
Human Suffering Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"I care about reducing human suffering. And then I meet someone who I think is pro a policy that promotes human suffering. And of course, the visceral human instinct is like, to hell with you and your viewpoint, this is horrible, this is intolerable. But because I have this cognitive science hat on. It allows me to walk around with a slightly different viewpoint."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The mission of Neuralink is to reduce human suffering. In the near term, we really are focused on people with terrible medical problems that have no options."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Not knowing the true nature of reality is the first cause of human suffering."
"Compassionate sensitive way to deal with human suffering...instead of privileging members of the tribe or victims that are photogenic or conveniently nearby, data show us where the suffering is greatest."
"The greatest pain a human can face is not physical pain, it's neglect."
"North Korea stands as a reminder that nations governed by a small elite fixated on retaining power and gatekeeping the keys to truth are where true human suffering lies."
"It's human suffering, and so if it holds that that's the intention that we have, our language will not divide; it will only try and bring people closer together."
"Human suffering is bad for me, bad for you, bad for everyone. We know that."
"I care about people emotionally, and their suffering makes me feel some degree of suffering as well, which makes me oppose these things."
"Causing people to suffer because you hate them is terrible; causing people to suffer because you have forgotten how to care—that's really hard to understand."
"When I think about what is a life well lived, I would say that you want to minimize human suffering, your own and others, as much as is plausible."
"Sometimes only when faced with the sheer scale of human suffering is the importance of permanent peace brought home."
"The people of Gaza have suffered tremendously as a result of these ongoing wars."
"Right now, a billion people are chronically hungry. That means they wake up hungry, they’re hungry all day, and they go to sleep hungry."
"The crisis here ultimately is about the deliberate chaos and human suffering at the border."
"I was shocked probably by the magnitude of pain that I saw in the world, you know. I didn't understand how many people there were out there who were essentially dying for lack of an encouraging word."
"Almost every moral system or ethic system starts out when we ought to reduce the amount of human suffering."
"The big question is not whether something is natural, but whether it causes suffering. Wars are natural, but they are still bad. Climate change is bad, not because it's against nature, but because it potentially causes immense suffering."
"The device could help limit human suffering to a tiny fraction of what it is today."
"Absolute misery, corruption, and duplicity, and it is a terrible terrible thing."
"Two of the worst things a human being can endure: death of a spouse, death of a child."
"One of the reasons that I love horror and scary stories like this is because it elevates human suffering to something that means something."
"I wished I died under a bomb first." - Najma al-Khattib, Syrian refugee
"Our pain is the mirror in which we can see the reflection of our humanity."
"His tenure of that position was disastrous for the Iraqi people."
"Life is good and there are people that suffer, are struggling."
"This whole string of purple candles is a lot of really sad stories... There's a lot of human suffering that happens."
"Out of all the worlds of mankind, none have suffered as much as its cradle, Terra."
"The reality is there is more suffering and more loss of life and more destruction as a result of these wars."
"I think our suffering allows us to feel compassion for the suffering of other people." - Jono
"Napalm in babies is bad. Starving the poor is wicked. Buying and selling each other is depraved. There is in the world such a thing as evil altogether."
"To think in this way is to fail to reason honestly or to care sufficiently about the suffering of other human beings."
"Religious dogma separates questions of morality from questions of real suffering."
"Fire is the worst type of torture imaginable."
"This is a slave trader responsible for the trafficking of 84,000 Africans for the Americas to be sold into slavery. 19,000 died on the journey."
"Life is suffering, but there is a way out of suffering."
"A starvation death is a slow, lonely, painful death."
"When you starve children, that is a slow, slow, lonely, painful death."
"The suffering and the confusion and the betrayal of the disciples is embedded in the resurrection, in the death, betrayal, and resurrection of Christ, because we go through the same stuff."
"We're not talking about getting a haircut. We are talking about hundreds of millions of people dying from starvation."
"Given the unparalleled amount of human suffering communists have caused..."
"A Great Plague will befall mankind, nowhere in the world will there be order."
"We can't allow Kremlin to bite off chunks of an independent country and inflict immense human suffering."
"The longer you sustain that regime to help them stay in power, the more suffering you're creating for the Chinese people."
"Warfare is misery and the innocent suffer the most."
"Pain comes in many different forms." - Acknowledging the diverse nature of suffering.
"Life is scary, awful things happen to people and they are condemned to suffer in silence..."
"I care more about the suffering of innocent people."
"It's not Hollywood, ladies and gentlemen, this isn't an actor pretending to suffer or die, it's a human being whose life is being torn asunder."
"Human suffering is essentially a consequence of your inability to handle your memory."
"We can't be without pity for suffering that should be what is driving us."
"I saw genocide written on the faces of the Rohingya."
"War is typically a brutal, horrifying, and tragic affair for most."
"The biggest losers in this conflict are the soldiers dying on both sides and the civilians suffering in large numbers."
"Whatever is ailing you or hurting you in this world, if you're suffering, I can almost guarantee the root cause of that suffering is humanity's departure from what is natural."
"These moments of grief could be distilled into a single element, the collective grief and suffering of humanity coalesced into a single form, a powerful force that sought to undo the mistake of life itself."
"This is a traumatic time for the entire globe, people are going through every dimension of suffering."
"Through spirituality, you can transcend the suffering that plagues humanity."
"Pain happens in life but it does not make us more worthy of god's love."
"The war is such a terrible thing it's so catastrophic you know it's sure you know you just don't such a human you know tragedy."
"Sorry is just in general when you see people suffering, you don't want to see that."
"Starving to death is one of the most torturous ways you can kill somebody."
"We're looking at the suffering and death of billions of human beings."
"The question of suffering is not just an intellectual question; it's a human question because we all experience suffering."
"One of the single most horrifying periods of human history."
"The desire to protect people who are fleeing difficult situations... conflict, murder, torture, all of that horrible stuff that happens elsewhere in the world."
"One second without God is an unimaginable torture it's an eternity."
"Antanimora Prison: a breeding ground for disease and malnutrition."
"Wars are a disaster. They are cruel, barbaric, unjust; calamitous situations that no human being should have to go through."
"No freaking doubt, the weight of human suffering is very extreme and breaks your heart."
"It takes a really sick, depraved mind to think the suffering of others is funny."
"Brutality! They say that burning and drowning are the two most painful ways to die."
"It's verges on the criminal what we've seen here and I don't say that lightly I say that as a result that the scale of the human suffering that there is out there."
"Jesus experienced the full gamut of human pain... so when he says he can come alongside and help you through the Holy Spirit, what Jesus is saying is this: I know the pain you go through."
"War sucks, people die, lives are destroyed, people are maimed."
"Human suffering comes from only one place and that is wanting reality to be different from what it is."
"The generic definition of compassion is loving kindness in the presence of suffering..."
"War is horrible, the last thing we should want for Humanity."
"Real people suffer from this and the data is showing that they are increasingly starting to suffer."
"Every human suffers, and the people that do the most damage tend to be the ones who have the most value to make some of the most miraculous recoveries and can add some of the most value to people."
"We have such an opportunity to prevent human suffering."
"God's Mercy is stronger than our misery."
"The ultimate purpose of knowledge is to reduce human suffering. Shared decision-making will reduce human suffering, it will empower people."
"Life is filled with troubles. You open up the newspaper or watch a news program, and there's just some tragedy somewhere. It's always something, isn't it? Some horrible event, some human suffering. And we ask, 'Why? Why did these things happen?'"
At the time staff noted Ouchi’s words, things like "I can’t stand it" and "I wanna go home". He even cried out for his mother.
"Most of us live quiet lives of desperation. Suffering is a human condition."
"Suffering in its profound sense is exclusively a human experience."
"So much human suffering could have been avoided."
"Throughout human history, until the twentieth century, and still today in the developing world, infectious diseases have been the most important cause of suffering and death."
"God loves the least of these, that people who are profoundly injured and wounded from the fall are loved by God."
"The way that empires handle their decline is of course an important variable in terms of human suffering."
"People are really suffering, and human rights are violating, and people are dying as simple as that."
"There are human beings out there who are facing moments where they're suffering, they have trials, they correlate to Ayub alayhis-salam."
"What we're going to be engaged in is not a scholarly study of this text, but rather Vedanta as most of you understand very well is a spiritual tradition that is meant to solve the problem of human suffering."
"Millions upon millions of mankind burned, crushed, bruised, mutilated, slaughtered for what? For thinking."
"Oneness only has meaning when we understand that all human beings suffer the same."
"The worst possible misery for everyone is bad. If the word 'bad' applies anywhere, it applies here."
"My subject is War, and the pity of War."
"People's pain is something worth thinking about, something worth having sympathy for."
"The cross reveals God's loving solidarity with the unspeakable sufferings of those who are tortured and put to death by human cruelty."
"...I'm more likely to cry and feel empathy watching some real living human being be tortured or suffer through disease or starvation or illness or anything like that than I am a story about some supernatural being."
"Human beings have intrinsic value because they can suffer."
"As a psychiatrist, my primary goal is to reduce human suffering. Let's just start there, let's make their life less miserable and help alleviate their symptoms."
"Is it relevant to the fact of suffering, is it relevant to the fact of sorrow, is it relevant to the fact that man lives in conflict endlessly?"
"Why do we all have to suffer? Why are we all tempted to do bad things to make other people suffer, even other people we love?"
"If we know this place is not fit for humans to live there, we should accept that any human being would suffer."
"The moral responsibility that we have to tweak our very brains to eliminate human suffering."
"War is not the answer. It is death, human suffering, senseless destruction."
"Human suffering is bad and should generally be avoided."
"The world is experiencing an explosion of knowledge amidst ever greater human suffering, unhappiness, discontent and confusion."
"If some say that to this day humanity has not suffered from a comparable affliction, they would be saying the truth."