures put on you by your family."
"Enjoy it, because everything sucks after, right?"
"Okay guys, so today we are gonna see baby Marshall become a child... he's gonna be a child and he's actually gonna have school and he'll start to finally mold as a person."
"Appreciate the chapters of your life for what they were, but keep yourself open for the next great thing that's going to occur."
"You always hear that the first year of marriage is the toughest."
"It's like running into someone who's still going to high school parties in their late 20s."
"I'm living in the golden years for most people... I just want more freedom."
"27-year-olds are just figuring it out, we're all still pretty young at heart."
"Yes, my 50s have been my best years... this is the happiest I've ever been."
"They were radically themselves and Nina Simone obviously didn't shy away from being overtly political."
"It's weird to have your life exist for so long that there are these chapters that nobody even knows about."
"It's because Aggretsuko talks about all the same stuff that a 20 something like myself is going through, and marriage, ah dude, these are the questions you wonder about, is it too late, like my parents met in college and what am I gonna do?"
"This is a point in your life you realize you're not a kid anymore."
"Once you hit that mid-20s it's all downhill."
"Middle-aged guys don't buy sports cars because they're having a midlife crisis; it's because they can finally afford the car they want."
"Watching these characters as their lives progress so quickly in front of us, you know, it's just perfectly captured by the music."
"I'm about to turn 42 in days, it's a whole new ball game, it's amazing."
"He's a Chrysler, Fiat, guess what? You see him three times, you see him, you know, at birth once when he's in his teenage years and then when he suddenly appears at 30 ready to take on his mantle and save the world."
"The first nine months it's like it can't even change its own energy."
"The wedding is the end of the Little Mermaid... it's the beginning of the Incredibles."
"Grow up, it's like the end of the diaper phase or the end of the baby... there's Beauty to be had in that."
"Throughout your life, different quotes will speak out to you."
"All that matters is that I push the truth out there, even if it emerges kicking and screaming."
"The only reason for living at that stage had been to facilitate the growth of their children and the task had left them with nothing."
"Some people don't grow up, they just grow old."
"It's so important to have good friends, good guides at all stages of life."
"It takes you now basically until maybe your early to mid-30s to kind of start to feel financially secure."
"This is the one that you get when you're young and reckless, you know."
"No matter how good you are at football, it comes to a point where you have to retire."
"I feel like I will trade being old for being a grandma, any day."
"Long-term goals are important, no matter your stage in life."
"We want her growth, her maturity now that she's older and more polished and wise."
"Through your own exploration, enthusiasm, and optimism you are about to find out the next stage of your life."
"Time flies, especially when you have a newborn at home."
"Do not be in a rush to grow up; you will be a grown-up for the majority of your life."
"You don't need to wait for that moment of 'oh, I've got it all' before you are happy. Live your best life at whatever stage you are at."
"I'm so excited, kit is gonna age up to an adult you guys."
"From children go to teenagers and then to young adults."
"Not all friendships last into adulthood... you're the [__]."
"Don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid to stretch yourself, don't be afraid to say this situation has been good for a while but now I have outgrown it."
"Encouraging gender fluency in every stage of life."
"By the time you get in your late 30s and definitely by 40 you should be already set financially."
"Love comes later. After a certain age, I think love is out the window. You go for respect."
"Everybody's at a different stage; don't compare yourself to somebody at the end of their journey."
"I like the idea of a guy who knows what it's like to be somebody and right now they're not."
"My dad always said, 'You spend your whole life as a kid trying to figure out how to stay out of bed, and as an adult, you try to figure out your whole life how do I get to sleep.'"
"By the 12th of November 2019, there is a person who's going to play an important role in putting you in touch with the new stage in your life."
"Transformation, change, active renew, restless renovate, move, pregnancy, or birth."
"His daughter grew into an adult, gave birth to two boys and one girl, and they had their own offspring."
"The second success curve is what you get in your 50s and 60s, it's your wisdom curve."
"Most of us have already spent 2/3 of our life before answering those two questions."