
Performance Improvement Quotes

There are 674 quotes

"Learning how to play an instrument and singing are a gateway to neuroplasticity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I love the idea of a macro-structure. And I love the idea of de-loads in anticipation of being able to go further in the long-run in terms of results."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Delay your first caffeine intake to 90 to 120 minutes after waking up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The good news is if you want to improve the performance in the city, there is a way to do it: you can kill everyone."
"Research has shown that if you do a flexibility program, you can 100% improve your performance."
"When it comes to truly enhancing performance or overcoming our limitations, some of the most promising work being done right now is in the area of brain plasticity."
"Our loss is decreasing; this is good. And our accuracy seems to be increasing, which is also good."
"Performance has definitely increased with iOS 12."
"We're burning five percent less fuel for the same power; the EGT is down one hundred and thirty degrees; the air/fuel ratio is up; the cylinder head volumetric efficiency is improved."
"When you wire [residual networks] up in a slightly different way, you monotonically get better performance as you add more layers."
"So reading from memory with cache, you're going to see, depending on a couple of different factors, 50 to 200 times faster read performance compared to just reading it from your database."
"If you have good aim but bad movement, then you're still gonna suck."
"Physiology alone does not provide all the answers; understanding performance also requires practical, hands-on approaches."
"I am here today to talk about how to build a performance culture in a corporate environment, and it's very simple but it's at the same time very tough to do it on a day-to-day basis."
"What are the most effective high intensity intervals that you can do to improve your power on the bike? This is the question we'll be answering today by taking a look at the science."
"Improvements in 40 K performance were greatest for the 8 by 4-minute intervals, followed closely by the 30-second intervals."
"I don't care if Eric falls out with me. I'm not going to sit here and wipe your ass. I'm your boss. I want you to work and I want you to do well, but to make you better, I will sometimes say no."
"The more present you are with the experience you're having out here, it seems the better you score."
"More importantly, they doubled the number of requests served per second while decreasing the average response time by 35%."
"I felt like they played the best out of all three games so it just shows that this team gets better very quickly."
"If you're doing burpees on a weekly basis, then you should already be seeing drastic improvements in your performance, as it is a lazy killer, as well as improvements in your cardiovascular endurance and physique."
"We're in a fantastic position, but we just need to work on our finishing."
"What we need to use from the Liverpool game is to take it into the next game and use it as a stepping stone."
"DLSS 2.0 is extremely impressive, far exceeding my expectations for this sort of upscaling technology."
"We had a team house last year and that definitely improved our synergy a lot."
"The start of the season has not been good enough and must improve. No more excuses."
"They will really go after deficiencies in not just performance but also compatibility to try to squash bugs."
"We far exceed the national benchmark, not by a few minutes, but by 10 or more hours."
"Do stable large range of motion movements that are specific and let you practice high force and power outputs in the gym to become better at sports."
"The only way to do that is by rising to the occasion and making the play or work whatever you want to call it more difficult more challenging."
"Jet.com has seen improved performance from its marketing as a result."
"This is the difference that you can expect when an application or task is fully optimized."
"Variable refresh rate would mask so many of the FPS dips in a good way."
"As long as you're taking losses or even when you're winning, you're knowing what needs to be improved. That is what you gotta figure out."
"Making these changes delivers a 40 to 50 percent performance improvement."
"I hit it well. Follow those keys, get the right ball position, get your alignment, so you can work on those fades and draws and straighten it out."
"Significant improvements over even the best the PC has to offer."
"Games play better at 60 frames per second or indeed 120 frames per second."
"Increase the health of the brain and at the same time increase the brain's potential to perform a task better."
"It's better to be get really good at that incline press because if your incline press goes up, you'll be strong in everything that involves pushing."
"Marcus Rashford has bounced back from the most underwhelming season of his career to become one of the most potent attacking threats in their vision."
"Once he walks through that dressing room door everybody else's level might only go up one two three four percent but cumulatively that the team the level that the team raises it it's massive it's absolutely massive."
"F1 combines technologies that might already exist and then pushes them to an extreme, making them better in the process."
"I feel like after road to kingdom and during road to kingdom, that's really helped me improve as a performer."
"Being a good teammate and actually caring about your teammates as people will genuinely make them play better."
"If you can improve your vital capacity, you're going to improve your performance."
"You can do that and still do well, but if you can take that 50% win rate and add to it and make that 50% just go higher and higher and higher, you can multiply those earnings."
"He knows how to play basketball, that's what they were missing from the swings."
"Oh, I just here's what I'm going to say, that was actually the best run we've had so far."
"I've got to cover it even more but you know at the end of the day you put so much into it so much training so much sacrifice so much you know dedication constant it's constant work."
"A little fan can dramatically improve your CPU performance and your computing performance altogether."
"Tesla believes they can get better performance, better cost, and scalability."
"Asia brought fire and performance ability that the team was missing."
"We've seen meaningful improvements in 10 weeks."
"Hannibal went from bombing to crushing overnight."
"Preparation decreases your anxiety, increases your performance, and literally everything with respect to academics."
"But that's not enough. Now that we know that XG Boost is the best model, now we can say, okay, let's optimize this model."
"This was clearly a Level Up Performance for him."
"Thanks to their investments in performance and user experience, they were able to reduce their Cumulative Layout Shifts down to zero, and their LCP by almost half."
"Six to ten percent extra performance is better than a kick in the teeth."
"We've upgraded our entire compiler tool chain... single-digit percentage performance improvements... improvements to the scripting system."
"FSR 2.0 in quality mode improves performance by 54% and performance mode by 92%."
"The arrival of the enhanced consoles has given us a big leg up there."
"That's going to be a really big DPS increase."
"So then all other things being equal will high fps and a high refresh rate monitor make you a great gamer no but will it make you a better gamer undoubtedly."
"We get more than double the performance in terms of graphics with the new model."
"You'll see a massive ramp-up on single target if you do that."
"Adding power makes you faster in the straits, subtracting weight makes you faster everywhere."
"We need to improve our attack. We cannot be serious title contenders if we're not going to start scoring goals."
"Martin Motorsport at least on the performance index, we're back on top."
"The goal is not so much to continue to try to push that ELO skill as much as possible."
"Reflex brought average latency down to 52.7 milliseconds, a massive 49 reduction over the original number."
"Steph Curry's the best player on the league's best team; he's made major strides as a defender this season while continuing to improve as a finisher in the paint."
"Turning all the stats to the high position just by simply selecting hide... and as you can see we're now achieving 810 to 790 frames per second."
"Small tweaks lead to giant peaks on YouTube."
"Leveraging digital technology seeks out ways to optimize organizational and individual performance."
"Optimizing your bios and ensuring that you're getting the most out of the hardware which you have could see you net up to 30 performance increases."
"The results that you'll get will be far superior than the results that your competitors are getting just one of those ways for you to get that little bit of a slight edge over your competitors."
"Maybe what this will do is be a bit of a wake up and smell the coffee call for them to really innovate in terms of performance."
"Method acting always leads to better results."
"Practice tests and spreading out your learning are scientifically proven to boost your performance."
"It's sort of a number of little things all coming together which really gave us a big uplift in performance."
"Next play, how can I focus on the next play and be ready for the next play?"
"Games are won by folks who are focusing on the playing field, not the ones that are focused on the scoreboard."
"Video poker is a game of skill, so if you know how to play your hands properly, you will do better."
"The importance of having strong competition once more was seen."
"Ethereum's transition to a modular blockchain design could make it faster than Solana by 2023."
"If he makes runs, play it blind because he's going to make something. These little nuances can change the fortune of a team."
"The character's great, he has reached a new level of assuredness in his performances."
"Leaving you with a much snappier and responsive feeling game."
"Unlocking performance potential in any game."
"Here are my overall numbers... RTX 4080 provides a significant performance boost over the best that last gen could muster."
"Adjust Fortnite in-game settings for best performance."
"Adjust view distance, shadow quality, anti-aliasing for performance."
"Aim for both speed as well as accuracy in order to perform under pressure."
"The latest update that just came out in October gives a 30% speed boost as well as some new features."
"A simple, quick, and effective optimization to reduce input latency and increase FPS."
"Now we need a better cornerback, that's the thing that's holding us back the most in my opinion."
"From last place on the grid to p12 with this car, that's not a bad effort."
"Looking at the first team... there's been a lot of improvements."
"The longer they play together, the more chance they'll click."
"Sometimes you have to just play consistent and then work from there."
"Intel claims a 2x increase in overall responsiveness."
"Upgrading your gear is one of the best ways to increase your damage."
"If that was the 1070 and then you bought a second one, I would still, of course, highly recommend selling two 1070 SLIs for a single 1080 Ti because of the performance gain."
"There are some great performance wins with optimized settings in this game."
"The upgrade from a GTX 1060 to an RTX 3090 is a complete game-changer."
"We built those engines that went into the Afterburner card. We built the, we customized those engines, those ProRes engines. When we moved them and integrated them into the SOC, you saw dramatic improvements." - Tim Millet
"We're really pushing the limits of how far can you go."
"That's the kind of thing that could make a huge difference on the run."
"They're giving you more performance for the same price as last generation."
"It's financially or performance wise going to give you much better performance."
"He reads the situations incredibly well, rarely goes to ground."
"Biden absolutely crushed the bumptious incumbent by never once making the sort of gaffe in the future that he has repeatedly made in the past."
"Overclocking helped us out and gained over 33% FPS alone."
"I just want to throw in a little bit more horsepower just to make this thing, you know, that much more maybe even three hundred and I think that'll be mint."
"Hopefully we're gonna make it a little bit tougher on myself and have some really good results."
"You can rock a 70% win rate, with a character who has a 30% win rate overall, you just gotta know how to play them."
"We should be doing everything we can to shave our time down."
"Remember that valerant is a game of milliseconds by streamlining your process to see stop shoot you're not only making your aim more efficient but you also making it more effective."
"So you can see how the transition from the EVM to eWASM will bring about massive performance upgrades, more development opportunities, and finally breathe life into this long awaited Serenity upgrade."
"It looks astounding, saves well over a second every time."
"Using Nvidia's control panel instead of a third-party program yielded improved frame rates."
"Fantastic news if you want more 120 frames per second gaming."
"We will try to improve all what we have done last year."
"The fastest configuration in the wind tunnel was actually 11.5 watts faster than the previous aero."
"Understanding how to get into flow state... could really improve them in a very short period of time."
"For PlayStation 5, our goal was not just that the SSD itself be a hundred times faster, it was that game loads and streaming would be a hundred times faster."
"The release of Dendel was so impactful it crashed through the limitations of what was possible by elevating the damage floor of the entire game to a level even higher than existing teams were known for."
"A large increase to performance at roughly the same price."
"Become so sharp that immediately your performance at work goes up."
"Activity is so important in the sport. The more you fight, the more you start to understand the game, the better your timing gets, the better your precision gets. It's just natural."
"The way I get them to break their slump is not correcting their swing or getting them positive, it's getting them to acknowledge the small promises."
"Excellence through repetition. You gotta hammer in thousands and thousands and thousands of reps."
"Efficiency is key, and then efficiency translates to speed. Once you're more efficient, then you will become faster in your routines because the movements will become easier."
"It just gets competitive... people just want to go faster and faster."
"43 percent faster performance—it's not a small number."
"The boost is truly massive this time around."
"Anybody that's used Wishender since its buffs back in Plunder knows that is without a doubt one of the best weapons in Destiny 2."
"Oh my gosh this can go down so much sherbet land no ultra shortcut record is one 25.76 floor by Royal but driving on this one should the driving on this one should look a lot prettier."
"To break through your performance, you've got to break through your psychology."
"You've got a bit of extra ram there from 768 megabytes to a full gig of ram, it does feel a lot smoother."
"Colt has received a little bit of a buff with this reload speed gear."
"It fully feels playable now, and that sounds so silly because I know people who have been playing it this whole time, but for me, this is much more enjoyable because it's so smooth."
"Up to 69% more performance for graphics from having PCI Gen 4."
"The Ryzen 9 3900X: double-digit improvement in single-thread performance."
"The upgrade and the change in performance is night and day."
"Work on your engagement, it's straightforward."
"Basically with the 2700 X you have a bit more headroom to increase your stream quality over the 8700 K."
"It's been a season for them to remember and and one they've set the wrongs right from last season."
"The top players are continuing to get better because they're surrounded by better players."
"Angular apps saw a reduction of 30% in bundle size."
"We're actually doing a really good signings... strategic and excellent signings."
"Enough rain on a mountain, and eventually it will come down."
"There's a lot of benefit to doing this especially for gaming you're gonna see higher FPS."
"I would love to see Volkswagen increase the power output of this car."
"It's very, very rare where we aren't generating significantly better results than when we started."
"He's improved year in and year out." - "Everything you doubted him about in college, he has shown that he's improved year in a year."
"I do think things get a little bit better from a run game perspective."
"Everything becomes infinitely more fun the better you are at it."
"The team at Maxon is actually slowly rewriting the core code of cinema 4d so eventually everything's going to be much faster."
"Navi 32 clocked to 3 GHz could be 20% faster than the 7900 XT."
"The engine output is much, much better, this sounds incredible."
"You're going to get a nice 4x output on your brewing output productivity here, which is a nice increase from most designs out there."
"Upgrade our expectations, upgrade the performance, and definitely upgrade the style with this all-new Z06."
"Your current library simply plays and feels better on PS5 in every conceivable way."
"You know, the cool thing about watching us progress, especially on the art front, is that you get to see as passes occur, the graphics, you know, get improved, the models themselves get improved, they become more performant."
"With a little bit more quality in the final third, we could have had more efficiency."
"The only thing stopping you from succeeding is the number of reps and your fear of failure."
"There's an insatiable appetite for more performance, more capability, better fuel economy."
"The performance is uplifted with Ray tracing being set to off almost by 25%."
"When you see these super videos of except rehearse them because you've got to perfect the strategy."
"Your job is to better understand the specific details of your mental game. We're looking for ways to become aware so that you can begin taking control, begin taking action to correct your mental game."
"Something that, with zero effort, leads to a 25 to 35% performance uplift."
"RDNA 2 delivers double the performance compared to the prior generation."
"I need to find what works well and when I find what works well I'm sure I'll elevate my game to a next level."
"Every aspect of Doom Eternal had to get better."
"Reset Windows or do a clean install and suddenly it's like it's a brand new computer."
"If you only have to work three nights a week and you've got a good living, you're providing for your family."
"Every upgrade I'm doing is carefully considered to ensure it's going to increase performance and capability."
"Our tail latency improved from 125 to 15 milliseconds."
"We are really looking at ways to make people faster."
"You do get to see these guys improve from game to game."
"Marginal gains strategy: if you are a winner and you have a strong mentality and you improve on everything you're already doing by 1%, you will see major gains."
"The single biggest upgrade you can do to a computer is to change out a slow spinning hard drive for a fast solid-state drive."
"Jimmy G. Buckets had taken an unprecedented jump and devolved into one of the most elite two-way athletes in the game."
"Using a buffer Channel with capacity 100, we see the performance increased by 50% compared to the unbuffered channel."
"Did you know that your CPU-limited gaming performance could be anywhere from 20 to 30 percent better with a Radeon GPU? Sounds crazy, I know, but it is true."
"Give him a run of games he'll get better and better."
"If you ask me, it is going to take everything Keith has in his bag of tricks to make a performance engine out of what has always been known as Chevrolet's boring base motor."
"It's where people become better the more often we get into flow."
"Performance and stability fixes, a lot of crashes and bugs have been addressed."
"He needs pressure so Lucy and Adam Lewis have got a big job on the hands this year the harder you can push Andy Robertson the better quality will get out of him when players are under pressure to stay in the team they from more than a higher level."
"If you increase compute, you can get much better results."
"Trust me, just slow it down and see how it feels. You'd be surprised at how much better you'll be, way worse for a week, way worse, but then you'll be a lot better over time."
"The evidence for an SSD upgrade is looking good."
"The real killer feature here is the much faster rdna 2 integrator graphics which brings well over a 50 performance increase compared to ryzen 5000."
"For those who care about decompression workloads, the 3950 X offers notable improvement."
"Would you like to know how to make your internet run way better?"
"The new machines will actually have a modern CPU architecture that delivers a proper generational leap."